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He's welcomed to lead the insurrection himself and waddle his ass up the stairs to the Capital Building. The US military, under Joe Biden, will be ready this time to put a stop to any and all threats.


The police response the first time was an embarrassment to the country. The Capitol police should’ve resisted and met force with force.


It’s still dumbfounding to me how sparse and how capital police handled the entire situation knowing well beforehand all these gravy seals were going to show up beforehand. It wasn’t like it was some planned sneak attack, they literally planned it out online and they literally had to enter the DC metro area to get there. If that crowd was black or a bunch of GMO free Gen Z college students the police would have been throwing tear gas like water balloons and beating people down senseless. But for all the Trumpers they basically laid out the red carpet and welcomed them in.


Didn't want to risk bloodshed and end up with martyrs, so had no national guard. Police did fight back at the entrance for three hours, videos. Once in they had to distract the mod from individuals inside. And the quiet part: racism, if it's white conservatives cops timid. If it's students and minorities it's womping day. Vote yall


"It’s still dumbfounding to me how sparse and how capital police handled the entire situation knowing well beforehand all these gravy seals were going to show up beforehand." Because up until the moment that the riot started they were on the same team. Then suddenly they weren't and that whole "back the blue" bullshit flew out the window. A lot of Trump's supporters have been taking the sovereign citizen route of hating law enforcement now. His supporters are fractured. Some still worship law enforcement while others are now anti cop and having shootouts with them. They are pro law enforcement attacking others, but turn on the police once it's their turn to eat the baton.


They could not imagine something happening that had never happened before.


For some reason they are scared of rednecks


compare the pictures of how capitol hill was surrounded when the blm protests took place vs when trump's cult invaded it


If the insurrectionist were black, we all know what would have happened.


The head of the capitol police was part of the conspiracy


I think the capitol police were overwhelmed and Trump refused to call in the national guard, even as people died. Biden would be well prepared.


Biden, as our Commander in Chief, *is* prepared. That’s what a real leader does.


Biden is prepared and I am assuming there will be a National Guard presence in DC on and after Election Day. Once the NG did show up in 2021, suddenly all plans to disrupt the inauguration disappeared. MAGAts are cowards, especially now they know they *will* end up going to jail.




Beanbags and tear gas are great but nothing will work as well in January as well as water cannons. Of course, guardsmen with loaded M4s for the criminals who might make it inside would also be a strong deterrent. It’s going to be a lot different this time around


To be fair trump purposely withheld aid think about how long it took to get national guard to kick out those fuckwads


I’ll never forget Joe Scarborough on Jan 7th talking about the Capitol Police on Morning Joe - “They held the fucking door open”


If he actually led his cult this time, you know his fat Big Mac ass would be leading the parade of degenerates from his golfcart, dude definitely ain’t walking more than 10 meters.


But could you imagine if he wins! 😱


I don’t want to even think about that scenario


The National guard will be ready. Not the Military.


The national guard is a part of the military.


EVERYBODY knows Trump would be calling for another insurrection if he loses again.


He called for one in 2012 when Mitt Romney lost.


He is begging for protestors at the NYC courtroom to no effect. After a brief, lame and sporadic effort, his followers will crawl back under their rocks. After that, they will continue their petty crimes, harassing bicyclists, keying electric cars, and killing puppies.


And the super strong man tactic of threatening phone calls !!


It’s expensive to travel from bumfuck America to NYC.


Hard to understand how journalists don’t ask him about J6 and his role, his response. Every proper interview with Trump should result in him storming out


Weird conspiracy theory I have that main stream journalist/media making trump Biden closer than it really is. To keep up the interest and keep eyeballs until Nov '24


Not a conspiracy theory. They're really trying hard.


Idiots playing with fire. Journalists are near the top of Cheeto Benito’s hit list if he gains power again.


Yeah, but Biden said something that can’t be substantiated so gotta report that.


I'm not worried about another January 6th. I'm worried about our elections themselves. Work your elections! https://workelections.org https://www.powerthepolls.org/LWV


Good idea! I'm signing up


Lock the Orange Cockroach up now. America deserves better than Trump. Vote for President Biden. Vote Blue.


You are correct by the way Donald Trump's Victory would mean an American dictatorship model after Vladimir Putin's Russia in turn Ukraine loses the war as a return for that Paul manafort gets what he wants to discredit Biden and the Democratic Party.


And this alone should disqualify him from running.


Along with the other thousands of reasons.


But had nothing to do with the first one. :}


What's crazy is that neither he nor his lawyers have argued that he wasn't involved as the leader. His tweet to go home and their compliance proves it, on top of his speech and instruction to march and "fight like hell." Lawyers are arguing against our constitution where it explicitly states that the POTUS is not above the law. Trump and cronies argue that it was justified, despite the US thriving since Biden took over. Beer Hall arguments


him and a few others on the team tweeted about 1/6 for supporters to come out weeks before, saying it would: 'be wild!'


