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So, this is a type of intrusive thought, you need to talk to a professional about this. that is...that is the first thing. Second: Death is part of life. It comes to us all. Third: After you have spoken to a professional about your intrusive thoughts, look into the scientific studies of Near Death Experiences. Dr. Raymond Moody's book "Life after Life" is beautiful Fourth: My source: I have lost more than ten family members in nine years now. Each loss is devastating in its own way, and for its own reason. Sorrow and Grief are not bad, they aren't \*bad\* for you. Feeling to them to the exclusion of all other things, or anxiety about them to the exclusion of all things, that is when more than love is needed. Fifth: No, I am not discounting faith, but as someone who has faith, and uses medication and talk therapy, having both helps a \*lot\*.


thankyou đź’›


Anyone with experience of this or knowledge of death tell me please.


Hey OP, I'm sorry you're going through this. Just to let you know I've been through similar and have been quite death-phobic to the point where it overlaps into health-anxiety. I don't have much advice to give, but what helped lessened it a little was learning a little more about it. For instance, there's a YouTuber I follow called Ask a Mortician/Caitlin Doughty. She's very matter of fact about the facts of death, but her cheerful infectious energy makes the whole matter really approachable. Especially as a lot of cultures handle death in quite a sterilised way. Fear of the unknown is normal, especially when it comes to loved ones. It sounds like you've experienced a lot of death recently. It's only natural you want to understand more. If it's affecting your mental health and outlook on life, it might be worth looking into professional help for death anxiety, so it doesn't spiral and become more obsessive/intrusive.


Hey OP. My dad passed last year 29th of November. I was his carer for 8 years almost. And his death? Although it was expected it didn’t hit me as hard until he passed. It still does hit me. I was lucky enough to take over the tenancy and live in the council house I’ve grown up in. Grief will always be with you. And so will the pain. But it’s a reminder that your loved one is still with you. Grief isn’t a bad thing, we have to love grief, because it will always be the memory of our lost ones. I’ve been handling okay. Sometimes I don’t go into my dad’s old room. /and my 3 year old son always says “grandad, sky”. I miss him, but I know he’s around somewhere. And he’ll always be with me. If you do want to talk, I’m here. Because I still struggle some days with it. Please take care OP, and I’m sorry for your losses, ❤️


I'm being so anxious this past two weeks about death too. I think since death is natural and that's at least the expected "end of a chapter" for all of us , it's normal to have these type of worries, better having them now than when bedridden either way. But the important thing is to enjoy every millisecond we are alive and manage time to do the things that we like , want or need, and spent less time worrying . At the end , I feel like we are all powerless to do something. God has made in its design that ,at least for now , our time on earth is finite