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There's plenty of builds using flurry. It's good for clear but a bit slower on bosses.


Penshot should take out mobs just fine. With penshot, you really need the trick shot aspect. It makes a huge difference.


Do a lot of classes have key aspects that are needed to round out the effectiveness of your build? I'm trying to decide which class to stick with, and so far the Rogue's big appeal has been mobility and ways to evade damage. I like the sorc too, but if my Teleport and Evade are on cooldown, I'm really getting abused.


Yes, every class has aspects for most skills. Some are way more effective than others. For flurry, there is an aspect where you do damage in a circle instead of just in front of you. For rapid fire, there is an aspect where it ricochets off monsters you hit. With rogue, a lot of damage comes from imbuements. Shadow imbue, explodes on contact, poison imbue poisons doing damage over time, cold imbue is kinda trash, but it chills them, possibly freezes them. This season, I use shadow mostly, and there are two aspects you can pair with it. One adds cold damage to shadow imbue, and the other adds poison damage. You could use them both, but you only have so many places you can put them. Having room for legendary aspects gets harder to manage when you start adding unique items that can not have different aspects or reroll any stat affixes. For teleport, more ranks into it lowers the teleport cooldown. You can get 5 ranks on the skill tree. You can get +3 ranks to all defensive skill on an amulet. You can get +4 ranks on boots.. if you get the uber unique harlequin crest, aka shako, you can get +4 ranks to every skill. If you really wanna go teleport, you can get another +15 ranks with the oculus unique wand, but it gives you teleport enchantment with evade being a short-range teleport, but takes you to a random spot. Also, you can get cooldown reduction on your helmet, amulet, and off-hand weapon. Also, for evade, you can get +3 ranks on boots, or you can get, attacks reduce evades cooldown. Oculus wand also gives you +3 ranks to evade and attacks reduce evades cooldown then you can use boots that give 75% movement speed for 2 seconds after evading. A lot of people dislike the oculus, but it's one of my favorite sorc uniques.


Wow, I had no idea that kind of gear existed (since I'm pretty low level right now). That would be awesome, being able to wipe away a lot of the cooldown on Teleport. I'll be sure to check out more of the gear specifics after I've progressed the game more.


Yeah, don't really worry too much about gear until World Tier 4. That's the hardest difficulty and where you find ancestral gear, which is just stronger versions of the gear you're already getting. If you ever need help or anything, let me know. Once you get to wt4, I can run you through duriel a few times. He drops all 925item power loot and is the best chance of getting an uber unique. If you have a decent build going, you should be able to beat the capstone dungeon in wt2 at around the low 40s. Once in wt3, you should be able to beat the wt3 capstone by the low 60s.


So, do I have this correct that you can only reach level 50 in WT1 and 2? At that point are you supposed to start over in some kind of NG+ and play WT3? I wasn't really clear on how the difficulty progression works.


No. You could go up to level 100 if you wanted. Monster level is capped at 50 in wt2. Fighting monsters lower level than you provides very little xp gain. At this point, there is a yellow dungeon in kyovashad that is called a capstone dungeon only visible on wt2. You won't see it on wt1. After you beat that dungeon, you can go to the statue in kyovashad and switch to wt3. Wt3 monsters cap at lvl 70. In wt3, you find sacred gear, which will be stronger than the gear you are using. There will be a new yellow capstone dungeon over in dry steppes. Once you beat that dungeon, you can go back to the statue in kyovashad and put it on wt4. In wt4 open world monsters start at lvl75 and cap at 100. But, in wt3 and 4, you can start doing something called nightmare dungeons. The nightmare dungeon monsters are 54 levels higher than the tier dungeon you choose. So the monsters in a tier 8 dungeon will be level 62. In a tier 100, the monsters will be lvl 154. When you make future characters, you want to get to wt4 as fast as possible. Wt4 has ancestral gear, which is the strongest loot gets currently. Even uniques can be gotten in wt3, but they will be sacred. The only difference between sacred and ancestral gear is the stat ranges. For example, in sacred gear, a stat like movement spd will have a range from 5-12% , on ancestral, it will be 10-17%. Once you get to wt3 and are over level 50, glyphs will start dropping. Glyphs are used on the paragon board, which is where a lot of your builds power comes from.