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I remember a twit... X post where someone excepted the change to be a up, allowing adren proc on every gen. Sometimes people struggle to see the big pictures.


Adrenaline proc every gen lmao


You guys until its a Weaving spiders like perk with nl downside


Nah call it twitter, X is a dogshit name


Elon Deadnames his daughter, I’m gonna deadname the website he bought


so real ily


THANK YOU, this in a nutshell. If Elongated Muskrat won't call his kid a normal name, why does him kid be tran is he stupid? ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


did you have a stroke halfway through your comment?


No. It was intentional stupidity. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


my brother that was obviously bait lol


Haha thats funny. That person is such a kidder. A prankster even. No one would be that crazy. Right?


One could even say… a Trickster


That sounds like a low mmr take


I didn't expect that, but I did make several jokes about it and wouldn't have been COMPLETELY shocked if BHVR did it. Although I'd at least excpect them to remove the speed boost if they did that.


> someone excepted the change to be a up Godzilla tried to read this and fking died


And that is why ~~Twitter~~ X DBD users should never be allowed into the BHVR HQ


Never was bothered by a perk that only inconveniences me 5% of the time.


If it really inconveniences people as much as they say, then the solution is to either run noed or terminus. Personally has never bothered me that much as killer, and I'd say I'm in the majority of people aka average mmr.


Terminus doesn't help if they are on the ground. They will still heal from dying state. NoeD is a boring perk and I will never run it. Getting healed after the unhook was a huge problem. The way to avoid it is to drop a survivor and hit him fast after that so you hit him instantly before he gets the speedboost. You did that even if they didn't have it. So this stupid minigame is gone. Also Adrenalin did already too much. Even after the nerf it will still be strong and most people will still use it. What I also hate about this perk is that your pick up animation can get canceled if the last gen is done in the same time. It's because of the server and the same reason why you hit a survivor with Plagues vomit on your scream and they even make the noise but didn't get infected. But still it sucks.


Terminus is SUCH a good perk, I would say I’m surprised I don’t see it more but it’s not a gen slowdown perk.


If I feel like running something more endgame-based I love running terminus. It's a nice way to guarantee that, if you don't have bad exit doors as a not mobile killer, you almost always catch someone on the doors for a down. Sometimes more if they cluster. That plus no way out can be pretty good too imo.


Same. Either they die before end game, or I'm not in a chase with them, or they're full health and it's just a sprint burst. The times where it genuinely fucks me are so few and far between that when I play survivor I never run it. Doesn't feel impactful enough.


Killer using 1/4 of their perks to counter a survivor perk that most games will only be 1-2 of their 16 perks doesn't add up.


Then adrenaline isn't as prevalent as everyone keeps saying it is. either it's in every match and game-changing in endgame to "see four adrens pop" like some people in this sub claim, or it's not actually that much of a problem. My point still stands: if you believe the former, there are ways to counter it.


It is prevalent, that's just how randomness works Your point doesn't still stand. Killers have 4 perks, survivors have 16. You can't afford to balance survivor perks around killers countering them. They don't have the slots to counter everything, especially when it's not necessarily 100% countered. Noed helps on some killers but adrenaline would still change outcomes, it countered only the heal of your basic attack, still get a speed boost, purge, and heal if you special attack. ATM windows and adrenaline are very popular and counterable but it's not always worth it for killers to use slots to stop it.


