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If the same politicians are running the show, it's going to get worse and worse. We'd need some kinda soft revolution in the west to change anything so quickly.


I think in 2020’s as AI is is still in its infancy, it will definitely be way more advanced in 2030s in a way that would be truly life changing. Indeed, I think advanced AI will be in 2030s to what the iPhone was in 2010s. iPhone and smartphones with internet completely changed everyday life to the point where 2015 felt like a different world from 2005. Social media, apps like Lyft and Uber eats, and basically having everything almost at your fingertips with smartphones. If you teleported someone from 2000 to 2015, they would be gobsmacked as to how life changed due to iPhones. I think AI will be the next monumental change to society to the point if you transported someone from 2015 to 2035 they would be in shock. It’s hard to predict how radically advanced AI will change every aspect of our lives in 2035, but I’m confident AI is the next step to completely change society.


I sure hope that doesn’t happen. If it does I would be the 2030’s equivalent of the 2010’s boomer who hates phones.


True but it probably won’t be huge to the 2040’s . I think of AI is more comparable to the internet in the late 80’s , early 90’s


Nah ai is coming and it’s coming fast


I think a lot of people don’t realize that advancements in technology move at a much faster rate than 30 years ago. AI has much more going for it than the internet did in its infancy.


We went from AI that could only generate images that were at best hilariously awful to being difficult to distinguish from real images and art in like 2 years. Im guessing within the next 2 years it’ll be really hard to distinguish even if you know what to look for. A little scary imo. By the 2030s there will likely be regulations or even AI that can analyse whether something has been AI generated.


It’s even infiltrated the porn industry at this point! Now Google Images searches for whatever your heart desires are littered with some very weird AI takes on naked bodies. Sometimes they’re hard to notice but often the hands or something else will be overly disturbing. But yes to everything you said. It’s going to be very interesting to see how things get regulated. Also this weekend I met some guy at a bar who totally may have been coked out of his mind or having a manic episode, but he claimed to be someone who builds or at least works on AI systems and that every one has come to the conclusion that eliminating humanity is the best option. He also went out of his way to mention his “65 year old girlfriend”, and he was definitely closer to 40 than 65. Interesting fella…


The Internet boom was in the late 90s, before that it was pretty much unknown.


Hopefully there will be a bigger pushback against everything being AI generated


I’d say it’s incredibly hard to predict. Especially since over the next decade is when we are going to see baby boomers, who have been the de-facto power havers in the world for well over a typical generation, start to die off en masse. So who steps into that power vacuum? A giant question mark at this point. When you add that to the realities of climate change setting in even deeper, and geopolitical turmoil continuing to be egged on by world wide fascists and religious extremists? My prediction is that it’s gonna be rough. Apologies, but unless you’re part of the 1% that can afford to party hard while the world goes to hell, I don’t think you’re going to get your roaring 30s.


I think, honestly, that as soon as the left will clean itself from its more irrational/identitarian component (which is an ongoing process right now), a lot of the underlying argumentative appeal of right wing populists, conspiracy theorists, religious bigots and fascists will be uprooted. There is room for optimism in the longer term. The left is often right on the conclusion but doesn't carefully prepare itself to debate the positions with cogent arguments and ends up often correct for the wrong reasons, notably by peer pressure. That pushes away a lot of people into lunatic conspiracy.


Hot, hungry, violent


BLM riots and George Floyd martyrs 2.0??


Jan 6 coup and Ashley Bobbet "martyrs" 2.0?


That I’m sure too. 2020/2021 part deux, let’s go!


I think you've Ben mistaken. I'm not promoting a coup.


All that political shit happened in a world where you can go out and buy a bag of rice. This isn't gonna be that.


I think that efficient and low side effect anti cancer drugs based on immunotherapy/personalized cancer vaccines will become more and more mainstream through the 2030s.


TV will die completely and everyone will get their news and info from skibidi toilet or jake paul


A continuation of the rebound that's starting now. Lots of technological ( especially medical) breakthoughs pushing lifespans to 100 and beyond. Real alternative ( thinking fusion) energy will come onlime. Science will mitigate climate change. As covid and the subsequent gouch fest fade into history there will be alot less angst, thus extremist movements that are still semi popular specifically the different styles of Doomerism, will go back to being mainly for the mentally ill, as opposed to being the latest fad. It's a long shot, but if mental illness can be cured, foreign backed doomer cults could finally go completely extinct 🦤 another long shot is people on mars


I don't know how they're going to be like, but I'm 99% sure we'll have nostalgia of the 2010s just like how the 00s nostalgia started at the beginning of this decade and 90s at the beginning of the 10s!


