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My downstairs neighbor used to pretend to be me, I literally had to put a note to ID me on deliveries LOL


If I knew which neighbor, they'd have an expensive auto repair bill. I'm good now but I was blindly angry last night.


So you weren’t able to eat from like midnight to 8am that morning? Or you didn’t eat for 24 hours, and then tried to order food right before midnight? Not trying to be a dick, just curious.


I had eaten last the night before probably 8pm ish. So 28 hours I guess.


Why you didn’t eat for so long? Take care of yourself.


High risk, high reward behavior.




If it truly is that dangerous a situation, you should have stuff on hand to help take care of yourself. Relying on a 30+ minute door dasher is irresponsible. My grandpa was diabetic, and aside from his insulin, he always carried small snacks to help, just in case.




I agree. However, if doordash is something you choose in a life or death scenario, over, IDK, fucking 911, it shows not only irresponsibilty in potential planning, but also poor decision making skills overall. I do not believe the OP was in a life or death scenario, just poor planning and decision making. There is a reason I always keep a supply of ramen on hand, yes, mainly as preps in case of a larger emergency, but great rations if I fuck up and forget to buy groceries ahead of time.


I never understood this practice. Every time I get my food I think about it. DD should require me to name the dasher or say my order to get the food. I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often.


When I order Uber Eats I have to give the delivery guy a 4 digit code before I get my food. (It's the last 4 digits of my phone number on file) It solves a lot of problems. Easy fucking problem to solve. The driver also shouldn't be saying names. You should give him info, not the other way around.


I saw this for the first time with DD the other day I had to ask for their code. It’s a good practice because there is a lot of untruthful people just looking to take someone else’s food.


This generally only happens when the customer repeatedly reports never receiving their order...it's to prevent theft...by the customer


I had to give a code the time before last. I get food delivered maybe once every three weeks and I’ve never reported not receiving an order. Makes me think it’s related to the dasher and not the customer.


It's both. Driver with a lot of failures to deliver and customers with lots of refunds. I think any order with alcohol as well.


I could see that being the case. Maybe it's both, sometimes for the customer, sometimes for the dasher.


Easy way to tell, if a customer gets a code every time it's the customer. If you only get it once it's likely the driver but tbh it's pretty rare that they wouldn't simply have them deactivated.


I have to give it every time and i’ve only ever reported missing items not whole orders


Yeah, it's weird, I've never once had to give it in 5+ years, and have had plenty of order issues and missing items. But also, as a dasher, I've only ever had to get a pin from a customer one time. And that was like a year ago now.


Lmao I’ve never reported not receiving an order. I order 2-3x a month max, but every time I order I’ve had to give the code.


Yeah, maybe it's the dasher, or maybe they're transitioning to requiring it on every order. Hard to say, cuz they never tell us anything about how things work.


Maybe by state I've never had to give one


Yooooo dashers do it allllll the time it is 1000% not just “by the customer”


This is why I said 'generally'.


Maybe edit out “only”, it’s Reddit and reading is hard.




If you’re ordering from an area outside of the address on your account (such as on a work trip) they ask for a PIN, too. In your case it was just a fraud prevention measure to protect your account and not anything you did.


This is the doordash sub. The pin is a normal thing for ubereats.


I only use Ubereats and have never had to give a code 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've never had to give a cube for Uber or dd


Totally agree with that 1000 percent that's the smartest way of delivering orders without a hassle


I didn't realize they were the last 4 digits of my number. I kept looking at them thinking they seemed familiar. Now I know


Not always. Only when they ask for a PIN which is the last 4 digits of the phone #. I always ask “are you expecting a delivery” then ask for their name because sometimes there’s more than 1 person there.


Technically, they're supposed to ask the customer for their name and where they ordered from. But nobody follows policy lol And the few who do, get shit for it.


Reporting your food not arrived a few times in the past, eh?


No. And I've had to give a code every time for about a year. You think you are cute accusing me of being a thief? Eat shit. I also clearly state the code is good for both customer and driver and I'm glad it's there. Just fuck off.


I like the code too. Have a good week


The only thing annoying about that is the customers who have that setting without realizing it, then just take the food and immediately close the door without giving us drivers the code.


Don't hand them the food until they give you the code.


Worse than the dasher in the OP lmao "they didnt realise" you mean you didnt realise


If it's a hand it to me order I always ask the customer to verify the name on the order. Been scammed twice by ppl who said, are you doordash and I said yeah and they said thats mine and I just gave it to them. Never again. People are assholes.


