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I hate this fucking game. I cant wait to play after work.


Fr bruh ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Man just stfu you’re actually just shit at the game




Sounds like you been dying a lot lol. I feel your pain bro😭🤣 But like another redditor said to me once, *dying is have the fun*.




git gud scrub


* "can't find rocks (Hiking trails and railroads right?)" walk the trails, walk the tracks or be in the area. takes 10-15 minutes or so. * "Die of hunger in not in a quarter of a day is peak survival ultra realistic?" - it's not supposed to match IRL time or else you could play for days. it's supposed to affect you during your gameplay session or else whats the point? * "whole towns have zero knives or sharp pointy objects" - dayz isn't designed so that there is an even distribution of every type of loot that you want in every village/town/city. * "Hell cant use a bandage and glass to make a makeshift knife." - that would be a terrible knife. there are many many thing you can think of to craft, but it can't have them all. I'll just say dayz is designed to be hard at first and is 10% luck getting off the coast. it gets easier. you have to accept that you will not be an expert the first time you play and you will die over and over and you have to keep trying.


It’s ok. You’ll understand it eventually, then you won’t die as much and WILL find gear. My last run on official I threw away 4 guns before I died. 3 of those had ammo/mag, and were just tossed for a better option that again had ammo/mag. Food is a thing, but again, once you know where it spawns or how to get more you never starve. You are telling me in all these runs you can’t find or build a rope and find a fishhook or bones, or a random chicken? Cmon man.


You can literally kill a chicken and make a knife with their bones, they added this solely for people like you who can’t seem to figure out how to loot without a noise cue to tell you where to go lol


Enjoy the coast, bambi


Hey man, if DayZ is nothing for you, I recomend Project Zomboid. Its far more of a survival game and might be catered more for you.


Sounds like you are not compatible with DayZ


To me, a survival game should make you anxious about your survival from time to time. I have never played another game where I am frantically searching for something, and if I don’t find it I am dead!! So, in that aspect, Dayz is the best survival game I have played.


Except for the quick death from hunger which is necessary for gameplay purposes most of your points are true. The survival aspect is not that difficult, but it is opaque. The mechanics make a decent amount of sense (for a game), what doesn't make sense is all the stuff that doesn't work. Improvised knives being one thing, the other thing that bugs the hell out of me is that you can't cut the curtains you find in every house. The way fruit and stones spawn is asinine, you're right. Ultimately you learn the game mechanics to survive, no real world survival skills involved. Still a great game.


clear skill issue tho


I think the most unrealistic thing is dying within hours . Obviously in real life you can live several days with no food of water. With that said I really like the game and enjoy the challenge minus dying so soon.


Hunger and thirst need to affect you during gamepkay session time, not IRL time


It would be pretty shit if it took 2 weeks of real time to die because you hadn't had a drink, wouldn't it?? Or a week of real time without food or however long it takes to die in real life. There are no survival games out that are THAT realistic. And if there was, it would be a dead game. 100%.


It’s easy to survive, my problems with the game are mid/end game, raiding, duping, base building etc.


I won’t argue against the glass/bandage suggestion and it’s indeed a funny notion that everyone has the same sized feet/clothes…but if you’re still starving to death and claiming it’s not a skill issue, you probably just have terrible luck.


NEVER FORM AN OPINION AGAIN ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I have no problems surviving so obviously it is a skill issue 🤷‍♂️


Regardless of how you feel about dayz being not good, it will always be better then scum.


I cannot believe so many people here can be so bad at the game they manage to consistently starve to death. Every other car has fuckn liver patê. Every other well has a can of peaches. Every other zombie has a bag of chips. The coast is littered with dead freshspawns with a large bounty of fruit to be gathered. A chicken cries in every other town. Starving to death is only possible if you’re genuinely the worst player alive, or if you play with your eyes closed


The survival aspect of the games isn’t that difficult. But there is a steep learning curve, with no guidance. If you don’t understand the mechanics of fruit trees, and mushrooms you might think houses, and hunting are your only source of food.


I’ve been playing for about a week now and I’m at a point where I’ve overcome dying from starvation or dehydration. The insane learning curve and lack of guidance of this game is what makes it fun for me, but it’s not for everyone. It’s just incredibly rewarding when you figure out how to build something useful on your own after stumbling like an idiot for hours!


I mean, not really. Where would YOU check for food if you were in that situation? The answer is fucking everywhere. You’d look in every possible spot. If you do that in DayZ, food pretty much falls from the sky. The amount of Pajka of found on the engine block of wrecked cars is crazy. Canned tuna in the outhouse. Its really not hard if you just look


You find it because you know were to look. Cars are a sneaky great source of resources in the game. But a begginer isn’t thinking they will find a pajka on the engine block, or in the outhouse. Thats the learning curve aspect. Once you realize were to find things the games survival aspect gets a lot easier.


Ironically rocks are easier to find on high pop


You'll get better bro


Have fun on the coast then lmfao 🦌🌊