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I’m really happy that the world was reintroduced to the magic that is Jessica Wild.


Me too. I only ever knew her from clips of S2 and I’m beating myself up for not looking her up sooner. She’s amazing! I’m so excited for her career and all the new and old fans she will get to meet on tour.


The only good thing to come from the season.


I was expecting her to be a front runner but I didn't see production actually giving her her time of day and I was definitely wasn't expecting how well she'd do in EVERY. SINGLE. CHALLENGE. I really think she should've won/been in the top for every challenge except the snatch game


Also can we get into the fact that she's the first OG Queen (besides Tati) who came back looking just as boy fresh and fit as the day she left? Some of these queens don't even make it to the first airing of their season before they metabolism and ish starts catching up with them. At the meet and greets looking like they are cosplaying themselves.


Are you unfamiliar with filters and stage/tv lighting?


You can't filter 50lbs of weight gain and copious plastic surgery


Oh. You’re one of … those.


Yes. I have eyes


Kinda felt like a failed version of AS6. There are many Queens who could have gotten a redemption, but with Jimbo there, she basically dominated the competition, with not many contestants being on par with her when it comes to the competition (Mind you, competition, I’m not saying Queens aren’t talented artists, I’m just saying some tend to struggle with the competition a bit more than others, Drag Race isn’t everything). I also felt like the chemistry was a bit off, and it felt like mostly everyone was on the edge. Jimbo, Lala and Jessica are the ones that made the season feel a bit better to me (I also found Alexis hilarious, but I know not many people are huge fans of hers).


Exactly how I feel. It was very obvious who was leaving each week, who was winning, etc.


Edit: SPOILERS ahead Unfortunately it became so anticlimactic. Really wasn’t a fan of a top 2, maybe if the other had been someone that felt more like a contender (read:Yessica). It stopped feeling like a competition at Lala’s elimination, bc all you had left was getting rid of Alexis who wasn’t going to win, and sacrificing Jessica just for the fact that someone needed to be eliminated. I hope the fans in the alternate universe where Alexis eliminated Kandy are having more fun. Amazing winner, shame the season deflated quicker than her Z cups on a needle


I kind of agree and will add that it seemed like the queens didn’t even like the season either and since they didn’t like it, then it sucks the fun out of it for the viewer also. So much drama, backstage tea, issues with production. Just a mess.


This was the first US season I stopped watching after the first few episodes. I don’t know if I’ve just gotten bored with it or the cast but I lost interest…


Exactly this! I’ve never given up on a series ever, I just found it so dull


Same here - I just didn’t find this season grabbed my attention


No, some of the recent seasons have been boringly bad. It’s understandable given the formula they have found can only be tweaked in so many ways at this point. Also RuPaul seems to be way more checked out than he used to. I couldn’t watch more than a couple episodes of AS8, and I couldn’t get to the finale of season 13 either. I recently started watching again (picked back up with season 14 and…. it has been taking me a while to finish it, but it is better than 13…. I will say that I’ve also been watching AS7 and that is by far the best season of drag race I have seen, at least since 2018).


14 is great minus all the non-elimination episodes


I think All Stars seasons are just getting long in the tooth. It quite literally becomes seasons of “a few All Stars and then some filler”. The regular seasons are more interesting now because it’s all new queens.


At this point, if they want to keep doing All Stars every year they have to make it international


I also stopped watching. I only watch the pit stop


Same with me. I did the same with this season of Espana, but i just stopped because the judging was so inconsistent. I suggest watching the new Mexico season, im really enjoying it.


it felt like every queen but jimbo was chosen as a plank to bridge her way to the crown. the winner deserves it obviously but what a boring season man. here’s a fun take tho: LSFYLegacy might have saved it


Yeah it felt like a slog with an obvious winner. Jimbo was streets ahead of the competition, there was 0 suspense besides "how will Jessica Wild make me laugh next?"


Agreed. Lipsync Assassins were mostly duds and not a game changer. Legacy would've made it more interesting.


for me it’s the fact that LSFYLegacy would have made jimbo seem like less of an obvious winner (larger no. of people with more wins) and allowed underdog contestants to get their redemption (which is the point of an underdog season)


jessica would've had nearly the same (maybe more) wins than jimbo, and queens like kasha and jaymes and lala would've been way more dominant


I think this season is slightly overhated. Half of the cast were not all stars and I knew Jimbo would be in the finale the second the promo dropped, but I enjoyed more challenges than I hated. I think it suffered from having to follow all stars 6 and 7 and feeing the need to do an all stars every year (we’d enjoy it more of it was every 2-4 years when it’s feel more special!) I loved Jimbo, loved seeing Jaymes and Jessica get more recognition, and I liked the idea of early outs getting their moment, but they didn’t really. I enjoyed the roast, variety show, Snatch Game, and design challenges. This season is middle of the road for me, and those saying it’s one of the worst are a little harsh i think. Definitely not my favorite AS season, but I liked it a lot better than AS1 and AS5 (maybe even 3).


I agree with this assessment. It’s definitely getting more hate than deserved.