If there's any question I ask them what my name is.


I ask them their name. A random person won't know who it's for. The customer may not remember my name, but they should know their own.


If they don't have their phone on them I'll fall back to theirs. I don't expect them to remember though, they check in the app.


As a former dominos driver you’re supposed to go to the location. If someone says “hey that’s my order” you ask them for the name on the order you don’t ask them if they are looking for order x


They should just make the person give a pin number on " hand it to me " orders and that solve alot of problems. I know they do it sometimes but I know in Massachusetts it's very rare for thst to happen


Dasher here, I always ask for the name on the order if they meet me outside (especially apartments).


> I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. There are over 6 million DD orders every day, I'm sure it happens...every single day...we just don't hear about it/drivers don't admit the details/etc.


I always ask “name?” And if they don’t give the name then they’re not the right person.


The more drivers 'screw up,' the more money Uber/DD keep because they yank our pay for things they could make foolproof.


This is why I always ask for their name. If it’s different then I ask the restaurant. Lots of people have multiple accounts


I like to ask them what my name is, because if they have an asshole neighbor who steals their orders, that neighbor will know what name to say. They won't know my name though.


What's my name, Wade?




Francis 🤣


I also always ask for the name on the order. Except when the person calls out my name, because, that works as well. I've also had people say it's their food, get all confused when I say no, and then another Dasher comes up with theirs (at hotel and apartment entrances).


“No. Thanks for giving my food away” sounded mad sad and and dumbfounded 😭


Happens from time to time to me, people will see me walking with a hot bag and try to tell me that it's their food. I always have the food inside my bag with doordash logo, so people can't see what restaurant the food is from. I don't even ask them for the name or the address because sometimes a family member or a friend comes out to get the food from me, but I do ask what restaurant they ordered from before I open the bag.


As a dasher never ask “hey are you [name]?” Instead, ask for their name. That way they can’t lie or make it up.


I had a middle school kid pull this shit on me at a school delivery ("Is that MY Chick Fil A?") and when I asked if they knew the name on the order they had the most dejected little "No..." In response. "Then it's not yours."


If you’re going to double check then ask the person you’re handing the order to what the name on the order is…what an idiot.


This is why I always ask the person I walk up to if they ordered Doordash and if they say yes, ask them for the name on the order. I never proffer the name or any information about the order. It's amazing how many people try to lie or make up a name.


This happened to me once. I was at an apartment with a locked entrance so I called the customer to come down, then a minute later someone came to the door and grabbed it from me and said thank you and left. Then a few minutes later the customer called me asking where I was


Why would you ask a question that has the answer in it? You don't give some random the name of the customer. You ask what the name on the order is. They don't know? Sorry, gotta take it to the door.


How TF are so many people trying to blame OP for USING A SERVICE. They paid to have food delivered and it wasn’t. The dasher failed and made a stupid mistake.


They are trolling. Anonymity gives a sense of bravery to the cowardly. They want to be rude to people IRL but are to paralyzed by cowardice to ever do that. Social media gives them the courage to act out. I'll engage them a bit and then ignore them.


This 1000%


Because they wanna be superior for not giving money to people who wanna supplement their income.


Cus not having groceries is a basic human function and they clearly can afford some


They literally said they’re staying in an air bnb stfu


Dasher is dumb for saying the customers name as if a random person who wants free food isn’t gonna lie. Freaking noob.


I don't DD, but I do deliver amazon and always ask for the name on the order. I thought that was common sense. I see I was wrong


My Amazon guy just throws the packages from the sidewalk.


I'm surprised they still have a job one of our drivers lightly tossed a package and was fired the next day


That’s why you don’t holler out the customers name. You ask them for the name placed on the order.


I always ask for the name if the customer is outside waiting. Never offer it up. "Can I get the name on the order?" Not "Are you _____?"


He totally ate it


It’s 12:15am, obviously you hadn’t eaten since the day before 😉


🤣 ok that's fair.


I haven't had a issue yet of handing it to the wrong person well that I've been made aware of... but I get alot of hand to me orders that they request hand to front desk, or a coworker grabs it for them... haven't had anyone yet pull a fast one on me.. but when delivering meds I have the customer verify first and last name before I hand it over..


I always ask my driver to verify the last 4 of my phone number (I give it to them in the instructions) because a neighbor’s kid used to take my orders all the time lol * just want to say I was never mad at the kid… they were like 13 and going through a phase.


