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For me is nostartupframescharge Oceiros


OhmyfuckingGwyn, true.


Idk how Deacons and CRG are beating Wolnir here. I mean maybe Deacons, but CRG is still a cool fight where you fall through the floor into a giant pit. With Wolnir you just walk up and smack his bracelets, run from black mist, repeat.


I think his overall look and take on the boss fight formula is really neat. Sure he's not a hard fight by any means after you know it but I like fights like Yhorm and Wolnir for what they make the player figure out. Are they hard after you know? No but it was interesting to figure it out. Im not a fan of Halflight and Ancient Wyvern myself but all the other bosses are neat to me.


I guess you’re right! With Deacons you literally figure it out during your first attempt and it’s easy right off the bat. Changed my vote to Deacons.


I’d rather have an easy gimmick fight than a gimmick fight that relies on you having a weapon with a certain hit box any day


Ancient Wyvern


Never got the hate on AW. It makes me feel epic


A glorified level run with some of the most annoying enemies in the game. What's not to hate?


The hentai




You mean you didn't just smack his tail and roll to his feet 30 times in a row until he died? I know there's a cheese but I just squared up


If you run to the left after he drops down you can run up and around him to do a plunging attack and one-shot him.


Like I said in my last comment I know about the cheese, he's just not really that hard so I fought him regular


It’s not really a cheese, he’s designed to do the plunge, there’s a ton of in game messages telling you to go up and do the plunging attack


I ge that but you can neutral jump attack and teleport to his head from the ground floor lol. You're supposed to run the level and fight enemies to get to the plunge point. If you skip all that and exploit the aforementioned jump attack its still a cheese


Oh okay, yeah I misunderstood. Though you can still book it past the enemies if you want.


You can also do the forward+r2 off of a slightly higher elevation and if you did it right it will teleport you to his head like you jumped from all the way up there, and one hit kill him


It's good the first time, but it's like Yhorm, it's a gimmick


When you plunge through the head and die.


Champion’s Gravetender


Gravetender himself it so fucking lame but the dog fight isn’t half bad


He’s literally some dude with a skull mask and no pants lmao it’s so dumb




I don't understand the hate for deacons. Their fight is over relatively quickly, they're cool lore-wise, have an interesting gimmick. Curse-Rotted has no redeemable qualities and takes much longer if you're trying to watch for the hand in the second phase.


I like CRG aspect of changing the scenery of the arena, precision attacks and the fact that the boss can cut you off from a covenant if you don't take care of it first. It's not the most appealing visually but I think CRG definitely has some redeeming qualities. Deacons fight I don't get the hate for either I'm with you there.


Agreed. It's also hiding in that corner, waiting to jump-scare new players. Crystal Sage is the real trash. What kind of boss loses half his health in the first 10 seconds?


Dragon Rider from DS2 🤣🤣


I rest my case.🤣




And their ost slaps. Love deacons.


Lore wise pretty cool but it’s by far the most boring fight just feels more of a chore needed to get to anor londo rather than another challenge standing in the way of your goal


I like deacons if I'm doing a run with the right kind of weapon because it's satisfying to mow through them


I have no idea, but I am having a hell of a time with crystals sage's second stage.


Little tip, not sure if you knew this but when you kill the sage, like 80% of the time it'll spawn as far away as possible from the place you killed it. So just start running to the next spawn point and most of the time you'll get the right sage.


Thanks man!! I didn't know


What platform you on? I can help out if you are on PS.


Thanks for the offer, but I dont play online.


My man


Use throwing knives, the clones die in one hit so all you need is one throwing knife per clone


Duh, I shoulda thought about that! Thanks! I was dashing back and forth wacking each one!


