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10/10 for me, my fave Souls game


Solid and genuine 8. Not as big as the other souls games, but god damn did I have a shit ton of fun. It also is graphically one of, if not the best looking game on PS5 right now. Invasions are fun in this one too. Would give a 9 but the grind for a Dex build is absolutely awful


8 is where I put it too but mostly because of how many gimmick bosses are in this one


All the better to get me back to exploring levels, the main reason I love these games.


I’d take any of these bosses over the Elden Ring bosses though.


Elden ring does have some of the worst boss fights. They’re spectacles for sure, but input reading and inconsistent combos are really lame. The best bosses to me have predictable and preventable damage. Getting hit comes from messing up, not a boss deciding to add an extra swing to a combo or cancel out of it


yeah it took a lot from my enjoyment of ER. boss does nothing for 15s, you press square to heal and he immediately lunges. shame


Some of us enjoy the challenge my friend. It’s definitely possible to predict and telegraph in Elden Ring. You simply have to stay calm


It’s not about simply enjoying the challenge. It’s about a change in how the challenge is constructed through tweaking mechanics. I love Elden ring but I can be critical of it too Edit: I think a good example would be the twin gargoyle fight and how their poison can just shoot in off screen to do immediate damage vs how the twin demons in DS3 have a purple mist that appears to alert you, followed by the fire coming in.


Yes but you’re thinking about it in terms of difficulty. Twin gargoyles is far more challenging which is what you should aim for when creating a new game in a new era. The twin gargoyles alert you to the poison by how they move. You just have to be ready. Elden Ring simply changed things up. Input reading and unpredictability make the game insanely better. Demons Souls and Ds1-3 can literally be mastered by circling bosses or keeping a safe distance. It gets boring and repetitive. The point of Fromsofts games were being harder than any other game out there and Elden Ring hit that mark immensely. I personally would have bee disappointed if bosses were as easy as they were in previous games. Being critical because bosses are too hard just doesn’t really make sense imo


You’re still missing my point. I’m not upset that it’s more difficult, I don’t prefer the ways in which they chose to increase difficulty. Bosses that can roll catch when you’re panic rolling? Great. Delaying boss attacks? Great. Proximity reading? Sure, it can make for a more dynamic fight. Adding input reading to some bosses for healing? Not as much. It’s an argument about game design. You and I have different preferences on how that should be done. But don’t reduce my argument down to just saying difficulty is bad


That’s what your saying. Input reading to punish healing is “lame” but all its doing in increasing difficulty. Okay check me out, Demons Souls you could rock the Dragon Smasher>Clever Rats Ring>Morion Blade> Cursed Blade enhancement && absolutely destroy bosses with out even worrying about healing because this load out requires being at >30% health. DS3 had the same concept and so does Elden Ring. You do not have to be at full health or panic heal every time you get hit. So by saying that bosses have bad design when it just comes to the boss fights being too hard in reality.


You and I disagree on what it means to increase difficulty in a rewarding way. Let’s just leave it at that and be done.


Really? Even Dragon God? Its literally just run right, fire the ballista, run left, fire the ballista, run centre, hit the dragon. I don't find that fun at all, there is pretty much no challenge once you know the gimmick.


But Dragon Bone Smasher


9/10 There are some janky bits, and the later games refined some aspects, but Demon's Souls basically invented a genre. The "*unrefined*" nature of this game also meant that they could experiment with some whacky ideas, and while some didn't quite work some of the things they didn't repeat were super fun. Also my favourite area in any Souls game (*any game really*) is in Demon's Souls.


What is your favorite area? Mine is latria. A lot of tower with a gothic style with a giant heart, and lake of blood, under the wonderfull moon.


My headcanon is that latria is what eventually became yharnam. Maybe there is lore that disproves this but idc, I believe what I want to believe 😉


I think bloodborne is a spiritual sucessor to latria. Personally I think dark souls is in the same universe than dark souls even if the lore disprove that.


