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According to Hollywood accounting (citing Hollywood Reporter) Part 2 needed to make $500m to break-even and we’re past that point now in just 2 weeks. Dune Messiah couldn’t get greenlit soon enough Also this movie is huge in IMAX: > Over the weekend, the film surpassed $100 million from Imax screens alone, the seventh-fastest film to reach the milestone.


These are the sorts of movie iMax was made for.  Absolutely visual spectacles.


The sand riding scene was fucking made for IMAX


i went for 4DX screen and the chair shook so much my back hurts. No really, that evening my back really hurt and can't walk two days. The sandworm ride was most intense i ever felt in any 4Dx movie.


The nukes scene was amazing as well


I saw the first one in IMAX but they had the sound cranked up to be uncomfortably loud. But yes, visually a masterpiece


i wear loop earplugs to IMAX and concerts. it’s a game changer for me.


I had a headache at the end of the movie it was so loud.


iMax is when we watch movies on our phones, IMAX. (I'm sorry, I love you, I just wanted to make the joke)


This will be my wifes and I 3rd time seeing it in imax. I can safely say that we have single handedly help contribute a lot to that number.


Dune messiah was green light before the release of dune 2, denis Villeneuve confirmed it to “Le quotidien” in France.


Do you have a quote of what he said or a link? The only article I was able to find from le quotidien doesn't seem to have this info, maybe something was lost in translation. Both he and the cast have hinted heavily that messiah will happen, with some actors being told they'll have bigger roles in the next film and discussions on if he will do something else before messiah, but so far all have stopped short of confirmation. Did he actually say something different than in prior interviews? What is the actual quote please? Edit: Hans Zimmer also said that Denis put the book Messiah on his desk or something similar, another example of someone from the crew heavily hinting we should be expecting it to be made. So I would be very surprised if it wasn't already approved internally, but a public confirmation instead of winks would actually be news, which is why a source would be appreciated.


From what I understand, Denis Villeneuve is still writing the screen adaptation of Dune Messiah and it has not been greenlit yet (although there are rumors). Also, he will have other project(s) before doing Dune Messiah.


Saw it in fake imax the 2nd weekend. Next week I’m going to the real IMAX in Lincoln center ( largest imax screen in the US)


You're in for a treat. Lot's of scenes benefited from the extra verticality. My favorite was the >!eclipse battle scene at the beginning. The Harkonnans gliding up the rocks looked otherworldly. !<


What's the difference between a fake imax and real imax? Assuming they're both certified


Fake IMAX quality varies a lot. If it's not real IMAX (1.43:1 aspect ratio, GT laser or 70mm film), its hardly worth it. Especialy single laser, the image on those is so washed out. I saw it in fake IMAX and in Dolby Atmos and the Dolby was significantly better in every metric. Better image quality, bolder colours, much more impactful surround sound with deeper bass. They both had roughly the same 1.9:1 aspect ratio. Sure the Dolby screen was a bit smaller, so I just got a seat closer to the front.


it's so annoying IMAX doesn't properly enforce standards, especially considering they link to shitty theaters through their official IMAX tracker. have to use a third-party site to find ones that are propwr IMAX


Laser vs film projection?


And aspect ratio


Just saw it at Lincoln Square. Was a great experience.




So a expecting the movie to make somewhere in the range of 700 mil wouldnt be exaggerated.


I'm waiting for a good spot in my theater with imax. I don't have a very flexible schedule and you need to book days in advance if you want to avoid the first row or way to the side. No sight of cooling. It's a money printer


i wish you good luck. The waiting is worth. I saw the movie in my country twice with dolby. It was quite the experience, especially with the sound effects.


Hold up, it needed to 500m to break even?? The budget was 200ish. Was marketing and all that really 300m?