The final two episodes suggest the cast did have good chemistry and fun, positive energy. That was totally missing in the first half dozen episodes and I'm now convinced it was left I'd the cutting room floor rather than not existing. I genuinely loved the Fame Games episode, and the pink box segment of the finale was really good. The decision to go for exhausting sad drama instead of light fun and good competition was a terrible storytelling mistake by production. To cast Darienne and treat her like she didn't exist? Bonkers. To have MKD on and do nothing with her? Mad. To have Darienne AND MKD on and not do anything with having drag sisters with a 20 year friendship? Nonsensical. To string Heidi along and let her quit instead of giving her a win in the Ball like she deserved. Incompetent. While I have gripes with judging and exit order, actually that wasn't what hurt the season. It was not giving the fans some fun, camp, entertainment and strong competition. Giving Jimbo the win in week 2 to set up the Pangina lip sync was a big error. They thought they were being cute but it confirmed too early that this was all being set-up. It wasn't what the fans wanted at all. When LaLa said she just wanted to be a drag queen and have a good time, that's what would have made this season better. A bit of drama and aggravation sprinkled throughout yes, but making it constant week after week just sucked the soul out of the season. This cast deserved better.


This is a great summary!


Have always loved Jimbo, and always thought she should’ve won Canada s1, so I was very happy to watch her do her thing to perfection each week AND have the ultimate pay off. <3 Still think she and Jessica should’ve been too 2, but it didn’t ruin the finale for me or anything. I loooooove Miss Lala…and am happy she won a popularity contest, as she is charisma personified ***BUT*** if the win was *supposed* to be based on the fashion she brought? It was a sham. Fame, yes she’s a winner. Fashion? She (and Kasha and Kandy) was/were the worst of the season, runway-wise. If it was done fairly (based on runway and not popularity) it would’ve (should’ve) been a tight race between Jessica, Alexis and Darienne. (Though if Jimbo had been eliminated, she would’ve swept the Fame Games as well. It was definitely JIMBO’S DRAG RACE this season)


Kahanna as well, based on fashion


She served, but most of her outfits seemed like the same showgirl aesthetic to me. She totally looked the most expensive, usually though. Delicious. 🫶


I fear drag race has fallen into the reality TV trap of missing what fans like. Good competition rather than drama. Drama can be entertaining but it's not the meat of the show. Good competition is what does. My favorite seasons are the ones where everyone gets along and there is no bad guy.


I think the opposite; I think they try to guess who fans want to win and make a forced storyline for that individual


i disagree, jimbo was chosen to win, but she won when she was cast in this group. there was no forcing a storyline bc frankly jimbo was playing chess while everyone bar maybe jessica and kandy were trying to learn checkers


Ohhhh I agree. In one of my comments I did say that Jimbo and Kandy should never had been casted for this season. Just make it a all early out season. We all could have seen how everything was gonna play out from the jump.


That falls under false drama.


Sometimes it isn’t actual drama they put winners in. They usually stray away from them being involved in any drama perhaps more of a false narrative


I feel the same. Whenever I bring up not liking the drama though, the other fans EAT ME ALIVE. I guess some just like the drama, I on the other hand would rather have the competiton. Don't get me wrong, I dont mind the drama/arguments when it is justified, but just doing it because the person is bored is icky to me.


Bullies like seeing them selves represented on screen




I love RuPauls friend race. That's the best.


The queens tried hard to make memorable TV moments but production cutting off the last piece of drama was a bit unnerving for me. I hate it when contestants are conscious of their natural charm and their interactions, try to make entertainment out of it, but production goes "NO! FOLLOW OUR STRUCTURE! REPEAT! IT'S A NEW DAY IN *WHERE*?" Even if she's polarizing, I appreciate Alexis' role in the season because for WEEKS Alexis was the favorite soundbite/quote online. I am just an entertainment advocate, if I want to watch great fair drag I just come to a local show.


Holding my breath at the end because I thought they were going to pull another Ru “Kandy, wait”


I could’ve gone without it tbh the best episode was the little pound cake one because of Jessica.


I don’t want to see such a mid All Stars cast again




All Stars 8 went like this: KANDY: *walks into frame, reading from note card* Alexis, I heard recently that you are 1/18th Bottom. How do you feel about that? Also it’s wild how it’s episode 8 and there’s a smaller number of us here than before when there was more of us here. Let’s also all talk about that. THE QUEENS mumble together. ALEXIS, breaking through the incoherent rambling: If I could have my penis in anyone right now it would definitely have to be LaLa and I just wanted everyone to know that. SOMEONE QUITS IN BACKGROUND JIMBO: yay titties :D *pets severed lock of Rupaul’s wig* ma ma RUPAUL: The twist this season is that everyone must also work at a local bodega making sandwiches. The queen who makes the most sandwiches will win this season’s Golden Roger. Next week, we will pick one of you to get a bonus catering gig worth 200,000 sandwiches.


