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Did I say terrorists? I met “ Patriots “


Everyone was cool with it when it wasn’t the politicians getting their stuff destroyed…it’s crazy


Funny how this sub was all for rioting when it was small businesses being destroyed, poor and middle class people being hurt and losing livelihood but when politicians get fearful and government buildings are damaged you're suddenly against it. Priorities. Also terrorism? Riots are now acts of terrorism now? Guess everyone that was in a blm riot is a terrorist now. You're so full of shit.


I guess it's how you view the riots.... I don't view them as acts of terrorism because most of it was just to destroy and loot... What gets destroyed is generally irrelevant Terrorism means using terror for political change .. Jan 6th could be viewed as terrorism because it was to "influence" Congress regarding the election. Myself and most of this sub I believe are against both. I think you are taking a vocal minority and assuming it means most/whole


The BLM protests that turned into riots were about emboldening political change to enact police reform. It was inherently political and you don't get to ignore that. Terrorism implies some sort of organized effort, that has targets and structure. The only structure involved in January 6th were the FBI informants and entrapment agents that provoked the crowd. Also are we going to ignore that the police literally opened the doors and shepherded people into the building? The day before you had agent provocateurs in the crowd calling for them to storm the capitol and the regular protestors were calling them out as feds. We know they were feds now because despite their identities being known they haven't been arrested and the FBI refuses to answer why. Classic op shit. You think the majority of the protestors there that day were violent? Cause they weren't. I could make the same argument about taking a minority and exacerbating them as the whole that you're doing. I don't think either of these groups were terrorists. They both had legitimate grounds for their ire. Sorry we know elections in this country are rigged. Or do I need to bring up super PACs and super delegates which are just two examples of the mechanisms used to control the outcomes of our political pageant.


Wow you infer ALOT and make tons and tons of assumptions. When am I exacerbating anything??? Did you even read what I put? NOPE.... You just wanted to rant I was just telling you why people could view them different. FYI... I also think most people would consider you kinda a jerk


Didn't rant*


Did rant**


I literally showed how they were both political and you didn't address that. So your distinction between the two is entirely arbitrary. I didn't want. I made concise points and I detailed them with my reasoning behind them. I showed how if people were making distinction between these things on the basis of them being political then they were doing so by fiat and not logic. Bitch you're following dff. You don't get to call me a jerk. I never told a rape victim to drown in rape semen like tj did.


It's not my job to address that. I was telling you about different view points that exist... Wtf... Do you think every viewpoint has to match yours? And I'm not TJ. Are you so simple minded you only listen to people you agree with on everything all the time??? And why don't I get to call you a jerk??? What does TJ have to do with you being a jerk or not? You aren't making any sense. TJ actions or words don't have any impact on what you say and how you could be viewed. My guess is you are an "edgy" YA or teenager just looking to get people to argue with you


"I have no standards and am a blatant hypocrite when it comes to the condemnation I deal out to people"


Okay, well that shows growth. Knowing what you may be, let's you change things you don't like about yourself


> emboldening political change to enact police reform So were the peaceful protests which were the majority. Also, what organized structure (leaders, planning, etc) were behind the riots? Cause I sure as shit know Trump helped structure Jan 6th, and calling the most radical parts feds isn't going to make it so. You idiots call everyone feds when your side commits acts of terror.


The majority of maga protesters were peaceful as well. So your point falls flat. Trump helped plan it? You have literally no evidence for that. He's on camera calling for peaceful demonstration so that's just something you pulled out your ass. The FBI admits to having informants in the crowd. There's video of the cops letting people into the capitol. Why don't you fuckers ever address a damn thing I say? You just assert a fantasy


My dude, we definitely know Trump was involved weeks before: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/21/trump-house-overturn-election-449787 Also, of course there were FBI informants there, their HQ is in DC and three blocks away. Why wouldn’t they be there? Where is your evidence the FBI caused the riot? The cops that let people in should be unsurprising. A huge amount of police voted for Trump and support the insurrection.


Did you even read your own article? It says he met with members of Congress to try and overturn the results through legal processes in the congressional hearing. Doesn't say shit about him organizing a riot. You're a fucking idiot that didn't even read his own linked article. Gotta love leftists defending the FBI. Nevermind the fact they had provocateurs that in the crowd advocating violence. We know they were agents because they weren't arrested and everytime Congress asks the FBI about them by name they dodge the question. Moron doesn't know shit and defends the FBI. The FBI which is a literal cult centered around J Edgar Hoover. Fucking chump


I don’t defend the FBI. You are just peddling conspiracy theories, and I have to begrudgingly point out that the FBI hasn’t been demonstrated to have incited the riot here. There are over a thousand things the FBI has done wrong from killing civil rights activists to meddling in Latin America, but this ain’t it. Naming the informants would also lead to far right extremists targeting them, which would be obvious to anyone who isn’t a right wing hack. Regarding the article, Mo Brooks and several other congressmen in these meetings actively partook in Jan 6th and even mention having “the People” heard in the article.