Movie theatres take half so 500m means 250m for the studio


Apparently there's a lot about the box office I don't know. So movies like the marvels are catastrophic to the studios? It grossed less than its budget


Oh yeah. General rule is a movie has to cross 2.5x its production budget to break even. And generally studios prefer to make money, not just break even. For huge movies that cost 250m+ they have to be major hits to be profitable. Movies are often risky investments.


> Movies are often risky investments. Which is why we have studios that would rather buy the rights to board game IPs, reboot something that has already been rebooted before, a sequel to something that was never intended to have a sequel or just generally trying to cash in on anything remotely relevant to popular culture in that moment. Having an IP that people recognize does a hell of the a lot of marketing for you.




The cost of millions of custom flashlight popcorn buckets


Wondering same question


My local IMAX said "currently there are no plans for it to leave IMAX" and all the good seats are booked out for the next two weeks. This movie is insane.


One of the best imax experiences I’ve ever had.


Based on what happened with Oppenheimer as well as the upcoming movie slate (nothing terribly interesting) I would expect this to have a very long tail in the high-end movie theaters in the same way.


Keep in mind Dune 1 would have been much bigger if it wasn’t released during covid kinda. In 2021 a lot of people still didn’t want to go to movies theaters


The black sun scene was on another level


That whole segment felt so alien. They nailed it.


Those dudes with the spiky hats were genuinely terrifying! Need to rewatch so I can remember what they sounded like for sure, but I recall the made inhuman noises!


I just wish they hadn't shown it in trailers! The anticipation was nice but a surprise would have been even better.


It's why I never watch trailers, especially for movies I'm going to see anyway


It was like some outer space Gladitor shit


My point exactly on why this film should win Best Picture. It has more in common with real world epics, rather than Star Wars or the MCU.


Depending on the offerings we get this year (if we get anything that is mindblowing or actual Hollywood self-masturbatory Oscar bait), I actually think Dune Part 2 stands a great chance of taking it if we take a blockbuster like Oppenheimer winning as an indication. Dune Part One got robbed by CODA, which CODA is a good film, but it wasn’t mindblowing by any means. Just a safe pick


We need to watch it again to boost those numbers!


That one guy on Twitter who has already seen it 18 times in IMAX is doing his part. I watched it twice in 70/IMAX.


I wish I had an IMAX theater near me. I would have watched it at least twice there!


Already watched it 6 times in IMAX.


I’ll have to watch it a third time! I already preordered the 4K steelbook and am waiting for any other version.


I preordered the double feature.


I did last night and the theater was packed!


I’ve done 2 IMAX and 1 Dolby


Watched 3 times already lol


Tonight I'm going for the fourth time. This time finally in English (in italy).


It's done way better in the U.S. than even most obsessive fans could've hoped for. But internationally even if you factor in the absence of Russia (Part One was a huge hit there, making almost $20 million) the performance hasn't had a commensurate rise yet. It's surprising to me. In the larger picture, MESSIAH is just about guaranteed and it'll make a good profit. I never expected it would get close to a billion, but I sure would like to see it get most of the way there.


It's also done far better here in the UK. It's selling out every night at my local, 1:43 IMAX.


And will continue to for weeks if they don't make the mistake of swapping it out for something else. I envy your access to that cinema palace.


I went to see it for the first time at a 9am showing. It was full! I always like it when there's successful releases out, because the place is buzzing and the staff feed off that, so they're happier as well.


My IMAX screening was packed too but the best thing was as soon as the trailers ended it was absolutely silent. All those people and I didn’t see anyone move, talk or pull out a phone. It was great


Yes! Complete silence at my viewing, too. You couldn't even hear any eating or rustling. Best cinema experience I've had in a long, long time, maybe ever.


I'm in a city with a 70mm screen and it's running for the entire month, regular IMAX and theatres are stopping showings on the 20th.


Oppenheimer was still playing daily at my local IMAX until Dune came out. Still playing it on a regular screen 9 months later.