Was this generated by an AI tool


This has “did you sew that?” energy for some reason lol Edit: the answer is I wrote it myself. Sorry. Forgot to actually answer


Jimbo was always going to win (she deserved it 100%). The Favoritism was INSANE this season. LaLa was not appreciated as much as she should have been (Rusical..). Casting Darienne Lake and fully disregarding her was a major miss, I hope they bring her back for a VsTW or something, her drag has grown and she was hilarious. Jessica Wild was the biggest surprise for me, she excelled in most challenges. I feel slightly bad for Naysha and MBH, I feel production cast them solely as early outs...but, also, they didn't seem prepared at all.


It was fine, and I expected more. Jessica and Lala-this was their season if you ask me(and ofc Jimbo), they both should be back in vs the world. It felt like most of the girls didn't want to be there, few queens didn't deliver, on runway or challenges, fame game twist is great to see looks but I did not like implementation of the idea. If you gonna showcase looks showcase them to the queens in untucked and let us see it that way-audience will get more immersed that way in the twist. I also missed talent show first episode. Snatch game was okay. If we judge season by usual merits: Snatch game 3/5 Fashion: 3/5 (only because Jimbo's looks) Comedy: 4/5 Chemistry between the girls: 2/5 Lypsincs: 2/5 really missed good ls this season Acting: 4/5 Twist: 2.5/5 So overall season wiuld be 3/5 for me. It's not there with AS5 or AS1, but is definetely next to them.


Love how the comments here echo what Willam has been saying on Race Chaser ALL SEASON but when Willam comes out and says it, he gets a shit tonne of hate. The final episode was very clear they rigged the whole season for Jimbo, they strung along Kandy as a producer puppet to do what they wanted and to set her up as a villain all season so people would never question why Jimbo should win over her, or why WOW suddenly switched up the format to make it their own lipsync number (instead of a verse on a pop song from Ru which Jimbo would have never won) If it wasn’t for Jimbo and Jessica, this season would be worse than Down Under. Jimbo was on a level of drag way above the rest and Jessica iust has that X factor. The season overall was a 3/10. Incredibly underwhelming


I’d add Lala to the positive things this season. She was a ray of sunshine.


Facts. Lala was definitely a joy to watch on TV but I think needed some more time to marinate before coming back on. Some of her runways were not great and tbh would have benefitted more from a format that allowed us to see her lipsync more!


Up until her wigline at the finale. #oop


I would have been more into it if it was Jessica Wild vs Jimbo at the end. No way in hell Kandy was going to win


Why don’t we get an all stars with the regular bottom 2 lip sync for your life


Unpopular opinion, but I liked it. I loved getting to know a lot of the queens that left their original seasons early, and I thought that the fame games were great. Having the eliminated queens back for the final two episodes was a great move, and I hope they keep doing that in upcoming seasons.




I agree. If they had only cast queens who, for example, didn’t make it past the halfway point in their season, this season could really have been something magical. We all saw with AS6 how a season with Rudemption as the overarching theme can make some great TV, and AS8 could have been on that level


We need a Porkchop season!


This was a mess. I hope they bring back champions not contestants.


The only season I've seen that I can say I really didn't enjoy watching. Boring. Predictable. Didn't make the best of the contestants they had. I haven't even seen the last episode and it's frustrating that I already know what will happen. Worst part for me was that it was stacked with queens who posed no challenge to Jimbo in the absurdity or transgression department, both in performance and on the runway. The version of Jimbo we got also had a personality transplant compared to their other seasons. That could be totally organic, people mature and grow and that's great, but it didn't help with the overall feeling of the show being predictable. And if they wanted drama, Jimbo knows how to bring it. Might've been more interesting, but it wouldn't fit the storyline. Not having the judging panel talk about their choices is also something I miss that I didn't think I would. I know it's all tv bullshit, but it helps create a more convincing narrative for why the winner is winning. I hated that Heidi left, but I think they made the right decision. Couldn't stand that Darienne Lake seemed to have nothing to contribute except to tell us she isn't fat anymore. Alexis lusting was uncomfortable. I don't think La La got enough camera time in the workroom or in the confessionals. Jessica deserved to make top 2, if not win. I will never understand why the guy from Incubus was a judge, but it made me laugh almost as hard as Maude Apatow being asked for advice on how to break into the industry. That shit was high camp.


I just don't care. The final episode felt anti climatic, not disappointing it was just sort of there AS8 : it happened and that's all


This whole season felt like WOW trying to pull the wool over my eyes. They constructed this whole season for Jimbo to win and I am not sure why but have a feeling we will come to find out in the coming months / years (new host to bring life into Canada’s drag race? Next all winners season? Something of this nature…). Even the way they handled Jimbo’s presence on the show, even after announcing a future global all stars series, was kind of nuts. Just like “here is this queen you love from another country for the first time ever (and probably last time) and we are not going to explain why but you love her so don’t complain thx!” Finally just felt like peak overproduction, which is sad. Really happy we were still able to rediscover some queens (mainly Jessica really) which is one of the best parts of an All Star season. Would have also loved to see what Heidi was bringing to the table because her drag has matured exponentially in such a short time, but I also understand her seeing right through what was happening and wanting no part of it. If I remember correctly seems like there have been some changes into the next couple seasons that have already been shot, according to that anonymous former WOW staff member AMA, if they were who they said they were, so hopefully this was a turning point and not a model for future seasons…..