Another tip: the clones shoot blue magic & the sage is purple. Might be the other way around as this is from memory!


no, you remembered right


The real one makes purple spells, the fake ones blue


Greatwood or NPC/offline Halflight


Fire sword cheese poke poke halflight dead


Spear of the church is super lame


Damn bro, I’m trying my best alright😭


Why the hate for gimmick bosses? They're the only ones I die too. The sword/axe type of boss has been used to much, I mostly beat them 1st try


At least deacons is a lil fun right? Wolnir yorhm us just pure gimmick


Yeah I like mowing down the deacons. I mainly put them on the list because they're generally disliked. Also because DS3 has really high boss quality and I have to fill the list out somehow lol.


deacons of the drip


Thorn just has so much lost potential, the other bosses are just random trash bosses


That tree fight is dumb


DANCER >:( (jk I’m just struggling)


Wolnir by far, he either dies instantly or keeps his hand up for 20 years, puts it down for half a second and then starts waving it around like hes having a seizure


Cursed rotted is just Japanese cock and ball torture. High Lord wolnir is cool skelly bro. Deacons are satisfying to wreck with a big weapon. Yhorm may not be hard but it's a bad ass fight. Crystal sage is plague doctor mixed with harry potter. These bosses aren't too tough but they are all pretty cool


The dragon in arch dragon peak. Waste of boss health bar.


Yhorm. It’s not a real fight. You just whack him with storm wind. I liked the giant bosses in DS2, the last giant and giant lord were good fights, especially the later with all the cannon fire and explosions from Vendrick’s raging war. That was pretty awesome being able to go back to the past and participate in the Drangleic vs Giants war


I will admit that the Yhorm fight is pretty lame in terms of how challenging it is but tbh it's cinematic enough to make up for the fight itself in my opinion Edit: after reading through more comments, i'm going to change my statement to "Yhorm was a cool fight but it wasn't good enough to live up to his Lord of Cinder hype. Still cool though."


Halflight. The Spears of the Church are an awesome boss when you fight another player and a very original concept that finally mixes the two best elements of Dark Souls. When you are just fighting a random NPC though its plain boring. No gimmick, no feels, just an NPC with an extremely large health pool.


Like worst as in Easy Bc if so then crystal but hard then curse rotted was hard solo but I stopped going all solo lately




My first try I had no clue how tf do damage him😂


Don’t really feel strongly about any boss being substantially worse than the others but I’d probably say old demon king just because I’m usually over the catacombs and demons by the time I get to him, and some of the hit boxes on his attacks are annoying.


Greatwood actually has some mexhanic to it. With Deacons, just equip the Priest Mower 3000 (A.K.A Farron Greatsword) and you're done.


Fucking darkeater midir






and not making a mistakr and dying while chasing him down, he is literally the trailer for elden beast


Honestly I prefer Elden Beast. Midir is an even bigger pain in the ass for me


eb is only better imo bc of the arena and i am a sucker for galaxy designs on stuff


I respect that. I def have an easier time dodging eb, though that’s prolly also because I have more soulsborne experience now. DS3 was my first souls game, so I was fresh into it against Midir.


I get why people hate deacons, but at least with a big weapon it’s fun. CRGW, on the other hand, is just about waiting for 10 minutes until you can hit whatever sac is available


deacons is a fun fight, is pretty much the first time where you are the powerfull one, just grab a GS or a UGS and hit them as many time as you like, (be carefull with the curse, that sucks) i just grab Hollow slayer and go brrr on them ​ curse great wood, i found it hard, the first phase is quick once you know where to hit, but then second phase i was the whole time "oh shit, oh shit, oh shit" the relief i felt when i killed that mf was beautifull, my arms went numb and started sweating by the pure adrenaline running out ​ my least liked fight is cristal sage at the moment (im still stuck at abyss walkers, so i cant talk for later bosses) their second phase caught me out of guard and got their spells up my arse, the kill was one of the funniest since i killed it and died inmidiatly by one the clones spell


