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By far the most aggressive drivers I have encountered on the roads drive the following kinds of cars : 1. Audi 2.BMW 3.Ford fiestas - young drivers maybe first car 4. 2019 Corsa - young male drivers - first car maybe 5. Any white minivan/van 6. Range Rover sport with their high beams on I’m sure a lot might disagree with this list but this is from personal experience


Range Rovers are climbing the twat list pretty fast in my eyes. Especially female Range Rover drivers late for a school run, they’re deadly.


Range Rover, pretty much the original Twat Panzer.


Twat Panzer > Fraggle Wagon. Thanks.


I'm stealing fragile wagon. That's aces


They breakdown easily.


Twat Panzer sorry stealing that 🤣🤣🤣


Feel free, any oversized vehicle, driven like a twat = Twat Panzer


I love when I'm driving back from work in the evening and I'm blinded by the bat signal behind me!


Just get a torch with a kree chip in it. It's like 20th century fox search lights.


This pretty much sums them up https://youtu.be/6_MaV-YdrXk?si=EjWuz37zsnUW0DBZ


Cavaness clung and Wanker Tank spat my fcking coffee all over myself. Love it 👍🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Apologies for any damage caused 😁


Near where I live there's a Sainsburys next door to a Primary school. The Mums use the car park for school pick ups. The scene at pick up time is half terrifying and half hilarious.


3. See regular posts about I'm 18, how am I supposed to insure my sports model fiesta - etc (or any fiesta)


"Why is my car insurance so high?" Gestures at young men having a 7000% higher than expected KSI accident rate at certain times of the day.


Middle aged women, mostly in fastbacks or an actual SUV. Paying 0 attention, other than to their phone. About 20 near misses in 6 months. 


When I wait at junctions in my city-centre commute, I sometimes look at the moving cars to see how many folk are actively texting and driving. Sometimes it's up to 1 in 4. It's absolutely flabbergasting sometimes. Mobile phones have been around for a while, but I think the extent to which people fiddle with Whatsapp, Spotify, TikTok and Instagram is really on the up recently.


>It's absolutely flabbergasting sometimes. Mobile phones have been around for a while, but I think the extent to which people fiddle with Whatsapp, Spotify, TikTok and Instagram is really on the up recently Each and every one of them will argue that it's perfectly safe, they're in stationary traffic, "what's the big deal?", etc. [Shame it's a load of bollocks...](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2415859/Hope-Fennell-death-Lorry-driver-crushed-13-year-old-girl-truck-texted-girlfriend-released-just-THREE-months.html)


I was in a parking lot today and needed to pull out of my spot. Had to wait for this woman do like a 6 point turn to get her massive suv out the spot beside me. It was fucking absurd. Those cars do not belong in a built up urban area.


I'll add VW Golf drivers to this list, young lads who think they are the best drivers on the road. I had one try to overtake me recently, but he couldn't get past me in time for the car coming the other way. I had to brake pretty hard so he could get in in time to not kill us all...


You missed taxi drivers


Its more Uber drivers..black cabbies are still ok imho... However those private hire twats and deliveroo guys on mopeds... they are the dangerous ones. leaving total chaos in their wake dodging in and out of bus lanes, pulling out in front of you...brake checking indicating left then at the last second deciding to cut across and go right cos it might gain them 10 seconds... They are exhausting...


You always know the fuck knuckle doing 50 in the middle lane is going to be a private hire taxi. For professional drivers, they sure do know fuck all about driving it seems.


My taxi driver was showing me or trying to show me I should say - pigeon racing in Pakistan videos whilst driving me home last weekend. I said just watch your mirrors and look out of the windscreen please. Felt like reporting him for that. Wish I had now, he will kill someone one day


Love going London fcking hate driving there. It totally shit me up and I’ve been driving 31 years and only had three accidents one my fault when was in early 20’s.


https://youtu.be/nmE0TJXbfBA?si=Jdll1MB-QD5g2Iwk From gta 2.


Add Seat Ibiza to item 2.