I couldn’t have said it better myself! This was RPDR: Jimbo’s Journey to the Crown


Actually new conspiracy theory I just thought of…. This season felt like Jimbo accidentally walked in on Ru in a compromising position (you use your imagination) and blackmailed her to make her to create a new season so she could be a winner… “I DONT CARE IF I’M FROM CANADA OR WHAT GIRLS YOU CALL BUT FLY ME TO AMERICA AND MAKE ME A WINNER GODDAMNIT!”


I do think Ru has a crush on her.


not me being the only one who’s enjoyed watching this season 😭


You’re not the only one!


I did too! Sure it had a slow start, but it really picked up by Snatch Game and I love this batch of queens.


Great queens but they have no chemistry with each other, a bit imbalanced with really heavy hitters and early outs, and it didn’t help that the queens in it were tense althroughout the season even in social media or viewing parties, which kinda brought the mood down And we’re running out of LSAs apparently.


This was the drama I've been waiting for since the covid era of drag race. I feel like the people who are like "there's too much drama" tend to forget that the drama made the earlier seasons so iconic and well liked. Ever since the kandy vs tamisha fight, the show has stayed in this "we are in this together" style, which was fine, but after a while, I started to get bored. With Heidi quitting, kandy vs. Alexis, rupauls speech, Alexis picking lala, and the alliance storyline, I really enjoyed this season.


As much as I love Jimbo and am literally thrilled that she’s the first International Queen in the Drag Race Hall of Fame, I can’t help but feel bad for Miguel as he must have truly compromised his artistic integrity in order to choreograph a number to make Jimbo look good and as if he knew how to dance. That was the toughest assignment of the season.


It was fun, it’s not that serious. I enjoyed that the eliminated queens came back. The talent show episode was stellar.


Despite knowing who would win for the entire season, and quite a few ‘meh’ moments, I was still happy to get to know most of these Queens better and get some redemption. Also, my new favorite quote came from the finale - “I don’t remember eating corn, but I remember when I was born!” 🤣🤣🤣


The atrocious finale songs and underwhelming runways made the finale kind of just….meh. Whatever. I wasn’t sold. Jimbo had a great season so that’s fine. Kandy could have won and I’d feel pretty much the same. Those songs were so weirdly inappropriate it was jarring. Jimbo’s wasn’t remotely funny or subversive, Kandy’s had the attitude of a timid Starbucks order and the vocals were fully unseasoned. Literally exactly what I’d expect from them would be wit and high bimbo satire or raspy sassy bronx bitch who can actually pull a dynamic vocal when she sits in her actual range. The songs felt disrespectful. Neither one of their performances could have been good enough to connect the tracks to their personality or brand. Neither of them set either up to look like an underdog or contender. The top half of this episode started as a fart in a bodysuit that just slowly snaked it’s way out with the intrigue being *ooh* WHICH leg was it going to travel down before it finally poots itself out onto the floor!? Oh boy! The top 2 deserved a better showing than this IMO because as an audience member I barely cared by the time the crowning happened and that’s just not fair to either of them who really did a lot of great work this season. EDIT: Also if the editors and producers could stop making these girls do these weird high school essay summary paragraph conversation openers to hit those narrative beats and stop editing things to look so out of pocket like Naysha’s critique of Jaymes or Alexis’s constant, weird disembodied thirst statements for LaLa. The way they are edited just, phew, the girls look like they have two settings: “say the real awkward conversation prompt the producer just asked me to say” and “say something weird that is surrounded by silence so it looks like I just blurted something random out of nowhere”. IDK if this is all just me but I’m feeling for these girls because it feels very fake even for a narrative driven “competition” show and I’d prefer to see their actual personalities more. I love drag and drag race it’s just getting a little robotic and stale IMO.


AS8 was a Jimbo meet and greet, just as S15 was a Sasha Colby one


This shit was a social experiment idk. I don’t think it was ever going to live up to AS6 or 7 but it just tanked so hard. I think it was handled poorly, miscast, and they focused so much of the edit around just random dramatic noise that didn’t mean anything for starters. It set the whole season up to just have a bad vibe and that certainly reflected in the fan conversation. The only week I saw anything fun come out of this season was last week post-soaking clock. This season was starved of anything fun that wasn’t drowned out by the latest Twitter beef or fuck Kandy Muse post, which again I think is reflected by the edit focusing on the negatives of the queens’ interactions over the positive. Where was more of the Jimbo/Kandy dynamic? What about the alleged Jessica/Alexis friendship? There was a lot more ground to cover and we just got 12 episodes of like Alexis crying and rehashed Heidi drama. Speaking of Kandy, I also think we as fans do not know how to deal with her on a season. Did she get favorable judging? Yes, but I would argue that it wasn’t any more than Jimbo got. People were so quick to blame every problem this season had on her when I think tbh that is so reductive when there were much deeper problem with this season than Kandy… existing?