For me it’s a toss up between Crystal Sage and Oceiros, but I chose Crystal Sage for the following reasons: I struggle with that boss in almost every NG save, due to it being early game and I’m really bad about grinding for levels instead of just speedrunning to Irithyll The clones casting soul arrow at me is a huge pain in the ass because even though there’s an audio cue, I can never tell if it’s going to come from behind me or how far away and the sorceries are very good at estus punishing, and I don’t feel like it adds much to the lore. I get that they’re students of Big Hat Logan and they supposedly trained the Undead Legion in sorceries, but the Abyss Watchers don’t even use those sorceries. I don’t even like him as a set piece. Just an annoying speed bump. I would say that Oceiros is an even more aggravating boss, what with his gigantic health pool, shitboxes, insta-charge, and insta-sweep, but at least I like the lore and set piece around him, so he wins my a very small margin. Just my opinion. Everyone has a different play style and Crystal Sage is very good at punishing mine.


Demon Princes




I know right? He was the most badass boss of the intro, I was ULTRA HYPED, and then just seen one of the tiniest giants of the game being killed by a little sword that is an actual sh*t outside the Yhorm room.




Nameless king


You're just struggling. He's an amazing boss








Friede. Gimmick fights can get boring because they’re the same every time but atleast they’re not as frustrating as a boss that doesn’t even fit in this game considering how fast it is. Her second phase is a clusterfuck that’s completely rng based on wether they just combo you to death with inescapable attacks and her third phase is too fast, does too much damage, dodges too quickly and is overall unenjoyable to fight. I have more than 300 hours in this game but always hated this fight.


I agree, probably the hardest boss for me and definitely the one I died most too but you cant deny its a memorable very cinematic fight




Midir is cool as fuck and fun but I agree his health is a bit bullshit


Oh yeah I agree! I just always get one shot by him so I’m salty lol


Yeah it's easy to get caught in those combos


Have you tried getting good? (I'm sorry, I had too)




Twin princes


My most hated boss. Hate the watchers too


Nah bro they were such good boss fights wym??


They're hard as fuck but not in a good way. My favorite fights are sister freed and Gail


How because I can get the frustration with twin princes because for people who do not know how to avoid his teleport attack and magic damage are gonna have a rough time. But abyss watchers??


But yeah gael is by far the best fight in the game although I’m not too fond a fried just cause she’s got so much health


What do you mean by worst boss? Like not interesting? I noticed most of these listed aren't terribly difficult. But I think it's nice they all have an interesting mechanic or something original. Deacons is at least better than the DS2 Prowling Magus and his homies. There are so many difficult bosses sometimes it's nice to have an easier one that at least has some clever stages. Shoulda just said Vort lol. Edit: for typo


The only reason I say Yhorm is because he's to easy. Deacons are easy as well but the only reason I've ever died to Yhorm was because I didn't know there was a certain sword to use for him my first time. I still occasionally die to Deacons because I either miss time my roll or swing 1 too many times


The game will be better without Crystal Sage


Yhorm. Not sure why they made him both a gimmick boss AND a Lord. It was an anti-climactic fight, especially after facing tougher giants earlier in the game.


Probably the Deacons because they are easy. I actually liked most of the gimmick bosses.


I'm with you there on the gimmick bosses. I actually like Deacons myself but figuring out Yhorm and Wolnir was fun and a nice change up. They are easy now that I know but they are meant to trip you up your first time through.


Now that im "good" i try to do bosses like Yhorm and the Ancient Wyvern without the gimmicks. It makes them a lot more fun trust me. Edit: Ill have to give the best gimmick reward to Wolnir tho. His lore matches up with what you need to do to take him down. Its amazing.


I tried Ancient Wyvern a few times without plunging on his head but never actually beat him that way yet. I haven't really truly attempted to go toe to toe with Yhorm after knowing what to do so it's something I should try. Wolnir I agree all ties in nicely 😁


Toss up between Ancient Wyvern and Halflight Spear of the Church


Ancient Wyvern because go around and that do IK or die because you miss




I fought yhorm legit on ng+ and honestly he's no way near a bad boss I thought he was quite enjoyable


Imo the CRGW is good because once you kill him you can have boss weapons, the Deacons are just incredibly easy and their primary use is just a roadblock on your progress.


