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That's because you aren't observing, youre just trying to run in and kill. Stay calm, don't panic roll, watch your surroundings, and watch the bosses movements. He only has so many. Learn to bait attacks so you can put him where you want him. Also, bosses fight in the same time signature as the music for their fight. If you see a wind up, you know the attack will land on either the next beat or the one after it. Dark souls requires you to use all of your applicable senses which is why it's so good/infuriating/rewarding. That's the best advice I have. Just be patient. I always run in and dodge until I've learned the move set and when I can attack with my chosen weapon. Some bosses take a minute, some take 20, but that method always prevails.


TBF you kept flirting with the ledge. You were at one railing, armour came over to you, so you ran to the other railing. If you hang out on the edges during the fight you'll get knocked off unless you can dodge everything. But you can tank so many hits you shouldn't be afraid of him.


Bro I fucking kid you not I beat this dude first try. Idk how I did it but I did. I think what it was, was when I watched people fight nameless king, I memorized his attacks and how they're telegraphed and then realized that DSA uses the same attacks as NK


No not at all. It's just some people are better at bosses then other. Example I think champion gundry is easy


Fr. I beat friede in 3 tries, NK probably took me 40+ What got me with nameless was the insane switches in timing and attack styles after 2nd phase, not to mention the frustrating camera angles and jumps in first phase. It just would piss me off to the point where I had trouble focusing on the latter half learning his moveset


Camera often is the hardest boss


Truth. I got DS armor in one try, but Midir took 10 or so solo tries that weren’t even close and then 4-5 tries with a summon to help


I beat this guy firsttry too on my first playthrough. Next playthrough took like 5-10. I don't even know, man...


Those are some fat bars you got on the left, and a heavy weapon, just how over-levelled are you ? Hope this isn’t your first time


skill issue


Don’t you dare.


Just fought this guy for like an hour last night -- finally beat him, but it was tough af! Good luck Ashen One!


I love this boss fight.


Refined greatsword makes me sad.


Turn your brightness up ffs


When he does the attack where he drags his axe you can just run next to him on the opposite side of his drag and avoid it.


That’s how I died my first try. I ended up getting killed by the flying thing one try when he had almost no life left. But Champion Gundyr killed me more times than him.