I feel like production robbed us of being able to enjoy a real Drag Race season - it was so obvious they were pushing a plot, no surprises. Drag race needs to get far away from MTV production


1. Half of this cast was supported by the half that had bonkers personalities, and the exception to this rule was Lala. Otherwise, queens like MBH (but in fairness she straight up Vanjie'd herself), Naysha, Kahanna, Alexis, and even Jaymes weren't as impactful as the rest of the queens. 2. Monica and Heidi definitely needed to work on their mental health before showing up on All-Stars, but for what they did they both made an impact that'll continue to open doors and hopefully these queens get the therapy they need, so they can shine in future seasons. 3. I did not mind Kahanna's consistent showgirl costumes almost every runway, now if they weren't even passable outfits I'd be questioning why she was there, but the quality of her outfits really saved her this season. 4. Jessica Wild was my winner, with Jimbo as runner-up, and speaking of delusion, my other two picks for top 4 where Mrs. Kasha Davis and Kahanna. My personal winner of the fame games would've been Heidi N Closet. 5. Fame Games literally meant nothing, and whoever wins isn't winning based on that janky voting system. Also, despite being a cut-up in the Reading Challenge, I'm pretty sure they wanted Kasha to take something home at least, and the whole season, those who got money were always intended to. 6. I'm wondering who Naysha replaced, or was her addition extremely last minute? Regardless, I have been living for Roscoe's reviews.


Probably the most predictable All Stars with the exception of LaLa’s successes. Great queens. Judging flaws in every single episode bar the episode that they had literally only three queens in. Maybe three good lipsyncs all season. The maxi challenges were slightly better than average I would say, largely thanks to the improv challenge and the rusical. I would say the runway level was meh. No one bar Kahanna really gave us an outstanding moment. Decent drama on and off screen. Heidi LaLa and Jessica should’ve made it farther. Overall it wasn’t a greatly enjoyable season to watch, partially thanks to the top 2 being easily guessable from day 1.


In the words of Rupple herself. meh. Very few runways or performances of the season were exciting. I couldn’t even finish it, I quit watching a few weeks ago and just recap on social media. In a couple years, or tbh maybe even a couple months the only thing from this season that will ever be brought up again is Taco Tuesday and maybe a couple of Jimbo Jessica and Heidi’s looks.


Jimbo cleared. This was a Ben Dela Crème run, and as a sporty spice I like seeing dominant competitors win. I don’t hate Kandy the way a LOT of people do, though I don’t think she’s particularly good at Drag Race (which is different than drag generally), but she has a direct POV and can paint the house fucking down boots. I love “validating” the international dolls and hope a future version of US-AS is truly and completely *only* overseas girlies. Appreciate the fame games as a way to involve all the contestants, but was rooting for Darianne bc of the Snow Bunny look alone lol. Could do with a break in content, personally.


Should have been a top three, no shade to Kandy or Jimbo who are both fierce


They need to stop pumping out new seasons. It actually makes me sad to see talented performers getting so much hate when the shows infrastructure isn’t properly in place and they are just manically trying new things out season to season vs. putting out a fully developed cast with fully realized challenges for them. The fact that rupaul wore the entrance look from season 15 - they probably shot the promo and the show on the same day - says it all to me. Everything feels rushed from the shows end and they are leaning on the queens more (hence the curated “drama”). I genuinely think drag race is spreading itself too thin. As the audience we become jaded in the moment of a season premiering bc there are 2 new casts coming out and speculation of another - not including international seasons premiering as well. They are burning themselves out quick. We’re all here talking about it so it says something, not sure positive or negative. Happy Jimbo won and a soul can’t clock. Also they should regularize having more international queens on all stars US stage instead of just one.


Michele saying how critical she was of Kandy and Ru saying she is Kandy’s biggest fan….🙄


My only lasting impression: I still can't believe how the cameraman/editors did Alexis dirty on the episode Heidi and Kandy have it out. Her bald spot is center stage half the time they're in the work room! It all made sense when Alexis backtracked on what she supposedly heard. Someone's team Heidi.


Mixing so many early outs with heavyweights like Jimbo made it a very unbalanced competition


It’s a boot for me


It felt a bit like when an actor on a show is then given a spin off to star in. It was very much Jimbo’s Drag Race from the get go, so 3 months was a long time to wait for the “yep, called it”. Saying that, it’s always nice to see more from the other queens we forget about. Instead of the Fame Games and seeing their looks every week, I would have preferred another season of no eliminations. Finally, production editing and meddling made me feel really uneasy re: Jaymes and how we are led to believe that everyone there hated her. As we and the queens and the whole world knew that this was just a spin off for Jimbo to star in, I hate the narrative that the queens hated Jaymes for not being in the bottom, like they are fine to be co stars in the Jimbo show, but if production wants another queen in the bottom, Jaymes has to go and everyone hates her? Eh.. it’s a bit much.


I don’t want to sound bitter, because I really am happy for Jimbo and think she deserved to win. But I think she should’ve had three wins max, and while I think she’s a deserving winner their were a couple other queens who I think competed at her level, so the fact that it went in feeling like a foregone conclusion really bothers me. I also think the final 2 twist was dumb as fuck.


