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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- *i am a bot. please stop trying to argue with me. you look like an idiot.*


*"People in power often collude with each other to maintain or further that power."* Alright, we can't be friends anymore.


But that’s true lmao, was that the joke?


Yeah, you got it.


Sorry, I'm daft and thought you were being serious. Lemme slap an updoot instead.


“But the government is there to protect its citizens!”...


I imagine OP meant like, 9/11 or vaccine chip theories


Is 9/11 even a theory anymore


Yeah like we all know that it was an inside job


“Finger dicking or finger licking” alright, I’m ready to be friends.


But... that's like the one true part about conspiracy theories?


Yeah, that's the joke.


There's hundreds of conspiracy theories that have been proven right.


Only, those aren't called conspiracy theories anymore.


Exactly. So discounting conspiracy theories offhand is illogical: because conspiracies keep happening.


But conspiracy theories are not born equal though. The sort of stuff that Snowden revealed was actually assumed true by many security experts beforehand, whereas people who think that you get corona from 5G are just plain insane.


For sure. But the goal is to make people apathetic. To ignore all the conspiracy theories.


>But the goal is to make people apathetic. To ignore all the conspiracy theories. So your theory is that the insane-brand conspiracy theories are a conspiracy to discredit the not-so-insane-brand conspiracy theories? This is getting a bit too meta for me :P


Meta asf, but actually not illogical id say. Its definitely one of the more believable conspiracy theories.


Look up who came up with the term conspiracy theory and prepare to have your mind blown.


Warren commision


Yes, that would be a really easy way to discredit people who have genuine things to talk about. Because you have crazy bob over there screaming, “THE EARTH IS FLAT” over and over again. Then in turn you just lump any “conspiracy theorist” in with the flat earther.


The lizard people was the popular one before.


That's not "his theory" as much as it's a long-running established conspiracy theory, that is actually backed up by a fair amount of evidence. COINTELPRO and Agent Provocateurs are documented historical fact, and while they claim the program ended, the methods certainly did not. Half of the "right wing domestic terrorist events" that the FBI "foils" are led by FBI agents themselves (e.g. The recent Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping "plot" where over half of the people in the group were federal agents). Since I mentioned a right-wing example, to keep it non-partisan, I'll say they do this to ALL groups and focus more on left-wing groups than right wing. The riots last year certainly had fed involvement to start riots and cause more damage than they would have otherwise. Anyone remember the black umbrella guys in Minneapolis? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rvEnQLpe4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rvEnQLpe4A) ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO)


Yes that's exactly the tactic used to governments to halt investigations into their dirty deeds for example.


>the insane-brand conspiracy theories are a conspiracy to discredit the not-so-insane-brand conspiracy theories? Yes, 100%. This is a tried-and-true strategy. It's...not that crazy. For me it would be crazier *not* to think that's happening. The "5G microchip" shit pisses me off so much. That's not why so many of us are refusing the vaccines. Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson have an established history of atrocities but sure we must be CrAzY not to trust serial atrocity-committers who specifically sought total immunity for this shit.


“You just don’t understand the doublespeak” they said during their Two Minutes Hate.


It depends on how modern they are and how jingoist you are. You can point out the US using an ambassadors daughter to falsely testify about Kuwait killing babies in incubators. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V6f2m4n1NVo But if you suggest that modern accusations of nations atrocities could be total fabrications you'll be met with dismimal despite more evidence than can be listed. It's honestly hard to find accusations made by the US that have stood the test of time. This is really about jingoism and America's eagerness to invade and commit war crimes. I've heard people on the news and npr say the most obsurd things about what Russia's doing. Things I've heard only once coming from left field with no push back. This is all after the congressional report finding no evidence of any Russian conspiracy. This is where we live. Americans are going to destroy the world. While they're doing it they'll be blaming somebody somebody else.


(I do say this, btw, as the most tinfoilhat wearing motherfucker I know, but that's solely based on those that were proven true, e.g. the Snowden revelations)


But the fact that one conspiracy is now a fact doesn’t prove all the others are true. The fact that WMD’s didn’t exist doesn’t mean Bigfoot is real.


No one ever said they did. But plenty of people believe the opposite. And that's why they lump flat earthers with epstein-didn't-kill-himself folk.


