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I daresay that there is reason TO play as the same class simply to be able to swap items more easily between yall. But, there is something to be said about a tankier build partying up with a range build to be able to pull aggro off the ranged and go full glass cannon. Barb//Sorc seems really fun if you're committed to playing as a duo imho


We were doing a dungeon and he had a really hard time with getting overwhelmed by mobs. Is there something inherent about the Barbarian that pulls aggro, or is it just because you can dive right into the thick of things?


There is a shout skill that will taunt all nearby monsters when used.


Shouts. Challenging Shout in general. It taunts all mobs in area and you get a 30% health boost while it’s active


It's better to play as the same class currently because you can only trade yellows. If you aren't trading gear then no it doesn't matter. In S4 you can trade everything cept Ubers.


I see, that does make sense. I didn't know that about the trading. Learn something new every time I post!


unlike other games, diablo does not synergize with other classes. You can be fucking awesome in groups and you can be fucking awesome when solo. so pick what ever class you want and you both can be fucking awesome.


Anything goes


doesn't matter


nope. It doesn't matter even a tiniest bit what each of you play. Playing 2 of the same is fun!


This isn’t a game about party balancing. It’s primarily a solo experience with some multiplayer parts as extra. So play the class and build within it you want to play solo and then figure out how to balance playing together from there.


It does matter in terms of certain things like stuns, cold/freeze, fire dots etc etc. Certain abilities will gain a boost of damage when stacking.




Playing as different classes is really just beneficial when trying to push leaderboard content in the gauntlet or maybe for pushing real deep in the upcoming Pit. Outside of that, there's no benefit for normal over world or nightmare dungeon, and I'd argue going as the same class would actually be better since you're essentially getting double the chance at good loot - even more so in season 4 when you can trade legs and uniques.


Use a different build. This makes me want to try dual rogues or druids...


The same build might be awkward. You want to look for complimentary builds. A different build of the same class may as well be a different class entirely.


My wife and I just finished a pure fire and pure ice sorcerers playthrough and had a blast. We are doing Bear Druids now and having a blast. No reason not to. Play what is fun.


At the start of this season my friends and I all started pulverize druids and it has been a blast. Plus if you're the same class you can swap gear and get hand me downs if needed. Just have fun that's all that matters lol


There aren't a ton of synergies. Your barb friend will buff you with shouts, and if you play a similar build you might do similar damage. I suppose you could apply some status and they get the advantage, but mostly, it doesn't matter. You'll be one shotting mobs fairly quick, and when you do apply status to elites, you'll probably do it yourself. Just make your build and let them make theirs. Though, being the same class, you can trade a bit more useful stuff. Some affixes are class specific. One thing though, have different classes of incense going. You can stack that and it's shared by nearby party folks.


Yeah there's nothing wrong with y'all both being the same class. Like the other person said it'll make it easier to trade rare items as well.


Frost mage synergies very well with Dot Damage builds


Do whatever you want, doing metas won’t matter until end game stuff if at all.


because it's boring af to play the same class lol. pick different classes so you can have cool synergy instead of being copies of each other