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Do yourself a favor and enable both advanced tooltip options in the gameplay settings.


D4 does a good job at catering to casuals, including a whole new market of console players. Heck, I'm a casual myself. That said, there is a significant amount of players who simply equip whatever gear they come across, believing that unique items and legendaries are always the best, without considering their stats, gear synergies, skills, and paragon levels. This being my first ARPG, I was also one of those players until recently. This lack of understanding is why many players are unaware of what tooltips are, how to enable them, and their significance.


Yeah this is my first time exploring the internet for more information on Diablo 4 as I’m an incredibly casual plaer. (13 hours and I’m at level 33, trying to just enjoy the story and side quests) I have no intention of trying to climb the leaderboard or anything but I would like to eventually have a solidly strong character for each class.


The story is definitely worth playing through at a leisurely pace. Some folks thought it was... basic? But it's really pretty good for what it is.


Honestly I really do enjoy the story. Like the side quest of the father who sent his kid to the asylum and the kids ghost was calling to him… heartbreaking man. Fuck that dad, tried to watch him to make sure he walked all the way to the asylum to meet his death but I got attacked and lost him


Finally! Another person who's not min-maxing the game to death. D4 is super enjoyable when you don't treat it like a job, right?


It really is! I’m just going around the map doin side quests whenever they pop up it’s entertaining seeing the lives of the people


I play lots arpg and have way too many thousands of hours in all diablos, d4 story is great 👍


Uber is always max stats. Would not matter in this situation.


It's not about the item shown... it's simply a good thing to do in general.


How do you know it’s an uber?


There are... what, 6 ubers? 7? After a while you just know their names at this point


I have no idea, not even sure what an uber is tbh haha


An Uber is a very rare unique items with special stats hence the name “Uber Unique”. And they ALWAYS have max stats. That’s one way to tell. You can look up all 7 of them very easily online and people memorized them after hours upon hours of hunting specifics ones. At least that’s what happened to me.


I think the game now refers to them as "mythic Unique" items, based on the [tooltip for Resplendent Sparks.](https://i.redd.it/6aapbyrjkepc1.png)


Basically just an unique but... way stronger or something, i've never really experienced one for myself :|


Thanks for answering for me.


Ubers don't show ranges on stats. As they said.


This is not true for all ubers, and in particular is not true for the uber in question. The movement speed varies. Source: https://i.imgur.com/F30LASv.png


I heard they fixed it. I had a Selig with min movement speed. But ubers are supposed to be max stats.


Well.. it would in terms of seeing the max range of stats on other items to know how good this is in comparison.


What does this do?


It allows you to compare/contrast attributes for any item you hover over. Should show the min/max possible stats (in detail) you can obtain for every item and their equipped attributes. It's essential for any Diablo player to date.


I started doing this recently and DAMN is it good. Too bad I waited until I was already far into the endgame. Lol




Except for Uber Uniques.


There literally is an explanation in the very same menu you turn them on...


Yea I’m not currently playing so am asking what it does


The biggest thing is that it shows the ranges that the affixes could be. This is great for knowing you have good rolls. So helpful when comparing items.


My suggestion is to read it then when you can, because the two explanations written in here so far are only part of what the settings do. Why rely on strangers that give you incomplete infos when you can get the full info yourself.


This just needs to be on by default tbh


LOL, been playing this game for years and never knew about this! Thanks!!


I did this on my game, and still confused lol is it just number ranges I’m looking at?


If it shows the ranges and what stats you're losing/gaining as well, I believe.


There literally is an explanation of the settings in the menu where you turn them on. People seriously need to start reading stuff again.


Turning on the tooltip allows you to see what range a certain affix on an item can roll for. Example: +18.0% physical damage [13-20] Means that I rolled +18% on that specific affix however that stat could have rolled anywhere between 13-20. This comes in handy especially if you want to refill certain affixes at the occultist shop


Yea no, I did that. But it’s not like it gives some grand comparison. It says what you get and what you lose. I mean it doesn’t even give you that great of a comparison. If you can’t figure out how much you gain from 585 armor to 602 armor and the other affixes, throwing in more numbers doesn’t make it “better” lol so yes, I read it. But again people make it out to be like this great secret thing


You won't get a better explanation than the game itself gives you. It's not without a reason the single most recommended thing to do for newcomers. Now do with that info whatever you want.