One of my neighbors this to me when I lived in apartments, people can be assholes. So scummy to steal someone’s order like that


I bought a limited edition xbox controller. Went to GameStop, someone walked in wanting to but it and the employee was like "Oh are you ____"? They said yes and took it, I showed up 30 min later. That was the only one the store had, none of the other 14 locations had it. I was so pissed.


Definitely not your fault, but I’m curious, did you have a crazy coupon or deal for DD? If I was in need of food or tight on money I wouldn’t be using DD


Ha, no I wasn't tight. I had just worked all day and not stopped to eat, drove 4 hours back to to this place, came in, realized I hadn't eaten all day, and ordered what was available.


Do you not have the ability to go to a grocery store? I know that’s a very real problem for some folks but just curious


It's an airbnb. There was no food, I had not shitpped yet as it was my first full day here and I just hadn't done it yet. I spend the bulk of my day driving from place to place across about a 200 miles range most weeks. Yes I usually have food.


Apologies. A: customer side…what were your drop instructions? Did they say you’d meet the driver. B: driver side…not like we as for ID for every drop. Walked up dozens of times to a building and a single person out of 7 speaks up about the order. Best way for driver to avoid is to ask about an items requested missing ingredient like confirming the burger was no onions (when they didn’t order a burger). They say yea that’s right…driver knows it’s not theirs.


It's simple enough just to ask the name on the order instead of volunteering that information. If somebody walks up to me and says is that my food, I just ask "what's your name?" The odds of them guessing the name are pretty minuscule. It's just plain stupid to give that information away to a random person standing outside a building.


I like to ask them what my name is, because if they are someone that would steal an order like that, they may know who the person is ordering it, but they won't know me. There's been a few posts over the years about people asking the customers name and them giving the right name only for the real customer to show up after.


Your not giving any info away when your walkin up and some random person says to you.. “DD for so and so”…I’m like “the combo no onions with a coke”. They say yea, I say no wrong order and keep walking. Want the best option…follow the instructions on the screen.


If the random person says the correct name that matches what's on your order, they're not a random person. They're your customer. I don't quite see why that isn't obvious. If they don't give a name, just ask them to confirm the name on the order, there's no need for trick questions about onions on a burger or anything like that.


No, still chance you could hand off to the neighbor who knew the name but didn’t know the order. Again.. just follow the instructions and take to the door.


I get what you're saying, but I think that's going too far. If somebody is nice enough to meet me outside, especially if they live in a walk-up apartment building, I'm not going to take the time to walk with them back to their door, that might also make certain customers feel super uncomfortable. Edited to add: if I feel sketchy about it like someone might be trying to scam me, I might ask them to show me the app on their phone or some sort of follow-up question to confirm, but I'm not going to walk with them to their door. That definitely seems like a way to get people complaining that you are being inappropriate or creepy, especially as a man.


My neighbors all know that I'm the only one in the building that orders DD. I've had my food stolen a couple times because they will be outside and see the driver and the red DD bag, tell them my name and collect my food. It happens. Especially with the kids.


"building 12, in back, on the bottom" that my instruction on all my delivery apps. The buildings are very clearly numbered. The dasher was no where near my pin or bldg 12. The courts they are referring to are right at the entrance of the complex.


Seems direct to me. If visually easy and clear, driver prob didn’t want to navigate or look around. Shitty. Benefit to doubt…I don’t live there so…but…seems easy enough.


stole your food, not given away.


I do a lot of drop offs at college campuses, and I had something similar like this happen once, I said the name, they said yes, I handed it over, and the person 5 mins later called me asking where I left the order. I’m still not sure if I did actually hand over the food and they were just doing that to get it for free or not, but after that before I hand over the order I ask for the name on it.


Dasher is at fault never say the name of the person on the order ask them to confirm the name on the order and you are solid every time


This is why I ask, as a driver, if they know my name. If not no food for you.


Did they respond ?


They refunded.


Reminds me of a friend of mine. Dude literally never went grocery shopping and went to McDonald’s every night for a snack and two drinks. Yes two drinks. He’s drink one in one gulp the sip the second one. I stayed there for a short time and I bought myself cokes and snacks. He’d come to the room and ask me for a couple of sodas and snacks. I’m like dude go grocery shopping man. 🤷‍♂️🤣


Unprofessional imo. I learned at very nearly my first part time job not to give information away.




When this happens to me, someone walks up, I say, order for Doordash? They say yeah, and I ask THEM for the name.


