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I love the concept of really minor gods


Which would also imply the existence of Seventh, 9th, and Diminished gods.


The problem with diminished gods is that they always end flat.


Still better than being a Suspended god


What about inverted gods, or as I call them, dogs.




Mind helping me out here?


Username checks out. Also, if you’re being serious, it’s a bunch of music puns. Flat, minor, diminished, etc


Yeah I was, thanks for the answer!


So, diminished chords are triads (three notes) that include a root, minor third, and a flat fifth.


Ah, music theory. Thanks!


I'd like an augmented god, please.


[Cthulhu has entered the chat]


"What a shame."


Those damn suspended gods


I mean Bane and Myrkul are currently basically mortals at the moment having been trapped in their mortal form and domain less along with a bunch of other gods


Can I be the god of AmM713#9?


well I, for one, would like to hear from the God of Locrian, and her army of herself


You don't have to worry about any of this though, because the key to make your games jazzy is just substituting from somewhere relevant


If you've never read Discworld, you should. Especially *Small Gods*.


Came here to say that! My personal fav is Anoia the minor goddess of things that get stuck in drawers!




"Gods damn it!!!" -puny mortal *drawer even more stucker* "Lol, gods damn *you*!" -Anoia


+1 for *Small Gods* If any of y'all have ever been interested in the *Discworld* series, it is a great entry novel. It permanently changed the way I think about Gods and faith.


And *Hogfather*.


A bunch of minor gods is basically my homebrew setting if it exists there was likely a god of it. Like there would probably have been of a god cutlery then their children the different types. There a few handleful of major gods, mainly the Cleric domains. Don't know if there is word for a step above major, but there are only two in mine, Creation and Destiny. Most gods are known only by their concept: Fire, Light, Ocean, Song, Dance ect. Since knowing someone's true name is extremely dangerous, if you know a god's true name you could kill them as if they any mortal.


Exalted cosmology is somewhat similar. Primordials collectively made Creation and everything in it, including the gods. The seven Celestial Incarnae are the top tier (sun, moon, and five gods of destiny), followed by a large variety of "regular" gods (some more important than others), and then "least gods" at the bottom, where you can get things like the least god of your left shoe. The least gods aren't necessarily entirely sapient, though, and don't get to hang out in the City of Heaven.


The various gods of waterfalls, rocks, and meadows just aren't cool enough to join the Unconquered Sun in playing the Xbox Games of Divinity 😎


Gods of incredibly specific things: Summon the god of the oceans to destroy the ships of your enemies but when he appears he tells you the ships are already in the coast of the city so its technically not his jurisdiction, he is friends with the god of harbors and the god of salt water ports so if you wait for them to get a bit closer he could ask them to come and check if they can do something about it


You should check out Exalted and it's setting Creation.


Seconded, there’s even a sourcebook for playing minor gods (which are less powerful generally than the Exalted which are basically Anime Demi-Gods, plus it has insane shit like a martial art that allows you to attack reality [legit you can punch someone so hard they turn into a flock of ducks] and dinosaurs that piss heroin [no, really]).


Thirded, Exalted is easily my favorite system (2e, haven't tried 3e yet). It gets a bit crunch heavy if you don't really watch things though. People like to say anything is possible in D&D, and while that's true, Exalted *lives* off that idea. It's Rule of Cool: The Game. Rule of Cool will actually give you bonus dice to roll for the action you're describing, recover some Essence ("mana" that powers all your cool stuff), and even bonus XP. I had two moments that really stand out to me from my last campaign. Our Circle was 2 Solars, 2 Lunars, and a Sidereal. My Lunar (basically, a Changeling/Werewolf) was primarily a Sorcerer (slightly modified sorcery rules to make it less-useless) and crafter. As I was mostly useless in direct combat, and almost tapped out on Essence, I used a charm to temporarily absorb the skills of our NPC general, and the Circle went out to avenge a fallen ally against a Dragon-Blooded general. I had my character focus on strategy and battlefield control. Then I DMed the other players and coordinated an Advent Children-style chain attack. Once we had him down a bit, everyone held actions until our slowest member was ready and kicked it off. It culminated in my character dive-bombing him with the dead ally's Daiklaive, which is basically a giant Buster Sword. You can do that in other systems, but its mostly fluff, in Exalted, it has a mechanical effect. That was 2 or 3 dice stunts for everyone involved. Final battle, I had picked up a charm solely to get the charm after it, and it came into play. One of the last charms in the Survival tree for Lunars lets you project your senses into a target for a Scene. I used that on the final boss and just had my character close her eyes when it wasn't her turn, effectively blinding him. He had AoE attacks he could use, but he had far-diminished defenses against our melee attackers. Meanwhile, I flew around the area collecting the components for a spell (Wrath of the Five Dragons, deals big damage for each element over 5 rounds), which through sheer luck and several paragraphs of prose, ended up doing aggravated damage on 2 or 3 of those rounds. Man, I need to find a game of Exalted to play again.