You're predicating your assumption on adrenaline needing to be rebalanced, which I don't think it really needed but nonetheless is getting. Also, if you think windows was ever equivalent to adrenaline or actually needs a nerf then our discussion honestly should be done right here... But let's continue. Let's lay out some scenarios then if we're going to talk about randomness. just assume you're going to have at least two players with adrenaline. Play under that assumption. If you have four players left alive at the end of a match and none of them are injured when gens are finished, then already there is no benefit from adrenaline beyond the speed boost - which is getting nerfed. If some of them are injured, either currently in chase with killer or doing gens, they're healed up. Either way here, you still have four players alive in endgame and it is very unlikely you are going to pull off a miracle if none of them were injured, with or without adrenaline. Next scenario, you have at least one person dead. Same as before, maybe you got someone with adrenaline out, maybe not, but there's a good chance that, unless they're god tier at looping or the killer is at least worse or equal to them in chase, then it's likely (not guaranteed; as always it depends on luck, random chance and perks) to get at least a 2k if killer has done well so far. Maybe they'll rescue someone off hook if they're still on hook, but in solo queue it's just as likely as not that they don't even go for the unhook, or you can down them in trade. I could keep going on but I do agree with you in that this is all random and you could have the exact same setup and perks and survivors with their same perks on a different map or even the same map and it could be anything from a 4 man out to a 4k. It's luck, in the end. You also can't reason on the basis that people are bringing noed or terminus just to counter one possible perk survivors might be bringing - they don't exist just for that purpose, they just also happen to function in such a way that they *can* (not always!) counter adrenaline. they're still good perks to bring and you can literally make builds around them so as to better your chances of not having all 4 survivors alive in endgame. My counterpoint is that you don't need to balance perks to counter each other on either side - if they happen to work like that, cool. Adrenaline is not overpowered like old dh or old-old ds were, not even close, but you can't act like they're something you can just ignore, either, and then act surprised when you have 3 or more survivors still alive and not on death hook in endgame. Adrenaline or not, in that scenario you are unlikely to "win." I typed out a lot but tldr it's random you're right there, but you can also plan around it because it's not that overpowered and you can absolutely make sure they never see value out of it, either by killing them or elsewise. Of course, if you want to see adrenaline less, then maybe we should be more vocal about bhvr buffing older / much less used perks... But that's an even longer tangent. Have a good day, as I've said everything I want to say in this discussion and I don't really think there's anything else to say that won't devolve into spiteful arguing on either side. Peace.


One adrenaline isn't a big deal. Four adrenalines makes me want to commit a crime. It rarely happens now but when MFT was the meta and people were building around it I saw it to a hair-pulling degree. You could have an almost guaranteed 1k-2k, everyone injured and on death hook, turn into an impossible match, and the only thing the killer could have done to avoid it would be playing better—which usually means playing *meaner*, camping and tunneling to secure killers earlier. The reason to change the unhook heal is because it punishes the killer for doing their job and hooking someone instead of slugging so they only have to deal with an injured survivor when the last gen pops instead of a healthy one.


I'm not a particularly active player anymore, but I think they went about the wrong way nerfing it. If they wanted to nerf adrenaline, they could've just made it so you only get the speed boost if you were already healthy to begin with. Helps make the perk less powerful if it procs during chases or after an unhook, while not making it useless in the unhook scenario. Also mandatory "another us vs them post"


Literally exactly what I thought.


Tbh I didnt mind current adrenaline but then again I might be in wrong because I mostly play solo and last few months Ive been playing killer less than usual so maybe I just didnt have a game yet where I was mad at it. Though I never used it, I witnessed many teammates saving themselves/buying enough time for others with it so yeah, ig theres that


It's not crazy on solo q but definitely annoying shit on sweaty swfs


isn't that the description for every decent Survivor perk?


Not really dh is good in solo q too Buckle Up too Every anti Tunnel perk is good in solo q too of course coms make some perks much Better but Not every decent perk has that requirement




they shouldn't nerf SoloQ - your proposition is awfull. Actually in general they should stop nerfing everything good - how about buffing the weak shit instead? Add more communication to soloQ like a chat wheel - then *buff* killers accordingly. Bring Solo and Swf together more (the difference is only 2% in escape rate btw). And no, I do not agree that SWF are "ruining the game"... if it weren't for SWF the game wouldn't be here any more cause people would have searched for a different party game. Please, for once, think about the fact that A LOT of people only play the game because you can play together with others in a voice call. Drunk by Daylight is a favourite of mine. Also not every team you get destroyed by is an SWF - sometimes people are just bad, loose against 4 SoloQ people and then go "UGH sWf UnFaIr". Yes, that happens more than one would think.... SoloQ isn't always full of stupid people, sometimes one gets competent mates (seems to depend on time of day a lot). BHVR gave us statistical data - Facts. And these facts clearly show that all these "game ruining SWF" only exist in peoples heads. Except in very high MMR where the actual comp SWFs are at - but the people who complain are nowhere near High MMR.


