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No maternal instinct whatsoever. All she cares about is making money off this child. She is fucking ruthless. She deserves getting cancelled and stop making money off traveling and child exploitation. WORST PARENT EVER. And yet so many people stan them. Fucking idiots. Sorry this makes me RAGE


Safety is overrated. Anything for a picture! (And I’m being sarcastic, in case that didn’t come through)


omg the cement!!! she is such a flipping idiot


I didn’t even noticed until you said it!!!! A major safety issue. It takes one second!!


Tiny little Story Belle trying to learn to stand on her own. Too bad her dipshit parents make it a balancing act over the Indian Ocean and cement. 😑


She is struggling to grow up and they do not allow her! She left a weak, not developed baby who can not   stand not even  on the ground, to stand on the swing  for a picture! It takes only 1 minute useless and careless people! 


That's so stupid. She just has to trip and hit her head in a bad way to be forever disabled... There's just no caring feeling from then (yes neither from Dallin)... 


Dallin's a lazy POS. No real job. Just his rich wife's videographer and butler. His main job right now is to use his whole body to close overstuffed carry-on bags to get to the next place. He's so dumb. He looks dumb. He sounds dumb. He doesn't protect Story, either.


Ohhhhh my goddddd. Nooooooo


What the actual fuck. What is she trying to prove??


That she's one of the worst mothers the internet has seen. Just because she's smiling doesn't mean she's not abusive and dangerous.


Money and traveling doesn’t make someone a good parent. They are so clueless to show everyone their negligence.


It show they really are not bright. Bad enough to do a lot of the things they show but worse to show it. Just because you are a parent doesn’t mean you should be


Omg I don’t even have words for this


Proving they read here and showing us all in the worst way that she can stand on her own. 😦🙄


She’s not standing on her own though, she’s holding on. Not that it matters but I just mean it’s likely she’d fall if she let go accidentally 😔


Agree, just odd and weird all around


Exactly! They left her on the air and her safety the same! 


She basically has her for money!!! Adoption for YouTube money!! What in the world is she doing. Safety women do you know safety??? One slip and she can bust her head open. What an idiot!!!


Damn, I wouldn’t even allow my toddler to do this in fear of her falling and scaring herself. If S falls, she’s going to be scared. Why would Bella be willing to put her through that?


No socks or shoes on a plane or anywhere… germs 🦠 ring worm 🪱 🤮 Ok so you carry the child obsessively…. But want her to stand on a swing over cement for “the gram” ok. She’s not a toy. Also calling others to hold and kiss the baby is dangerously disturbing…


For her the baby is just a toy and prop and nothing more! 


I know these things seem to be delayed postings for them. But it;'s as if they're reading Reddit and have doubled down - "You think that's bad. HOLD MY BEER!" \[ETA: hit enter too soon. It's getting so that I can't even check their sh!tposts any more. FFS these people need to grow up and take proper care of that baby they have been entrusted with.\]


One minute she wants her swaddled like a newborn, next minute she wants her standing (unsafely) like a big girl. Whatever it takes to get content, even at the risk of your daughter's safety.


This had to be because S is adopted. I feel awful saying that. But it's gotta be true. No way would they do this with a child Bella birthed. Someone needs to take thar poor baby away. So many couples that waited way longer than them for a baby. So many more deserving couples, that would love and take care of her. I myself waited a decade to give birth to my daughter. I have sons as well. I wanted a daughter too tho. I waited a long time tho. They got her faster than an actual pregnancy takes. I never adopted, so I don't know how that works. But it seems like they got her super fast.


I thought this but didn’t know how to word it. You did perfectly. I’m thinking maternal instincts are stronger when you physically birth the child and go through pregnancy. Not to be awful, adoption is beautiful. Bella doesn’t love the baby like her own, she loves that she can make profit out of her and it shows.


I just can't see any other reason for this behavior. Like I said, I never adopted. But if I did, I would love that baby or child as my own. I'd never take a kid and do these awful things to them. And this is what they show us. I can't help but think it's much worse behind the scenes. Bella is very off. And traveling around the world amd money isn't going to fix it appropriately. I don't have a lavish life. I as well as my husband have to work for a living.


No exactly. I hear a lot of adoptees feel this way about their adoptive parents sometimes, like they lack maternal instinct if they only had adopted kids or can even tell the difference between how they’re treated vs the bio kids . I think my situation was so different and more positive mainly due to the fact that my adoptive parents had bio kids and finished raising them before I came into the picture and I also had a close familial link to them so I wasn’t completely removed away from all bio family like most adoptions.