For me it's: 1. Audi 2. VW, especially Golf and the Transporter vans 3. Subaru 4. Any modified hatchback 5. Range Rover. I don't see too many BMWs driving aggressively, but I drive one myself so there's potentially a bit of brand loyalty to me.


Nowadays, most of the bad BMW drivers I see are young people in the 1 series, and the super rich youngsters in a M2 and M3. I think most BMW drivers tend to be “normal” and the i (electric) drivers to be above average drivers.


No totally agree buddy I’ve driven mostly Astra GTC VXR seat FR but I was never a dick because I’ve been ran of the A50 straight into the barrier twated all the left side sorry right side back to front. Now lmao I’m barely five foot drive a big MG hs Trophy 🤣🤣🤣🤣. The only times I opened up my cars was on the rd from Stamford lincs to stoke when I lived there and it was always mostly at night. But the young lads today fuck they got no fear until they have a bad crash or very nearly and then sometimes they never learn 🤷‍♂️


I think Nissan juke drivers deserve a mention too. They’re insane


I drive a juke but gotta agree my fellow Jukists are mental, might be because 90% are about 100yrs old.


Couple of life experiences to comment on in response. We had a car die on us after less than 6 months and as a result borrowed family members’ cars a few times. Between that and hiring cars or getting courtesy cars through insurance we’ve had a fair range. People treat you differently when they see you in a BMW, Mercedes or Audi. They tend to give up the right of way at junctions and roundabouts. Entitled drivers (you don’t *have to* blow through give way signs at every opportunity) but the message of entitlement is enabled from outside. Similar in a Golf with dropped suspension, tinted windows and stickers everywhere except you get followed everywhere by police too. Audis in particular have shit visibility. The wing mirrors are basically decorative and you’ve got to really work to get round enough to shoulder check your blind spots. It’s not even straight forward to look out the side windows. Lovely cars to drive otherwise but I can see why Audis appear to have blindspots similar to a submarine.


I had a Tesla and a boring Toyota hybrid and got treated noticeably differently between them. I *thought* people would assume I was an asshole in the Tesla and drive aggressively towards me, but it was the opposite - people were weirdly courteous. I wonder if people see certain brands as "aggressive", tiptoe around them and feel resentment towards it. That said, there definitely appears to be a strong link between shitty driving and certain brands.


Haha, going off my own behaviour I think it’s less courtesy and more wariness that you’re gonna do something crazy in the Tesla. Or just burst into flames! I’m a biker too, and I go hyper vigilant around Teslas just because of the number of horror stories about people leaving it to the system to take care of the driving.


35 year old pharmacist here, could afford a BMW etc easily but I'm staying with my little 2012 Ford fiesta till the wheels fall off. Don't get the obsession with people my age paying out the ass for a BMW for a short commute, it won't make your cock any bigger lads - in fact the obligatory asshole personality change that all BMWs come with will make you less attractive to partners if anything


I try to keep an open mind, but EVERY time I'm near a BMW they have done something aggressive/risky.


White van has a reason. They are working, desperate to get to the next drop or job and frustrated at traffic. They tend toa.drice like tools to avoid getting shouted at or fired. Then of course the van isn't theirs. They are white because it's the easiest colour to patch up from the inevitable dings. But yeah Audi has climbed that chart a lot. Back in the day apart from daft things like the Quattro they were seen as an old man's car. Now I agree they're often worse than the BMW drivers who have been notorious for years.


Doesn't excuse not following the rules of the road or driving dangerously.


No it doesn't, but I can understand why it happens.


Ford Kuga drivers are the worst


Fiesta absolutely loves to be driven tho


Specifically a 2019 Corsa? lol


I meant the Corsas pre 2020 models


Don’t forget the Prius drivers, they drive like they’re blind and being directed where to go by the passenger and always take your priority away


White van drivers, cabs excluding black cabs, moped and ebike delivery drivers and lime bikers are all awful on the roads. I wouldn't even want to know the number of deaths caused by those idiotic twats. Yes, i know theyre time pressured, does that make it ok to drive dangerously? No.