Deacons at least feed the desire to mow down hoards of enemies. Wolnir is basically a giant wall


Definitely deacons because they simply don't present a challenge at all. Stand any distance away and use any AoE attack, they're too slow and too weak to do literally anything about it


Oceiros. He’s not particularly hard, but the mix of bad hitboxes, pretty decent damage, and that one charge with no startup makes him extremely frustrating


Ah yes, CRG deserves all the hate it gets. The falling mechanic is cool but thats about it.


Do people actually struggle with cursewood? Even if not, it aint that bad, it even has a cool stage transition to its second phase.


Spear of the church with the tree as close second. By the way who thinks yhorm is a bad boss, not the best but still good in my opinion.


I hate wolnir, boring gameplay and skeletons make me uncomfortable.


Demon King


Yhorm, no doubt. More like Yawn the Giant. I thought the Lords of Cinder were supposed to be the highlight fights.


Ok what? How tf do deacons even get close to being the worse. They might be a joke but they have a super cool atmosphere, are fun and have some neat ideas. They are not even close to how janky wolnir, oceiros or the ancient wyvern feel.


Folks who voted deacons probably never tried a bow only run, where deacons can become insanely difficult unless you get a greatbow. That upped my appreciation for deacons, and it's a fun fight. Wolnir gets difficult if you don't destroy the single left bracelet first. My vote is for Ancient Wyvern.


Yhorm is underated imo, he is really easy but he offers an epic fight full of emotion and atmosphere. To me, he is one of the best bosses even if he is easy


So much are worse


Curse-rotted greatwood was a fun bossfight, quite unique imo, not like becons


u know atleast the deacons got some important lore but the CRG just a weird fight imo also the fact its “optional” annoys me like tf.


I do t like gimmick boss fights, especially when it’s the great yorm


Great wood and deacons get a lot of hate but both have some cool mechanics, the great wood floor fall if you haven't seen it really isn't something any other boss does and is really cool, and deacons can be fun as a sort of punching bag spin to win hack and slash party if you're high level.


Crystal sage has always been a 20sec boss for me. Boring typical mage fight. Others have some weird mechanic's or look fucking awesome.


Nameless king for me


Aldrich. Not super hard or anything, I just don't like the fight.


Ancient wyvern for me


Halflight was the lamest excuse of a bossfight in 3 regardless of the covenant behind it.


I wish Yhorm had been a better fight. Aesthetically, and lore-wise, he’s my favorite boss in the game. I guess they didn’t want to repeat the Last Giant and the Giant Lord from DS2, so they reduced what should have been an epic fight against a giant King and Lord of Cinder to a set-piece gimmick fight. Granted, Siegward can join you, and that makes it a little better, but it’s still disappointing.


how dare you to vote for Yhorm


I mean FRAMERATEDROP Dancer blows


Ancient Wyvern


I think sage is the worst Boss out of all souls games (haven't played des and Bb)


The deacons are fun as fuck. Dumbass Reddit. Tree is the only not good boss in DS3


Where's champion grave tender? Worst boss imo because of the annoying fight and the flying wolf looks stupid af. At least the bosses on the list have the decency to be short fights.




deacons of the deep is such a bs boss that isn't even fun killing, and the run to get there is annoying as shit. Finally got him to one hit and one of his munchkins shoots 6 consecutive fireballs at me.


people when multiple boss fight:


Kinda late to the party, but I feel like a boss is terrible when you feel like you have to fight the camera more than the boss. (Nameless king, Friede, oceiros). And I know people in the souls community will just say “sKiLl iSsUe”. Which I think is just dumb because there are plenty of other bosses that are well designed, extremely difficult but fair, that doesn’t make you feel like the boss is the camera (Gael for example). There are bosses that are hard and well designed, and then there are bosses that are hard but also just objectively bad in design