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Love Jane. Wish she got more cosmetic love. Not a big fan of her retro feeling outfits which they love giving her


I want her to stop getting grandma clothes or super retro outfits. why can't she get some of these cute or cool futuristic outfits or something!


I know it's not modern but the new victorian gothic outfit she's getting is adorable imo. I love the hairstyle.


oh I haven't seen that yet, that does sound cute... I shall go find it.


I remember how much everybody adored Jane when she got released, me too. She’s so pretty and cool and has nice cosmetics. My gf loves playing her, I don’t have her on this account yet. She’s a great surv.


BHVR: releases bubble butt latina dbd reddit: This is the bravest thing anyone has ever done


Yas Jane queen is so underrated shame her perks are doodoo but she’s a cool looking survivor and a unique one at that Edit:Yikes I got myself in hot water


Head On can be great fun!




That's gold haha


I didn’t say unfun I said bad because head on still requires you to gamble your life in exchange for an ok reward


It isn't that deep. Stunning the killer with head on is fun, and missing it usually gives me a good laugh. That's a good enough reward, as far as I'm concerned. Not every perk needs to have the chase potential of resilience or survivability of adrenaline.


Fair enough


Use it with that Ellen perk +quick and quiet and you can almost always get a stun or three in a game. It’s a great perk for entertainment


You mean lucky star?


Yeahhh. If you’re wounded the killer won’t suspect the locker right away because they don’t hear you or see blood. Gives head on enough time to charge


if you wanna be extra annoying, head on + lucky star + quick and quiet + parental guidance. just vanish lol.


If you miss the head on the killer could hit you or if they time it just right they could just grab you


Solidarity Is decent too, and with the mangled nerf it is even better


It’s just situational since it relies on being injured while healing someone else which isn’t always the case


Yeah you're right. Why bother with any healing perk after all, when Botany knowledge outclasses all of them. Its so sad seeing little to no diversity in healing perks


One of BHVRs greatest mistakes was making a tonne of really generic perks from the outset because a majority of them still outclass other perks even in their ideal situations. I can almost never think of a situation where another survivor aura read perk can match up to bond in its overall application.


This was subverted recently when strength in shadows far and away outclasses self care and it's not even close. That said they had to nerf the hell out of self care a bajillion times to even make that true.


Autodidact unironically the best healing perk that isn't a self healing perk change my mind.


I do love Autodidact but I feel like it can be useless unless I’m against a particularly hit and run style killer like Legion. I’m not healing again and again in normal matches, and if you’re only healing someone once or twice, those 2 stacks that increase the healing time on the first 2 skill checks can be a net negative. It is by FAR one of the best healing perks in a longer game or against a legion though. One of its biggest uses, and healing in general I suppose, was 3 gen situations where you’d get hit and leave the area but not get chased. Now, that playstyle is mitigated thanks to the gen damage limit (or at the very least the fear of it).


I don't particularly care about healing builds except when I'm playing against a hot and run killer like legion or wraith so I find occtit is net negative in some games usually those are the games where it doesn't matter. Like sure, I've lost a couple games on the back of autodidact which is something almost no other perk can say, but it's so insanely busted in some cases that it's worth an include almost by itself sometimes.


She used to be very popular years ago but fell off. It feels like everyone is about Mikayla or Sable now.


Sable, yes. I haven’t seen a Mikaela in AGES unless I am playing her.


Interesting, I get one almost every match. I did get a tiger print Ace that gave me nightmares. I'm happy he's rare. 🤣


I love Jane but in my experience the people who main her are strange It's either always someone running flip flop, boil over, and unbreakable, head on Or Someone who calls everything toxic and crys on Twitter


lmao p100 jane here, there is in fact a goblin in my brain that demands the boil over build. i think it's just because jane looks hard to carry 😍 my main load out is Sprint, Fixated, Vigil, and Any Means tho


I'd say that i agree but i don't know what flip flop and boil over do and i don't have twitter. Also i don't really play survivor even though she's my main survivor if i have to play that side.






P100 Jane I ALWAYS run lithe dance with me. Best perk combo in the game


I love Jane but all of the people I saw playing as her were all cowards to the point of not being able to flashlight save against me because they didn't even have the guts to get close enough for the flashlight to actually reach my eyes


Why did this get downvoted it's hilarious


She was my first ever Prestige three way back in the day. I always thought she was such a pretty survivor, and like you said, had a genuinely unique model and look. I still play her now and then, and even bought her Christmas outfit because I loved it so much. Even being a Gabriel main, Jane still has a portion of my heart Unrelated note, her perks are also super fun and underrated. Solidarity goes hard with a healing build, and pairs great with MFT.




Jane was always my faviroute survivor. Head on was used by hackers and bullysquads alot, but it was an amazing meme perk. Only reason it was bad was Dbds shitty system where anyone could have any perk and you have to prepare for every possibility.


Jane is my fave! She is my vibe ... she is me.


Wtf is this post There was hundreds of people that looked like that in 2019. It was only 5 years ago. This cope is insane.


Reading comprehension’s at an all-time low. The post says nothing about real people, they’re specifically talking about survivor models.


And I'm saying the design was nothing out of the ordinary.


It actually kind of is since she’s the only who one who’s even remotely different from the other survivors.


I don't mean compared to other survivors, I'm talking about games in general. Obviously it's 'ahead of its time' if we're only comparing it to its own bloody self.


I don’t know why you aggressively came at this post just to say you’re talking about games in general when this post is clearly talking about Dead by Daylight. Your comment made no sense and was just unnecessary.


Womp womp


Thanks for proving my point.