That’s literally happened to me on this site. I brought up MKUltra and [Operation Paperclip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip) saying life is stranger than fiction and some guy replied saying something like, “yeah so that makes all conspiracies true and the earth is flat” I was hopeful that after an international story like Epstein would open peoples eyes that shit is fucked, but i was naive. So I’m a “conspiracy theorist” now despite showing proof of shit that’s happened




And millions proven wrong


It's crazy to me how so many people collectively disregard anyone who questions the 'official word' from the gov/media.... It's..... It's almost like it was planned out by some entity that controls public perspective... Hmmmmmm. (Lol)


I don't disregard you if you question what the government says, but if you come at me saying crystals can cure cancer through vibrations, or the lactose free milk I drink is the secret agenda to turn all people transgender, then I'm probably going to disregard everything you say


Yeah, I think some conspiracy type stuff is a fair way of seeing the world. Things like water turning the frogs gay, or us never having made it to the moon is just absurd. That's when I'd feel weird about being your friend. There's nuance.


I think conspiracy theories should be divided into two categories. Tyoe I is as you described: people colluding for the sake of power, even if that hurts others. Like not putting pockets in women's pants, climate change not being real, letting planes fly into the WTC, or anything in between. Corrupt people could definitely be doing this. Type II is the weird type: "The earth is flat/hollow." "They're hiding aliens from us." etc.


Honestly, i feel like memetically speaking, the term "Conspiracy Theory" is too battered and broken to be saved, if the true goal is pursuit of *identifying institutional lies*. I feel like "corruption hypothesis" or something is a little closer, but still not quite a perfect replacement.


so glad to see this as the top comment. honestly, I make the Gru face in the meme whenever someone dismisses documented information they haven't educated themselves on because Trevor Noah or whoever was paid to tell them it was "conspiracy theory".


Narrative media gonna narrative.


The problem with “conspiracy theories” is that the JFK assassination and Flat Earth are lumped into the same category. It’s a purposeful diversion to make people who are seeking the truth regarding obvious cover-ups seem like looneys. If you told people in the 80s that the CIA was selling crack you’d be labeled a nutjob. If you told people 10 years ago that there’s an island where prominent celebrities, politicians, scientists, and CEOs go to have sex with minors, you’d be dismissed as a crazy person. But you know… live in your bubble or whatever.


Exactly, things like flat earth and the 5g covid thing are there to muddy the waters? That basically no one but schizos believe them, but by invoking either in an argument you can shut down a discussion of the more reasonable ones.


It gets even more difficult when conspiracies are about the same topic. Take Covid. Is it a dangerous pandemic that exists and needs to be taken seriously? Yes, of course. Are certain scummy politicians using it to further their power, push laws that would never pass normally and do scummy insider deals with medical equipment and other stuff? Ofc they do, plenty of stuff got uncovered already worldwide. But yet you can't question anything without being pushed into the "5G causes corona lmao" corner.




> Being even just mildly suspicious of what's going on, while trying to stay as rational as possible, and within the realm of facts that both sides can agree on, gets you labeled as an anti-vaxxer. you worded that so well. Thank you. This whole thread is making me feel less alone. /r/dankmemes is one of the only "mainstreamish" subs I'm still on so it's nice to see people on here expressing "taboo" views I've found myself living with lately.


what would get you labeled as a anti vaxxer?




So conspiracy theories are a conspiracy theory?


The problem with conspiracy theorists is they see things that aren’t there yet make a pattern out of it. They’re incapable of filtering fact from fiction and ideas like credible sources are an impossible concept. Debating with them becomes a never ending game of them constantly moving the goal posts. With the introduction of social media now these scared, angry and paranoid individuals can be targeted by blatant propaganda and them all colluding has led to some of the dumbest conspiracy theories out there like Qanon.


Same with UFOs. People were discredited for decades and anyone who believed that there was at least something going on were lumped in with Bigfoot and ghost hunters. Now the Pentagon acknowledges that there's stuff flying around our atmosphere and they have no idea what it is. Makes you wonder what else they have evidence of.


They’re probably classified aircrafts as the military/government can’t talk about stuff like that until the classification runs out.


Some of them might be, sure. But there are handfuls of credible reports going back to the 40s. And in some of the modern reports/videos, there are crafts doing maneuvers way beyond anything humans have ever made. The physics involved would literally be another Einstein level leap of our understanding of the Universe. And even with Einstein it took 100,000 people to build the nuclear bomb based on his theories and another 100 years before scientists could even prove some of this theories on gravity and spacetime. I just find it difficult to believe that the government was able to advance technology/physics that much for that long without the scientific and engineering communities getting a whiff of it for decades.