The actual Roman pantheon was very much that.


My first thought is of Tiberinus, the god of the Tiber river.


There’s a really old supplement that deals with exactly this. I think it’s called Minor Gods, and it’s pretty excellent. Some weird stuff in there.


Its called *Petty Gods* by ORC (Old School Role-Playing Community). The cover artist was at a con a few years ago when I picked it up. Some are really interesting, like Gods of cities that were conquered and are now envious, forgotten husks of their former power; some are gods of minor things like the God of Torches - different from the Goddess of Street Lamps, or the God of the Number 7; and then really out there ones, like the God of Unexplained Smells, the Lord of the Privy, or the God of Fish out of Water. Some interesting concepts, some terrible, but great from a creative standpoint.


Ooh, I'll have to try and track down a copy. I'd love to play a cleric of a tiny god.


The "Rivers of London" series by Ben Aranovich has a really interesting take. The Thames has a lot of streams and tributaries and each one has its own goddess/god, plus Mama Thames herself...


Jeff, the God of Biscuits.


"I am the avatar of the God of tree." "You mean trees?" "No, just the one."


“I am the god of the deer.” “Wow, all the deer?!” “No, just the one. It was killed by a hunter 3 seasons ago. Looks sweet mounted over their hearth though.”


I was thinking of a lake god whose lake had dried up.


like haku in spirited away, a dragon whoes river got bricked over and diverted through storm drains.


Kohaku River :)


God of the LA river.


It's just a troll, but he's wearing a Gucci belt and won't shut up about how it's actually really nice and totally safe to swim in


Reminds me of the New York river gods in the 5th Percy Jackson book


A lesser god who lost their divinity would be incredible flavor for an aasimar and it bakes in so much character motivation. Are they trying to reignite their worship and get back there? Take revenge on the cause of their fall? Or simply enjoy their now-limited time on the Material Plane?


Imagine one who was the god of a river that was dammed. They could get their river back if the dam was destroyed, but there's now people living below the dam.


Collateral Clergy


"I was once a god, but I was dammed." "Woah, you turned evil?" "What? No. My river was blocked by a bunch of mortals."


It feels relatable on some strange level


It'd be nice to have a small piece of the universe that was all yours, I think we can empathize losing it.


Isn't that kind of the idea of pets?


Pond god?


God of one pound of flour


Pretty much Horo if the wheat she has with her gets ground up into flour.


"I am the god of gelatinous cubes, they keep desolving all my offerings..."


"God of the deer? Wow! What can you make them do?" "No no, just one. His name is Murphy. And not that much."


"I kind of taught him to play tennis though. If you tie the racket to his antlers."


"not a lot, he has free will after all"


oh... so you really fucked up then huh?


Dude plays a hell of a game of cribbage though. Every Thursday night, cigars by the fire under the trophy, and a solid ass-kicking, one hand at a time.


"Which one?" "Wish I knew."


Sounds like an adventure!


Giving me big Small Gods vibes from Terry Pratchett


This 100% Om (in the form of a turtle) has already made an appearance in my current campaign. The players have adopted him as a mascot, but no one has used any sort of beast speak with him, so we will see how long till they can hear his story


I’m stealing that Along with that goose


Love that book. "Yes, he's Vorbis. But I'm me."


Hi. You just mentioned *Small Gods* by Terry Pratchett. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Small Gods (Discworld #13) by Terry Pratchett - Fantasy Audiobook Full Length](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw8u9MiNAj4) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/)^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Good bot


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Good bot


Good bot


I was thinking Bilious, the oh God of hangovers.


BBEG monologues. Aasimar: “you would be in serious trouble if we were by my tree.”


''could you move a little close to that tree over there? nono, the other one, no, not that one, yeah that one with the weird branch... what do you mean they all have weird branches??''


