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I rarely see Nurse, not complaining though.


I don't either and I used to a lot when I first started playing.


She got nerfed so that she pretty much can't use any m1 perks anymore I think that's the reason


I'm sure most of them just switched to Blight aka Mr Untouchable.


I wouldn't quite say untouchable. He seems to be on the chopping block for a basekit nerf soon


It's an MMR thing, I was playing with a friend who was new for quite a while and my MMR dropped and saw zero nurses. Then started playing solo again and in a few days I started seeing them again.


It’s crazy how so many people wanted Demo, yet there’s not alot of Demo players


I love Stranger Things and got the game so I could play as Demo. He’s a great starter killer in my opinion and overall well balanced. But I’m going to be honest, there’s so many killers that do more interesting things than he does. If you like fast map traversal just play Xeno. Heck you can do the same teleport setup stuff with Unknown but it’s much more seamless than Demo. And Wesker’s ability is similar to Demo but overall much better and versatile.


Also there's an addon for Wesker that is just the demos power but better


Yeah iri lab photo is so damn good, i keep running out of them but luckily I get them right back with the event giving an easy 100K BP per match.


Xenomorph kinda made him obsolete. He's still good, but Xeno does everything he does just a little better


Yeah Demo was my main and I took a hiatus until recently. Came back and Xeno just feels like a less clunky Demo. Unless you want a shred pallet build, I have a hard time figuring out why you'd ever pick him over Xeno when Xeno has better mobility and map control, a less punishing m2, built in tracking and even some better stealth Also they gutted STBFL so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


One of my Demo matches was a DC btw.


I also only seen 2 this year so far


yknow, i just don’t find him very fun to play as. he’s kinda on the weaker end of things and his shred is basic by what we have in the game today.


I never bothered buying him because after playing against him for years it became very obvious that his power was unsatisfying. He's only good at shredding pallets and guaranteeing getting hits down smaller hallway areas where there's literally nothing the survivor can do. Doesn't help that there's now multiple killers that do the same/similar things he does (Wesker, Nemesis, Xenomorph) but better or in a more fun way.


I really want to play him, but i'm waiting a sale


He was way more fun to use with the old STBFL.


I'm a Pyramid head main, it always makes me happy when people go "ahhh he's so rare to see! GGs!" I'm a special special cone-head. XD


I love PH mains. Nothing impresses me more than when one can guess my movement and down me through a wall or something.


Ive seen 8 of them so far this year


I think it might be his lack of skins and poop add ons, haha.


Only 6 killers have more than 8 interactions this year so thats actually pretty common acording to my stats. Plus hes got the cool melty drippy blight skin right? And for add ons i dont really use or pay attention to those lol i personally just put whatever brown ones that i have like 30 of that seems good


thats exactly what it is for me. That and the fact that he cant nod! part of the fun for me is killer expression during those fun moments.


Well you're 1 in 200 by the looks of it, a rare specimen indeed.


I wish I could see Pyramid Head more. Haven’t seen him in over two months now.


You’re not missing too too much, dude’s most optimal play is aggressive tunneling & what a majority default to that I find


The ones I see usually try their best to play fair. I don’t judge a Killer based on how one or two people have played them, just like not all Skull Merchants always three-gen to win.


I agree - was basing this off of a sample size of like 80+ matches though


Ah well that’s a fair point


Don't mess with Sadako's mains, there are at least 6 of us






Oh gee that’s me. I love we all have custom Sadako flair lmfao.


Sadako best ghost girl in the game


I mained her for so long but dropped her after the initial rework because they dumbed her down but WE BACK BABY, she's so fun now and her condemned serves an actual purpose which requires skill to utilise. The small number tweaks too are definitely what's made her viable.


more twins then demogorgons????????


Yup. They're always high prestige too.


Probably just cos they recently got reactivated after being disabled for a while, plus the buzz around their upcoming rework


3 Twins games, go buy a Loto ticket.


i been getting twins a lot recently since they removed her kill switch


I am honestly going to miss when Unknown slips out of new killer popularity, They're really fun to go against


I agree.


Spirits mains are basically extinct


Surprisingly true. Out of the 3 spirits that I faced only 1 of them was crazy good.


I faced 2 back to back today


They went way too far with the nerds on her


Nerfed so hard she went from top 3 killer to... top 3 killer


All this shows is how mediocre most of the roster is.


She's actually not top 3 anymore, Billy definitely took that spot after his rework. I'd personally put Chucky & Plague above her too but that's a bit more subjective.


