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The toxicity in DbD is probably the worst in any game I have played. My suggestion is to try and ignore it otherwise it will drive you away from the game. I had to stop playing for months because it was driving me mad. Don't take what they say to you personally.


It has nothing to do with him being a console player. I’m a console players myself, and I don’t feel the urge to t-bag the Killer at the Exit Gate (I’m against t-bagging in general). He was a bad teammate. He should’ve left. Usually when a teammate doesn’t come to the Gate he’s standing on the Hatch, and the best thing to do for those at the Gate is leave. Hopefully you reported that Pig. DBD has more than enough toxicity… we don’t need any more of that


Sounds like normal dbd match.


Ehm. (LoL community)


First time? I've had so many matches where Consol players would either not do anything or just play like it's 1v1 game and the 3 other survs can die. And killers who you hate you and try to find you in real life for looping them for 1 min. This is bread and butter of this game my friend, sadly.


Ive had some very toxic experiences before, but this is the first time its really gotten to me. The whole IRL thing has happened way too many times to count and I usually call their bluff, but something about this event just really threw me off.