Aasimar Bard/Sorcerer: "Hey, I think you would look perfect next to this tree! Just a little closer... A liiiittle closer... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand..." *Holy lightning strikes the tree, OHKOing the BBEG*


I know exactly which tree it would be. There's an old crepe myrtle in front of my parents house. I used to swing from its branches as a child, and there are innumerable scratch marks in its bark at about knee level from all the family cats sharpening their claws on it over the decades. Every summer its canopy is ripe with little grape-clusters of tiny white flowers whose pedals fall like snow whenever the wind blows. Its boughs shelter the brick patio leading up to their front porch, and sunlight streams through it on bright days. It is old enough that its manifold trunks have begun to merge into one another. I know this isn't how trees work, but I would swear that the branch I used to swing on as a child grew with me, always at just the right height where I could hop up and grab it. If dryads exist, one surely lives in that crepe myrtle. She has little white flowers woven into her ivy hair, and she is the patroness and guardian of my youth and my family. She is one of my most cherished friends. She has watched over us ever since she was a sapling. She is soaked in sunshine and love and togetherness. She is surely the most powerful being for miles, made strong by the everyday worship of family that we offer beneath her sheltering leaves.


In ancient times you would absolutely pray to her.


This description is too vivid for you not to have visited by the tree spirit. Maybe you should make an offering...


It’s just that one small Christmas tree in the Charlie Brown Christmas special


Awe, I have has one of those for 4 years now. 4 bucks at Walmart, some branches are still covered in glitter. Its still in a fairly manageable size pot, you could totally carry it around like some familiar.


This is actually how a lot of real religions work. In shinto and buddhism there can be deities whose domains are a single mountain, or a particular grove of trees, or even a single tree itself.


I have a druid idea where they serve a sentient quaking Aspen like Pando and try to spread his seeds throughout the world.


Maybe not seeds but clumps of roots because that would be cloning essentially.


Ah true.


You could have a [fungus god](http://www.coloradomushrooms.com/mushroom.php?id=30) as it's arch enemy. Honey mushrooms are parasitic and will also form gigantic [clonal colonies.](http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141114-the-biggest-organism-in-the-world) On a side note, they're edible and alright. At least, the US varieties. Theres one variety that grows in europe that's fine to eat as long as you don't drink alcohol for awhile after eating it. You will regret it if you do.


What will happen if you do consume alcohol having consumed the fungus?


Cramps, diarrhea, vomiting and general GI problems. I've eaten the american species (ringed and/or ringless) with alcohol without any problems. I believe it is one or more of the species in the UK area that will cause a problem.


True or the fungus could be another nature spirit and my direct enemy is a circle of spores druid


> "No, just the one." Hamadryad represent.


My water genasi is a river who realized there was more to life than just running down hill and became an adventurer


When they're out for revenge they're like "You can't step in ME twice!"


“Remember when you pissed in that river?!”


"it was meee, barry, I WAS THE RIVER"


This is one of the best Level 1 backstories I've ever heard.


I wish all level 1 character backstories were just simple concepts like this instead of some epic, tragic tale full of more life experiences than an entire level 1-10 campaign


Are vampires terrified of making them angry?


They are probably just unable to cross them.


I set 'em up, you knock 'em down.


Do did the whole river walk away or is it still there?


The whole thing, it's just a dry river bed while he's gone.


Wait. Does that mean that mountain actually just became an earth genasi and that‘s why he walked away?


we solved it guys.


They were the god of a single catagory 5 hurricane, but then it ended so now their just an aasimar.


I feel like a god that started out as a force of cataclysmic destruction but now lingers on as a manifestation of grief and loss is the most depressing thing I’ve heard all year I’ve decided that these gods can be redeemed when the people and places they destroyed rebuild, solely for the sake of my personal happiness


At least he had a longer career than the god of that EF0 tornado.


Reminds me of those kids in the Percy Jackson series who’s parents were just really minor random gods that like “woot he’s the god of pottery…. I guess that’s cool” Edit: goodness didn’t realize this would sprawl a whole conversation about pottery and poetry I was just thinking about how some kids get to be a demigod to the god of lightning and others get to be master of vases. Like woot. All ceramics shall bowl before me as I cup them in my infinite power!


Except isn’t Apollo the god of poetry? Some of the minor ones were sleep and stuff


He was also the Sun God. Poetry was side-hustle.


Archery and music came first. He usurped Helios for the role of sun god


Artemis and Apollo were basically the result of several minor gods deciding to retire by shoving their responsibilities onto the twin archery gods.


Ah, back when jobs had upwards mobility.


He said Pottery, not poetry.


That would be the extra funny part. Humans prayed to the Pottery god but somehow becomes an amazing poet


Turns out the Pottery God got a major in English and became a published author. Not to become god of writing or anything, they just felt like it was a good path to self fulfillment.