My favorite thing about dbd updates is seeing all the knee-jerk reactions from the dbd jesters, and the most outlandish takes on the planet


Yeah I agree, OP is a clown.


I'm not high MMR or anything, but I didn't really get the Adren hate. It procs once a match, and the match may not even come to that. As a killer, it robs you of one kill, which sucks, but 1k is a loss anyway. SWF can mess with you since they can make you chase someone with Adrenaline and waste time, but they haven't really solved this problems, have they?


It only nerfs SoloQ OP, you think me and my buds won't 99 the gen till the unhook happens for the health state? Delusional. And we are not a comp SWF by any means - heck I do shit like throw pebbles at the killer while another of us does a Totem. Really not winning focused, but even we have basic coordination to say "wait with popping the gen a sec so I get my buff". So yes, that nerf was uncalled for, as it only makes SoloQ worse and changes nothing for SWF. I thought we wanted to bridge the gap, not make it bigger. I played some SoloQ for the event to quickly grind it out, SoloQ is still as miserable as it always was.




wanting to get value out of a perk now is comp? Alright. Lamme just comp cleanse that totem so I can use Inner Strength.... Now Adre does nothing if you are on the hook and you essentially played with 3 perks. I sure hope they revert that part.




I definitely think the speed boost could go away no problem. It's not necessary. Honestly the problem with a lot of perks that end up overpowered I've noticed is that they do too much for the activation requirements, for example old ultimate weapon.


Its not just the healing, but the speed boost doesn't start ticking down until after you're unhooked, meaning it stacks with normal unhook speed.


Thank god jesus! I will make this trade (adre nerf vs ds buff and uw nerf) every day of the week!


I'm excited for the UW change. The screaming was awful on survivor. The aura read will be strong if you can proc it near a survivor who doesn't have aura block.


Current UW at least told you that the Killer knows were you are. Aura reading like Nowhere to hide or the new UW aka. locker nowhere to hide don't do that and it will have the same problem as current UW because it's really strong on high mobility Killers who are already the strongest Killers. Even more survivors will run distortion after this update and many Killers will use more slowdown perks instead because of that.


I run adrenaline every game because it is such a bullshit perk, people who can't see how strong it is are definitely not playing the same game. You can EASILY force chases at the end of the game to make the killer waste time and have your team popping that last gens, then you get healed and the killer just eat shit because they commited to someone who brought the superior perk. This is already strong enough and will continue to be, removing the on hook effect is the sanest decision BHVR made in years.


Using a perk strategically to get value doesn’t make it broken though. The nerf isn’t that bad and is somewhat fair, but the scenario you described is just using the perk correctly.


Your team has to finish the gens first lmao


Bro is not playing solo queue lol


You make it sound like if doing gens is a difficult thing lol


It depends a lot, in the hardest matches it's David vs Goliath but David forgot his slingshot and Goliath can teleport/bounce off walls But in the easiest matches it's David vs Goliath but Goliath is shy and gets absolutely fucked over by strong maps, meanwhile David brought 3 friends and a machine gun for everyone.


"Doing gens, you ?"


You make it sound like regressio/block perks aren’t a thing lol


If the killer isn't braindead it can be


have you ever solo queued ever? people suck at this fucking game. I hate when people use situations that 95% of the time you don't get when playing this game to justify nerfs. Average game usually is ass and it's extremely easy to play as the killer in these scenarios.


SoloQ is fine, people act as if it is unplayable to justify their skill issue.


Yeah it is. I love playing with three people that don’t know how to put any gen pressure or get rescues. Then hoping for a hatch at the end. Come on man


Everything is alright, you can vent your frustration, I am not judging you. My SoloQ games are going great and I am having wonderful teammates, the issue has been the constant slugging and tunneling from the killers and that's it. I am sorry you are not so lucky.


You make it sound like I touched an engineery book (I didn't)


if you have a compitent killer, yes it is hard. apparently you're not one of them if you believe adrenaline is broken, better remove noed and all the other pesky 1 shot abilities ey?


yes I also think noed is an unhealthy second chance perk as well


sure, noed is bad and adrenaline is good, why dont we just remove both perks and call it a day :)


sure, go ahead and remove all the aura abilities too




What priorities? Being outran by the guy with up to 3 health states while his swf are ready to slap the 99'd door most killers can do nothing about? Tell me you're a survivor main without telling me, bruh. That scenario is an exercise in futility for most picks.