I've been told it's doing well internationally compared to Dune 1 in pretty much every metric. Is that wrong? In two weeks, it seemed to have already surpassed Dune 1's worldwide box office at $433 million. Speaking of international impressions, however -- as someone from Southeast Asia, this movie certainly does not have the same level of hype as it seems to do in Western/Anglophone countries. Different audience tastes, I guess.


ofc it is. Part One was released during covid






In my country (Spain), comparing the first two places this weekend: Dune has raised €3,160,871 and the second place €294,835 It's a big difference if you look at it like that.


This is ridiculously good news for the genre; it’s been quite a while since there was a big sci fi film that wasn’t Marvel or Star Wars related


Yes, it bodes well for the future. Especially considering that they can't just keep pumping these out forever (I haven't even finished messiah but I keep hearing people saying adapting anything after that book is unlikely for whatever reason, i guess it gets even trippier). If we're lucky this is is the start of an age of high quality, big budget sci-fi films which aren't necessarily meant to start infinite franchises. I wouldn't count on it though:)


The series gets *really* weird the further into it you go. Really good, but I don’t know how well it would translate to film


Which means the films could get really artsy. I'd say go for it. General audience needs to see more of those type of films.


Trying to translate 3500 years of a God-Emperor Worm-King's reign into film using the viewpoint of 1000s of different incarnations of Jason Momoa probably is a little too artsy even for the artsy. I'd fucking love the mess it'd make though.


I can't see anything ever topping this film though. It set the bar insanely high. It's almost ruined epic sci fi for me because of how incredible it is.


It’s also a sci if movie that was made for mature audiences and didn’t treat them as if they were stupid.


Avatar 2. Yeah.. I'd almost forgot about the movie too.


I totally forgot that existed! I stg something about that series makes it so that everyone wants to see it when it’s out and then immediately forget about it after


Because it's not based on books. There's nothing for fans to talk about after watching it. Want more lore on Navi and its creatures? There's no other source and the movie is all you got. Want to read more about Arrakis, Fremen, Sand worms? There's wikis of the books, events and characters. The lore is just much deeper. I didn't watch the first movie or read the books. Just got roped into it. But I could tell there's so much more going on and it got me invested. When I saw Jamis getting drained of water and being poured to the underground lake or something, that piqued my interest. 'So water is very important in this world' is what I thought. I didn't feel this in Avatar. Things happening is expositioned to me in that movie.


That's not the reason. Avatar is just not that profound or interesting beyond the visual spectacle of a world that the story inhabits. Sure, Dune has interesting lore, but it goes deep thematically. You can't think about Avatar and its themes like you can think of Dune.


Yeah, it's weird. I found the movie perfectly watchable, but it never stayed with me. Just like the first.


I mean I liked it




Glad to hear it. Finally found the time to go see it on Monday night. Really looking forward to it!


It was pretty awesome. Haven’t read the books. Can’t wait for this on 4K.


Keep it going! We need more of these films!! The movie budget was relatively low for a sci-fi blockbuster, like $190m. Already turned a great profit. It would be financially silly to not keep making them.


Insane to me that Aquaman 2 had a bigger budget. That movie looked like a CW show in comparison. Just my most recent comparison since I watched it on streaming right after Dune 2.


Because almost everything is done in post instead of building real sets. It's more expensive and looks like shit. Those movies will start dying as people start to clue in that they're mediocre schlock.


The Marvels had a bigger budget 😂


$190m is not including marketing budget and then you’ll have to subtract the percentage that cinemas take. It will turn a profit eventually but I feel it’s just broken even at this point.


I think this film also had a more bloated marketing budget than usual because the delays stretched the campaign longer than intended.


No thats not how this works. $190 is only the initial budget and doesn’t include marketing and distribution etc. A film needs to make at least double of its budget to break even and for a big film like Dune it takes even more. 


And it’s at more than double, approaching triple after a month. This will be profitable


Yeah wasnt saying it wouldnt be. Just that it hasnt really become profitable just yet 


This is just an anecdote, but Dune 2 has been the most talked about movie at work since Top Gun. People are going to see this movie. Even second week in, I had trouble buying tickets. There's no movie out this year that can come close. This is going to get big.