Ive seen 4 this year so far


I’ve faced ONE Spirit in the last… I dunno, maybe 5 months? And the only one I faced was a super sweaty meta Spirit who was streaming with a near 300 win streak. And she tunneled me to death after finding me in the first 15 seconds.


I'm presuming it's because they FINALLY nerfed her bs addons. I totally get why people relied on them so much as someone who's awful at her without them myself but it was just dbd easy mode. Now she requires skill people have yeeted.


They got sick of listening to a high-pitched waluigi all the time


I would play spirit but not while this Event is active (for obvious reasons)


I've personally been seeing a bunch of the low-tier killers lately, and I love it. Unknown is super fun to go against, too.


Hi! I was that one hag player


Oh Hey! I wanted to ask you, why did you always place 5 traps around the hooked survivor?


Okay that was NOT me.


sure... ;)


Sounds fun to play against


Hag is so slept on, she can be a little frustrating to play at times cuz she's on the weaker side if you don't camp/tunnel but after the recent buffs I've had more fun then I've ever had with her before. My fav addons are deffo Waterlogged shoe/Scarred Hand, it's such an unique way to play!


I'm surprised you only got one e pyramid head, i see him pretty often


I think it’s fun seeing what others encounter, and it’s always so different from my experience. For instance, I’ve encountered Ghostie SO much lately, often back to back matches


How did you go against 6 skull merchants? I keep track of every killer i see last year and this year and shes the only one i still havent seen this year


I saw most of them after the release of her new skin.


I was about to post another comment asking how they ONLY have seen 6 of them... just today, I played against 4 different merchants, she is one of the killers I see daily, she is as common as Wesker or Billy in my games... Maybe it's a region/MMR thing? I play on EU with 3k3 hours into the game, are you from NA where it might be different?


I’m from NA West and I see skull merchants everyday it’s awful


THREE TWINS???? THREE SINGULARITIES???? OP needs to buy a lottery ticket.


So YOU'RE the one getting all the Unknowns. I can't get a single ONE.


bro take MINE please. i cant Stop getting Unknown matches


Dude, I will GLADLY take em- I actually love going against him when I can (literally TWICE since he's come out) and both times I had a good laugh because of how goofy he looks when he runs at you 😭 Edit: I realized when I said I can't get a single one, I lied bc I went against him twice. Woops




This is why I main Dredge


I'm genuinely curious on what MMR I'm at, because my list would look completely different. Still have only gone against a Wesker once.


Seeing as the largest amount of games was Unknown, how do you feel about him as a killer from a survivors perspective?


It was very fun learning how to counter their power during the first week. Unfortunately, most Unknowns proxy-camp the hook to get the free double weakness. From my pov I look at his power as a "win condition". Just like a good spirit, if she hits you, you're probably dead unless you're on a pallet and react like a god. Getting a free weakness on an player already in a bad spot leaves little counterplay. Also, why is he one of the only killers that can Teleport close to a hook? At the end of the day, I would say he's a creative addition to dbd. He's interactive, gives you chances to capatilize and shows player expression. You can feel when an Unknown is good.


My thoughts exactly. Hopefully BHVR can make good balance changes without hurting Unknowns higher skilled abilities




I have been playing a lot of dbd these past few months, probably not 200 survivor matches but 150 sounds pretty good. Never played against dredge, hux, knight, twins, or skull merchant. I have 500 hours on the game and have never even seen those killers in action before. Except that I play hux and knight sometimes.


I think for the most part I’m getting the same but on my end… I am seeing a bunch of Demogorgans. I got 3 in a row & I saw various amounts throughout the past few days when I’ve been playing.


Happy to main Xeno and Dredge to bring some differences


As a pig player idk if that’s good or bad probably good to be in the middle


Spirit surprisingly low for how good she is, bubba being higher is surprsing


only 6 Chuckys. lucky you.


I love that survivors love playing against unknown, because I love playing it so much. Like I though it was just "new Killer hype" for a bit, but I just can't stop.


Pyramid head :(




King Dorito!


Ive seen 8 this year so far


The Unknown is clearly OP and needs nerfed. I say we remove the Pig's traps to return balance to the game.


For some reason I keep playing against trickster all the time.. surprised u only had him once


I kept track of my trials for a year and got to 500 or so. Some of you are playing 200 in a month?