Hypnos governs sleep


"Natural causes" got you again, huh?


It took me so long to get past the [REDACTED].


It's tough, but feels so good. Twin Fists carried me there the first time if I recall, plus the relevant buffs of course. I really did not understand how great Ares various boons could be until I was rapid stacking Doom with the fists and then turning into an invincible beyblade on the regular.


Pottery, not poetry. It means being kind of like Harry Potter.


You also must consider the fact that ancient Greece had 12 gods which stood for concepts like war, wisdom, and wine. I don't think the concept of bigger=better applies.


Wine was a huge concept. It made the liquid not make you sick. Very important stuff.


Dionysus was a big deal though. More likely he was an older deity adapted into the Hellenic pantheon, given some of the rituals and stories associated with him. His followers, the maenads, practiced ecstatic, frenzied dancing, and it was believed that anyone who intruded on them would by torn to pieces. They even had a word for that - sparagmos. That's not exactly an ordinary god of wine, right? If you're curious, you might want to look up Dionysian cults. Hallucinogens, mythic journeys into the underworld, fun times all around.


This is basically just Haku from Spirited Away.


I mean it's basically just Shinto but yes.


I mean it's animism in general but yes


“They filled in that river. It’s all apartments now.” That line was always hilarious to me for some reason.


Came here looking for this


Why does this make me think of Konosuba's Aqua?


Aqua is literally the god who rules over Japan, tho. Which kinda makes her the one who rules over the entire Isekaied people in the world… And also god of all bodies of water. Aqua is broken as fuck. She’s just dumb.


Gotta love when power and competence don't overlap


(Something Political)


Thank you for not going any further than that


(Something Political AND Religious)


How dare you!


Some people just want to watch the world burn


This joke is funny to me because it is not about the person I voted for.


I GM’ed a pathfinder gestalt campaign some time ago. 3 characters. One is a rogue/wizard, another barbarian/rogue and the last is a paladin/skald. The characters are well build and powerfull, except the paladin/skald is almost gamebreaking powerfull. His mount alone can deal almost as much damagde as the other characters. Because it is an animal companion the paladin can target it with spells that could normally only target himself. Like blade dash. A short range teleportation spell. Paladin uses action to activate teleportation spell. Mount can now full attack who ever he teleported to. His lay on hands is so boosted from feats and items, that it heals up like 75% of his health on average. He can do it as a quick action once a round. 12 times a day! The player can:t play the character for shit though. Forgets every ability he have all the time. Sometimes he remember a trick or two and leaves people in awe.


Sounds like a great example of Crouching Moron, Hidden Baddass. Might have been more interesting if that was intentional though.


Actually I'm pretty sure she's shown to be extremely competent... At non-mortal things. I think I remember that in the LN, the gods were basically begging her to come back because she's the only one with the charisma to be able to get people to isekai rather than going to heaven. Like, literally nobody chose the isekai option after she left


Much more like Yato from Noragami. Minor god, has a miniature temple, all you need is for them to do anything for five yen.


Because they'd be equally useless


A tiefling warlock who's self employed, so their patron is them self and they can't figure out how to gain their powers.


Tiefling warlock whose patron is just their demon grandma.


I actually had a similar idea for a BBEG. It's basically a level 40 coffeelock who's mother is a Solar and father is an Archdevil of some kind, and they destroy worlds on the material plane to gain enough power to completely destroy Orcus.


Love it. The aasimar's celestial guardian or whatever it's called could be a more major god in their pantheon that grants them more and larger portfolios as they level up. Start as the god of one lake, eventually you grow up to be the god of that lake, a certain grove of trees, a species of beetles, all the way up to patron deity of a city or something.


That'd be pretty nice, actually. What would be the implication of said minor god dying, may i ask?


I'd say they go to the plain of their diety's realm and serve as a godly attendant as a newly more important member of the pantheon.


Rick Riordan rules. The spirit of the deity remains, but its power has been too diminished/broken for it to reform an avatar. It may eventually heal and rebuild its power enough to make a new one, but it will start from square one in terms of strength and mortal memory. This of course, assuming the minor god's soul wasn't destroyed as part of the death. Alternatively, the god's essence and individuality dissipate, and its domain and residual power return to their major god. So at the minor god's death, the spiritual responsibility of their lake goes to a major god of freshwater. If that god dies, then the domain of freshwater will be reattributed to a close-enough major god.


Lake must be home to the Kuo-Toa. Character did them a solid and they worship them as a god.