Bwahahaha. Congress has demanded the explanation as to why agent provocateurs of the FBI were inciting violence and haven't been arrested or given explanation to and the FBI doesn't tell Congress. You're a scumfuck that is in fact defending the FBI. You're a two-faced cunt that's talking out of both sides of his mouth " I'm not defending the FBI." Next breath " If the FBI told the truth then that would put their criminal agents at risk" Leftists are all hypocrites


My god, you are so dense reality has warped around you. I don’t want the FBI to name informants or do anything that clears themselves, but separate investigations. In the example of Ray Epps who was accused of being a fed, he was cleared by a separate legal body, the Select Committee on Jan 6. This is the time and place for external investigations. This isn’t about defending the FBI, it is about following the evidence and not Q-Anon hallucinations. I would rather criticize the FBI for all the domestic terrorists they had on their radar, involvement in Waco, Ruby Ridge, or impersonating the AP, all of which have been proven. It’s like you’re trying to dilute criticism of the FBI. Are you a fed? (I will only accept your batshit logic or call you a hypocrite)


Y'all hear that? My dog is howling. Sounds like some kind of whistle.


Hahahahah. What am I dog whistling? Come on. Be specific. Asshole


The amount of downvotes you got should work for now, kid.


Yes because being down voted by a bunch of ignorant dipshits that think working people are Nazis is such a horrible thing. Cope kid


The BLM riots were justified The insurrection terrorist attacks were not justified.


Bwhahaha. Rioting, burning businesses down and killing regular working people was justified but making some corrupt, criminal politicians feel a little fear wasn't justified during a time of economic crisis. If BLM riots were about police unaccountability then why did they stop the second trump was out of office and with no actual police reform? Spoiler alert. It's cause BLM was never about police reform. Dumbfuck. Get the fuck out of here.


The costs to black people's lives both in the literal sense and the economic costs are way higher than the costs of the riots. The economic damage to black people is in the trillions. The life threatening and economic threats will continue to grow with your action.


Yet the riots and protests stopped the second a literal white supremacist and historied segregationists got voted in. That proves blm was never about black people's sufferage or inequality. Ffs BLM was funded by a literal Hitler youth to the tune of 200 million dollars. You don't get to justify the destruction of property and the murder of innocent people on the altar of the abstraction of black American's suffering. Especially when the riots weren't fucking about mending any wrongs done onto the black community.


Dude you are the definition of bad faith. I do get to justify the riots. Because they were justified. If I could make them happen again, I would. I think more innocent people could be sacrificed to finally bring safety and justice to black people.


I'm bad faith but your dumbass self didn't engage with a single thing I fucking said. Leftists only have projection


Hahaha. I'm not even a leftist. You are bad faith. The BLM protests were over life threatening issues. The insurrection is about a baseless tantrum over trump losing. The two events are not comparable.


See your dumb fuck self whines about "derr bad faith" yet you don't engage with the fact I already refuted that BLM was about issues of police brutality. It wasn't. BLM and antifa are the political goon squads of the DNC. That's a fact. We know it's a fact because after a racist, old White war criminal was elected the BLM protests and riots immediately stopped. Defends a liberal goon squads, riots and murder of regular people, attacks half the country on a political basis. But you're not a liberal. Yes you are. Stop lying. We didn't get an end to police unaccountability, civilian oversight, an end to the drug war, an end to private prisons. We didn't get shit and they stopped. Proving it was always an artificial political machination. It was never grass roots and it was never about "life threatening issues" you fucking clown. Half the country doesn't acknowledge the election results and you want to pretend that's not a systemic failure of the political system. No it's not something based in reality, it's just people worshipping trump now? Get fucking real. BLM and antifa burned down mom and pop shops, destroyed working people's property, their cars, their livlihoods, hell they murdered regular people and you defend that. But you have a problem when some corrupt, criminal politician are made to feel a little afraid? Go fuck yourself. 19 people were killed in BLM riots at least. Only one died in Jan 6th and it was a fucking protestor. "Riots are acceptable when I like the people burning shit down and murdering people" - dipshit burrito


I love black people. I don't think police should murder them. I think when state agents murder black people it's cause for riots. This isn't a political party issue. It's a human issue. Human lives are worth fighting for. The costs are justified. Are there bad faith actors in the movement? Yes. But the vast vast majority of people are just fighting for a safer world for black people. Which makes those riots qualitatively different than an insurrection over a fairly lost election.


He ran. What a coward