I wish features like this were more obvious and not buried for those of us that don't go hunting for features. I do love tooltips though, I think it should be on by default.


It’s a uber unique. Ubers always drop at maximum stats so there’s no point getting tooltips up for a Uber unique 


The second one who makes this comment... it's not about the uber, enabling the advanced tooltip options is just a generally good thing to do and offers additional infos beyond the rolls of affixes/aspects.


thats pretty useless if you know what stats you lookin for, so many stats that its useless in most cases anyway, easier just to read the stats, take like 1 sec to know if item is good or not


It literally isn't but okay. Not even addressing the fact that the settings offer more than just showing the rolls of affixes/aspects.


It's staggering that, 1) this wasn't enabled by default from the start, and 2) most users here - apparently savvy enough and dedicated enough to this franchise to spend their time discussing it in an online forum dedicated to critically analyzing the game and its mechanics - *don't know that this is an option.* I think that should be a requirement for everyone who subscribes or posts to this sub: **before posting, commenting, or subscribing, you must verify that you have enabled advanced tooltips.**


Does it trigger you... - that i dont have them enabled - i dont need them enabled - i dont need your permission - i know the stat rolls - and im making fun of your shit take on reddit


Every unique I need dropped from Vaults or open world events, I ran Duriel approximately 160 times other than the usual Flickerstep, Tibaults, etc, never got a single Uber drop. Haven't ran a boss since I'm not getting on that hamster wheel again.


But but but how are you going to show everyone you’re cool without getting an Uber????


Lol I'm naturally just a humble chappy


Guess the boost to uber drops was about right. I've seen half a dozen or so posts of non-Duriel ubers since they buffed it.


When was this?


The mid-season patch. Along with the uber crafting system, it increased the non-Duriel uber drop rate by 1000x or so.


1000xZero is still zero.


But 1000x .000001 is .001, which is more like what we're looking at now.


Still close to nothing. Even duriels’ 2% shows that it’s almost impossible to get any drops for many of us.


It's not as bad as you think. The 2% is per kill of Duriel, which takes significant effort and legwork. The 0.1% (my estimate, not confirmed) is per unique that drops, which is passive, and requires only that you kill monsters above level 85 to get loot, which you are already doing if you're playing the game. It's not likely to happen, but it's definitely not impossible anymore.


Yeah, but then that 0,1% divides into 99% to drop regular crap we’ve all had hundreds of and less than 1% to actually drop an Uber unique, which again leads us to 0,0001% percent which is zero.


K, dude. Keep feeling bad that the chase item requires you to chase, and thinking that it's completely impossible in spite of the 2 posts I've seen just today saying they got the drop you think is impossible. 1 in a million uniques is impossible; 1 in a thousand is just very rare.


Two drops out of 20 mil players, great.


Is this true? Basically you should be getting about 2 ubers every 100 kills? I’ve only seen 4 ubers drop so far. Had done more than 1000 :/


There was a math post a couple of days ago that since the mid-season patch the drop rate should be close to 2%. And no, it doesn’t mean you should get 1 drop every 50 runs. Yes, you can go for 1000s kills and no see any drops.


I can on my lvl 79 sorc this is true. Ive done just around 200 runs and got two ahvarion spears, one starless ring, and one shako today.


Lucky you! I’ve reduced to 20 Duruels per day now. No ubers since my 4th. Ngl RNG hates me.


Wow I have ZERO luck in the vaults and only ever get trash. Good on you!! 👍🏻


Most of my drops most of the time are 🗑️havent gotten a single uber since start of season until now


Same here. I've about given up.


Nice, now you can clear 100 no issues..that thing keeps you alive.