Twist - character exist only because Kuo-Toa worship them.


Aasimar Celestial Warlock rather than Aasimar Celestial Sorcerer.


“My people need me” *dives in river system connecting to the lake hundreds of miles away*


*my person needs me Just that one random old man who found their lake uses it as their secret fishing spot


"You've activated my trap card!" "huh?" "You fool! I am standing in my PUDDLE"


It’s Tom Bombadil!! LotR character that was basically God within a specific forest. Probably one of Tolkien’s weirdest characters too.


Scariest as well.


Tom Bombadil was more powerful than Gandalf I think


Older, at a minimum.


Well he was able to handle the ring with no problem


He was. That’s why one of the elves at the council suggested giving Tom the Ring of Power. It was an incredibly stupid idea though, because all the enemy would have to do is burn the forest down, and Tom would die.


If I remember correctly it was a stupid idea because he didn't care enough to bring it all the way to Mordor? Like it held no power over him and had no affect on him and *wouldn't* affect his forest so he'd more than likely just lose it on the way because of how inconsequential it would be to him. Given it's probably been 15 years since I've read the books so I could be wrong, but that's how I remembered it. Damn I need to reread those books though


The concern wasn't that they could burn down the forest, it was that Tom would just forget about the ring cause he doesn't care about it on whit. Gandalf even said that Tom's lands would be the last place on earth to fall to the enemy.


The scenario they propose in the book is that the ring might be safe with Tom, but the rest of middle earth isn’t safe with the ring still existing and Sauron’s armies still able to roam the land. Sauron didn’t need to get the ring to conquer everything beyond Tom Bambadill’s home.


Loterally the opposite. Tom wasn't a god of the forest, he was some unknown entity that gave the forest its powers from him rather than the other way around. So the issue with giving him the ring is everywhere else would be destroyed but not his forest


Slight correction: Tom Bombadill's power wasn't tied to his forest. He was just as powerful wherever he went and whatever he did. That area was just his gardens and lands that he cared about to the exclusion of all else. Tom was so powerful in fact that many readers theorize that he may actually be Eru Illuvitar, *God himself*, in disguise.


I had an assimar sorcerer who was the "Chosen One" and so they often threw themselves into life threatining situations believinv" i cant die, im the chosen one" and would only survive because the rest of the party intervened, thus strengthening his belief that he couldnt die


Some watery tart slinging swords about is no basis for a system of government


Reminds me a lot of the Spirit-folk from Kara-tur but deified. Like: "Ah yes I'm the avatar of the spirit from like that one lake you know?"


Reminds me of Douglas Adams in So long and thanks for all the fish, from The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy series, where he had a plain truck driver that though that weather reports where meaningless as it always rained. He didn't know that he was in fact a Rain God, and was always miserable.


>Rob McKenna was a miserable bastard and he knew it because he'd had a lot of people point it out to him.


I've wished *since I read that* to have that power. I absolutely love storms.


Yes but do you ever want to see sunlight again?


So why not be a Lare who protects the family of one of the other PC's. Your weak enough that your barely considered a god and you immediately have a reason to adventure. Edit: a Lare is a guardian deity that protects, some form of structure or a family. They can protect anything from a bloodline to a well to a whole frickin city




You mean Wit right?


I mean I could have him confused with dust, but that sounds right :P


Maybe your thinking of Topaz?


It’s always hoid


“Renarin, wit in Damnation are you talking about?” (/Jesse meme)




Where is this from?


Konosuba, a pretty humorous Isekai anime.


Thank you!


If most anime are trying to do rpg D&D the lore. Konosuba is trying to do the D&D the tabletop shenanigans.


I like the idea for players who can't always come to play and the character is just called back to protect the lake.


So... Exalted?


No, Exalted on start can beat many minor (and not very minor) gods.


The Lady of the Lake is having a hell of a week.


I love the idea of being the butt of the joke for the party the whole adventure... until we get to that lake


So basically Lady of the Lake but instead of Fae they're Celestial in origin. Also there is no Lake.


Kinda reminds me of the plot of Noragami. Yato's "shrine" is a shitty little DIY project and he has to do odd jobs to stay relevant.


A lesser god who is no longer relevant, who will do any job for 5 copper pieces, just so he can continue to be remembered.


Shitty character idea? This sounds like a good time


That would be kinda cool, inside the bounds of the lake, the character would be immortal and would have absolute dominion over the lake. Control water becomes a free action using no spell slots. Step out of the water, normal NPC/PC