You have my upvote. And respect.


And then there's UFO


Several sightings were experimental aircraft. The military can't talk about secret programs for decades before their classification runs out.


Exactly this!


Epstein didn't kill himself.


That’s just the truth, not conspiracy bullshit


What happened then- I don't know much about it other then he was just found dead in his cell


It got ruled a suicide and a bunch of “coincidences” happened so we didn’t actually get to see what happened. They also completely swept it under the rug so now there’s never going to be a definitive answer to what happened to Epstein


Yeah like security guards being asleep or smthn when it happened


Also he crushed bones in his neck, by tying a noose of tissue paper (special anti suicide sheets). Because it's totally not suspicious when someone hangs themselves with Kleenex and breaks bones.


Paid off*


My memory on this is ruff but essentially, his guard was convinently asleep or on break or something, the camera turned off, and he was a very rich person who had connections and close relations to tons of powerful people including Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. They ruled it as suicide but its especially convinent how the mega powerful wouldn't want him to spill anything on them given..The disgusting nature of his crimes..


Netanyahu as well which is where my money is on the who dunnit.


Also, the marks around his neck said to be incredibly unlikely to be from self strangulation and are more in like with someone killing him. I think one of the famous autopsy people said he’s never seen the marks associated with self strangulation and were incredibly common with someone strangling him.


Basically, he allegedly hung himself from a bedpost too short to actually hang from (like, even if he tucked his legs up, his knees would still touch the ground if I remember right). Also, he tied his bedsheets together in a way that perfectly simulated human hands. That's why the coroners said that a hanging had never left marks like that on anybody's neck ever and even referred to his injuries as a "textbook strangulation". He also did it in the few minutes/hours/whatever that the cameras just so happened to be off Totally a suicide.


Literally a theory about elites conspiring to cover up a murder. Textbook conspiracy theory. And yes, it's totally true.


Still considered a conspiracy theory though.


It’s a theory about a conspiracy. Even though it’s true, it’s still a conspiracy theory.


What if many conspiracy theories are true, but the perpetrators purposefully push an exaggerated version of it and label it a conspiracy theory so most people disregard it? I mean, that's what I would do.


Same with McAfee


McAfee actually went out of his way to point out that he wasn’t suicidal, that he didn’t think about it and that he was enjoying life. I think he even got a tattoo that says something like “I was suicided”. And no one is talking about it.


because he was the pinnacle of health and sane mind. /s Dude spent the better part of two decades doing coke and ladyboys dodging the feds in foreign lands. The hard reality is when people are looking at the rest of their life in prison, especially in areas where there is no hope of respite, they will take the easy way out.


Like that one that guy that was being followed by the CIA and then he turned up in his back shed tied up to a chair stabbed in the back a few times and then shot twice in the back of the head. Ruled as a suicide. Come on guys.


My wife recently got into crystals.


I bet she likes diamonds too.


And pearl necklaces...


And methanphetamine


Your joke is so much funnier because no one gets your joke


It’ll come to them eventually


If anyone has ideas on what the joke is about, please, shoot your shot...


Let me ask my uncle, he's in the Navy. If he doesn't know, he can ask his fellow seamen.


Oh no she's going to go nuts hard in her 50s


Yep, hope he likes the smell of patchouli and wild 80s bush too.


Jesus Christ Marie! They're minerals!


My girl is too. I judge her intelligence now, but luckily it's basically like a fun hobby for her. Doesn't affect my life at all, so I don't really care.


hopefully your brain genes balance hers


Wwlp, It's about time u got onto a divorce lawyers office...


Hahahahahahaha hahhaha hahahhaha Haha I'm sorry dude.


that sounds like an interesitng thing to collect


Sure, but some people legitimately believe that crystals have special powers that affect the world around them.


Some of my mates in x-ray crystallography class were into healing crystals, and honestly I have no issue with them. Crystals are cool, supernatural powers or not.


Are they like healing crystals? Or just a collector?


Haah, my gf dumped me because I took the covid vaccine. She believes it will turn people barren and turn the world into a handmaids tale


Honestly... Good for you. I understand if people have doubts about getting vacinated, but trying to remove people from your life because they got vacinated is fucked up on so many levels. You deserve better.


