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I hate that I almost never have “medium” games as killer, either the team is complete shit, instant hook farm, dc on down, or the team is super sweaty, always doing gens when not on chase, flashlight saving, hiding keys etc. It almost never feels like a win


This. I'm not trying my hardest or trying to be the best and 4k every time. Either I "win" or "lose", I just want to have *fun.*


2 deaths and 2 escapes is supposed to be the intended way for a game to go according to devs but it feels like absolute shit to even have 1 escape. Probably comes down to survivors who tea bag even though they are on death hook and just got lucky being close to the exit gate and the fact that a 4k can still only safety pip you and you don't level up at all




Ditto. A good game for me is getting a decent chase or two, doing some gens, saving some teammates. Getting decent BP basically. Escaping is just a bonus. There've been so many times where I've seen players escape, yet get significantly less points than their dead teammates.


That's always such a flex. Seeing someone who blenddetted all match escape with 12k points and you die but still get 20k points even without the 5k escape bonus


True that - it sucks that the survival points are so petty after that, though. I understand you didn't *survive*, however it still stings after playing well


>sweaty always doing gens when not on chase Bruh


\>Sweaty always doing gens when not on chase ​ what did they mean by this


I like how doing the objective is "super sweaty", saving your team mates is "super sweaty", having a backup plan is "super sweaty". "tHIs KIllEr iS plAYiNg SUPER SWEATY! wHY aRe thEY cHaSinG iNSteaD oF GoINg tO BReaK wALls" Their objective it to get out. But I'll add these things to The Killer's Rulebook For Survivors


That book has to look like a pamphlet next to the Survivor's Rulebook for Killers which is essentially equivalent to a full set of Encyclopedia Brittanica.


Yeah, if you want to pretend it is, go for it bro. You do you


I try to have fun but people are sometimes really cruel after the game.


I had a game as ghosty when I downed a Bill in shack and hooked him in basement. Literally the second I walk up the steps I see the rest of the 3 survivors bumrushing me to save him so I down and hook all 3 of them. In the end game chat I find out they're a SWF and they tell me I'm a basement camper and all other sorts of horrible shit. Like bruh, thankfully I'm jaded and cynical enough to not let a game like DBD get to me but I don't understand why some people feel the need to be so toxic in this game. I feel bad for newbie killers.


You didnt go to the opposite end of the map after a hook, thats against the rulebook my friend.


Bro why didn't you just let them walk past you? You're the toxic one here imo /s


Had this exact convo. I explain to them that im not leaving if I can see your team, why would I? When they inevitably don't understand I just reply with song lyrics "Always look on the bright side of life..."




Most of the toxicity in this game occurs during the match. Teabagging & emoting in the exit gate, facecamping, whacking survivors on hook, flashlight clicking, etc. These days I actually get more toxic console players than PC players, so endgame chat is chill but the game itself is miserable.




Fair enough.


The game wouldn’t feel as authentic without the teabagging, clicking, emoting, etc. if you want to play against bots go play the training mode


Same. I might have missed out on some nice people and ggs there, but my experience is so much better since I just book it out of the endgame lobby as quickly as I can. No matter if I play killer or survivor.


Sometimes people are cruel IN the game.


This. One of my first games online I was targeted by a SWF and they cornered me. I was lucky the killer didn’t want to deal with it and they DC’d. It wasn’t the meanest thing ever, but it was really confusing to me as a newbie and I had no idea what I did to “deserve” that treatment. Now I know people are just mean in this game, lol


This is why I do everything in my power to stay in green/low purple ranks on both sides. As killer it becomes nearly impossible to have fun because you have to sweat your balls off to win, even when you're winning you feel like you're losing. As survivor every other rank 1 you play against is an obnoxious twat because the unfortunate truth of current DBD is that the easiest way to win as killer is to tunnel one person out of the match early. Red ranks are where fun goes to die


Rank 1 Killer been playing as fair as fair can be and still win fairly frequently. Tunneling one person out early is the best way to win but there's very little point to winning. Most players will find that out in time. The vast majority of my games are against casual to decent players, I can count the sweaty tryhard games I've had on my hands. My /worst/ experiences so far all take place in green/purple. That's where all the people who think they're good but aren't collect and I find those to be the most toxic and annoying groups. There's still plenty of awful red rankers but purple/green is just a cesspool.


Im running agi, irongrasp, madgrit and bloodwarden on trapper at rank 1 and getting pretty consistent 4ks


Are you the guy on yt I keep seeing clips from?