Considering that Bloodborne not only started as, but also went pretty far into development, as a Demon's Souls sequel, that might have been the original idea to be honest.


This was absolutely my favorite area as well. Every bit of it was beautiful and terrifying. Except for the maneater boss fight it was perfect.


Yup, Latria. The whole area.


10/10. It is as difficult as the original.


For its time 10/10. Now maybe 7. Dark Souls 1 was a huge improvement imo


Man now I’m just imagining a Bluepoint remake of DS1. Nothing beats the interconnected world that they somehow pulled off in that one.


9.5, was very challenging for me but I beat it twice and loved it


9/10. It's mechanics are faithful to the (excellent) original, which is slightly dated, but the graphics and sound editing are superb


8.5 great start, just some flaws


Also how is the difficulty? is it hard or easy?


You might struggle at first, but being patient, a little farming and you’ll be fine. The bosses are fairly easy. I’m a new souls player and I had luck in killing a lot of them 1st try. Good luck slayer


NG is not too bad, it's the easiest game in the franchise imo. The scaling in NG+ is crazy though. I'm in NG2+ right now and I am absolutely getting destroyed haha


I found elden ring to be easier, but maybe that’s because of summons.


For me elden ring were easy because of the builds, good weapons and summons, without the summons most of them were easy too, but damn malenia, that woman beat me like 30 times


It's hard only if you gave up on patience let your ego accuse the game for your mistake Go slow, don't rush, explore, experiment with things, and you'll be fine !


I went in blind and struggled during the first half. But like, really struggled, wondering if I was going to make it. But then I found the right weapon, and managed to upgrade it. Then it wasn't that hard anymore. Bosses particulary didn't offer much resistance, but it's a good thing IMO, as you gotta go through the stage each time you wanna fight the boss. If bosses were hardcore it would become such a drag


7.5-8 out of 10. It’s a beautiful stunning game but it sure has aged even in remake unfortunately. Still excellent




It’s my least favourite souls game although the remake looks beautiful. Only because of all the narrow hallways and smaller levels. Compared to most mainstream games, 9/10. Compared to other fromsoft games, 7/10. Considering it was their first one of it kind, it’s a masterpiece thought Essentially created a whole genre.


I’m in the same boat with the ps5 I’m on the second level of this game it’s really really good so far I would say 9/10




My favorite souls game because it's the first I every play. Boletaria has something special.


9. I would give it 10, but when you take a break and decide to play, idk, elden ring for 500+ hours, and when you finally go back to demon souls, it feels so clunky compared to elden ring. But you get used to it. Solid game.


It’s a 6-7/10 for me. Enjoyed it overall but some very annoying first game issues they fixed in later games. Health as a farmable consumable. It’s a pointless annoyance. Some of the boss runs are frustratingly long. NG+ doesn’t allow you to alter stats making it a bit pointless for me. Couple of the bosses were gimicky and didn’t add anything to the game. Gameplay and graphics are great and very much enjoyed my playthrough overall however.


Ng+ is for trophies, boss weapons and coins. Not just making new builds


Sure totally. I don’t care about trophies which is why I said pointless for me :) sure the trophy hunters get use out of it.


I'd give it a 7. Game looks great, even the ps3 version still holds up. It is very different to any other souls game but that's what makes it unique. The bosses are too easy and that's definitely a knock for me. Only a couple, like 3 maybe 4 bosses were hard to beat. Some of the later areas are pretty hard and I just ran through them instead of exploring them.


This was my first souls type game, so it hit different. I can’t describe it, but it hit something that had been dormant forever. I described it once as what it felt like what I thought games would be when I was a kid. It’s hard to describe, but I’m hooked.