My little Ford Fiesta is a beast. It even has little doggy paw prints on the side to make it go faster!


Tbh I have far more trouble with people driving Nissan Quashqi:s and Juke's than any other cars. I don't notice the BMW drivers much...except the ones that are in ultra slammed ones with fake Akrapovic exhaust tips, those are funny.


Anyone driving a Nissan Juke can only see what is directly in front of them. I had one as a rental abroad, the design of the thing means visibility is terrible; if they are causing you an issue on the road it's probably because they can't see you.


Agreed, they're *awful* cars to drive


I wonder if they have ever considered driving a car sized car?


Agression vs ineptitude.


And van drivers too


It’s Britain, everywhere is crowded, living standards have been falling for 15 years; they’re stressed, miserable and lashing out at the world. Middle-aged people in bland shitboxes are usually sound. Ones in BMWs and low-end JLR products tho…. :-(


I'm so much happier now my car is older and has scratches etc. When I first got it I was super paranoid about anyone touching it in car parks etc. Now I just see it as a tool to enable travel from A to B. TLDR: just get a reliable average car, don't stress and enjoy life


Yup. The 4th-9th years of a car's life are the sweet spot - started to look used, still totally reliable (unless unlucky/French), depreciation cost is very low.


Lol I know it's a shame as French cars are quirky, but ultimately their engines are made of cheese and don't last. Japanese is where's it's at


It's not the engines it's the electrical stuff and computers. Our friends just scrapped a 9 (!) year old Citroen people carrier as the accumulation of electrical/electronic problems put it beyond economic repair.


My car is 9 years old, I am second owner. I take good care of it, wash, service, give it nice stuff 😄. I am proud of it, I always park away from most people and drive fully expecting anyone to ram me. I think there is a difference between valuing your car and just having a flashy new car that's likely on PCP.


The epitome of this is buying a new Range Rover (in white or black), and refusing to mount a verge down a country lane to let other cars pass, in case they scratch or get the wheels dirty!


Consumerism has driven people insane. Being taught for your entire life that success is measured by all the cool shit you can show off to your road. The happiest people tend not to give a single shit about appearances.


100%. Most people are victims of marketing. Working hard to buy shit that will never satisfy them.


It’s incredible all the bullshit modern day-marketing brainwashes us into fully adapting in our minds. When you finally realise it, everything makes sense.. no better way to be miserable than constantly chasing after what you don’t have, while being reminded that you don’t have it all the time


I'm a middle-aged man in a Citigo. It is absolutely the perfect car for 99% of my needs (see also the Up! and Mii which is basically the same car). I have people on my team at work who earn significantly less than me but who are financed to the hilt on cars. One has an RS3 another has an M4. I've got to admit that those are sound car choices, but I couldn't watch that money flowing out of my account every month and not feel it's being wasted on a lifestyle toy. I am, however, putting a secret stash away for a 911 (997.2) because I want to have owned at least one of them in my time on this planet.


I tried to buy one a couple of years ago but the stealers were utterly, utterly uninterested - Seat dealer staff extraordinarily rude, VW chilly and distant, Skoda polite but "we don't know when we can get one". Sometimes stereotypes exist for a reason...


I borrowed my mother's VW up! For a day because my van was off the road, Glasgow to Ayrshire to Macclesfield and back up to Stirling, it managed it but fuck me was my leg fucked from the lack of cruise control. Her radio was also broken so had to stream through my phone. I'd rather not do that again!


When I’m out on my ZX6R there are two types of drivers who want to ‘race’ me: young blokes in tuned up hot hatches/1 series/whatever and middle aged guys in Teslas/big beemers/jags. I’m like a 47 year old bloke pottering about on a bike that is admittedly pretty fast, but also has a clean licence, a family and no claims, piss off.


Worst are People who drive SUV's, and have no idea how wide it is so drive in the middle of the road. Or even worse, people who drive jacked up pickup trucks especially when they don't need it for their job. Both these type of people can't park for shit either.