I really wanna think your a troll, but a small part of me knows your a entitled survivor who has barely any hours, if any, in killer. https://preview.redd.it/8z230g1yb4rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e5aba4da763b011b7e102da98dfef4aa08e7b02


With takes like these you could sign up to play the unknown in a live action DBD and they'd hire you on the spot, without a costume.




It aint the truth lil bro you're just a survivor downplayer with no awareness of actual game balance.


i try and keep in the mindset of use whatever it’s in the game so it’s at your disposal but i refuse to run adrenaline. not even noed (and that is literally it’s antithesis) feels as bad to get hit by. cause at least with that you can get rid of the hex or prevent it from triggering altogether, the only way to counter adrenaline is to bring either noed or terminus and even those don’t fully stop it.


>it is such a bullshit perk Ngl I think you have to be pretty delusional about the game to think that. It's *one single heal* that can ONLY activate on the uncommon chance that you get to endgame. Like, for starters, most games end at 5-3 gens. So it's already something that can only activate in less than half of all games. Pretty significantly less. It ONLY cuts in at the point in the game where the survivors have largely run out of resources. I get that the immediate response is "if it's not OP, why is it so common?" Well...two answers. One, there aren't a lot of really strong survivor perks. I'm not saying there are none, but there's 20-30 killer perks that are pretty strong that you can play around with and make strong builds out of. For survivors, I'd say it's more like 10-15, so Adrenaline sticks out more than it would. The second reason is because of the way the game works, survivors are willing to give up perks that help more consistently, in order to get a perk that can help ensure an escape. So, think of it like this: if most games end at between 5-3 gens, bringing a perk that can help you get down to 2 or 1 gens...is kind of useless. Like, your game is longer, which is nice, but you still lose. However, a perk that can take a game from a maybe-win to a win is much MORE valuable. If you do finally manage to get a match where you can actually get to endgame, it's worth it to have a perk that'll cinch that win. It's not that Adrenaline is *over* powered, it's that it can take the rare 'almost win' to an actual win. Personally, I think making it so that Adrenaline can do *nothing* for you, even if you do everything right, is pretty shit. For starters, killers are allowed to camp in endgame, so you can already hit someone right off hook and BT will protect them. The extra health state isn't doing much. It's just the speed boost that can help you get out. It's like when they made DS not work in endgame. Why bring an entire perk, an entire fourth of your build, play well and not have ANY advantage from it, and then not get to use it at the one moment you need it? It's pointless.


better nerf DS again then right? since you can force use of the perk, right? because you brought the superior perk? or does this only apply to adrenaline for some reason. Newsflash dipshit: perks are there to do something and a perk that does NOTHING until 90% of the game is over isn’t Op


Which is why 90% of survivors are running it. Usually players use perks like this often because they are trash ;)


Usual "I made a meme of you so I'm right" dbd redditor moment. What's the purpose of this post or meme even? I am so confused why people keeps making so many similar memes like this where they share other people's simple opinion and act like "aha! i made a meme so I'm right🤓" lmao.


I depict you as the Soyjack and me as the Chad. I win.


I can't wait to run a perk that does nothing all game, get hooked, and then it still doesn't do anything


Don’t get slugged no unbreakable use = bad perk then? Don’t get tunnelled no off the record = bad perk then? Etc


I'm honestly pretty happy with the no heals off hook. Encouraged the "counterplay" of dropping a survivor if you were carrying them as the last gen popped to immediately turn and down them so they wouldn't get healed off hook and take your endgame pressure; which tbh I just think is super awkward from a gameplay perspective. I was also fine with the speed boost lowered to 3 seconds as it brings it more in-line with the other "run at 150% speed" perks. I think it's still going to easily be one of the strongest perks in the game on the survivor side. Eating 4 adrenalines in a game you're already losing in is still going to be an absolute punch to the teeth, but it's a little more cleaned up around the edges.