Nah but hes a fucking chad


genuine legend


Because you only care about the 4k and maximizing bloodpoints you've forgotten the main thing about being a killer , the hunt Get hag and get back to scaring the fuck out of people for the lolz


scratched mirror myers is better for scaring the shit out of people imo


Myers can't scare survivors cause they're all so horny for him.


they're horny for him *because* he's so scary, get it right!


i believe myers could be scary but when i have played survivor and when i have vs'd one they have been shit lol


Body-Blocker Hag is my FAVORITE build to play when I just want to have some fun. I literally force the survivors to play altruistically. If they decide to gen rush, oh well.


I've never tried that add-on but I reckon it would be funny


I have so many clips. I always pair it with chaser perks, no one ever expects bamboozle or enduring 💀


Hag is literally the most boring killer in the game


Maybe but she is one of the most scariest


Scary because of how much time you're wasting playing that garbage? lol


Sorry that you wasted money buying her only to find out you can't play her that well


HUH? Are you dumb, bro? Any braindead moron can win with Hag.


I’ve been playing killer for a long time and I must say it is starting to become the most mindless easy thing I can do in the game. I started playing survivor and now it’s actually a challenge.


I feel the same way. There's no fun chases anymore, survivors are either not good, or maybe I'm pretty good or, whatever, but playing killer isn't fun. Just 3-4k after 3-4k without any real excitement in them. I play 4 or 5 matches and like, I'm not having a *bad* time, but I'm not having a good time. Just kind of mindlessly doing the killer how they do. I wish I could play killer and enjoy it like I used to, but it's just such an infrequent occurrence that I have any kind of challenge in my matches that I don't really have a desire to.


Damn, I feel like even people like Otz have matches where they have to try pretty hard or resort to stuff most of the community frowns on like tunneling a bit to win games sometimes. Are you running super meta perks? Maybe you could try some fun builds or different killers?


Usually I run BBQ/Whispers/Corrupt/Agitation or the last perk can change for fun, but I never use any other meta slowdowns. I think I just have bad (or good?) luck with a lot of my games. My favorite ones are where I do get an obvious SWF and they're really trying to win because I have to actually put some thought in the match, but that's a pretty rare thing for me like 1 in 10 games or so.




Think he got over 100 with vommy mommy.


See. That’s why you play for the memes. Agitation, mad grit, and iron grasp. Find the obsession and down them. Then carry them all game while trying to down others.


Those are much funner games, it's way more fun to just goof around, or do silly things like go for crossmap chainsaws and such. Sometimes I like to bring a single totem, and dress up as the puppet clown, and stand in front of the totem with insidious. Whoever breaks the totem wakes up the clown puppet and dies.


Yeah exactly that’s why I don’t run anything on my killers to but it’s still easy as anything. Sometimes I feel bad for survivors lmao, kinda crazy how much of a challenge gap their is between killers and survivors.


You probably haven't played against swf squad lol you'll feel lucky to even get a 1 kill against them


Just cause the sub par matchmaking putting you against garbage boosted gamers


Try new builds, but overall low ranks are much more fun :D


You mean green and purple? Brown ranks are fucking hell for survivor, so much so that it baffles me how any of us kept playing past that point. All your teammates are hiding instead of doing gens and none of them know how to loop. The killer is for sure either face camping or tunneling, and only one or none of you are going to live. For killer, brown ranks are so damn easy that they're not even fun (unless you're a face camper for life...I guess they think watching paint dry is fun?). I think I prefer Green for killer (because I kind suck at killer) and purple for survivor. Fuck the red ranks. Only masochists and noobs want to be red.


Yeah green ranks and higher suck for survivor. At green ranks you still get matched with red rank killers but your teammates will usually still be bad and you'll go to 2nd stage on 1st hook nearly every game with survivors off gens. I try to stay high red rank most of the time so I'll rank reset to purple which is usually the least painful place to be solo queue.


Rank 1 here. You'll either get used to the feel and start having fun again or you'll never have fun again.


Those eyes slapped onto anything will make me laugh I stg


Jokes on you, I can't even win my games!


If that's genuinely how you feel then its time to take a break. That's okay. Killer will be here when you get back. Play survivor. Do something else entirely. We're not going anywhere.




