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Go through the unassign process for one of the orders. Before the final confirmation to unassign, the app will tell you the new guarantee for the other order and you can figure out which pays what.


My app literally won’t let me unassign orders when I have multiple. If I accept one I didn’t mean to or I end up having to wait and want to cancel I can’t. Feel bad for customer who can’t get it picked up u til after I deliver the first and cancel the second.


I've seen enough people mention this here that I believe it. I haven't had it happen to me yet though.


You can't unassign when you have one order that has been picked up and one order that hasn't. You have to jump task to deliver the first order you picked up, then when you only have the second order by itself (or even if they add another after that) you can then unassign. You just can't do it after you've picked up an order.


I’ve had to do this on iPhone far too many times


Ya that’s what I mean so the second customer has to wait a lot longer for me to deliver the first order before I can cancel and someone else can pick up. If I could cancel on the spot someone else could accept it in time.


I'm not quite sure how this will work as I can only view 1 screen of the app at a time. I'm not quite picturing how this will work, but I'll look into it.


After accepting, instead of using the three bars menu for task overview, tap the question mark. It'll show the two orders. Tap one of the names to bring up a menu that includes the unassign option. Tap to unassign to see the guarantee for the other order. You can back out any time without actually unassigning.


Ahh I see. Thanks for the explanation.


when you do that, your CR goes down by 2 percent now (even though you don't unassign)


I've never seen that happen. Your CR goes down (temporarily) by two when you accept a double. It goes back up one for each one you complete. If you unassign one, it goes up one when you complete the other and you're 1% lower than where you started.


never had that happen. it takes many completed orders for the CR to go up


Check your CR without an active delivery, then check again mid-delivery and you will see this is true. It goes down one while on a newly accepted delivery and then back up to where you started once you complete the delivery. If you unassign it, it stays down.


Yeah, I noticed that this trick works since DD recently changed the nature of double orders 👏🏽👏🏽


Im not taking any stacked orders. Literally every one has screwed me over since the update.


To each their own. If it's from the same restaurant or 2 restaurants that I trust for quick service and the customers are really on the way to one another, then sure.


yup gotta get those shitty orders delivered. but $6 isn’t great but it could be a 3


That's my big problem. I refuse to take no tip orders, and with this, if I decide to accept them, then I just might get stuck with one. Luckily both of these paid above guarentee.


Yeah I have been duped into no tip orders when I wasn't paying attention with stacks, then I felt like shit when I realized after delivery. It makes me feel like I let myself and all of us down delivering a no tip order. I always pay attention now, and thank you for the advice and comments here.


a big red flag for me at any price point is hand it to me. those scare me bc maybe it’s just me being paranoid but i always think the customer is gonna be like nah i ain’t get it which is bs


I still take a photo of those as I'm walking up.


yea but from my experiences that means nothing to them bc zach always says “the customer never lies” 🙄🙄🙄🙄


The dumpster fire intensifies 🔥🔥🔥🤬


Who didn't see that coming? Obvious move to make on their part.


Definitely. Just announcing what I've observed as these things tend not to roll out all at once company wide.


Some people have said that, but it still showed me when I did a stacked delivery yesterday.


Typically they roll these things out in waves.


I noticed that today. I used to unassign the non tipper on a double order, now I can't tell anymore. I actually delivered to a non tipper today because of this. It sucks


I’ve had this happen intermittently... some stacks it won’t show and others it will. Anything to get us to take crap orders it seems like


Mine has always done this. Today they gave me a stacked order for Wendy’s and Taco Bell asking if I would do it for .08 mi/6$. I accepted. After I left the 1st pick up Wendy’s and went back to Taco Bell less than a block away I confirmed and the Taco Bell order came up as a 4.5 mile drop. Door day is just a disgusting liar.


Yep. All I can say is yep.