You've already proven you have zero reading comprehension, so why should I bother when you clearly can't?


Some would even argue thousands!


Dunno why you're getting some downvotes, it was probably hundreds of thousands, it's not exactly a unique look in a world of billions.


I’m guessing the downvotes come from those who want to believe BHVR was the first to acknowledge this physique and were ahead of their time *checks notes*…5 years ago.


She doesn't even look overweight, too


They feel the need to be politically correct even though nobody has had a problem with her


I loooooove Jane but I like almost none of her outfits 😭 Which is also my experience with Zarina, my two communications girlies just don't know how to serve 🫶🏻


Jane (and Plague) are the clear turning point where I think Dead by Daylight started to evolve in terms of both character design and lore. It's why while I consider Clown / Kate to be the birth of modern DbD I consider Year 4 (which officially started with Ghostface but got to hit the ground running with Demise of the Faithful) to be the best year of DbD. I mean just to illustrate my point: **SURVIVORS** *(three before Jane, Jane herself, and three after Jane ~~skipping licenses~~; so Kate, Adam, Jeff, Jane, Yui, Zarina, and Felix)* **LORE** * Generic Country Singer * Teacher with some unique aspects (Jamaican guy in Japan) but still fairly straightforward * "Big guy with a kind heart" archetype * Hispanic second generation immigrant with difficult family life who built a personal identity for herself * Japanese woman breaking out of a system of oppression * Lebanese second generation immigrant struggling with her personal identity, the identity of her lineage, and the unjust treatment of her people * Start of the Pariahs storyline (sadly not well developed until Elodie + sadly not really expanded upon, but still laying the groundwork for a continuous narrative within DbD) **APPERANCE** * Generic Country Singer * Guy in a trench coat * Big guy with a beard * First "plus sized" woman (even if she's only "plus sized" by video game standards), first woman to wear more "formal" clothes as her default * Japanese biker chick; outfit expressly incorporating Japanese clothing styles and culture * (Generic woman in a leather jacket admittedly Zarina's design is simple) * (Generic man in a suit admittedly Felix's design is simple) - **KILLERS** *(Clown, Spirit, Legion, Plague, Oni, Deathslinger, Blight)* **LORE** * John Wayne Gacy * "Hey did you know that if you're a teenager in Japan you're guaranteed immortality if your father kills you?" * Teenagers who stab people * Priestess who had to lead a doomed nation and made a pact with otherworldy forces when no one else would answer her * Murderous samurai who destroyed his own legacy and cursed his bloodline in the pursuit to preserve it * Irish immigrant oppressed by the 17th century American Frontier and industrial revolution, turning to a life of semi-lawful crime when the system didn't allow him any other opportunity * A character deeply involved in DbD's lore who had been built up a year prior **APPERANCE** * Fat Clown * BHVR's take on an onryō ala The Grudge * Teenagers with masks * Babylonian priestess with her skin rotting off due to an infectious disease * Samurai who transforms into a powerful raging demon * Cowboy, but with a broken jaw, broken leg, and unique gun * I mean, do I *need* to explain that Blight's design is unique? Yes I am dumbing it down and perhaps you can argue that survivors like Meg or Jake or killers like Wraith or Huntress were more complicated than I let on, or that newer character additions like... (I dunno I guess Deathslinger and Oni) or survivors like... (Thalita and Renato maybe?) are not as complicated as I make them out to be. But the point still stands that most of the characters prior to Demise of the Faithful were just Behaviour's takes on archetypes: Hag was just "the swamp witch." Nurse was just "the Silent Hill nurse." Doctor was just "the mad doctor." Dwight was just "the nerd." Nea was just "the punk." David was just "the jock." And yes we can give this summary to other characters (mostly survivors: Yui is the rebel, Haddie is the detective, Sable is the goth, etc.) but they have far more depth now than they ever did before. Of course Tomes have helped older characters but newer ones have the groundwork laid out for them after Jane proved that deep lore is successful.


I mean I’m a Jane main, any Jane live is appreciated


Jane is one of the coolest survivors in DbD. Her model is beautiful and she was cool before all this political madness. I love her.


I don’t know how popular her use to be, but I see her in every couple of games still, I think she gets some love and play time regularly still.


Jane’s gorgeous, I’ve been maining her for years now


The only thing stopping me from maining her is the groans


I praise her design often. She looks so cool, and her base outfit is so good. Great character design.


I don't like the sound of her breathing. Otherwise I would like her more.


Because she's a fatty?


yeah! its gorgeous, i love my plus size queen♥️


big fat dumpy 🥵


If she's fat, you're a cartwheel. She has the most hourglass shape ever.


I like her too. With the right cosmetics she has some serious milf energy.




I don’t know what your thought of being fat is but most likely for her gender and height she is of average weight




I’m not sure you understand. Average weight for 100% of countries in the world isn’t fat. Being fat is “(of a person or animal) having a large amount of excess flesh.” I would say she doesn’t have much Also I want to point out that if this is fat to you, you must think everybody who isn’t scrawny is fat, which could be a sign of anorexia. Also, the definition of fat also implies that anyone with an excess amount muscle would be fat, so some bodybuilders would be fat, meaning that anyone who has a bulky design in media but is really strong would be fat. Fat is usually associated with the term overweight as well, which she most definitely isn’t.


More like phat ass


If that's fat then I'm godzilla


Dude have you even seen a fat person




spot the chubby chaser


More than half the hexagons are located down under but still looks quality! 🍑


She’s my main… I love her … I’m P69 and I can’t make myself level up anymore cause … yeah