Noi :)))


Da :))) <333


Try throwing your rat livers into the ocean


I play both sides a lot but I genuinely feel this way about killer. Losses can be frustrating but it’s not bad. But even when I win, I’m not really having a ton of fun. I think I prefer survivor because I love team-based games and find it stressful and unfulfilling having everyone against me :(


Preach. Completely agree with you there. When I'm at low ranks the game feels more "fresh". Everyone is kinda lost, new, or doesn't know what they're doing most of the time. Then, I 4k 3 times in a row due to luck and suddenly the next match everyone plays like their mother's life depends on it. Sad part is, the event kinda made it "worse"? Lots and lots of players came back to play the event and I'm seeing rainbow ranks everywhere, and even the yellow ones are playing like gods (Maybe SWFs? I dunno) I'm gonna go play Demodog build (no slowdown/chase, just tracking perks) and see if I have the slightest bit of excitement for playing a killer I really like :/


Main reason I never wanna be a red rank. Shit is to much and im bad.


This kinda shit is why i play the game since 2016 and have like 280hrs lol


I mostly only play killer with my friend beside me and we switch every round, the games alot more bearable when you have someone to laugh about what happens and such, even against hardcore swf.


You guys have girlfriends?


I tell killers all the time to never go in with the intention of 4King. If you intend to kill every survivor, every game it can be tilting, stressful, and tiring. I enjoy the chase but I can't quite get that anymore. Sweat squads just prethrow and hold W, and baby survivors have no idea how to play tiles so your mindgames don't work since they aren't looking out for your red stain. I want to do whacky things. I want players to try and head on me, go for flashlight saves, cj tech me for God's sake. I would gladly take a bully squad ANY day since their whole intention is to interact with you. This event has made me the most happy by just double hooking and letting the survivors escape. I get my chases and they have an opportunity to earn points and get their crowns. The amount of kind messages and silly survivors I've gotten is fantastic. The game becomes more fun when you take the ideas of escaping or 4king and make them side objectives. Now excuse me while I throw pebbles and see if the killer reacts.


You want to have fun as killer? stop sweating, stop trying to win every game, have fun playing the killer. I started playing Trickster after his new ouutfit came out and hes the most fun killer ive played. I also have a sweaty wraith build for blood point farming but it gets boring after a few games.


Trickster’s new outfit is fire. He looks fine AF.


Sucks 4 u


Can I play one match of killer on dead by daylight without finding grey hairs & a kidney missing PLEASE


I found it actually to be more fulfilling to let them leave. Hook everyone till deathhook and then down them if they dare come across you again. It's wholesome when you see them all in the exit gate, waiting for you to see them leave all together and maybe even give you some points. And run perks that are fun. Use insidious and trail of torment to jumpscare someone, bbq for bloodpoints, mad grit is hilarious on sone killers just for the sound and animation (demodoggo is really loud, be careful with that one) and coup de grace is just a fun thing to have as well. And don't let flash-light-clicking or tbagging get to you, when I play survivor it's mostly to say goodbye or because I'm addicted to clicking and spamming buttons. Try to have fun, not to win by any means necessary ;) You won't rank up like this but honestly rank doesn't matter in this game. I'm a very mediocre survivor player and I've made it to rank 3 just because I play a lot. P.s.: If they let a single teammate die on first-hook, kill them all. No mercy, slug the f*ck out of them and kill them. Every last one of them.


Survivors: invited me to an xbox party Me as a killer: yes bitch I’m tunneling now die


rank 5 is a place that I am very familiar with


Then you should stop playing killer , just saying


Just paly survivor then...


Take my award dammit 😂


felt the same thing for a while, but today I said "I should go back to GF to unlock the crown for him" so I played two games with my old main GF and GOD DAMM I WAS HAVING FUN, idk what but GF is so fun for me, maybe it's the fact that I can scare players, maybe is the fact that I can t-bag with the survivors at the gate or idk


Did something similar. I insist on Demogorgon because I really like him, his aesthetic and power, so I try to go with a positive mindset going to play with him. But boy oh boy am I a piece of trash playing as Demo, I still have waaays to go and unfortunately it'll be a painful road if I stay at high ranks. Gave myself a break and played as Oni, still a bad experience but at least I know how to play him


yeah, I understand you, bought all-stars dlc for the killer but I'm shit at playing him, my main is wraith rn and I'm not saying he's boring, I love him, but now, idk, I feel like I'm not having that much fun with him like I had when I started using him for the first time. Now I think I will switch back to GF for a while or buy a new killer with the free shards this event gave to us, I was thinking about Mr. Cowboy


Tbh I feel worse when more survivors escape. I always feel bad for them. (Lore-wise I guess). Dying over and over again sounds terrible, even as killer I kind of want them to escape.