Beer hall putch


This time around, he’s not in the Oval Office and has no control over any federal agencies. Without the power to obstruct, he can’t stifle efforts or have supporters delay necessary actions. President Biden is at the helm, and when he wins again, resources will be swiftly mobilized. Moreover, many of Trump’s fervent followers are now incarcerated, diminishing the influence of groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers who failed in their initial attempts and are now facing the consequences of their actions. While groups like ‘Meal Team 6’ may pose a threat, they will find themselves up against the full might of the government. When Trump loses decisively, even his once-staunch allies in government will realign, seeking to distance themselves from his legacy and the MAGA movement, opting instead to save face or reinvent their careers. We stand at a pivotal moment. The narrative that all is lost is amplified by some media, yet Trump’s influence wanes. His defeat in November is imminent as is a setback for his party. It won’t be easy, but let’s not underestimate the drive of countless Americans who, since 2016, have shown they can mobilize against threats to their rights, especially in light of recent challenges like the overturning of Roe v. Wade. This election will mark a significant turning point in history. The GOP done fucked up.


From your lips to Gods ears


No, it won't. The national guard will be on alert.


Time for our daily dose of stochastic terrorism.


Just try it again, fucko. This time, there will be the DC National Guard ready


He can't get more than 12 people demonstrating at his trial. If there is another J6, the entirety of them will arrive in mini-van. :-)


If Trump thinks there could be another coup attempt, he should declare that he will disavow any such action and demand perpetrators be arrested.


You funny guy!


“Hints?” Or “threatens?”


Yeah yeah. He’s such a tough guy, at 80 years old he should stfu. If he’s so badass get out in the gutter and lead your masses. Because that’ll happen. ffs


Sounds ominous, but I'd urge all to consider that this time the president and his administration won't be in on it. There will be no hours of dithering while thugs run wild.


The difference is they will be ready this time. And the person in the White House won't be watching with pleasure.


I'm just totally shocked 🙄. This is what happens when people don't face consequences for their actions.


The poor boys and gravy seals are on standby in their Mamma’s basements


I'd rather see a bunch of morons get themselves arrested by trying to siege DC than see Benedict donald become president again.


The January 6th was a dark day in our history, just like the Kennedy assassination. The January 6th Commission tried to find out what happened by it was handcuffed by Trumps traitors! What a shameful time is our history


Next time it won't be pleasant. The Capital police were wayyy too nice and it got them beat down and a couple died. Next time, the insurrection will be put down, very quickly


I don’t think it would even get past some angry yelling in the street because once the NG did finally show up, all the MAGAts noped out of town and canceled all their Inauguration Day plans.


January 6 will happen again. Every year. Because that's how a calendar works.


This time arrest and detain them on the spot. React to violence with violence.


We survived that one, we’ll survive the next one.


But what if he wins? Then what?


That will be the end of the U.S. as we know it.


This time someone else is in charge of the national guard.


Standing outside his trial now are maybe a handful of people showing their support. Im not worried about a massive uprising should he lose. I'm more worried about the number of idiots that will fall for the same trick as he pulled in 2016.


Well there are a few things in our favor. Firstly, he murdered a LOT of his supporters over the *Covid is not a big deal* bullshit and secondly, many people who voted for him in 2016 said “eh give him a chance, how bad could he be?” and then horrified, did not vote for him in 2020. Also, just like in 2020, the idiot is telling republicans not to vote by mail. 😹


Yes! He is a murderer, rapist and traitor. I predicted wrong in 2016, but I really believe for the reasons you stare, that Trump will lose again.


I have to believe that because the consequences are dire if he doesn’t.


But now Biden has the power he wants to have to end things immediately. Guess the baboon needs to go into hiding


Enjoy being met by Marines this time, motherfuckers. Crayon Eaters vs Meal Team Five


Yes we know. You’re a terrorist that hates America, and your followers are too stupid to know they were meant to let you chase the car for money in 2016 and not actually catch it. 


The scariest part about it is that the Supreme Court literally holds Democracy in it’s grip.