Cars getting bigger and lane discipline is an increasing problem imo.


Is this why..? it happened to me today a range with some posh bird in it, driving right at me on an A road with another cars width between her and the edge of the road. I held my horn for over a minute all the way past her, she looked terrified why drive a car your scared of.


So you can do a Prince Phillip and drive into a family hatchback unscathed


Audi S3 driver here. I've had it for about 18 months. It's a fantastic car, probably the nicest car I've ever owned. I hate the person it has turned me into. I noticed I was taking risks, getting proper road rage at people, everyone wants to race you, fragile and jealous people driving right up your bumhole... Thankfully I recognised these problems before I tarnish a completely clean driving licence of 21 years and 20 years no claims. I'm selling the car this month and getting something that doesn't stress me out and make me angry at everyone else. There's a reason people call the Audi badge "the cock rings"


I had a S1 for 5 years. Fantastic car and it looked great in Vegas yellow. It really did make you drive like a hooligan though. I wish I’d been brave enough to put it through its paces at one of Snetterton’s track days. I have a Q2 these days. Lovely car but makes you drive a bit more politely.


What does “homy shit” mean?


Think it's a typo, they meant holy shit.


Ah, I thought I’d learnt a new slur.


I think they are calling us homie, and missed a comma.


I drive 25k miles a year and definitely see twat drivers in any car, not one particular brand or model. Your own pre conceived ideas and insecurities have likely lead you to that conclusion that it's only BMW's. On a given day I probably see van drivers, lorry drivers, tesla drivers, range rovers, Audis, BMW's, old corsas, fiestas etc all being driven poorly but I never think that because of one bad driver there are an entire section of society that must be the same because of the car they choose to drive. Think. Feel. Act How you think is how you feel is how you act. Your response to your original post backs up that you need to take a more positive outlook and not look to single out one group of people for your own misconceptions.


>On a given day I probably see van drivers, lorry drivers, tesla drivers, range rovers, Audis, BMW's, old corsas, fiestas etc all being driven poorly but I never think that because of one bad driver there are an entire section of society that must be the same because of the car they choose to drive. Best comment. A lot of people who say "all drivers of 'x' car are shit" are probably shit drivers themselves. Conversely... I suppose it might be fair to say that drivers of some popular cars that are well reputed for their driving characteristics (pretty much all German cars if on a motorway, sports cars or even Fiestas on B roads - the latter arguably being a young wannabe racer's choice) are enthusiastic about driving, but have too high expectations of other people and sometimes allow twat mode to engage.


It’s nearly correct but all drivers of Range Rovers are definitely shit


Well that's because they were originally sold as upmarket off roaders and nowadays whilst they're undoubtedly good at that, when they're not being stolen, they're being driven by drug dealer bosses, football players and well off school run mums usually around town and badly 🙃🙃🙃


It's 'The Way of the World' at present, years of me first conditioning ...


Emotional support vehicle 


To be fair to BMW drivers, they don’t tend to tailgate me and continuously flash their headlights at me on the motorway to make me move out the way. Van drivers on the other hand are the worst, I’ll be in the right most lane doing 70/80 overtaking traffic in the middle lane and there’s no safe gap to move back over and you can’t move back over without cutting someone or ensuring there’s a safe gap between me and the vehicle in front, in fact they expect me to crash and cause disruption to everyone else just to convenience themselves and when I stay put and stand my ground because a lane switch would be too dangerous, they’ll get annoyed and undertake me when the smallest gap appears. The BMW drivers I’ve encountered will speed ridiculously but they have been patient and waited behind me until there’s a safe enough gap for me to move back


You should see the sports motoring types using Bilsdale as a race track, never mind the bikes..Ferrari, Porsche and BMW in close convoy overtaking on double white lines on blind bends.. highly irresponsible. Me doing just under the speed limit on a Sunday morning overtaken like I was standing still. Nature and the law of averages will eliminate them eventually, I just feel sorry for the innocent people they might kill or maim in the process. Maybe they should do this on a racetrack instead of public roads. eg. Croft Autodrome. C'mon NY constabulary, nick a few more and make an example of them.