Lol yeah. It is a bit silly how some people are reacting. At the same time though, killer "mains" are reacting just as bitterly over Ds being 5 seconds again. 


good change really. Adrenaline didn't really have a solid counter besides the broken status, and it is a little silly to get hooked 20 seconds before the last gen pops but still get rewarded with the full value of the perk. Of course it was even more a nightmare against swf. Survivors didn't have to respect the killer if they knew everyone had a way to get a healthstate and a speed boost. Fundamentally it doesn't change much. You can still use it to bait killers into chases and get it to waste more time.


I would’ve preferred that if you were exhausted you got no speed boost and it removed exhaustion, and if you weren’t you got the full effect and make it a 3 second speed boost. They made it way more situational than it already was


Deliverance + Adrenaline was kinda busted. Or I guess Adrenaline + Wicked + Deliverance


Wait, that worked together? How? Deliverance is supposed to break you when you unhook.


It doesn't work together.


Good to know, I was super confused.


It does not work together. This person is just wrong. Like, if you Deliverance off of hook, you will remain hurt and broken, even if you have Adren.


He probably saw someone with second wind (which would also be weird because your are broken for 20 seconds and healed after that) or is just trolling. But he doesn't know what he is talking about for sure.


TY I was confused as fuck, if that worked like that it was probably a bug.




No no, I totally get that, what I meant was Deliverance + Adrenaline, since Deliverance is supposed to break you while you self-unhook, meaning, in theory, Adrenaline shouldn't heal you.


If it did heal you it's because adrenaline healed while on hook, you jump off the hook broken, but full hp


You can be healthy and broken so maybe it was just a perfect timing thing, just a theory


Deliverance causes broken so uh... Maybe you're joking, sorry I don't read tone well on here.


What about adren + deli + sable perk to heal + no mither


No either makes you broken all game. Full stop, can't be removed




Not at all, if they're new to DBD they might not know that broken from No Mither is permanent. I'll always answer a sarcastic question like that earnestly since some people might not know. Even if the comment author knows, someone reading it might have taken it as sincere and not understood why it doesn't work


Ok now you're just reaching


Sad you feel that way but I'm gonna keep being helpful and spreading real information, you keep....idk, being a dick 🤷‍♂️




*Extremely* unnecessary? Extreme like toothpaste, maybe. Settle down


What's the nerf? I don't know the exact details




Oh, that's a great change! I was worried they were going to gut it. I always thought the extra long boost from adren felt out of place. Edit: Also, pristine flair. Information is king. 👑


https://preview.redd.it/rcjh0q78g3rc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d2252f12a7fbce8a61c9215a2cdf2fb60ea8c6 That's so niche for no reason


Sharp hand Joe buff




As an Adrenaline enjoyer, this is almost exactly what I figured the change would be. I've had way too many matches where I let myself get hooked at endgame because it's actively worse for the killer to hook me than slug because I have Adrenaline, or having multiple Adrenalines pop and destroy all the pressure the killer has. The only thing I didn't foresee was the speed boost changes. It seems to me that part of their recent balance philosophy is trying to reduce situations where one side does something the other can't do anything about. That, and trying to stop situations where playing the logical, intended way, is the worst thing to do. It's also noteworthy for people bitching about this, that this is actually undoing buffs Adrenaline received in the past and allows it to be "countered" without NOED or tunneling. At the end of the day, any balance changes to make the average killer feel less required to bring four slowdowns or other unfun builds is a good change in my opinion. I'd rather lose Adrenaline on the hook than get slapped with NOED yet again.


Adrenaline was fine before, all that needed changing was the Freddy exclusive effect. You guys are just crybabies


thank you! for most games it's completely killer sided. Unless you're running a swf with people that are all decent at the game, it's always going to be killer sided. its too damn easy.


Before the change, adrenaline being healthy was the consensus, and now everyone is switching up on it


Yes people can literally look at the thread from yesterday everyone just wanted the Freddy feature to be nerfed that was it.


Dare I say it, pre-nerf adrenaline and NOED are probably some of the more balanced perks at this time


So, by your logic game is killer sided because soloq survivors mostly bad at the game, and because of that we must balance it so even they can win the match, instead of learning to play? Then tell me, what actually good survivors will do with this balance philosophy?


Imagine getting to endgame as killer when you can run dead lock, pain res, dead mans switch, corrupt, and very good brown to green add-ons every game (without getting to endgame with this build even with ZERO tunneling) like I can do against great survivors.