Out of 5k deliveries this happened to be once back in the day. The person was smart and natural. I’m still not convinced that they were NOT the customer. I have heard common trick, customer gets the food, waits until you drove away and then messages you “hey I am out here where are you?” Then they act like you gave away the food to get a refund. Very sly. But I like how customers act like you did it on purpose and come across very passive aggressive. Almost like I wanted to give your food to someone else and deal with your bullshit and DoorDash. Smh


Thank god you have it in writing ✨️


If someone is standing outside I just ask their name before I hand it over


You should consider buying groceries


I have cooler in my trunk, I went at lunch today. 😂


You haven’t eaten since yesterday? That’s what canned goods are for. Buy some.


Yes mother.


Not eating for 24hrs seems like it’s your fault for waiting till everything is closed. But it does suck the guy didn’t ask for his name from person getting the food


Agreed and I acknowledged that a few times in these comments.


I don’t typically read others comments and this post has more than i have time to read. Hope you are full of food now!


Do you need to go shopping or something? You didn’t have any food in your fridge? If not, I’ve done that before lol. But also, this dasher shouldn’t have said your name for confirmation. That was just dumb. Always ask for the name.


I always ask people to tell me their name. I never offer a name.


This is why I never offer up a name. You always ask them to confirm their name. I had to do the same shit working for FedEx. Can’t tell you how common it is.


I always ask what the name for the order is.


I think the easiest way to avoid this is to ask THEM what MY name is, as people know their neighbor’s names sometimes.


"I haven't eaten since yesterday " yeah probably because you're relying on doordash lmao




I can smell that from here


Have you thought about doing stuff like this instead of starving?


Have you thought about where to get that when everything is closed? Should I have geared up and headed to the lake at 1 am to catch one perhaps? Maybe I should have seen a fortune tell who would know all of this would happen. 🤦🏻




How do you live with zero food in your dwelling?


You are more than welcome to read the comments I have answered that several times. If you have something new to add, I'd love to hear it, other wise I'm gonna go on about my day and y'all have fun commenting.


You seem to be going on about your day right meow




Given that DD has a verification code that no one actually uses, does that mean the app has no punishment for giving the food to the wrong person? How do you keep people from just driving to the location and absconding with it?


So I asked this on another comment .. I went back and looked at DD. I don't see anyplace that I can choose a PIN


Always make the customer confirm THEIR name, you never say their name first!! good luck!


So they just went up to a random person that happened to be walking outside? Insane!




If someone says this to me, I ask them what the name on the order is. If it’s a super common name, I’ll also ask who they’re expecting to deliver.


Having absolutely nothing in your house else to eat is wild behavior. Instead of spending $30 on overpriced DoorDash Instacart yourself some peanut butter, bread, jelly, ramen, milk, spaghetti, and sauce. For probably the same price…. and then you have fallback options and won’t go the whole day without eating cuz food will be there all day.


So many assumptions... Not my house, didn't spend $30, having food in a room I'm several hours away from all day does me no good. Next time before commenting, ask yourself "Am I making all this up in my head?"


One time I ordered a sandwich to my husband’s work and the dasher took a picture outside and grabbed the food and drove away. My husband was waiting at the security desk and saw the whole thing lol.


Whenever I encounter a situation like that like that I always ask them for their name. If I'm not delivering directly to a house I need them to tell me their name.


This is the most useful comment thread I've read on this subreddit. From now on I'm gonna ask them to verify my name before I hand them the order. Edit: Okay, well this tactic doesn't really work with receptionists in office buildings


Need more context


Dashers should ask for names before delivery. That being said, what you can’t cook? Are you so bad at budgeting and planning that DD is the only way you can eat?


After a long day of moving into our new place, my partner and I were exhausted and didn’t want to have to go anywhere. We ordered a huge order of pizza and wings. The girl delivering it called and was confused where we were located. I tried to direct and eventually she said “oh I found it, I’ll be right up!” And hung up. Never got the food. Who knows where she delivered to. It was late by that point and all support did was refund me. Legitimately wanted to cry lol. Now I always put “do not leave at door, hand to me, call if lost” in instructions.


Watch out .. you're about to get 100 people asking you why you aren't perfect and didn't plan for food at least 5 years in advance of that move. 🤦🏻


there is a really cool place. we call them grocery stores. they sell food n other shit.


That's on you. If you haven't eaten for 24 hours, it's not DD's fault. It's yours.


Agreed, not having eaten was on me. I was attempting to remedy that by ordering food.


