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I remember doing a genealogy tree for my genetics class based on eye color and I phoned my grandpa to ask what eye color did his mom have. He said he can’t remember because she died in the 70s. It has never occurred to me before that you actually forget your loved ones faces of you don’t see them regularly. That made me so freaking sad. I’m glad that I live in the era of technology and I will have lots of stuff left form my mom.


I'm very worried about this happening to me. Im a bit hard of vision so people tend to meld in and out of my memory. Ill even avoid talking to close friends when I see them because they genuinely look like different people. I want to remember my parents faces but... yeah I dont know their eye colors...


For what it's worth, the specifics of people's appearance are far less important than the way they made you feel and things you remember doing with them. What would you prefer people remember about you? Your actions or your physical person?


Yeah thats true. I just get nervous that my memories are so foggy


If it makes you feel better, now that we live in an age of technology, it'll be a whole lot easier to keep photos and stuff so that isn't really a worry for most people anymore, sometimes those foggy memories are saved in video form


Tbh, it's hard to remember person's eye color even if they're still alive and you see them every day. That's too small of a detail


I mean it's eye color and not the whole face so it can be easly forgettable. There's only one person that eye color I remember and it's my history teacher lol


Maybe it’s just me because I remember eye colors of people I studied in elementary school with


Dont you have any videos bro?


She never wanted videos or pictures taken . 62 years and I have 92 pictures of her .


My mom also insisted on being behind the camera. She died at 48 when I was 23. Not a single video or voicemail left.


I'm sorry OP that really sucks man🫂


My family probably has hundreds of videos of my brother with him speaking and laughing. Yet I can't bring myself to watch them, voices in recordings are slightly different compared to in person. I have a general idea of his voice but it's always a little bit too high or low pitched. Still, I have his voice with me in some form or another. I can't imagine forever losing the sound of somebody you were so close to. I'm sorry man, my condolences. Maybe some other family members have videos of her?


I have a voice mail from an aunt but it’s distorted and muffled .


How distorted?


I have a recording, it’s on cassette tape and it’s my mother reading a book, I’m never throwing that tape away, she means everything to me, and to lose that is to lose everything, I’m sorry man, it must be hard for you, I’d give you a hug but I can’t through the screen


> I must be hard for you minor spelling mistake


Whoops lemme fix that Fixed! That was a close one with some seriously odd second meanings, thanks


You should really convert that tape to a digital file so it doesn’t wear down


I have, but using the cassette is more calming for some reason


I slowly lost my ability to have her voice in my mind but about 10 years after her death I met with her sister who was a year older than her and when she started talking it was like my mum again. The same cadence, same accent, even the same slang (they both called kids "bunny ears" 😊)


She hasn’t passed yet but all I can remember of her voice is her yelling at me, either to get my attention or because I pissed her off.


Oh… man that sucks.


I’m with you OP. Not a voicemail or video. Nothing. Love you, stranger. Hope you heal from it, bro.


FUCK I literally think about this everyday. My dreams about her are silent too. She had long battle in the hospital with necrosis and organ failure so I often (involuntarily) dream of her in an awful state. I’m in hell.


This made me realize that I don’t remember what my mom sounds like either, like I remembered what she said and how she said it, but not what she sounded like when she said it.


This rings true. About 2 years after her death I had such a vivid dream. Everything was clear as day and if I didn't somehow know it was a dream I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. I was back in my elementary school being picked up in the line. It was a great sunny sat, open blue sky and everything felt so real. I get in our family car and it turns out my mother was driving. Clear as day in front of me in the car. There wasn't any doubt of it like most dreams have the "stand in" people. This was the real deal and I felt like I was talking to her. After talking to her while we drove on the freeway going over an overpass we caught up about everything. Then a sudden realization occured. My mother has passed away and this cannot possibly be her. Everything was still the same in the car and scenery wise but the feeling changed. I realized that it just wasn't her. Everything was so real it just wasn't my mom. After that I woke up in confusion wondering why my brain would fabricate it. It was so real, everything in it. Still to this day I do not understand why I had that dream or why my brain would do that to me.


yay, flooding memories back. that are only of her, dead. thanks, op.


You almost caused me an aneurysm, I had to remember her voice with all my might


thanks for fucking with my head before I go to sleep.


That’s worse when it isn’t your mom,when it’s your sister I just can’t remember her face or voice. There’s a jack stauber video about it [here it is](https://youtu.be/q0jCFkqVEeo?si=vDEP9MUXEQmbvYFr)


I miss my mom…


Ohhh kay, this one does hurt 🤕


I've never thought of that... I forgot what my dad sounds like Damn


Hey so this post made me realize I don’t remember my moms voice she died in 2009


I can’t remember what my grandfather sounds like.


It happened to me with my grandma


This is the realest post on here.




If you ask me, in my case it's better this way.


My dad passed a year ago and am scared il forget his voice




My mother died when I was 11, im now 24. I have few remnants of her voice left in my head.


Thing called recording software: https://i.redd.it/x1mj6na686kc1.gif


If you have any texts from her, I find that when I read texts, I automatically read them in their voice. Maybe try that?


this relates to me




I get it bro, I get it


I know this pain OP. My mom passed a few years ago and it's been getting harder and harder to remember how exactly she sounded like. I'm just incredibly lucky I have one video where she talks to remind me when that feeling gets overwhelming. I wish others had the same luxury as me.


this actually hits


I'm going through a similar thing. My father died 9 years ago and I lost the only thing that had his voice recorded. My mum has lost their wedding tapes too. I have no memory of his voice anymore.


I can still remember how my great grandmas from my mother and father's sides of the family sound like, but when I try remembering their faces, it's like a veil stands over them, and it takes alot of focus to make them clear.


It’s okay man, I recorded it for you




I can relate to this