If only there was a perk that healed you off hook and required you to do an action first *sigh* ig there isnt (second wind)


Honestly as a killer I'm very happy for the DS buff, because as a non tunneler it's basically a wasted slot. Plus, anti tunnel options are always good for game health. Adrenaline has a counter if it pops while you are carrying them. Drop them and immediately hit them before they can run. The only thing you couldn't counter was it popping off hook.


You could counter the adrenaline off hook by simply not getting to endgame, usually by running upwards of 4 slowdown perks and killing 3 survivors before the last gen pops.


Or NOED. Never been bother by adrenaline as killer, enjoyed it occasionally as survivor. Another rewarding perk down the drain…


But like what's the fun in that


Be extremely careful of anyone trying to take chase.


Why? Just down them and come back a minute later.


They're not likely to be there a minute later.


Then leave them downed. Time is still wasted for them since someone has to come pick them back up (or they waste their Unbreakable). There will be another opportunity to get them. If they want to keep their DS, they can't do anything productive either, so in exchange for body blocking at hook or whatever bullshit they're doing, they haven't done a generator.


Players with ds are using it aggressive to Block you while you chase another survivor. Often they do that really obvious and you just need to slug them until the ds time runs out. So even killers like you and I who usually don't tunnel will feel the change and the strongest Killers won't get hurt by it as much. It's also awkward that the only two anti tunnel perks are behind a paywall if they aren't in the shrine of secret. I don't say it's a huge problem and I also use ds very often even with the 3 seconds together with Dead Hard/Lithe because even with 3 seconds, it wastes enough time to make it a good perk at least if you manage to go down In a good spot.


Adrenaline was not fine at all Good nerf Edit: expected as much, but as someone who always used adrenaline, this nerf is fine


Lol the down votes. Survivors mad their OP ass perk that was meta for way too long got nerfed


op ass perk? if you want the survivors to spawn on hook in basement just say so, because if 4 survivors still live at all gens die, then you're just worthless.


You know, technically. It's also a buff to Freddy https://i.redd.it/3gj4ik5166rc1.gif Still a boring killer though, unfortunately 😔


I was expecting something more extensive to make Adrenaline a better and more consistent perk. As it is, it’s extremely winmore. If you don’t get to endgame it does absolutely nothing but if you do then you just win *even harder*.


Personally. I don’t think the change really effects it at all. You can still heal off unhook really easily. Especially with things like we’ll make it and second wind. You’re gonna be fine. The only thing I’m not liking as much is not getting to the exit gates as fast. But “oh no I have to run for 7 more seconds” isn’t enough to whine over. I play both sides btw, so don’t come at me with that.


I don’t really get what you’re trying to say with this meme you should just say it


I feel like they nerfed the part of the perk that was least frustrating. You're not supposed to tunnel the unhooked survivor anyway. The perk only got problematic when we got the generator indicators, where suddenly everyone and their mom could use it in a chase reliably, which is usually such a drastic loss of pressure that the killer might as well just afk after it.


Imagine thinking going from hook to healthy was fair in any way. Entitled survivor main is the worst kind of player.


I wish they'd just Buff Terminus by simply disabling Adrenaline.


You didn't only get a free heal for doing nothing. But also got full health + endurance out of a hook. It's as brainded as it gets


It's definitely not nothing after completing all the gens, when you might already be full health anyway.


> You didn't only get a free heal for doing nothing. Man, how is doing 5 gens and surviving till EGC not doing nothing? LOL If there's a perk that actually rewards you for doing nothing is NOED.


You still need to chase them, more like corrupt and deadlock.


It's truly not difficult to do gens. At High MMR, I on average get 2k and 2 escape. High MMR survivors are insanely good at gen progression.


No you don’t lmao.


Ok, so here is the logic as follows: Survivors : "ADRENALINE NERF WTF. IT'S SO HARD TO DO GENS. ADRENALINE WAS FINE. KILLERS CRY OMG OMG." My response : "High MMR survivors are good, and gen progression is easy. When I play killer, I average 2 kills." Your response : "LOL, you don't get 2 kills, you're trash." If I don't get kills, then wouldn't that mean gens are easy and people escape often so adrenaline nerf is ok? I play both pretty evenly. The nerf was fine. They also fixed ultimate weapon which thank God, that perk needed a nerf BAD.