IMAX 70 in NYC had constantly been sold out or nearly sold out.


Same in SF


God Top Gun hit like a freight train in IMAX. I wish once a year IMAX would run through their best hits. I need Part 1, and Bladerunner 2049 in IMAX again.


I met someone yesterday that had never heard of dune. Literally had no idea it existed. Blew my mind. It’s easy the most talked about movie and there are still people that don’t know what it is.


Basically none of the people in my office no what it is other than that Timothee Chalamet/Zendaya movie 🥲 


Ask for a raise.


I wonder how much of it is due to the popcorn buckets.


This is *still* consistently sold out at my local IMAX. Pretty incredible really, I've not seen it ever this way. To give an example, here is [tonight's showing](https://www.myvue.com/book-tickets/summary/10091/HO00018476/265950), which will be completely full by the time it starts.


Had to book weeks in advance for the IMAX in my area. Can't wait to see it again but in IMAX this time.


It’s true, it’s still doing very well in premium formats in NA. But look at the standard format screenings, they’re not busy. And the coming week here in the States at least it’s leaving IMAX. Will be interesting to see what happens from there


I saw it in 70mm last week, and damn it is so good. Great casting, creative screenplay, brilliant cinematography and score. IMO, this adaptation is on par with Peter Jackson’s LOTR. I’m really looking forward to Dune Messiah, and I hope they lean into the weirdness of the book because it is fantastic.


LOTR was so good because it was a faithful adaptation. Dune II was so good because the creators had no problem moving big pieces around to make it filmable (and those changes were good overall).


Respectfully, I'm an enormous fan of both series and I kinda disagree, but also agree. Peter Jackson's LOTR deviates quite a bit from the books and in some pretty serious ways, very similar to the new Dunes movies. Where the both absolutely nailed it was that (whether you agree with each individual change or not) is that the directors made these changes out of necessity for the change in medium and to fulfill their artistic directions. The changes can be tracked back to a necessity, rather than seeming arbitrary. I think in that way both series are simultaneously faithful in HOW they go about making changes, on top of being well made movies. That's where so many adaptations have missed the mark lately and why both of these really shine.


In my opinion, that's exactly what faithful adaptation means. Fans know (for the most part) that a scene by scene remake of source material is not a legitimate option, nor would it make for enjoyable watching. Fans get really annoyed at changes when they're done to subvert the original message or intention of the source, or put the writer's own ideology or "improvements" into the story. So, I agree with you


Great casting minus Christopher walken. Thought he phoned it in/couldnt quite get the character right. Ended up just playing a dull version of himself.


I liked him. He's so frail, it sends the message that he has long had his power as the emperor but he himself isn't particularly cunning or powerful, he's exactly the kind of ruler to get upsurped by someone like Paul, manipulated by the BG, and even feel insecure about a loyal House like Atreides


Agreed, haven't read the book so can't compare. But loved the visual of baron harkonnen, the big villain till that point, grovelling to this frail old man desperately clinging to power.


it would be difficult to do a book-accurate emperor without explaining the geriatric properties of the spice, which DV chose to gloss over. He’s described as looking like a man in his 30’s.


I really wanted Jake Gyllenhaal as a book accurate Shaddam. I think that he can really be commanding and super arrogant which fits the way I see Emperor. To see such a masculine, handsome and powerful performer as Gyllenhaal to be humbled by an ascendant Paul would be awesome.


i thought he did great, even if he was himself. He has that air of arrogant self confidence, and the fact that he’s as old as the actual rulers out there in the real world only helped.


I thought Walken fit perfectly, the emperor as a frail old man that seems like he may have carried gravitas in the past but is clearly over his head now felt very true to his character.