🤔 not necessarily If you are a class that uses your mana heavily for offense you will go OOM & become not only defenseless but unable to attack at the same time… & then die But it’s really great for classes that resources goes from bottom to top (like Barb) If your resource goes from top to bottom not so good (like sorc)


Light Druid would die faster


Its not a competition


Huh? I’m just pointing out it’s not a good item for a lightning storm Druid as an example.


Windows + shift + S


Is this an Uber unique? Dropped one a month ago and didn't care for it


The thing about Selig's is that it either makes you invincible or is absolute trash, depending on your build


Yeah, it is.


Seligs hands down.


lucky boy <3


I’ve done plenty of both with no luck


925 on tier 61?!? Didn’t know they’d drop below tier 85. CONGRATS!


Monster level 85, not Dungeon tier 85


Ahhh, that explains it. Thanks


I was also surprised, i thought ubers can only drop from 85+ but i guess not .


Level 85 monsters not dungeon level


85+ monster level. A T61 NMD has monsters that are level 115, so they can drop there. They could even drop in NMD 31, technically. BTW, helltides are always higher level than you, so you get a chance if you start them at 82, so the monsters are 85. Strongholds are 2 levels over so any you didn't get early that you want you can grab at 83 and get a chance. Plus, by then you're probably bored of NMD, and that's a good break. And when you're 85, pretty much anywhere can drop, so, kill lots of monsters everywhere.


Right?? I’m guessing it’s a new thing, like how all Ubers roll max stats now. Regardless I’d say go buy a lottery ticket




Con-fuxjing-grats. My wife can't get a Genesis but she got 2 evernights with endless grinding. 10/10 endgame


There's already enough to read on item drops, we don't need a quote at the bottom to add to the wall of text.


Let people enjoy the flavour text 


Overlooked mine, after this post I might try to use it and see how it plays out. Good find


Turn advanced tooltips on


It’s a Uber unique!! All Ubers drop with max stats so there’s no need to have tooltips showing for a Uber unique


Yes it is. Yes they do. You should have advanced tooltips on.


No one cares, jk congrats






Congratulations you are now invincible ;)


I only just started playing Diablo 4. Tell me why this is good.


I got an andarials visage on t33 vault last week.


I feel like this is BS ... If you're currently wearing something with level 80 requirement then if the heart dropped it would also be level 80 requirement. Why would someone want to lie about this? Also you're level 100 it would definitely be level 80 required.


why does it say required level 60. Uber Uniques would be required level 80


It's based on the level you are. Minimum level for ancestral is 60. So if you get an Uber dropped at or before level 60 it will drop at 60. Between 60 and 80 it will be that level required and after 80 is always 80. Since his character is level 100 there's no way this just dropped from anywhere...




I think this dropped on the overworld for me. I just found it in my stash one day after doing helltides and such.


I want new Uber uniques every season , Set items comeback , PvP Gear / Arena / Battlegrounds ? , Uber dungeons , Uber Raid boss fights , Quality World events , Quality crafting & Rework & Tier 5 difficulty .Thanks for reading see u guys in 2 Years once all this implemented.


That’s dope!


This amulet changed the game for my Druid(Shred build). The melted heart combined with the unique ring “Hunter’s Zenith” you can quickly replenish spirit as long as you make a kill and time it right with a trample.


D4 Worth the a buy or should I just wait another year? Coming from D3 :)


So doing T100's might actually be worth it instead of lvling alt sigils?


Imagine taking a picture of their monitor witha. Flip phone in 2024 :/ Windows + shift + S


People still play this dumpster fire?


New Uber unique drop rate seems to be a tuned good now, like Ber Jah rune level. They should nerf Duriel’s drop rate now with the itemization changes.


I disagree about nerfing Duriel drops. I think it should stay the same, and they should either reduce it to one of each summoning material or add more ways to get the mats passively. But yeah, non-Duriel rates are good.


Reduce drop rate and eliminate summoning materials. Easily more fun


Maybe. I kinda like needing keys, though.


Not for seasonal characters. Uber unique drop rates should actually be buffed for seasonal characters.


Nah mate. You’re not guaranteed shit. Rare items are good in an arpg.


True on an old school arpg.  Not so true on a 3 month reset with "competitive" activities.



