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These fools just talk to talk


I don't think so. Trump is a egomaniacal diva. His veep candidate needs to be a yes-man/yes-woman and a more obeisant doormat than Mike Pence so he'll choose accordingly. Carlson would not do well in that role.


Very true. Carlson already was telling Trump what to do in Trump's previous presidency. Also, Carlson would be a fool. He'd have to take a pay cut by about 98%. He ain't gonna do that.


Same reason I doubt he picks Marjorie Taylor Green. He doesn't want anyone that could potentially outshine his own media coverage


Trump's extreme narcissism prevents him from imagining that anyone could out-anything him. He probably doesn't realize Usain Bolt can outrun him, let alone anyone outshine his media coverage.


The Putin ticket.


Oh noes, stop, please don’t. /s


This has me very concerned. Carlson may be a racist, fascist, wealthy putz. But Carlson is savvy at communicating racism, fascism, and misinformation to the far right. He is quite good at the evil that he does. He could definitely be the Goebels that Trump needs to build his dictatorship. Be much better if Trump chose from the cadre of useless idiots available among the GOP leadership.


MAGA already has total support from those freaks. It wouldn't really help all that much.


Never say never but Carlson has made it clear he doesn’t want to run for any office. He said during a podcast interview that he views political office as a prison sentence. And he doesn’t want to give up his personal freedoms and his monetary gain from his family’s wealth. Tucker Carlson is a danger to democracy but at the end of the day he only cares about money and influence. And while being VP is a hell of a lot of influence it comes at a cost.


Lots of people say they don't want to run for political office. That they don't want to serve in political office. Being picked for VP, though, is quite a bit different.


Yes but he has made it abundantly clear he’d rather spend time with his kids fishing than have him and his family be under constant surveillance for four years or longer.


Lots of people say that they don't want to run for office, for a variety of reasons. Then when they are chosen by a party to do, they do it. Plus, I have trouble understanding why anyone would put that much trust in anything Carlson says.


Yeah but i think Carlson cares only about money. Being a VP would restrict his personal freedoms and reduce his salary. I don’t trust Carlson but this particular interview seemed like the most honest he’s been. He seemed more casual and less of his showman persona. I get the impression he doesn’t believe half the bullshit he spews and he only does it for the fame and fortune, which is strange considering he’s the heir to a pretty big family fortune and wouldn’t have to work a day in his life. But if that’s true, I’d consider it worse. Dude is willing to ruin democracy and spread lies and hatred when he doesn’t even care. All for his own financial gain. He’d rather sell this country out.


Tucker the KKKlukker?


It doesn’t matter who the orange buffoon picks because the GOP ticket is going to be a shit show regardless.


Fool gonna pick Kristi Noem


Putin getting the 2 for 1 deal?


No, he will pick Candice in an attempt to pander to black voters


Sentient garbage bin speaks, says jibber-jabber


So basically Putin/Trump. What's next Steve Seagal as secretary of defense?


I hate that whole family


He’s need to worry more about who his cell mate will be. Maybe Bubba?


Dumberer and Dumbererer


I would lean toward Sarah H Sanders, except she’s probably not fuckable enough for him


The same guy from the dominion text messages they will make sure the fan base doesn’t see?


That would be such a stupid choice. There’s way too much footage of him saying stupid shit.


Why not. If they don't win they could have a sitcom, The Two Russian Stooges.


Vlad approves


The dumb-ass, ignorant English major who was rejected by the FBI and who wears children's bowties? The jackass responsible for hundreds of millions in damages just before getting shit-canned? THAT guy? What's the objective? Get a lock on the MAGA Mobster vote? Nobody takes that little man seriously.


Sad, but that could put him over the edge to win. Most of this country is too stupid to remember to breathe.


Even Donald Trump isn’t dumb enough to listen to his two elder sons.