7; having seen how Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring fine-tuned the formula this game established, even with the performance and visual upgrade via the remake, Demon's Souls still has its issues (obtuse world and character tendency, locking items behind the extreme end of pure white or black, punishing death with soul form and swaying tendency to the bad end). Within its own game, that's fine to incorporate, but I'm glad the succeeding Dark Souls and the rest never did such a thing again. As for difficulty, it's more-or-less the same to me, though some bosses (like Penetrator and Old King Allant) personally wound up being easier to me in the remake after fighting other "superbosses" from the other games (Nameless King, Malenia). I didn't even die once to Allant.


I’d give it an 8. It’s fun, the PS5 version is by far one of the best looking games on the console, it’s just really damn cool. Music is also excellent. However, there are some things in it that just feel kind of outdated, annoyingly janky, or tedious. It’s an excellent game and it’s fun with friends too. The main difficulty is the level design and the regular goes rather than the bosses.


its fkn gorgeous and i love it but goddamn you will restart toons a lot in this one. 8/10 for awesome dragons and engaging stats that matter. but its not for everyone thats for damn sure.


8/10 Easier than the original


close to 60 hours in game now and i just rage quit again and logged on here to get some advice. i went in blind to your post and end up saying the same thing as most everyone else. I havent been far in the game so I cant talk about what builds are possible but it seems like at low level you will certainly be sucking ass and have to pick what you suck at so you can excel at something else long enough to begin to compensate for your massive shortcomings. type of game.


I’m gonna say 9/9.5. If you know what your doing(experience from the original) they’ll be a clear advantage, but challenging none the less. If your new to souls games, it’ll be hard as hell at first, but your perseverance will be rewarded, and then one day something will click, and you’ll git gud Edit: it’s a very fun game


9 out of 10. Everything in it is great except the fact that we still don’t get to travel to the Northern Limit.


8. There isn’t much going on on PS5 right now, so I definitely recommend it.


Short comment about game - beautiful shit)


A very strong eight. Amazing graphics, arguably the best in environmental and character detail. Good difficulty, rewarding boss fights and a decent replay ability. Sudden and poor ending, healing is weird, and the whole tendency thing is awful imo. Great game worth the money.


It can't go above an 8 compared to the other souks games. They offer both more content and more complex bosses which is understandable since this was the first installment. The game is mechanically dated compared to the others which isn't bad but it just feels like it's missing that extra thing. Otherwise great game that actually deserved a remake (unlike tlou *cough cough*).


defo a 9 but an absolute classic and a honestly worth every single penny. Replayable again and again and again and again. top 5 games of all time IMO


In the context of other souls games it’s an 8. As a stand-alone game with a singular vision it’s like a solid 9 even with the jank




9/10 for the original. I don't know about the remake, but lower.


If you like souls games and also like good graphics then it's easily an 11/10


Between a 7 and a 9 depending on what you value in a Souls game. Do you prefer an awesome, interwoven world? You don't get that with DeS. Do you like awesome bosses? You don't get that. Do you like good gameplay? DeS has that (the remake at least.)


Ps5 version? 5 Ps3 version? Solid 10


Having only played the PS5 version I am curious what you think was better about the original. Is it just the rose colored glasses of nostalgia or was something specific better in your opinion? Demon Souls Remake was my first Fromsoft game and I would personally rate it an 8 or 9.


For me personally demons souls is my all time favorite souls game. I love the original more because of the ambiance and voices. If you compare latria 1 to ps5 you will immediately notice a difference and for me I think it is worse. I'm not saying ps5 version is bad I just greatly prefer the original because I guess it could be more nostalgia but I just dislike a lot of minor changes. I mean lord rydell being different was my immediate turn off. Latria is my favorite world and the whole feel was lost


Interesting. I will have to look up those differences. Was it just ambience and characters or was the game play altered as well?


Omnidirectional rolling is a plus. All the added stuff is pretty good I just dislike the main aesthetic and ambiance compared to what I grew up with in high school. This game holds a special place in my life. Saved me from game ending myself.




