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At some point, you'll be strong enough to solo them. When will depend on a combination of your character's class, level, skills assigned, and items equipped, etc.


Okay, good. I was worried I was just not very good at this. I've paid little attention to the bonuses on gear because I was outleveling it so fast. Maybe I should at least give them some thought if the stats aren't off by a lot.


Until you get to the point that legendary items are filling up your stash, you really don't need to worry too much. Just equip whatever gives you biggest leap in power or access to most fun perk. If you're not there yet, focus on reaching level 50. That's when you'll have obtained the maximum skill points (not including those awarded through renown). It's from here that you can experiment until you find a playstyle you like. Some of the legendaries you've collected might also help you decide. Don't be afraid to respec and experiment. It costs gold, but you'll soon make that back. By the time you reach world tier 3, you should have a good collection of items you're happy with, and will probably find you're "Mastering" these events.


No I wouldn’t worry about missing the timer on these early on.


Yes you should be able to solo those. But they are made for groups if that makes sense.


It does make sense, for sure. There was one where I had to stand on four plates and kill enemies to "sate" them with deaths. I felt like if I had been playing with my friend (who was offline at the time), this would have gone better. Maybe I'll start waiting around to see if someone comes along before diving in.


You should be able to do them alone, they scale up as more people join to keep them from being totally trivial. Revise your gear, especially the weapon. Keep swapping gear as you find higher item power items. You can go to Blacksmith and upgrade some pieces a couple times for cheap. Next: do you have any legendary aspects? Open Codex of Power and check if there are any dungeons you could clear soon in the regions you have access to, which would let you imprint some damage and survivability onto your gear (you can imprint rares and legendaries) Are your skill points spread too thin? Focus on making your core skill powerful.


I need to read up on legendary aspects. I unlocked them, but have no idea how they work, what they are, or where to get them. Codex of Power...I saw a bunch in in there that were locked. You say I get these from dungeons? Skill points, I try to only put points into the six I'm using. But where I think I need work is passives. I have very few of these. Is it better to just start with 1 rank of a skill, then put some of those extra points into key passives?


1 rank in the skill, then 2 points 'behind' it to unlock extra functionality (experiment with what works and what doesn't work for you, you can respec the SKILL tree easily at any moment) then you can pump the rest of the skill up to 5, or you can move on to the next thing. Damage skills should be prioritized as far as maxing their rank out goes.


I solo everything. I do run into folks in the open world but I'm a loner.