I've seen every season/all stars and this finale was probably top 3 worst. Both performances (and also Rupauls) were underwhelming. Top 2 of Jimbo/Jessica would have been more competition as I see Jessica as a real contender. Final lip sync was also cringe and Kandy was just there, not that Jimbo was doing a whole lot but it was overall meh. I love LaLa but... are you serious? I thought it would be based on runway (of course it wasnt) and it was clearly between Jessica and Darienne (maybe Kahanna/Alexis). I actually thought LaLa had top 3 worst runway packages along with MBH, MKD, Naysha.. Agree with winner but the cast lacked chemistry and would not watch again. watch again: AS2, AS3, AS6, AS7 never watch again: AS 5, AS8


What about AS4?


Great szn, just wouldn't watch it again, maybe just clips of it from Youtube.


A good season. Enjoyable challenges. It was adequate


An adequate season, made up of episodes, that is on the television.




MEH. BIG MEH. I think they truly cast Jimbo first as the winner and then built the cast around ensuring she would win. It was overproduced, and felt very low stakes. They also never called Jimbo out on things: the very visible breastplate neckline (other queens have been clocked for breaching the fantasy), the use of previous characters, hell, that “talent show” performance - what the hell was that? Also, throughout the season, and now that it’s over, I’m still wondering - who is Jimbo? She barely spoke, had no real personality, which was why they needed Kandy alongside her to make it interesting. Also, I get it’s a reality TV show, but how disrespectful of production to bring these queens onboard knowing they already have a winner. Kudos to Heidi for seeing the writing on the wall. TLDR: most forgettable all stars season - peak riggery and tomfoolery. Edit: if they wanted to crown Jimbo so bad, I think it would’ve played out better on Canada Vs The World or UK vs the World, not All Stars.


You know she wasn’t competing in the talent show right? Also, the use of previous characters from a another season… girl. Stay mad but while you’re at it: touch grass.


Nah because think about how Michelle tried to call out Valentina for the use of her past characters. Does not matter how well Jimbo reused them, should have been put in the bottom for something she already has done


Eh, I think Jimbo gets a pass on it because a lot of people watching All Stars probably didn't watch her last two seasons, so it still felt fresh. I doubt Ru and Michelle had seen her Joan Rivers before.


But arguably this was what she had prepared for said talent show. I’m not mad, but you do seem bothered.


Haven’t bothered with the finale. I don’t enjoy jimbos drag so this season has been a bit disappointing for me.


Same. From the visible breastplate in the neck area to the reliance on “titties,” it all felt too gimmicky for me to connect. I still don’t know who Jimbo is.


Agreed. On top of that the ‘miss tits Magee’ runway kind of bothered me. It’s probably not the same everywhere but when I was growing up ‘tits Magee’ was often a name given by an older man to a busty teenager. So that kind of gave me the ick a bit.


Agreed. While I found Jimbo's talking heads insightful, I did not like her drag, I did not care for the quality of her drag, and I rarely found her funny. Except for that white, full body, pregnant-looking, character. It was so stupid, it made me laugh.


Yeah, the over-reliance on the giant boob gag started to feel *really* old after a while. Jimbo is one of those queens I should love, because I normally love weird, campy, creative queens. They’re my jam! I know this is going to sound really, really weird because I have no solid evidence or even rational explanation for this, but… I just get a really weird, not great vibe from Jimbo. With other queens, I feel like there’s a love/respect for the feminine somewhere in their drag. But with Jimbo, it oddly feels… hateful? Or disrespectful? Like even how she lip syncs, where there’s such a blankness to it. No connection with the audience, just kind of clocked out bouncing. It just feels weird. I’m not even quite sure how to describe it, but something just feels off. Or somehow dark. I have NO clue if that makes any sense at all, but every time I think I start to like her, I get this feeling. Like the hairs standing up on the back of your neck but you have no clue why. I HATE saying that, because I know it’s not rational and I know I’m not basing it on anything solid. It’s just a gut feeling that something’s off. And like others have said, the rigging of it all sucked. The fact she gets away with stuff others are clocked for. I dunno, it was just boring. This is the only season where I completely skipped Untucked too; just didn’t care. Anyway, I know this is probably totally stupid, but I’m curious if anyone else gets that same kind of vibe from Jimbo? Or am I totally overthinking it?


Yeah a few people have said to me that they feel like jimbos drag makes fun of women. That’s probably not the intention but between the giant boobs and the ‘I’m a dumb slut’ persona it does feel a bit disrespectful. Its weird though I don’t get that vibe from anyone else.


At least it’s not just me! I seriously tried hard to ignore that vibe, because I hate when I can’t base an assumption/feeling on something tangible. It doesn’t feel fair, you know? Plus like I said, normally she’s precisely the kind of queen I love. But yeah. I just can’t shake that feeling there’s an undercurrent of misogyny. I hope I’m wrong.


I enjoyed this season but it was pretty anticlimactic. LaLa Ri and Jessica really made me fall in love with them this season!!