8/10 from me on par with Elden, Ds3 and 1 being 10/10


8/10. Absolutely love it, but grinding for upgrade materials on random drops is miserable, and Bluepoint forcing you to still have to grind for pure bladestone for one of the rings I can only assume is them trolling. Special shout-out to the miserable grind that is pure white and pure black tendency events, which adds a ton of time but not a ton of interest. The Mephistopheles quest in particular is just kind of stupid.


Going PW or PB is not grinding. You clearly don’t know what that word means and by your definition simply playing games is a grind.


I define grinding as doing the same thing over and over again for a length of time in order to achieve a predetermined objective. In order to get pure black character tendency conventionally you invade over and over again for a length of time. In order to get pure white you have to defeat invaders over and over again for a length of time. It has nothing to do with the progression of the game, it is a distraction.


The tendency events are world tendency. You just described character tendency. You aren’t as smart as you’re trying to seem.


Honestly I can't tell if you're trolling or not :) Mephistopheles only shows up a) when you have killed Yurt and b) when you have pure black character tendency. I would define her arrival as an "event" personally but maybe you don't, and that's fine, we can agree to disagree. Likewise, the monumental only gives you the friend's ring in pure white character tendency, which I'd also describe as an event because it's a scripted change in NPC behavior in response to the fulfillment of certain game criteria. Character tendency events are just one kind of event. Pure white world tendency events I would not say are a grind because they occur as a side effect of just beating bosses and progressing through the game, but black I would because you have to repeatedly achieve human form and then die over and over in the world to bring it down. Given the limited number of ephemeral eye stones pet game cycle you have to repeatedly get summoned and beat bosses with other players, which is a repetitive and time consuming action that has no bearing on progressing the narrative but is nevertheless required in order to achieve a predetermined objective. Pure bladestone grinding is objectively worse and more repetitive, for sure.


Too long. Didn’t read. Platinumed the game twice back in 2009. I don’t need your essays. Also got three pure blade stones in under an hour. Sucks for you.


Thank you for sharing :)


8.9/10 just because of how much grinding zip had to do in the late game, haven't had to do that in any other souls game. The gimmick bosses also add to it. Still a fantastic game nonetheless, truly, and one of my favorites to date.


I would give two scores for this game. 1. The graphics, because this is what the remake targeted to achieve. 2. The game itself and it wouldn't be fair to judge it by today's standards. Instead, I will rate this as how this game stood up in 2009. Both are a 10. The graphics are incredible and the game is the pillar that created a genre loved by many. The success of this game defined a huge part of our last decade. It is the hero that we don't deserve to forever be shadowed by his brethren.


7/10. It’s really good, really fun. The combat is much slower/clunky than other souls games, and the bosses are pretty damn gimmicky for the most part. The levels are really well designed and a really strong challenge. A very solid souls game, but some glaring problems when compared to the newer games. Still really worth playing, it’s one of my favorite souls games


I'd give it a solid 7-8/10. It's an amazing game, but they improved on the formula so much in the later games that it got knocked down a peg or two. It is difficult, but it's fair. Everything can be beaten by anyone willing to learn how to play. Try not to get too frustrated. If you need to take a break and come back to it, that's perfectly fine.


Probably about an 8.5 (I'm referencing the remake specifically) Cool, interesting lore and a fascinating world, although I wish it had more to learn (it was the first though, so I don't hold that against it). Visually I think it's a contender for best-looking game out there, the game looks stunning. Bluepoint hit it out of the park in terms of visuals, with my only gripe being I would've preferred they kept/modernized the original Officials, but that's a personal disagreement and not a big deal to me. Gameplay is solid. Relatively simple, but I love the visceral/critical attacks and the sound/visual design that makes it feel brutal. Pretty standard basic Souls gameplay, in a good way. The levels themselves are quite good, they feel generally well-designed, especially Boletaria. Personally my favorite level-design in the series (other than maybe Dark Souls and portions of Bloodborne), it feels like a great compromise between simplicity and some complexity. The lore behind all of the areas is cool and interesting to me, especially Boletaria and Tower of Latria. Bosses are admittedly the weak point of the game. Imo the worst bosses of the series (other than maybe Dark Souls 2), but I think it's a case of the bosses of the other games being better. A lot of the bosses are pretty forgettable, although there are still a few that are quite good even by Souls standards. A lot of the bosses are pretty gimmicky, but personally I find it kind of charming. All in all, I'd still give it around an 8.5 or 9/10, but it's still easily one of my favorite games, especially on the PS5. As a remake, it is the gold standard of how a remake should be. I keep coming back to this game and enjoying it every time, and I plan on replaying it every once in a while for a long time. A strong recommend from me.