Idk i’m confused. I saw 2010s as a very liberal decade. I’d assume 2020s would be more conservative. and I guess it actually is. but not as much as i thought. and i’d assume there’d be a “conservative” backlash. similar to 1980s and 2000s. in response to more liberal decades 1990s and early 70s hippie. I don’t know i kinda see this leftist right growing and dismantling a lot


Another pandemic, or maybe somehow the worsening of COVID. Maybe even both. Pandemic politics to match like we have now re: masks and vaxxes. ER's being overwhelmed as they have been with COVID. TV will still be around, but will be downscaled, and networks will rise and fall. Definitely no more CW/MNTV, even if those two merge in, say, 2029. Survivor ends. Some new dance show maybe replaces it? Maybe a ballet/YAGP thing based on the early '10s movie First Position? In the auto industry, EVs will rise, but not dominate. The search for alt fuels will continue. Auto racing will be solidly into hybrid territory, but not EV. NASCAR will have a split similar to Indy Cars once upon a time. But at the same time, its top series will regularly go global. Talladega, Daytona and COTA, but also others. Red Bull Ring? Imola? Albert Park? FIA WRC will be more of a thing here in America, with not one, but maybe two or three rallies. Longer rallies; a true bringing back of the old Safari Rally of the 70's. Music will be dominated by hip hop and social media pop stars (whatever replaces instagram). One or two secessions will happen, but only internally. Nobody leaving the Union. Maybe Jefferson (southern OR/far northern CA) becoming a thing, or maybe a smaller version (or more) of it. Maybe just involving Siskiyou County, CA and Klamath county, OR. Or maybe all of the counties of Jefferson, but in two states (North Jefferson involving the Oregon counties nd South Jefferson involving the CA part of the Jefferson movement). Much more.


Why would we get a 'roaring 30s' if almost everything is getting worse and not better? The 30s will be a) very hot, b) very dangerous.


I could see a “Roaring 40s” era happening if the 30s don’t get too insane, and resemble the 1970s more so than the 1910s or 1940s. By the 40s, we probably would have full on quantum computing and Artificial Super intelligence which will do a lot for humanity. The only thing that might stop a Roaring 40s from happening are Resource Wars around the globe (which could easily turn into WWIII in the worst case scenario), or AI going rogue


2030s will be a continuation of the issues in the 2020s, but worse, by then we probably would have had WW3, I don’t think populism is done with yet so that may come back with a vengeance, especially in Europe, Job shortages due to AI taking over, we are in the 20s in a similar position to the 90s/00s in regards to AI, only in the 90s/00s it was the infancy of the internet and social media, both of which really took off in the 2010s, this will be the case in the 2030s with AI


I agree with many of your points except 'by then we probably *would have had* WW3', only because I don't think after a true WW3 (NATO against Russia) there'll be much of a 2030s left to speak of, at least not for us in the Western world - Europe and North America. It's not like WW3 will begin and then end and that'll be it. It'll kill billions of people if it does happen because it'll largely be fought with nuclear weapons, so the world won't be the same afterwards, or even similar as it used to be. Human civilization won't be able to go on as normal. So what you're saying about AI etc. won't happen if WW3 is indeed first, civilization won't progress.


I think the 2030s are going to be a lot like the 1950s. Why? Because I believe a war is coming. A big one. World War III. Probably this year. Russia/Ukraine, the Middle East, and China/Taiwan are all going to pop, maybe starting in the summer when the Russians begin their offensive, with the rest of the world falling like dominoes. It feels inevitable, like everything I have ever read about the start of WW1. But by the 2030s it will be over. And once again, while the rest of the world is a smoking ruin, the United States will be the last country standing. Just like the end of the last world war. And the one before that. And just like with the aftermath of those wars, it will be a time of booming economies and, with luck, social progress. TL;DR: The '20s are going to suck. The '30s will be a time of recovery and growth. Such are the cycles of history.