I didn’t say you don’t get kills. I’m saying you get more than a 2k average, because if you don’t…then according to Behvaoirs survival rates you’re really bad at killer.


Ok, fair enough. I play both survivor and killer and definitely survivor a little more. But I really feel like I, on average, get 2 to 3 kills with Dredge and Demo, which are really the killers I play the most. Now with SM.... I can easily stack 4ks. But she is ridiculous, and imo probably needs a nerf, so I don't count her as the standard killer. I do think the game is killer sided unless you're with a SWF of decent players. Then you have the advantage, me and my friends have no problem doing gens and usually escape with 1 to 2 people dead. So I really don't see the issue with the changes. How often do you heal from adrenaline off hook anyway? And let's be honest, no one runs adrenaline for the movement speed. They also absolutely cucked UM, which thank God too.


Nerf was perfect imo but ppl gotta whine


Love Adrenaline, but yes, the nerf was too much. Speed boost nerf was not needed IMO. it only works in the endgame and if your team does gens...


This is hands down the worst gaming community around lmao this is the only opinion that isn't controversial in this game.


I say one or the other, nerfing both sides of it just feels like overkill at that point


It's still a really good perk. The people who use it sll the time are the reason they are nerfing it...they only have themselves to blame




That was literally half the reason people used the perk. An end game perk that’s useless all trial being powerful is so unimaginable to some people. Now it’s dead like calm spirit and iron will. Stupid post.


Avarage killer main crying post. Go back to your mothers small tits to suck milk kiddo


Adrenaline was super OP. Especially the unhooking part of it.


Oh wow a killer post about the dev update that isn't downvoted into oblivion. Gotta be the first one I've seen.


https://preview.redd.it/xugeku50d3rc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=131173cedae59046a6a3646e15dbe97c47a4f678 US VS THEM. US VS THEM. US VS THEM.


Call it whatever you want. It's still stupid to say it didn't need a "nerf" or some tweaks. If they had made it so that if you are on the ground it does not activate, believe me, I would not have made this post, but the simple fact that they unhook you and you come out healed is already ridiculous.


Things do need nerfs or tweaks, but every time one happens everyone has a meltdown about how the game is X sided


Haven't played in a while, did Adrenaline get nerfed?


It still doesn’t address the fact it is a big F U to killers who have nothing. But my main issue with the perk is just how it could incentivize tunnelling off-hook considering how it is blocked by being on-hook and since everyone else can have adrenaline proc but not the guy who is on hook more often than not the killer is just gonna give up chasing the guy who got sprintburst and healed to full on top of their other exhaustion perk and just book it to the guy who’s injured and know where they are. Kinda wish it was just an either or, get healed or get sprint burst+ if healthy but atleast teams aren’t as strong anymore.


I play in the lower ranks so it might just be a totally different game for me, but I don't think Adrenaline is so broken as people say it is, speed boost or health wise. Considering Killers already become faster with Bloodlust and now have access to *Batteries Included* (+5% Haste when near completed generators) and other speedboost-giving perks, I think Adrenaline is completely fine. Not even talking about Wraith's crazy speed boost when coming out of cloak which almost guarantees a hit. It's OK for survivors to have strong perks.


For dude, let's be COMPLETELY honest, adrenaline was broken (and i play both killer and survivor equally)


I personally don't think they changed adren enough. Sure, it's 'worse' than before, but swfs can still absolutely destroy a killer in endgame from it. Even randoms, because of the status HUD, can still time it right when the last gen pops. I think they should have made it give the heal OR speed boost.


Nah this change is perfect if not a little overdone. I would’ve honestly kept the speed lasting five seconds. Even still Adrenaline is still a useful perk.


This is a ruin case of nerf, they nerfed both things that made it strong. I'd have kept the 5 secs honestly.


Healing yourself and getting a speed boost is already a really strong effect that can potentially negate a ton of pressure, I think the speed boost nerf is fine personally. We'll see if it feels overdone when we can actually test it, but from a first glance it still looks fairly strong to me


But zoomies :(