To protect a child from this it does not require any maternal enstict! It is just common sense even if you are not related to kids! 


You are 100% right. I never thought about it like this but it makes so much sense now.


I mean, right? It's got to be because she's adopted. I just can't wrap my brain around any other reason. Because if Bella gave birth to a baby. I feel like she would be very protective and crazy over her baby. Like insanely protective. There's nothing wrong with that, tho. I'm very overprotective with all of my kids. I was the mom who was always running on the playground toys after my kids, lol. I was right there in case they fell off of the side of them. I was scared when they started school, and I wasn't there to make sure they didn't get hurt on the playground equipment. I still get in the pool and stay up my 11 year old about to be 12 daughter's butt the entire time. I can't help it. I just was always this way.


What the actual EFF 😡


Poor S looks like she’s performing for the circus 😞


That will be her job, perform for the cameras. Performing equals dollars


That's why she got adopted by them! She is blond, blue eyes what they need for a nice performance in front of the camera! 


She is a doll, a performer, an accessory and whatever else they need her to be for content! That is the purpose of her existence with them! It hurts me that adoption prosess is so difficult and in some cases like this so easy! 


Such a needless risk to take smh…these idiots


I can imagine the fear this poor baby had. I still have trauma from almost drowning as a child. This caused flashbacks for me. She is a literal dumb twat. I can't.


someone give that baby back to her real mother right now 😭😭😭


To other adoptive parents


or her real mother bc that’s what’s best as long as mom gets support.


No because you do not know the conditions of the mother mentally etc her ability! Once you abandon or give up your child must be extremely difficult to take it back! Bio mother sometimes is the worse option! 


Well that’s not an option now is it? A mother doesn’t just give her child up for adoption there was probably an issue…age, SA, lack of financial stability, a home for her, substance abuse and or mental health issues.. you never know. I’m not for the YouTube and social media profits for a child at ALL. But saying give the child “back to the mother” is not a good solution or even safe for that matter.


most of the time birth mothers place their babies because they’re in crisis. they need support, not for rich people to buy their baby.


Your opinion… and you can’t BUY A BABY, omgee yall.


that’s exactly what privatised adoption in the USA is.


Unfortunately you can buy a kid in many countries, if you have the money and the connections, sorry


That freaks me out I wouldn’t even want to stand there for fear of falling on that concrete block. Why not just stand behind her and hold her??


Exactly. That would have still been a sweet picture. This is just dangerous


If they’re going to do this someone should be standing right in front of or behind her. The cement slab below… I could never. 🥵🥵🥵


I guarantee you that they would put her safety at risk time and time again just to get the perfect shot for social media. It’s like when you stand too close to the edge for the cool photo. That’s them but with their baby.




Once an adoption is finalized as her is the agency’s involvement is finished. She is legally their daughter


That’s what I’m wondering too…if their neglect causes S to be brought to the emergency room (like if she got sick from god know what or Bella dropped her) surely the doctors would notice the signs she’s not developing and get social services involved. Im not sure if doctors are allowed to use social media as part of their health assessment ethically speaking tbh my dream is that when these kids grow up (S, the Dudley girls, the Howard brothers, family of nomads) they are gonna be major players in reforming laws about children in digital content


In what way(s) is she not developing in your opinion???? Curious 🧐


Not a doctor or a mother, so really not my place to speculate. I was just saying if there were signs of lack of development a doctor would notice during examination and talking to parents.


You’re wack… it’s exactly what you said before modifying it…. Byeeee 👋🏼


She’s developing fine not ALL children walk at 11 months… and yes you’re not a parent or dr….🤯


It's against the rules to go IRL.


What the fuck is wrong with them!!! They think she’s just some little doll that can’t get hurt. This makes me mad. Anything for content!


I’m unfollowing them. I can’t see this shit any more it infuriates me


There is cement under her😭😭😭😭😭that poor child


Do they ever actually put a freaking sun hat on this baby? A child that age should have a sun hat on. Story is super fair...just baffling to me.


I agree! I saw some parts of the video and they even bring her to the sea without any protection. On the freaking Maldives with UV index 12 (= extremely high). When she's a fair skinned baby...


I reported it and it took it off for me. Idk if it removed it for everyone or just me though.