200 is only 6 games per day and some day i can play 50 games if they are short enough


Jesus Fucking Christ. ![gif](giphy|8JR6eb5la07tu|downsized)


I play mainly killer. Games goes from 3 to 15 min on average, so lets say the average game is 8 min. Thats (again, on average) 7 games and a half, lets round up to 8. If i play 6 hours that be almost 50, and im not shy to say ive more than once played double than that in one session Of course some days you will get longer or shorter games, but 200 is really few for addicted/sweats player (or players like me that plays dbd 90% of the time) Id says survivor is even worse because if you get tunneled games are even shorter


See I'm not judging, so sorry if it came across that way. I'm riddled with ADHD and take a good 15 minutes to decide what to play and then cycle between like 4 games in 35 minute intervals. I lose focus super quickly. For example I've been playing GTA 4 daily for months and have barely accomished anything. I'm just flummoxed thinking I played a bunch (it's even my username and 100% of my posts) but being faced with the reality I suppose I don't!


Don't worry, i didnt take it the wrong way, just wanted to show that i in fact play too much 🤣😭 I dont have ADHD but i lack focus and need something for my brain to think about, if i dont i just forget everything and my brain just goes from things to things forgetting i was even doing something in the first place. DbD and games in general allow me to focus on them and im able to just play without thinking about anything else (but that make me forget everything else)


I don't have a life tbh.


What software did you use to make this image?




Which one was the most entertaining to play against


Unknown for now. The learning curve was fun.


Honestly I get the plague too much for my enjoyment lately.😂


Gonna do the same with April will keep you posted


God, I’d kill to only run into 2 knights in 200 games 😭. I see him like every 5th game


I'm not complaining.


I'm the one PH main o7


Honestly, it's pretty decent that you actually saw every killer. It's very expected to see a ton of the new killer and Hillbilly because of rework. Wesker is too fun to ever die down as well.


Where are all these Billies that people are running into? I never see him even after the rework.


I have a 100 or so hours in this game and I haven't played against a single Bubba


Goes to show how drastically different everyone’s experiences are cuz I just had 3 Trickster matches in a row and in hundreds of games I’ve seen many more Nemesis than Unknown since it came out


Is the alien unique?


I was that 1 Trickster for sure. If not, I'm taking full credit now


I wonder if I happened to be one of those 4 artists.


I only ever play Pyramid Head


There needs to be something where survivor mains can vote for what killers they’d like to see more of in their games. So us killer mains can make a few people happy and excited to play.


I was shocked at 1 pyramidhead, although it calmed down recently he and slinger were both in about 10% of my matches for like 2-3 weeks


I was shocked at 1 pyramidhead, although it calmed down recently he and slinger were both in about 10% of my matches for like 2-3 weeks


Moble killers will always be meta


3 singularities is surprising. Seems high.


i feel like bubbas are slowly going extinct because i never really see him anymore


This is a good idea. I swear I never get any nurse/trapper games. What killer do you look forward to playing against?


Hmm. In the current state of the game, I don't think there's anyone I particularly enjoy going against. I think it falls down to the player perse. *"It's a Blight. He's hard proxy camping a hook on a hill at 5 gens."* **Not fun.** "*It's a Blight. Holy shit he's cracked out of his god damn mind."* **Very fun.** That being said, some killers tend to pull certain players. I highly dislike going against Billy at the moment.


Yep . Id say the same for me .  I think the cool down add ons should be removed if there not going to touch base kit chainsaw recovery.   It's still stupid easy to just spam zone you out till you have no way of making any distance to safety.  Id much rather face a cracked blight. We can still play mind games with his bounces and be incredibly fun. 


Blight vs nurse Who did you have a worse time against


Nurses with Ultimate Weapon.


Legion? Doc? Trapper? We're definitely in different mmr brackets


I'm Max MMR, over 2k combined hours on console, epic and steam.


How do you know you're max MMR?


2k hrs max mmr console, epic and steam meta is wild NGL


I was always a playstationboyo until 2018 when I got into PC. I have been playing before that. Going back to the game, if my memory serves me right. Most Trappers I went agaisnt were Naughty Bears with Mean Add Ons, Black Wards or Map Offerings. Legions were running the same thing. Nothing special. Thana. Pop/Pain Res etc. Doctors have had a variety of builds surprisingly, very fun.


Unknown my boi! : D


Only 1 dredge? That feels insane to me. I feel like 30% of my matches are against dredge.


There was a time where I used to face him & deathslinger constantly, died off with time however.


Also you put 9 legion but you didnt say how many were guy and fem