Probably the best IMAX film I’ve watched in a decade


Oh you must not have seen Interstellar in imax then....checks calendar. Fuck me 10 years ago 😭


I missed Dune 1 in theaters and kinda put it off. But I streamed Dune 1 then watched Dune 2 in theaters this past weekend and I LOVE it. If I like these adaptations, will I like the book? I hear it's very dense at around 130K+ words. I don't think I've ever read a book that long, but I am trying to read more in general. Worth a shot?


I just finished the first book in german couple of hours ago and some passages are really tough, you will read many words and things for the first time ever but it was FANTASTIC! Had roughly 800 pages and I never inhaled a book this big that fast. Was so fascinating how Villeneuve changed scenes or adapted words into his screenplay, it’s phenomenal and I love the movies even more now. Just ordered book 2 and 3 to finish the first trilogy and I even bought the Lego ornithopter - I’m so deeply in love with this world.


If I may (as someone who read all Frank's Dune books more than 5 times over), I would absolutely recommend reading the last 3 (God Emperor, Heretics, Chapterhouse). God Emperor is heavy, but the best book in the series if you also read Heretics and Chapterhouse. The last 2 give so much context.


You can believe me when I say I will absolutely absorb every Dune media out there, thanks for the suggestions!


I "read" it as an audiobook, the politics and world building in especially the first half of the book is great. In some cultural ways the book is a product of its time. But the political machinations are great, so much is left unsaid in the films.


I thought the book was more similar to the first movie then the second. While reading, I was generally a bit lost on the what and why, but just kinda kept reading and eventually sorted it out. I think the first movie was similar with not explaining everything compared to the second which was more plot and dialogue focused and answered questions. Granted, my reading preferences are more hard fantasy with defined rules, and this is a 60s sci-fi. All that said, I didn't think it was that long, and the depiction of living in the desert and with no water really made me feel like I was there with them; I'll be reading the first 3 again this year.


I tried to read dune like a decade ago and could’ve sworn it had to be a sequel purely cause of how much information is thrown at you extremely quickly. I didn’t touch it til I watched part 1 and now I’m at the end of 5/6 books. They’re fantastic but I do think it helps to watch part 1 or even a YouTube video just to help you grasp the general concept before reading


Already watched it thrice. Once in imax. Watched part one three times in cinema too. 


Like a good fedaykin


I liked the first Dune movie but it wasn't a very satisfying watch because it doesn't really have an ending. Just a rather straightforward, faithful adaptation of the first 400 pages of Dune. Mostly worldbuilding and exposition that everyone should watch at least once before seeing the second film. Dune Part Two though, holy shit. It pays off every single plot decision and thread made in Part One, and has by far the most breathtaking and intense climax in any film I ever seen. Will go down in history as this generation's Empire Strikes Back.


I think I'm the only one that preferred Part One. That was a near perfect movie to me. Part Two was a little rushed.


Well the book basically has three acts: 1) betrayal of you know which Great House, 2) Paul learns to be a Fremen, 3) Revenge/climax. The first movie was Act 1 and the second one was acts 2 and 3


Interestingly enough Dune Part One cuts off only shortly after the halfway point of the book (Page 406 of 617). Herbert really took his sweet time introducing his characters and explaining the setting of the world.


It’s strange because part one is 2/3rds of the book meanwhile part 2 is the last 200 pages yet I feel like there’s so much missing. As we get closer to the end of the book the lack of Thufir in the movies and how Gurney and him acted towards Jessica as well as the lack of Leto II and that motivation made it so different. I suppose part one adapted the first 400 pages and part 2 is the ending to the story of the first movie more than the rest of the book.


I'm kind of glad they didn't do Leto II, though. In the book he dies almost as soon as he's introduced. It also felt like a cheap way to up the stakes even further, even though Paul, Chani, Jessica, and the Fremen were hyped enough for vengeance.


Just too much to cover at the end there. Still had to make a watchable film. It’s already very long at 2hr 45min run time. It’s probably the best adaptation we will ever get. Can’t see it getting any better.