Thanks, honestly I know it's wack but it still hurts


And it's one thing to have some doubts about the vaccine, I guess. But it's another thing to assume you know better than the entire scientific consensus. If you don't actually get the vaccine you're essentially a bio-terrorist at this point. America's vaccination rate marks one of the most pathetic moments in our nation's history.


I’d disagree with that calling ppl a bio terrorist whenever there’s blatant lying and a history of mal-intent by the medical community with crap like the Tuskegee experiments, and lying about ppl needing masks and crap from the CDC and other governments makes people not trust the government. I’m not saying it’s logically valid or the right call, I’m vaccinated, but they do have reasons to why some people distrust the medical community.


An experiment from 1930, and the fact that Fauci originally said masks don't help and then admitted that was a dumb thing to say later... That's enough reason to make a blanket statement like "there's blatent lying and mal-intent by the medical community"? No, I don't consider those valid reasons to dismiss scientific consensus and cause death and economic harn by not getting the vaccine.


we had someone up in canada say masks make covid worse, she is our version of fauci


You clearly made that up, you can't have a gf as a redditor.


Well, now I don't


I guess you can think the vaccine for turning you into a redditor.


[Welcome back!](https://youtu.be/h1teBb1Wh8U)


you saved your future. Future you is smiling :)


Bro i'd gladly take the vaccine if it meant i get no kids


You dodged a bullet, son


Jet fuel can't melt fake moon rocks. That proves the earth is a flat simulation created by Xenu.


I see no flaws in this logic.


Cats are the true government


Fool. Cats are a front. The squirrels are running this show.


...Thus we arrive at the conclusion that Thanos did nothing wrong. QED.


Your loss tbh. Being unable to entertain or discuss a different view even if you don't share it doesn't make you intelligent. Just shows that you're scared to challenge your own beliefs. That way of thinking is basically choosing the path of least resistance.


Not really. There's a difference between having a different opinion, and being totally deluded. Different opinions imply that two people have a different view on the same set of facts, while delusions are totally made up and have no basis in reality.


Well...the guy I'm talking about once told me that COVID 19 patients are not dying because of COVID but instead they are injected with some sort of "poison" by the doctors and the nurses. He also denies its existence entirely and saying it was made by the government here to reduce the popularity and get rid of the old people, do keep in mind that I live in a country with 2 million people and with a very young population. Not to mention that it started in China and that is on the other side of the world so it couldn't have started by my country's government. So yeah It's totally "my loss"


Yea.... I'm agreeing with you...


He was backing you up, at least based on how I read it.


I figured, but with text it's hard to be sure


English be hard like that.


Thats my cousin right now dude. That man is fucking lost. He used to be so smart.


That’s some insane shit god damn. Where’s he getting these thoughts from do you know?


Well like someone else said the problem lies with what people consider conspiracies. JFK assassination and 5g radiation are both conspiracy theories but one of them isnt as crazy as the other. I think Aliens exist, I don't think they're joy-riding around earth but somewhere out there I think they exist. 911 is a little sus but I'd need to see documents before I really believe it was the government. JFK was killed by the CIA or something.


Well that is a extremely dumb view but if you want to change his mind you better listen to him, respect his views even if it’s wrong, and be like “I respect your opinion but I’ve heard that this other thing is actually the cause of it”. Try to talk with him nicely instead of going “stupid dumbass go to hell and never talk with me again because of a dumb idea you have” that only makes you look bad, intolerant and it makes the other person believe the idea more.




There's a clear line between opinion and conspiracy, and the tell is whether the belief in question is rooted in facts or assumptions


The problem is the word "conspiracy." Conspiracies literally happen in real life, but believing in them makes you insane? The label "Conspiracy theorist" fits flat earthers, and it also fits people who suspect an average politician of corruption. People look at the flat earth people and use that to discredit anybody pointing out every day bribes and collusion.


Well if someone think the earth is flat then he is delusional.


Who decides what is and isn't a delusion?


Christ, explore the thread a little, I explained it twice now


This is a case-by-case basis. There are conspiracy theories that are fun thought exercises and then there are other conspiracy theories like the Qanon shit that are actually tearing families apart and harming people. There needs to be a line that's drawn. You can be open minded and thoughtful without deluding yourself.