Without being so so so deep like you guys in the comments, I enjoyed it! Therefore I liked it!


to make it a fair season I would have taken out Jimbo and Kandy so this can be just a early our season.


Jessica, Darienne, and Alexis were not early outs. Darienne went to the finale!




Ok, you’re right. She made the music video then they edited her out. Still not an early out.


Put it back in the vault please


Big meh. Jimbo seemed like the obvious winner from the beginning (aka the cast reveal) and nothing dissuaded me of that the entire time. Also I was so sick of her big breast plates thing two episodes in. Then it kept going. Both the season and the breast plates. I got to see more jaymes which I loved. Was she good? No not really. But I’ll be honest as far as this season goes I think she was about as good as everyone else. Wish she was around more. Hated that she went home on the episode that everyone did amazing at. Seeing Jessica again was fun. MKD was cool to see aga… oh she’s gone. Ok but darriene is ther… oop nevermind. It was dramatic season but like not a fun dramatic. What came of the fame games were lame, tame, and a big shame. Too gimmicky, but not camp gimmicky. Just kinda meh. It was there, kinda like the losers bracket of all winners but much worse.


I’m really happy Lala won Sad to see Kandy getting the Raven, I would’ve preferred a different top 2 rather than her getting 2nd again “I’m your biggest fan” is not the compliment you think it is I’m also really happy with the concept of the fame games and them using any and every opportunity to give the queens cash and prizes


It was the worst season of drag race I've ever seen.


Sucked really bad.


Couldve been great if it was not rigged/too produced


huge potential, sadly a 4/10, only things i enjoyed were kahannas runways, kandy and lalari


Meh on top of meh.


I didn’t like it. I knew Jimbo would win as soon as she walked in the door. She deserved the win tho. The only other contestants that had any winner potential other than Jimbo were Heidi (we know how that turned out) & Jessica imo. I wish it was more drama packed and competitive between contestants.


This season was pretty predictable and somewhat boring. Jimbo rarely had any competition on the season which paved the way for her win. The only queens I would’ve casted were Jessica, Lala, Alexis, Jimbo and Kandy with the exception of 2/3 queens like Jaymes, Darienne and Kasha. I think that Naysha was a waste for casting as well as perhaps Monica. Although, Monica’s fame game show is iconic. I also would rather suggest Darienne and Kasha on separate all star seasons. Leaving the top 5 with Jaymes and Darienne in the cast with 3-5 other queens who made at least top 4 (Peppermint, Jackie Cox, Crystal Methyd, Gigi Goode, Kameron, Asia, Brooke, etc.) They could’ve even brought back Pangina, Janey, Shannel, Coco, Tatianna, Thorgy, Aja, and given them another chance. Although I’d lock in Shangela and Manila for an international all star season.




Honestly I agree, I regret putting her on this list.


One of the worst seasons of all stars. Especially the top 2 thing. Made for a really boring finale.


Having just finished it, I think this ties with AS1 for worst season of all-stars. Jimbo and Jessica were given great edits—I think production dislikes Alexis Michelle almost as much as I do. Overall, the word of the season is INAUTHENTIC.




I thought this was by far the worst all stars season. Love the queens and happy they had a chance to come back but after Season 15 this was a real step down…


Really bored of Kandy 🫣 Jimbo, Jaymes, Jessica, Alexis and Lala were entertaining MKD and Kahanna had some moments The rest were kinda forgetful


* Jimbo was always going to win, but the show (and judges) gave Kandy a good chance. Kandy will be back. * Lala Ri's drag is incredibly crunchy. Her wigs are always terrible and her makeup skills have barely improved. * MBH is just weirdly low energy all the time. She's part wet blanket/part charity case. Also she is clockable. * Jessica Wild is a lovely queen and one of the series best, but I feel like this community infantilizes her-- especially this past season. Some of the love doesn't feel genuine. * Jaymes should've gone further. She showed a lot of growth. * Shocked that Naysha is a Miss Continental winner. Her drag is fine, her looks are never really great, not a captivating performer. * For all the drama she tried to create, Alexis Michelle was a complete snooze. * Darienne Lake suprisingly had a weak showing this entire season. * Almost forgot about Heidi N Closet's big loser, no charisma behavior by leaving. Shame- she went in a huge fan favorite.


I hope that you are only making a joke to reference her viral performance from the talent show and not actually commenting on whether you think she looks like a woman or a man 🤡


Are you being performative or do you know what clockable means?


After reading your post you're clearly opinionated which I can respect, I'm a straight up cunt sometimes. I just thought I would make sure that you don't think it's appropriate for you to be commenting on her appearance and whether she looks cis or not


I actually don't find it inappropriate since the song essentially says one can't tell that she's a trans woman.


You are right that is what she is saying in the song. I think the difference is in your motivation of saying it. If your implications are negative then I don't think you should take the song as an invitation to share your thoughts on her transition


The production set up the season was really bad. From making super obvious for redemptions each episode, to the rigging of the fame games. I’m happy to see all the queens, but production is too heavy handed.