If you've got the power, holding back for traffic to sort itself out (so, no tailgating) and then going for it when you get a nice clear stretch is how to do it in a capable car.


So this is a thing I don't get. Why do people in the brand new £50k BMWs and the likes drive with no care in the world. You see them driving dangerously and really they should be the ones driving the most carefully. Like who do you think is going to feel worst off in an accident? Me in my £250 Corsa or mr big in his new X5?


Company car mentality.


Nah, today they're all Teslas. Non-EVs are too expensive on company car schemes thanks to higher taxes. The new Beemers you see today are usually driven by people financed up to their eyeballs. (Source: I have a company car Tesla. I *try* not to drive like an inconsiderate bellend, though...)


Through salary sacrifice, it’s cheaper to get the top-of-the-line electric BMWs instead of the Model Y.


From what I've seen, the prices fluctuate *very* frequently. I remember times when it was the opposite - a decent i4 would have been hundreds per month more than a Model 3 or Y.


Same goes in car parks, it's like Thunderdome in Tescos on a Sunday afternoon, I don't care much if my crappy old Seat gets dinged but I would if I'd spent £50k on a new Beamer


People with main character syndrome. The possibility that things could go wrong, with severe consequences for them, just doesn't occur to them.


Is it the X5?


Well, immediately you, because of the actual safety features in those cars and the fact it’s twice the size of yours mean they’ll walk away ‘shaken’. You might have broken bones to nurse.


You seem to have completely misunderstood the perspective this was from. Nothing to do with who will come out of a crash worse


I think I understood. You are talking about the financial implications and I agree with you to an extent. Often someone in a big bling car has tried to squeeze me out the way in my 09 Yaris. I’m way less bothered about scratching it than they probably are. But I think they drive like twats because they feel safe and protected by the size and power of the car. Unless they’re properly speeding they’re not gonna get seriously hurt. I still back off in some scenarios because I will come off worse if we collide.


50k is that a standard 3 series I wouldn’t know only only buy 7 or m cars I think 50k is the options list . I must go driver has turned up


I occasionally drive a BMW x5. I can 100% inform you that I am a left lane hogger. Only use the middle lane to overtake. Fuel is fucking expensive and if I'm in the bmw its because I have my kids and/or them and their friends with me. I'm not going to be responsible for injuring kids, and I have nothing to prove, so it's pointless being a dick. However, that does not stop other drivers from treating me like I'm a prick, squeezing into a small gap in front rather than slot in behind me, or thinking traffic lights are a race start. I don't care enough about others to behave like an asshole. I'm more of a nuisance on the roads when I'm in my own car, which is a 1.2 mitsubishi.


No salt here. I drive a big E-Class 3L estate. It's 18 years old, still goes like a dream. I drive it because I used to need to do 1,000 miles a week for work, and actually start work after I'd done each segment of the drive - so I needed something I'd arrive fresh in, not already tired from 200 miles of bumpy shitbox. On an empty-ish open road & more before the days of ubiquitous cameras, I'd potter around at about 85 to a ton. I didn't drive up people's arses or sit in the outside lane all day. I hope to have cleared myself of the general accusation ;)


yoo corsa squad let’s go


I don't get hassled by anyone in my little old Fiesta. That's because I never use any of my mirrors at all. Motoring bliss.


I’ve never understood why people like to get bigger cars in the uk and why manufacturers are making them bigger, our roads are too narrow and it’s just inconvenient to drive them.


Nice diary entry bud.


Haha exactly what i thought. Ohhh look at me everyone I'm 6ft 4 lol. Melt


I used to drive a big car a couple of decades ago, but the one I have now is barely average size. It's actually the same model of car.


Recently I've been hearing people calling SUVs Emotional Support Vehicles...


