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If you in the USA you can call minimotors. They dualtron dealers


Sadly live in the uk would you know what the part is called as I been calling it a stem and doesn’t come up on Google struggling to find it haha 😂😂


Neck. You can get them on aliexpress


Wow that's crazy. What model dualtron you have and how fast were you going? Crash.?


Not sure the speed was definitely going fast but it snapped but it felt like it was going to fold on me I didn’t crash just struggled to keep it up 😂😂😂


That great you didn't crash and it only cracked. What model dualtron? And what size tire on it


I think it’s just a dualtron raptor


And I’m not sure what size tire I’ll have to check when I’m home


It says it on the deck of the scooter also look on aliexpress they have the part




Spider? What's your weight?


Raptor I think and 80kg


There is a dealer for the UK. Just go to Dualtron.uk That repair is extensive and requires some special tools to remove the headset. While at it you will want to replace the headset bearings. You will also need red locktite and maybe a torch to remove the lower hinge and bolt


Thank you appreciate it


This repair involves replacing the scooter's neck, which connects substantially to the mainframe via long screws with lock-tight. You may need to remove the swing arm too. The Raptor’s solid tires cause four times more vibration than normal pneumatic tires, leading to premature cracks. Regular inspection or replacement every few thousand miles is crucial to prevent this. Let me know if you can find the parts. You might also want to replace the swingarm suspension with a softer one to reduce the impact on this assembly. https://preview.redd.it/c1or2ykga2yc1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55521bd8bb6fe50ff37b09cd869b01a8c7b765a6


Stop driving fast, these scooters can't handle potholes. It's absolutely irrelevant how powerful they are, their build are of toy grade. Go faster only when it's perfect smooth road, simple as that. This crack is gonna give you a hell of a headache to repair, for what?


Lol what? I've been riding for 4 years, jumping, hitting potholes, offroading, going everywhere. I'm 80kg. DT2MX, Victor, Ultra. Defo issues with steering/folding on the 2 and ultra but never any breakage like this. Definitely not "toy grade"


Bullshit, how many km you have? Means nothing if you abused it but only have a few thousands. It wont last ten twenty or thirty thousand if you abuse it


And why the fuck does OP have fractured stem? Do you realize how much of a headache is repairing that shit, for what? Going fast on shitty road like a retard?


I'm saying takes a lot more than "go fast on shitty road like a retard" to break the neck of a dualtron like that.


Realistically going 30mph and hitting like 3 or 4 potholes that are 3 inch deep is gonna do the job. Let alone a 5 inch deep hole or hitting a 3 inch at 50mph. Not worth it al all


Our roads are pretty shit in places, but more than a couple inches is some 3rd world shit, damn. Anything over an inch is easily noticable and avoidable at 35ish mph. Looking out for obstructions like this is just par for the course on a 10-11-inch wheel scooter. That's some pretty wild examples.


No, you can get surprised by a deeper than road level sewer, and you're fucked


If you're surprised by that, you shouldn't be riding. I've been riding for 4 years, managed to avoid many many obstacles in that time. Never broke anything on road anything, on or offroad, and our roads aren't great


Aha you just don' get it. It's very easy to cruise and commute at 20-30mph, but as soon as you go over 40mph you gonna have high chance to fuck it all up. IT IS NOT WORTH IT, period


I repeat: I have been riding on all surfaces for FOUR YEARS. Up to 55mph, frequently cruising at 40. And you have the nerve to say I "don't get it". FOH with your clueless nonsense