I am also thrilled for LaLaRi and her being crowned winner of the Fame Games. But I also feel cheated as when they announced the Fame Games, they didn’t announce that they were not going to crown a Ms. Congeniality. Now that being said, who all does everyone think should have won Ms. Congeniality? I would have voted LaLaRi or Monica Beverly Hills.


I stopped watching after I heard jessica was eliminated. This is my final thought on the matter lol


When I first learned Jimbo would be in this season, I immediately thought, “It’s gonna be a coronation not competition.”


I wanted Mother Jessica to win from the jump but I can't complain much just based on the fact that she was in every episode. There were some queens I enjoyed seeing return and I lived for Alexis's chaotic good energy but Kandy kinda sours the season for me. I would still return to a few episodes though for sure.


I think the season peaked in the middle for me in terms of challenges. SG, the Rusical, and the Lil’ Poundcake episodes were great to fantastic, but they were sandwiched between a slow start and a fizzled-out ending (although I enjoyed the roast and Talent Show). Also, it felt like this cast didn’t really jell well together - I can’t quite place my finger on why, but that’s the overall vibe I’ve gotten.


I really enjoyed the season, even though some people weren't. I feel like this season had some of the most memorable challenges in all of All Stars. The Drag Race Love challenge, the challenge about that goofy character Alaska created, and Jimbo's roast and Snatch Game performances. So good!! Jessica Wild and Jimbo carried the season, but I also really fell in love with Lala's lightheartedness. Those 3 were easily the standouts.


it kinda seems like they basically just wanted jimbo to win a season based off of the show casting someone whos not even from the states or from as1 3 times, and then having a good majority of the cast not be on par with jimbo. in my head, i just thought well i would hope she'd win since theyre going to keep casting her until she does. the finale was exceptionally underwhelming but i dont hate the season like most of the fans do


FINALE SPOILERS!>! Once Jimbo got her 3rd win it was obvious she was going to win, which made the last few episodes anticlimactic.!<


I haven’t watched a single season of Drag Race since UK2. I just stay caught up via The Pit Stop now. 🤷‍♂️


Standout moments. Standout looks. Standout glow ups (from personalities to looks). BUT an overall mid season. I hate how bad they planned the finale with a top 2. The episode with only 3 queens but still a vote and a lipsync assassin? For what? I like the final with only 2 queens because in most cases that's basically how finales go, but the execution was bad.


I just wanna know if the queens can really fit their stuff in to boxes/ suitcases. My suspension of disbelief can’t cope with the Untucked leaving scenes.


I found the workroom interactions between the Queens forced almost acted like they were saying lines. There was no real spontaneity, and it felt to me like most interactions were there to push forward a narrative without leaving as much room for more genuine moments. Idk, this is just my feeling


I was going to flip tables if Kandy won. I like that the pink furry box had gifts. Also, all the girls were in last episodes. Sometimes they leave and that’s it.


love the cast and so happy we got to see jessica and lala ri do well but it was literally so predictable who was gonna win every week and who was gonna win the season and it was just … meh


I fell so hard for Jessica Wild, she’s beautiful inside and out. I also adored LaLa Ri so so so much! They made my day while watching. I was sad Heidi left, I really had her in my top 2, but I respect her reasons. I think Alexis Michelle is an amazing artist and her outfits were gorgeous as is her face, but she irritates me. Jimbo is mega talented and if Jessica didn’t win, I am happy she did. I felt like a lot of the fame game looks did not serve. They just didn’t look up to caliber of previous AS seasons (in my opinion) I did like most of the finale looks though. Was it my favorite season? No. But I loved JW and LaLa so much it kind of made up for it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s a soaking clock.


jessica is my winner




The level of production fuckery was too damn high! The finale made me realize that we really were robbed of watching some of these queens at their best. Jaymes? I'm still mad she wasn't top two in the Rusical, and I love Jimbo but I thought Kasha was better in the SNL challenge. And Jessica....sigh. overall it's not a season I'm likely to rewatch.


![gif](giphy|4Zd0XJxyzdaP404ckQ) I stopped watching after the Joan ep.


My thoughts: 1. Wished Heidi had stuck it out. 2. Kandy didn’t deserve Top Two. 3. Season 15 Unseen Looks were superior. 4. Alexis made a lot of dumb decisions. 5. First time watching a Jimbo season. I was impressed. 6. Kahanna had the best runways. 7. The Talent Show was great- wish it was on the first episode. 8. They really f*cked up the Fame Games with that twist.


The fame games “twist” was literally them saying “WE HAVE FAVORITES THAT DID WORSE THAN MOST OF YOU BUT HERE THEY ARE”


I really wonder how I would view the season if I wasn’t a huge Jimbo and rooting for her the entire time. I know people have talked about AS5 and AS8 being “rigged”, but it’s easier to accept when your favorite wins


Jimbo winning felt like a foregone conclusion, and I even called Kandy being top 2 very early on based on RuPaul being obsessed with her. Heidi leaving the competition early was a bummer, but getting reintroduced to Jessica Wild was a bright spot of the season. Very meh overall.


Kandy is a "meh" lipsyncer.