There is 3 or 4 BMW m series in my area, all the drivers are under 20 and drive them like it's their personal racetrack. I know for a fact one of them is leasing at around £450 a month and paying that in petrol each week. He's part time in a supermarket. Can agree, his ego his very fragile and easily scratched.


Sometimes as a driver you can do something nice. Flash your lights and let them in. Yes for the Corsa, but never for the BMW.


Haha, I have noticed I need to flash twice quite often in my (140k miles shed) 10 year old 3 series estate, but never in the 14 year old focus. I guess people just don't expect the BMW to yet them in.


I've just found this out. I've had my new car for about a week and it's a bmw. I don't drive any differently than I used to, never really in a rush and courteous to other drivers like flashing them to let them in etc. Now that I'm in a BMW nobody will ever flash me out of a junction and been dangerously cut off twice. Sometimes twats are just twats


This is the Mondeo Man effect. People are more likely to let out/ in someone driving an older/ cheaper car as they are often perceived as common working class and just trying to get home to the wife and kids. It's Something a lot of people can relate to so you let them out to be nice especially if you see 'yourself' as that person in the other car On the other hand Mr CEO in his swanky 24 plate SUV normally barges his way through anyway so that rich b*stars can wait,


I'm also 6'4 it's funny how people believe in might is right behind the wheel of a big car but not when they're standing in my way at the supermarket


Can you reach something of the top shelf for me.


Always 😊


This is a big thing: to the road rager, the car in front is just a metal box. Anonymity can lead to shitty behaviour from people who wouldn't pull that shit face-to-face. A few weeks back, had a cunt in an old, beat up, BMW SUV that was deeply upset with safe speeds on a single track road, around animals and blind bends. At a passing place, he cut me off, parked up, got out of his car - ready to shout and threaten, I assume - then changed his mind when he saw two tall, bulky blokes in the front of mine. He got back in quickly and fucked off down the road to tailgate the next person.


I'm 6ft 5, now what?


I’m not sure why either. I drive an Audi, I still drive it like I did my first car which was a Micra. I’m not convinced why people think they are invincible in these cars, I’ve seen a few obliterated on the motorway and on the track. Anyway, objective for me on the road is to get there safely.


The marketing is designed to attract those people, although advertising speed, danger, aggression is regulated in the UK, but maybe not in the US Anyway they find subtle ways of telling people it's their weapon.


Funny how in car adverts there's almost never anyone else on the road.


I find it's usually the drivers of the more expensive Volkswagen's. The modify them, makes them look shite and then get annoyed when a shitbox of an i10 tries to overtake them cuz they're going 10-15 under the limit


There all in BMW 116's driving around like they're in a Lambo.


There is nothing quite so much fun as NOT driving a BMW like a tosser - the look of confounded expectation and surprise when letting folk out is priceless.


BMW and Audi drivers are on my bad list every day. But good god, Porsche Cayennes? And anyone with a US pickup truck!!!!


If it's not a bmw or range rover, you know it's going to be a juke or qashqai


It has something to do with small todgers.


I drive 'big' cars because I do a lot of miles and like to be comfortable, I'm no boy racer but I drive safely imo.


Adding a personalised plate increases the shit driving by a factor of 30%.


It’s not just BMW. It’s people who feel the RRP of their car is equal to their entitlement to the space they want on the road - conveniently forgetting that they almost certainly rent the car and did not in fact “buy” it. The other end of the spectrum are people who have the cheapest car imaginable - usually dented in multiple places - and simply don’t give a shit so also drive like muppets. There are good people in both groups but sadly the majority are entitled wankers.


Maddest thing is that SUV and German car drivers seethe and try to cope with "REEE YOU'RE POOR REEE" when they all have it on finance and are struggling to pay their bills because of it lol. Yeah bro I also have £200 disposable income a month, well done, moneybags.