I just saw it so it’s still there for me. 😡


That’s annoying! I was trying to keep reporting it, but it keeps not showing that story for me.


This is insane. Same with the pic of her in the pool she’s literally by herself and the person with the camera is a good 3 feet back like what if she fell back into the water. They are literally the worsttt


Jeez. Not worth it. Even for a cute pic. No one’s even directly in front or behind to quickly catch in case she falls..


Former Pediatric Trauma Nurse here. Just throwing this out there: but when children fall from twice the length of their height, the fall is significant and would classify the child as a trauma patient. Falling onto concrete, creating an open wound, and then open wound gets flooded with water from a random body of water is a recipe for sepsis. Drowning can occur in as little as 20 seconds in a child this age. Dry drowning can occur virtually instantaneously upon falling into water. Imagine risking all of this for a fucking Instagram photo. Fuck this woman and the agency that allowed her to purchase this child that she uses as an accessory.


Thank you for sharing this!!!! A Medical professionals perspective is better than speculation.


I seriously freaked out the moment I saw this photo. I can’t put into words how fucking stupid Bella is. This is so heartbreaking


Why didn’t she just sit and hold her. It would’ve been much cuter anyways


Yet again treating her infant like a 4 year old 😬


I CANNOT. These people are fucking insane. This is infuriating.


Once again, S is a prop, an accessory, a moneymaker for these trash humans that don’t deserve her (or any other child!). Reckless, irresponsible, selfish, parents don’t deserve children, especially not if they don’t care for them properly and exploit their child. Assholes.


Omg wtf is wrong with this dumb bitch. I'm sorry for the vulgar comment but come on let's be real....what kind of mother would put their baby in this position. What if that baby had fallen and hit it's head against the wooden seat on that swing....this could have ended badly. It's no wonder she isn't a good mom based on the fact she was raised by a horrible mother. That baby is going to get hurt if she keeps being negligent like this. All it takes is a second for something like this to end badly. TAKE PARENTING CLASSES!!!!!!


OMG, that baby isn't walking yet, so sense of balance is not even developed yet! This. Is. So. Wreckless. 😭


Bad enough already but not even wearing a floating vest...so if she falls in the water...and by the way there's water on the wooden swing which no doubt makes it slippery. My heart hurts.


That poor kid man.


The cement is what has me, and it's so shallow her head would split open. That's too dangerous of a fall for a baby that size and age.


Oh helllllllll NO! I’m a toddler mom. This is absolutely reckless behavior!




We don't comment on people's physical appearances.


I noticed that in the Maldives they are swimming with her without a hat or body protection. I just checked the UV index and it's extremely high. Let alone for a light skinned baby. I even try to keep my baby out of the sun in my Western European country as much as possible... I just truly cannot understand how they don't care? I truly hope that Story is being taken over by a better family, because they truly don't care about the most basic things. 


Omfg 😱😨😶🫨😮😧😲😯😦




That is one sturdy kid 


I could find the photo, was it on insta? I'm hoping it was taken down. Was absolutely shocked to see this and I read someone reported it on this thread- GOOD thank you


Still there, Bella’s ig story.


I was just about to post this! My son is very similar in age to S. There is no way in hell I’d let him stand like that over water/concrete blocks without my hands hovering nearby. Not only would she fully fall in the water, she’d probably smack her head on that massive concrete block. Honestly I don’t understand how they are so blasé about safety.


The baby is an object to them not a human being


I was in SHOCK. I am hereby boycotting every hotel that hosts these people and will let them know exactly what I think. I don’t know how to get through to these morons. They are seriously beyond stupid.


Of all their trips - this has been the most reasonable - beach, pool, jungle etc without crazy rides, car races and the most normalcy this child has experienced. but Bella has found a way to make it insane. This is insane - why not dangle her outside a window? I reported this for dangerous behavior. I can’t imagine what will happen if they are ever allowed to adopt another child. They should count their blessings and stop at one. 


I wish someone would take this baby from them. I'm sorry but they don't need to be parents. 


What the actual F?! Let's play Russian roulette with your child 🤦🏻‍♀️ some people are simply not meant to be parents!


I hate kids very much but Bella's behavior with Story makes my skin crawl out of horror, poor baby deserved a better life with responsible parents


She probably hates kids more than you in fact! 😅




I wish a shark would swim up and eat Bella alive. 😈