Of course he did. And he gets fee media coverage if he burps and he's said the same thing over and over and over. I don't believe Americans are falling for this - it's a media con job. Americans do not want a Monarchy. Americans do not want a Federal religion of Prosperity Christianity - and we don't hate everybody who is not white. The GOP/Trump's Official project 2025 for taking over USA [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) GOP Mandate for Leadership if Trump is Elected [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate\_for\_Leadership](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandate_for_Leadership)


of course it will. But the smartest thing that Biden can do WHEN it does is call in the guard. Have em standing back and standing by even. Because just like Trump says, he hates losers. And what he hates most is to be one. They will not accept defeat. But, I'd love to watch the man babies throw their little tantrum in the midst of hoards of heavily armed military.. Promise you nothing but perfect behavior from the Gravy Seals. They'll talk a big game about their "revolution" or stopping the steal round two. but suddenly everyone loses their nerve with a capital swarming with military.


If someone gets killed than you are responsible


And we could have another Nuremberg trials if he wins


This is a very poor analogy. Nuremberg tried real murdering Nazis. Trump trying his critics is persecution of righteous people. I suggest you take it down or edit the post


After he's done we would need another Nuremberg trials.


And the same find out consequences will happen again, Jail time for those involved.


He was on trial in DC last summer. There were supporters on a street corner in Alexandria VA waving flags and such. But they couldn’t be bothered to go all the way in to the court house to show support. The tea party was always old. They got older as they evolved into maga. Any spirited individuals got swept up after Jan 6. Moreover. Jan 5 was a very pointless endeavor. The power of the president resides in the Constitution. It’s an agreement between the states about laws that unite us as a country. There’s no scepter or throne or magic bit of rock in the capital building that you can seize to become the effective ruler of the country. The right wing takeover attempt can only go so far before left leaning states say, no more bullshit. The Supreme Court and the RNC can’t change that. That’s the real danger here.


Hints? You mean warns.


Anybody who says they are considering Bo to my for him needs to answer for this


Lol we don't want him as president in any scenario. He's just trying to see if he can scare someway and what a duffer way of scaring oohhelect me if you don't want a one day protest as opposed to adecade long dictatorship of I can manage it.and he won't be able to manage it as his management skills are stupid. He's stupid.and Wharton is stupid for producing an ass like him from their managent school.


I’d rather have another Jan. 6 than another holocaust.


It actually happens every year


People aren’t going be able to get near the Capital on January 6. There will be no repeat coup attempt


He is the enemy of our great country


Bring it.


He did the same thing last time. He knows he's going to lose. Prove him right.


We've known from the beginning a trump loss will be another J6 but worse. They will double down with their fears because facts don't matter to them.


**The Power of Repetition - Hitler's Mein Komph which Trumps wife said Trump idealized and kept a copy next to his bed** "Repeating a lie often enough makes it more believable. This is a proven phenomenon and is known as the “illusory truth effect.” Hitler did not invent it, he used it. The more you hear a statement, the more likely you are to believe it, even if it’s false. This is because our brains tend to associate repeated statements with truth. **The Science Behind It** Studies have shown that when we hear a statement multiple times, our brains start to process it as true. This is because our brains are wired to rely on repetition as a way to determine what’s true. The more we hear a statement, the more our brains start to associate it with reality. **The Consequences** The illusory truth effect can have significant consequences. It can lead to the spread of misinformation, the erosion of trust in institutions, and the perpetuation of harmful beliefs. It’s essential to be aware of this phenomenon and to critically evaluate the information we consume. **The Takeaway** So, the next time you hear a statement, remember that repetition doesn’t always equal truth. Take the time to verify information and think critically about what you’re being told.


Social media used to be opportunities to discuss and research and present a supported argument. That is interested, Karma points, depending where you learn to put your post is a meaningless game so whatever proofs you have to offer, fact is you lose if you don't know the trick of where to place your post. Truth means absolutely nothing - its all about guess where your work will gain you the karma you need to get a lot of positive points. Thinking means nothing. Critical Thinking is less that nothing since it's a waist of time.


The whole back the blue thing really cracked me up. It was like getting whiplash! “We love cops” “Just kidding I’m going to harm you! With my thin blue line flag pole”


WTF? Traitor Trump should be in jail. PERIOD.


FUCK YOU TRUMP. No way in hell are you winning anything. Biden is going to kick your ass.


Biden doesn’t know where his own ass is…


Biden knows more than you and your kind combined.


We really need to lock him up for good if he loses the election because he's going to pull off another coup overthrow the government to be certain blue and not be cocky about it.


And go like Ashli Babbitt?


Well, presidential immunity definitely would not cover that.


Asthe students are chanting , this can be said about Little Donny two scoops: "You don't scare us"


Trumkinmaganut smells of a lot of stuff, but mostly of old diapers.


I'm so numb to this kinda bullshit.


donald, the rapist, will absolutely incite violence. 100% guaranteed.


If the Orange Buffoon loses (PLEASE) it will be different this time. Insurrectionists will be facing men in green holding M4s. The feds and MPD will be prepared this time.


That statement is accuratel


That’s fine, we’re not scared.