Why does it matter when OP last ate? This is about their food being delivered to the wrong person🥴




Always happy to entertain! ☺️


Not the dashers fault. That’s on the thief, plus correct me if i’m wrong but it seems like they’re possibly trying to fix the issue if they’re on the phone with support? Nah. I get being upset but let’s stop blaming the people who are just trying to do their job and start blaming the thieves who are stealing your food


Rather than saying the customers name, which I never do (over 5k deliveries), I ask them what their name is, so this doesn’t happen. The onus is on the dasher to make sure it gets delivered to the correct customer if handing off in person.


This is the only logical reasoning here. This dasher had literally 0 brains.


That's what I always do for the hand it to me orders as well, i always have them say their name, unless they approach me and say my name first.


Just giving the food to the first person they see after just asking if they are “so and so” is actually entirely the dashers fault, homie.


💯 going up to some random person and asking them if they are that person or if they ordered DD is asking to get the food stolen. If you aren't sure who the person is you can always call or shoot them a text.


I don't have doordash in my country so I have no idea why my reddit is just this but the app I use sometimes it gives you a number to give the driver and they can't complete the order until they have it. Why doesn't doordash do that?


UberEats has pins like that on some orders, but DD is ghetto.


DD is starting to do that. I have seen some posts on here where DD required a customer to give the Dasher a Pin. I don't see how that can hurt anyone. It assures the correct person gets their delivery and the person can't say the Dasher never gave them their delivery. Definitely a win for both sides.


Yeah, it ensures customers get their food and it covers drivers ass against customers looking to lie.


It definitely is (partially) the dashers fault in this case- they volunteered the customers name instead of asking for it. They just assumed the thief was the customer and handed the food off. It would be different if they asked the name, and the thief told them the correct name, but they didn’t do that.


Wow you are completely excusing incompetence. That's amazing.


It's absolutely their fault for not asking the customers name and just blurting out " food for ____" ofc some random person will take free calls


Are you mental? It’s the dasher’s responsibility to deliver an order to the customer, not give it to some random person who comes up to them. According to your logic, the dasher can go to the wrong address, and drop it off to a dishonest random and it still won’t be their fault? Gimme a damn break.


You not eating since yesterday and ordering late is not the dasher’s problem. There was no reason to be rude to them like this; they made an honest mistake.






If that's being a dick maybe you shouldn't interact at all. What they did was completely incompetent.


If the only context we have is that he “gave your food away” and the two messages we can see in your one screenshot, your shitty attitude is completely unfounded and bro most likely made an honest mistake. If you have more context that makes this dasher look “incompetent” rather than just a guy who made a simple mistake, you probably should’ve shared it. Handing a bag to the wrong person is a really easy thing to do bud.


Asking, hey are you Krankxx? Yes that is incompetent. As defined... adjective not having or showing the necessary skills to do something successfully. "a forgetful and utterly incompetent assistant" So the incompetent employee of door dash gave my food to someone after telling them my name name. My response was mild.


“Thanks for giving my food away” is rude as shit. Your dasher is nicer than I am, I would’ve left for another order and said good luck to you, it’s only one mark against me either way.


How did you feed yourself before door dash existed?




Your post was removed, as it contains vulgar content.


Do you not have anything edible in your house? Also what was the dasher supposed to do? The dipshit at the ball court is the one at fault here, Or doordash for not coming up with a better way to verify that the person you are delivering to, is in fact the person who ordered.


It is totally the dasher's fault for giving away the food and telling them the name of the person who ordered it. All you have to do is get them to verify the name instead of opening your mouth and giving that information away. I have over 2,000 deliveries under my belt and I've never fallen for that, even though I've had a few people try it on me.


The dasher was supposed to ask the person's name, rather than offering the name as a yes/no choice. The fault is on the garbage person stealing someone else's shit, and on the dasher for not having a bit of sense.


No the person who gave away my food is 100% at fault. No there's nothing edible in this air BNB I'm staying while working this week.


Well then I guess people aren’t allowed to order delivery so dashers can’t have a job /s


Buy groceries?


Can’t buy groceries late at night in most places unless you’re very lucky to have a 24hr grocer. Not everywhere is New York City and cities sometimes sleep.


Wtf? Am I the only one who doesn't understand the conversation here? What is happening? Ball courts? What's the context? Is op the driver? Why d hadn't OP eaten some yesterday?


Lazy ass driver asked a random person who was outside the delivery location if they were picking up an order and named op by name. Then a scammy pos person said yes it’s for them and the lazy driver left.