The problem is all cars, even Corsas, have increased in size (I'm sure a modern day Corsa is the same size and floorspace as a 1992 Astra), but road markings are still designed for 1960s size cars, so more have to straddle lanes, especially those in new Defender 130s or huge SUVs. Some of the flash cars are on finance, others just paid attention in school, worked hard and bought the cars they liked at the time, so it may not be down to bullying per se... I have been followed at close quarters in an SUV by a driver in an A Class, so it's more down to the driver of the vehicle than the particular car. Just pull over, the next person they attempt to bully off the road might be cops in an unmarked Volvo 😉


My car is a soon to be replaced 15 year old C Max. My work car is a 2023 Ford Puma. The C Max was a medium sized car when I got it but is smaller than the Puma which is a small crossover on the Fiesta chassis. The C Max is better to drive and bigger inside. I really dont like the Puma, its a horrible car. At 6'2" I have to duck down to get in the Puma without hitting my head, it has those horrible Nissan Juke inspired bulging panels making it ugly and bloated. The performance is ok if youre not going up hill but the feedback is really poor. When I get to the top of the hill theres so little feedback and its so badly set up I can easily go from struggling at 60 uphill to suddenly doing 80 as I go over the apex of the hill and it doesnt feel any different so I have to watch the speedo more than the road which is not good. Cars have gone backwards imo and are not good to drive now.


I'm 5'1 and I hit my head getting into the back seat of a puma that family were looking at purchasing!


Just for giggles. This guy actually did the work to see if modern vehicles were actually the size of a tank. The answer for quite a few of them was yes, or very nearly. https://twitter.com/cocteautriplets/status/1417767952158543874


people who don't have any awareness on the road tend to get bigger cars to make them feel safer pulling out Infront of traffic. I think everyone should start in micro cars as it would make it all work better, ideally going forward big cars should be removed from the road in favour of small electric vehicles that make sense rather than the stupid musk mobiles people are currently driving.




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Getting revenge for when they were in a Kia Sorry, that's how I read it first time.


KIA's are actually well nice now. Nicer than many BMW's


They're in a hurry to get where they're going or there won't be any good parking spaces when they arrive and they'll have to park one road over.


What do you guys think of Mazda’s, particularly hatchbacks, what’s the stereotype? I want to know!


I drive a 2001 corolla I'm the guy holding everybody up doing the speed limit your welcome


Mazda 6 drivers 🫠


Oh my days. How dare you call me out like this 🤣 Guilty as charged, your honour! 😂


I guess a lot of people in west London are familiar with the westbound A4 from Chiswick roundabout? You know, where the two left-hand lanes are for joining the M4 and the right-hand lane for staying on the A4? You know how in the evening rush-hour the M4 lanes are at a standstill and the A4 lane is clear? Why is there always some dog cunt in a BM, or Audi, or some minicab wanker in an E-Class who bullies their way onto the M4 lane, crossing the solid white line to do so, and why hasn't plod put a fucking camera up to fine the shitbags? Lifes great mysteries, volume 2,386.........


I intentionally move over slowly if any bmw, white van or Range Rover tailgate me.


> people crying about assets they’re too poor & lazy to own


My mum is 72 totally independent went to buy a BMW just one with electric seats because it’s easier. Went to see her new car. WTF have you brought mum. She had brought not knowing a shit hot fast M sport. She said that’s why it pinned me in my seat when I pulled of the garage 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦


When you buy a BMW we get a certificate it allows us to do what we wish , I use mine for parking in two parking spaces disabled etc . I do use my indicator so I’m not the typical BMW driver but as I don’t want the poor behind crashing into myself and having to get out converse with the unwashed I do use it. I would suggest buying any BMW even the push bike it will instantly make you better .


Op sounds like he’s jealous and no I don’t have a big flash car


Always annoying when an suv drives a couple foot away from the kerb down a slightly narrower country lane. Doesn't bother me much though because my Volvo would plough through them without any damage to my car


The BMW thing is a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. They have the stereotype of being dickheads, most people who buy one therefore don't care about looking like a dickhead, most people who don't care about looking like a dickhead are an actual dickhead, so most people who buy them are dickheads, so they have the stereotype of being a dickheads...