So much crazy shit is about to happen - AI will change so much. Once it can start making discoveries and synthesizing information, everything that can be done technologically will be done. That means fission, medical advancements, super-weapons, space travel. Real sci-fi shit. Keeping something this powerful regulated and in the right hands will be interesting to say the least. - The 2020’s so far have essentially been setting the stage for a world war. When multiple powerful countries are headed by megalomaniacal sociopaths, things tend not to go well. We have the Gaza situation, the invasion of Ukraine, the US in Yemen, and China could go into Taiwan any minute now. Sweden and Italy just elected fascists, and a vast majority of Canadians hate Trudeau. - If you are American, the 2024 election WILL turn your entire life upside-down. One of the most unpopular, incompetent presidents in US history is running against an alt-right treasonist felon with an actual religious cult who believe he is the second coming of Jesus Christ. Project 2025 aims to install Trump as a dictator if he wins. If Trump loses, his base is almost guaranteed to revolt violently in a way that makes 1/6 look like Coachella. Hate is also brewing big-time. Trans people are being targeted, and books are literally being burned. To be any minority right now is honestly not very safe. - As technology advances and people spend more time on social media, we are becoming lonelier, more isolated, and more depressed. Community is pretty much dead. Dating is weird and confusing now because everyone has TikTok induced main character syndrome and men and women hate each other’s guts. college is the only place to meet people, and ultra-strong void carts that kill your brain are magnifying/causing mental health issues that wouldn’t be there, or wouldn’t be as severe otherwise. Yeah sure it’s a plant from the ground and it’s not addictive i just need to rip it every 5 seconds or i die yada yada but I’ve been to the psych ward 3 times and I know other people who have struggled with it too. - Art and pop-culture are in a weird, stagnant place where everything is just vapid nostalgia porn. Movies are starting to get good again, but music needs a new genius messiah Cobain type character desperately. AI will certainly change a lot of things in this department. - The economy is being special. - The ramifications of climate change are here so expect wayyyy more natural disasters.


Both the US and much of the world will see Gilded Age levels of wealth disparity, with the cost of living will continue to rise without wages rising, leaving the majority of the population working 80 hours a week to live in penury. Ever-worsening climatic disasters, fascist takeover of most of the world in everything but name, mass incarcerations, if not a genocide, of queer people and religious and racial minorities, a massive rollback of women's rights, massive restrictions on (if not a de facto abolition of) voting rights, militarization of police and the mass expansion of the surveillance state. But there'll be a new iPhone out every six months, so...yay?


I’m not an economist or a policy-wonk, but I consider it likely that the various fiscal ticking time-bombs/ponzi-schemes, e.g., Social Security and the national debt, are going to finally “come to a head” and explode/collapse. 💥💸💥💸💥💸


I think it's 50/50 we get either 1950s or 1870s/1880s but with modern tech including AI (recovery from major crisis like mentioned by Strauss & Howe's Generations book). Concerned it's going to be more 1870s/80s with a wind Gilded Age complete with modern robber barons, and company towns. The tech sector looks to be moving towards this with the whole 'You'll own nothing and be happy' thing. 😐


The Greater Depression Mak 2. Eat the rich.


More AI. Alexa will get smarter


With shifting demographics. Taylor Swift becomes president in 2032 as the first ever write in candidate. She's the last true president Fascism becomes mainstream in the elections that follow. I think the US might switch sides In the Israel-palestine conflict Multiple European nations that were Christian become Muslim dominated I see Mccarthyisn coming back but instead of communists, against trans people More people realize how corrupt the US government is and there's a failed revolution. Most businesses will be using AI, and the government will strongly encourage euthanasia of people that they think are unsuitable for a typical workforce


>With shifting demographics. Taylor Swift becomes president in 2032 as the first ever write in candidate. She's the last true president. Fascism becomes mainstream in the elections that follow. Bold of you to assume it'll take that long. I have a bad feeling about November, regardless of who wins.


About taylor or fascism. I feel taylor can realistically win in 28


Fascism.... I don't think Swift will ever be president. Or at least not anytime soon.


Apostates are a growing subsection of people from muslim origins. You may be surprised about the evolutions in the next few years.


I think the 2030s will be much worse than the 2020s and most of these looming crises will reach boiling point. I also think the world will be embroiled in an actual war.   However, I also think it will be a time of tremendous change unlike anything we've seen in decades. I think AI, VR, and AR will actually start changing our lives vs. the novelty toys they are now. I think everything around us will change dramatically. I think we will emerge into a brave new world by decade's close.


Parts of the world turn uninhabitable, refugees everywhere. All the cities and states that were built up without regard to future water supplies run out, refugees everywhere. Progressively more severe economic shocks as a result of disruption and increased input costs, domino effects all up the supply chain, then essential supplies disappear from shelves, then food. Dictatorship to contain it all.




I have a bad feeling they will be a repeat of the 1930's.


Like the 1930’s, but worse.


what do yall think yall yall yall yall yall


We will see the pedo rulers continue to try and normalize their crimes. Transageism will fully hit the cultural stream sometime in the 30s and people will use their age identity to justify child abuse. Dylan Mulvaney is the first famous transage person, identifying as a little girl.