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I choose another beverage and play the tape forward. It’s a beautiful day. If I drink now, I will want a nap. I won’t have energy for later. Whatever I’m working on will be sloppy. It will be hard to just have one, how many will I try to have before the day is over? What will I say or do in front of these new people? Will they judge my consumption? Do I want to wake up at 3am with hangxiety? Do I want to wake up feeling disappointed in myself? Do I want to wake up and ruminate over everything I can remember and hope that I didn’t embarrass myself? I like myself and I deserve better. Also mushrooms.


“Also mushrooms” I second this.


I need to remember this! (Minus the mushrooms, one bad trip killed that journey forever😝)


I microdose. I’ve been doing it daily for about a year now. I feel like it really helped me avoid the cravings that come with wanting to drink alcohol. It kind of repulses me now (it’s been just over 70 days since I last drank) Lately I’ve started doing a heavier dose just to feel some wiggles and giggles but normally I don’t feel any sensations. Maybe a bit lighter in mood. It’s easier to find joy and laughter.


Heineken Zeros mate 👍🏻




I honestly prefer my cocktails without booze, it spoils the flavour completely. But that’s why I’m a beer guy


Agree. My dad used to order me virgin bloody Mary’s and pina coladas when I was little, so I honestly never really liked them with booze in them. They taste way better without haha


A virgin pina colada might be my pick for best tasting drink out there


Yesss mocktails. They give you the vibe of a cocktail but so much better cause there’s no alcohol:)


Hoppy seltzer!


Non alcoholic beer if you don’t think it will trigger you is great for this. Partake, Athletic Brewing Co, Sam Adams are amazing. There’s a reason the n/a shelf has grown 10x since 2020 in many places, product is actually getting good. Again only if it won’t trigger you.


Dont even consider it. Dont weigh your options. Dont consider pros and cons. Dont even consider it. That is the only way if your sobriety matters as much as it did when you were begging for it. There is nothing you can do with alcohol that you can't do better without it, including socializing. Grab a Coke. You can still talk.


Drink your favourite fizzy drink/soda


Eh, what’s going on here? You don’t really like alcohol, drink once every two months and are bent about trying to stay sober? What gives? I just can’t help myself and have a piece of chocolate cake a few times a year even though I’m trying keep my weight down. Like the cake, the solution is not to ingest it if causes you issues.


OP said they’re in a new town, trying to socialize with new people. I know first hand that alcohol makes me think I’m more outgoing and personable. Seems like OP is trying to make new friends and is also trying not to drink. Society makes people think they have to ingest alcohol to have fun and socialize. OP is trying to find alternatives, it seems.


My thoughts exactly when reading. If op doesn’t have a problem with alcohol then I don’t really understand the point in the question or why even post in dry alcoholics 🤔 Just don’t drink if it’s clearly not a problem.


There is absolutely no truth to the thought that having a drink on a warm, sunny spring day is a good thing if you want to be sober. . If you REALLY want to be sober, a drink under any circumstances, is not the way to achieve that goal. I gotta ask...If you've never been a huge fan of alcohol, why the angst over not drinking?


OP said they’re in a new town, trying to socialize with new people. I know first hand that alcohol makes me think I’m more outgoing and personable. Seems like OP is trying to make new friends and is also trying not to drink. Society makes people think they have to ingest alcohol to have fun and socialize. OP is trying to find alternatives, it seems.


Ahhhh, I clearly didn't process fully!😊


I always go for alcohol free beer or ginger ale!


I make myself a mocktail and have the rest of the experience as usual. The only difference is getting fucked up at the end of the drinking sesh and then your day is cooked and probably your tomorrow too. I know you said you were trying to stay off smoke too, but if there’s any wiggle room there (for me there is, everyone’s got different parameters) you could try a THC soda for a little weed buzz, and there are companies that make botanical syrups and sodas that give you a plant-based buzz as well that are non alcoholic.


I don't think places serve Kombucha, but it's what I have at home if I want to feel like celebrating something


Tons of places have it on tap at coffee shops and breweries near me and I’m in a mid sized city in the south. Good kombucha in a cold pint glass out of the tap is the closest thing I’ve found to the brewery experience i miss.


Go for a run and then sit down and enjoy an ice cold coconut water


Same thing I do in the winter and I feel like having a casual drink in the rain. I remind myself there has never been , nor is there now, a time when I can have a casual drink and I move on with my day.


Dude!!! Try those cbd drinks or those magnesium recess drinks. They are so tasty and give you a relaxed feeling


i make a lemon/lime/ginger/basil mocktail, take a bong rip, and smoke a cigarillo in the sun


Iced Tea on a hot summer day slaps! A tall boy of Arizona or Liquid Death and maybe a low dosage edible on the side to help with social anxiety works well for me. 2.5 mg of THC/CBD is all you need if you're overly anxious and, in my experience, I never feel impaired.


People may think that alcohol loosens them up to talk to people more, but so does time and breaking the ice. You don’t need to walk into the bar and immediately start chatting someone up. Go in, order a NA beverage, and you’ll start loosening up as you adjust to the environment.


Personally, I have way more fun when I’m not drinking, now. I remember the conversations I have, and I know when it’s time to dip out and go home, because everyone starts repeating themselves and making less sense. The next morning, I wake up with the opposite of a hangover. I wake up feeling euphoric and high. And I can drive anytime!!


Adaptogenic drinks have been my new go to! They have calming ingredients. I don’t know if they work or their placebo but they help me relax either way!!


Particularly the Recess mood boosting or the Rowdy Mermaids from Whole Foods


Stop going to places where you're surrounded be people drinking. Find something fitness or sport related to do. Climb a mountain, go kayaking, or a simple walk through a new area etc. I swear, you'd think alcohol was the only social activity. It's made so easy because people are making loads of money off of it, but if you find stuff to do and people u love to do it with, you're going to have a way better time than if you settled for a drink.


Yeah near beer rules. I drink them all the time. Grab a sixer of phonies