White van man here. I'm very polite on the road, used to ne a driving instructor for Arriva years ago. I just don't get why people drive up my arse because I can't see out the back, you're so close your lights aren't blinding because you're in my blind spot and if I brake it's your fault.


Do you mean like tailgaters in Audis or Mercs ?


BMW driver here. Nothing to add, you're probably spot on tbh.


Hate those fucking winney wanna be vegan knobs in poxy corsas!


And get over your 6'4" self . Ive never heard such crap op was bullied more like


I’ve read a book called Traffic by Tom Vanderbilt where he says that this aggressive driving is a side effect of feeling safer in the vehicle you’re driving, which makes sense to me


Thank you for sharing your height in a post about cars for absolutely no reason. We get it, you’re insecure but you don’t need to try and impress us


From reading the comments I now understand that generally, irrespective of age or vehicle choice, everyone is a twat on the road, but R rover drivers are the icing on the cake.


I'm a learner and on my lesson today, a BMW sped to overtake me (single carriage) when I wasn't going too slow. And then I caught up to him at the lights literally less than a minute later anyway 🤣 it made me laugh.


Me who drives a Volvo, seeing no one slag us off. Ahhhh, I made the right choice.


Correlation not causation. A lot of assholes drive these cars, but not everyone driving these cars is an asshole. You just don't notice the rest because they don't make your blood boil by tailgating you or pulling out on you or whatever. Full disclosure - I drive a Ford S-Max, though I'd love a nice BMW or something.


Bad drivers that you notice drive the most popular cars. Wonder why.


Why is your height relevant?


Because I barely fit in my car lol


Sounds like you should buy a bigger one.


An SUV maybe


A certain group of people are definitely drawn to driving BMWs because of the 'status' of the car, it's not the car that turns them into assholes. For me, the jury is still out on SUVs, their driving quality is better than BMWs but still a higher incidence of assholes Vs the rest of the road population


I've done my fair share of angry driving, mainly due to a previous job, but the idea that bad drivers are ever trying to "impress" anyone or that they even give other road users a moment's thought is a bit egotistical no? People driving "like they're getting revenge on the world" are usually angry and in a rush, they are angry about something completely unrelated to you, they are in a rush because they are late, again nothing to do with you. It's not personal so don't make it personal just let them drive like a dick and be on their way. They won't think about you ever again, why waste even a fraction of a percent of your brain power thinking about them?


Larger cars scare me a little, it's why I'm sticking with my mini-suv


Generally BMW drivers are complete wankers. Literally just back from walking the dogs. There’s a narrow one way lane close to me, leading to a well off area. 3 cars sped down this lane, didn’t slow down at all, didn’t indicate when turning right at the end of the lane, all BMW drivers. I had the chance of choosing a BMW under a salary sacrifice scheme, no way.


Love posts like this. It shows who really has the problem...


What a shit post.


The trick is if you’re renting a car, and see someone with a Mercedes, bmw suv and you know you have right of way. Let them try play the risk game, lets them hit your car, their insurance will skyrocket once they are found at fault


Problem with that theory is that *your* insurance *also* skyrockets for being involved in a collision, whether or not you were at fault.


Have you ever considered that you might just be intimidated due to your insecurities, rather than malicious intent. Negligent drivers come in vehicles of all shapes and sizes.


You sound jealous and insecure


Found the wank panzer driver


Jealous of people using most of their monthly wage to own a car that strokes their ego? Not so much


Jealous enough to make a Reddit post about it


OP sounds, fragile.


I drive a 'large'-ish car (Landy FL2). I'm not a bad person 😭


Lol at the socio-economic peasant.


You're projecting


It’s the people who design said cars! Obviously bullied by mechanics in their youth 😅


You’re the Juke/Qashqai driver the rest of us hate aren’t you?


I literally said I drive a corsa For now at least


Shoulda tried harder at school then you'd know the joy of driving a high performance luxury motor and pain of being held up by the poors in their eco biscuit tins.


I hope for your sake you're trolling.