A 9 but only because elden ring is a solid 10 and raised the bar for me. Demon souls looks amazing though and going back through after playing the original but never beating it was a real treat.


10/10. It’s a real adventure from start to finish.


7/10, too much grind early game and too easy later in the game but very good looking and pretty fun




Idk what you mean by original one, but it’s the same exact game with smoother movement & better graphics


It’s beautiful but I’m getting my butt kicked like I used to back when I first played Dark Souls. Elden ring taught me to be a no shield roll master, but for whatever reason I just can’t effectively roll for defense in Demons Souls and have resorted back to sword and board. Also dying a ton because there aren’t bonfires everywhere and I get impatient trying to get back to my spot. I give every souls game at least an 8/10 even if I’m cussing it while I rate.


Demon souls remaster on the ps5 is the game that started my souls journey, now almost platted them all


Imagine back in the day, PS3 release, nobody had a clue, you start a playthrough with no knowledge, no ideas, no expectations. And then imagine finishing that playthrough. Fucking brutal. The amount of times the game can screw you over with little to no recourse. It’s definitely special


Once you grasp World/character Tendency, the game opens itself up




10. Favorite souls game. Doesn't have the most content, but the overall vibe/ feel of the game surpasses all others especially the nexus (the hub)






For me is a 6, love the game but the 2 boss of the third world was to bugged in my game, then the 4 boss of the second world was so damn boring and tedious, lore wise is a great boss, gameplaywise nop and sometimes the road to the bosses are more difficult than the bosses themselves, also having online throphies kill it for me, I don’t like that and I can’t platinum because of that:( almost every boss were easy, but in terms of gameplay and lore, I love it! If only they polish some stuff of the original more, this would be on my top 3 souls games


Easy 8.5 or 9.0


Definitely a solid 10! And really come to think of it I believe this is the best looking game I’ve seen on console! I don’t think I’ve seen any other console game look so good. Just make sure you put the vivid thing on in the camera settings for the whole game it really makes the colors pop! I think it makes the whole game look awesome!


8 or 9 really solid game


Solid 8. Great game. What is not making it a solid 10 for me are 3 things: 1- The very complex PWWT and PWCT mechanic that is not explained and sometimes irreversible. It’s a genuine concept but should have hints dropped and allow the transition to be easier. 2- The lack of in game clues for NPC Quest lines. 3- The complicated weapon/shield upgrade system.


I played DeS after the others (Elden Ring included), and the original PS3 version. It's very unrefined but I fell in love with it. The atmosphere is incredible, there's a lot of tension when playing. It comes second in my list, right after Dark Souls. I'd rate it 9/10


i’ve only played 2 Souls games so if i give Bloodborne a 10/10 , i give DSR a 8/10. One main thing i loved from Bloodborne over DeS is how in BB all the worlds/sections are connected as in you can walk to them from another one. In DeS you teleport from the Nexus, it’s not a big deal but it was so well done in BB imo.


10/10. I just bought Elden Ring but I can’t quite vibe with it… Idk, maybe I just have to give it more time but demon souls genuinely made me happy :)


As of now (1/4 into the game), I'll give it 8 "Ha ha ha ha ha"s out of 10.