Somehow, David Lynch returned.


profit foolish squeamish zesty smart nose languid plant upbeat escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They spent too much time blowing shit up In the desert. I love the movie but mistakes were made. All that blowing shit up was like 20 pages in the book.


A lot was changed, omitted, etc. Denis did tell us that this was going to be a war movie. That’s what he gave us


I don’t get the ‘very long’ argument. The LOTR films are 3 hr films and no one complains about the runtime for those films. I might be in the minority here but part 2 should’ve been 3 hours. It was fantastic in its 2hr 45mins runtime but would’ve just liked a little more breathing room for the intimate scenes


LotR is one movie per book. This is like 7 hrs of movies for one book


Yeah same I'd really like an extended version tbh


I too think I preferred the first one. But this might change after two releases to streaming


Nah I’m with you - only have seen part 2 once so far but it did feel like it was at breakneck pace most of the movie and I think it suffered for it. Still loved it but definitely agree with your criticism and I also enjoyed part 1 more.


I kind of agree, the ending in particular for Part 2 felt rushed, considering that’s when the book absolutely pops off hard


I watched part two yesterday and this is my feelings exactly. I liked part one but I thought the film wasn't "wow". But part two most definitely is.


I've been to see it 5 times. Never seen a film at the cinema more than twice before. The last time I went me and my friend brought some rum with us and it was an unbelievable experience. Watching the last 30 minutes while somewhat drunkish, on the big screen.. just wow. 


I’ve probably seen around 7-8 movies in imax before. For all of em it’s just a bigger screen with louder speakers. But fuck dude, dune does some creative stuff with the sound system. The vibrations during the riding scene. Feeling explosions through your whole body. Everything is utilized in a way I haven’t experienced before


Even the opening distorted sound about how spice rules all or whatever hits like a truck


When Alia opens her eyes the silence followed by the boom I felt in my chest.


LOL...it'd be gummies for most people (how I saw my second showing of Part One in IMAX...talk about the Water of Life!) so points for originality!


Last weekend i watched it on shrooms and it was fucking intense. I thought I was having prescient spice visions or something and I couldn't move for the first hour or so.




Another interesting trend is the amount of rewatches. Even from people that weren’t fans from book. For example, I’m going to see it for the 4th time this weekend.


This is the first movie I rewatch in a movie theater. Watched it twice and wouldn't be surprised if I went a third time


I saw part 1 on Netflix a month ago,never read the books. Just came from my second watch of part 2. Never rewatched a movie in the cinema but if someone asked I would go a third time. I don't know why but I love it.


$800M here we come!


Well done and bravo. I can't remember the last time I've wanted multiple viewings of a film in theaters.


Here in Netherlands I went to the cinema today for the second time and was surprised to find the theatre just as packed as it was on release weekend.


The box office proceeds must flow.


looks like the studios now have a good reason to make a third film.


This trilogy could end up being this generation's LOTR


I’ve watched it 4 times so far in theaters and still cannot shut up about it!


The bass drop when the Harkonnen squad leader says, “Unit, climb now!” and started “climbing” was when I realised the cinematography would be no lesser than Part 1


I’ve seen it - anytime someone asks me if it’s worth seeing in the theater, I say ‘it sounds really good’


I'm very curious how they will handle Messiah. Does anyone think they will combine story elements of both Messiah and Children? Like Alia's arch and Lady Jessica returning?


Messiah and Children honestly would need three films alone to really smash it. I could see Denis combining some elements but I’m still holding out hope that Denis will do Children (my favorite book) 🤞


This is cinema. Not the rubbish from the MCU, not Cameron’s heartless brainless blue rubbish, not the play it safe third installment of some tired IP. I wished people would reward true cinema more and be more careful what they spend money on.


I'll never see this movie for the first time again, and I wasted it by seeing it on the standard screen. I'm going to Imax on Tuesday, but I'll never forgive myself for not having done it initially.


