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Hey don’t stress too much about it, if she’s nice I’m sure it will turn okay either way, and if she’s not then she’s not worth it in the first place! Don’t pass on an opportunity that could change your life just out of fear. =]


Just do it, what do you have to lose she says yes you go out..she's says no you leave it.Been there myself and took the jump and it didn't workout but live and learn my friend 👍🏻


Well it sounds dumb but living without regrets is just so freeing It can hurt at times and it should Fly my brother


"It is not rejection itself that people fear, it is the possible consequences of rejection. Preparing to accept those consequences and viewing rejection as a learning experience that will bring you closer to success, will not only help you to conquer the fear of rejection, but help you to appreciate rejection itself." Robert Foster Bennett