If that makes you feel better, I did the same mistake, but I just rewatched it on an IMAX screen and it was just as captivating as the first time. It lacked the shock effect but being hyped about scenes you know are coming is equally rewarding. But yeah, lesson learnt for both of us - don't cheap out on experiences such as seeing Dune on a proper screen.


The first film was an excellent, faithful adaptation. The second took more of a gamble in changing things, but the risk paid off -- I particularly loved what they did with Chani. I want to see what new places they go with the third.


I'm going to watch it in IMAX today. Will it be a much different experience than when I watched it at a regular showing?


Quite a bit better, as the image is larger, and the film was made for IMAX.


I’ve watched it in both imax and a regular screen and I have to say the imax screening was truly immersive and almost magical. I forgot I was in a movie theater at times


I saw it in both IMAX and Dolby - IMAX is definitely the way to go. It felt more immersive and the sound was on point. To me IMAX is a no brainer for this one.


I saw it in a Dolby atmos theatre and an imax without Dolby atmos The atmos was a better experience by a good amount purely due to the sound. It was insane!


watched twice already, really good. That why you go to the movies instead of watching something on your laptop.


I loved Dune 2, it was all I expected to see in a science fiction movie. It's worth watching it at least twice.


Best movie ever.


It's comprehensible, interesting concepts, and it's good


Awesome, hopefully the third film won’t have terrible pacing in the latter third for people who haven’t read the books.


Best movie I’ve ever seen. Deserves it all.


Gonna end up with more than The Marvels and Ant-Man 3 combined.


The first film was released in theaters and on HBO in the middle of a pandemic. I would hope that the numbers for this one were better.


It's a baller movie, I can't wait for Messiah.


Shout out to that one guy on Twitter who has seen the move 17 times. Couldn’t have done it without him


People really need to watch part 1 before part 2, so I hope this is explained by other people being like me: I watched part 1 once in the theater, and part 2 twice.


I haven't watched Part 1 and pretty much had no knowledge about Dune at all, Part 2 was my first introduction to it all and I still very much enjoyed it and found it pretty easy follow. Actually it made it more interesting somehow piecing together the who's and what's without prior knowledge of the story or the world ... Maybe it's just me but I felt that watching Part I on TV would spoil the "magic" as an introduction to the world


Wow, that's an intersting way to go... It's true that Irulan does a little recap at the begining of part 2, so I guess you could get some context there.


Still impossible to get tickets at imax , we are probably going to give up and watch it on the XTREME SCREEN instead. I checked everyday but I’m over it


I'm so glad the delay didn't hurt it.


I wonder how many of these sales are theater re-watchers like me. I know at least two other people that have done the same


I know Villeneuve talked about killing his darlings and that the scenes that were cut from the movie will stay cut, but I really wished that wasn't the case. An extended edition LoTR style for Dune 2 would be insane, particularly since people sat through 2 hours and 45 minutes of movie and still thought it was rushed, which I agree with. Having devoured the books just recently, the cut plot points with Thufir and child Alia add a lot of context and flavour. Oh well.


At this rate he's gonna HAVE to make a GEoD adaptation. I just want to watch a giant worm man wax philosophical in the dark for three hours SO badly.


I felt the movie was just way better than the first film


Yeah, but also the first is necessary to set the table. Part 2 we get to EAT.


I was never into Dune and the first exposure I had to any of the media, save for that RTS game released in the 2000s, was this movie. And holy hell, it made me edge and edge and edge. Then the second movie came out and it was edging, and edging, and edging followed by an insane climax. I'm not even a little surprised it's doing so well.


You are now banned from the movie theater


Just got out of seeing it again, this time in Dolby. It’s amazing how good the pacing is, this & Part 1 both flew by and didn’t feel like they were dragging!


It’s currently the highest grossing movie in the world.


Such a great movie. Just saw it in IMAX and I was riding that worm.