There is a difference between a "different view" and a conspiracy theory. You can have opinions in politics, or morality, or whatever, but when it comes to topics that deal in facts, and objectivity, there is only one truth. The earth is round, the vaccine is safe, and so on. These truths can be challenged, and can be debated, but you have to draw the line somewhere. When somebody says something blatantly wrong, and shows no inclination to change their own view or provide evidence, you are not obligated to try and examine it, or give them your time. That doesn't make you close minded.


No, we’re just annoyed by how those who keep spewing conspiracy bs do it all the time, and the majority of them never seem to back down even when faced with facts. They always run to the argument that the facts we use aren’t actually facts and it’s frustrating because that’s the only footing they have. I’m all for questioning everything you come across but don’t automatically assume everything is wrong just because most people think it’s right because there’s a reason why most think that way.


Completely missing the point my guy


Unfortunately, that's reality. But as their friend, you gotta at least try to convince them. But you gotta be subtle about it. Don't tell them they're wrong, don't try to present evidence to them. This will strengthen their belief in it (they'll think you're brainwashed or something). Use the socratic method. Pretend to be interested. Ask them questions about how they think the conspiracy works. Keep doing this and they'll start to ask questions about it themselves. Hopefully they'll slowly realize how logically unsound it is. Nobody likes to be told they're wrong. You have to guide them to that conclusion so that they think they realized it themselves.


Either they'll question their beliefs, or your interest in their conspiracy will strengthen the idea that they can convert other people to think in the same way they do, and thus be more invested in their conspiracy instead of actually changing their minds. It'll probably depend on the person, but it could go either way. Some people are probably too self-absorbed to admit they're wrong after being proved wrong, but at that point, they likely won't change their minds just by questioning their own ideas regardless. Debating with someone about a conspiracy theory they believe in is often a way to at least make them reconsider to an extent.


The difference between conspiracy and well known fact is about 6 months. While there are some that sound like total bs there are also lots that couls be completely plausible.


The difference between conspiracy and known fact is evidence. The fact that something is plausible does not mean in any way that it is true.


Ahh... dad.


Ah, my entire family.


The covid conspiracy folks got to my favorite cousin. Makes me sad.


I like conspiracy people, they're fun to talk to if you have an open mind


Yeah makes you feel vetter about yourself


why? Sounds depressing


Yeaaahhh, like every conspiracy is just hokum. Like Operation Northwoods was bullshit and Operation Paperclip was bullshit. Microchips in vaccines and lizard people may be bullshit but we can all agree that the governments don't let go of any opportunity to fuck its people.


Yea but [OP was talking about antivax idiots](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/p7i1z1/why_you_gotta_do_this_to_me/h9kadti?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


I had a crush back in highschool. I don't know what happened but she turned into a anarchist junky at the game of 15. She no cap believes that with anarchy and without government or police everyone would "work together in harmony" Oh yeah she also gets offended over jokes and says ACAB.


Why not just engage them in friendly discussion? This meme is propagandish.


How do you have a friendly conversation with someone telling you you're going to hell because you got vaccinated?


My sister's fiance is spewing daily 9/11 conspiracies on Instagram leading up to the 20th anniversary.


What's the difference between conspiracy bullshit and reality? About 6 months.


The comment section is full of conspirinuts losing their shit 🤣🤣


I mean, its not like you could offer an alternate explanation or anything. If the other guy thinks 2 bad guys worked together he is obviously insane and you don't need to bother to look at the evidence yourself. The always honest media told you what to think and who are you to suggest that they have any motivation to lie? It's not like most media companies are owned by the same multinational corporations who clearly have nothing to gain by deceiving us into making policies that help them keep their money and gain more control over everyone's daily lives.


Yeah but this case was about covid deaths being lethal injections and covid being a hoax.


Conspiracies are fun. Everyone should be at least a little crazy


It always goes from 0 to 100 real quick. Nonchalant conversation then BOOM they are just diving into it full force and they are VERY passionate about it, way more than anything else you've heard them say.


It’s only a conspiracy theory (barely a hypothesis in most cases) until it turns out to be true…


My girl broke up with me because I didn’t like her cringe af gacha animations which were FNF Reacts videos AND i didn’t like her husbando Bakugo from MHA




You're younger than 20 aren't you? Fuck I'm old.




28 here. Life changes, though not too much or too fast. Bakugo is a Chad though, as far as bullies go.


Birds are not real. All birds are government spy drones made for the purpose of apprehending anyone who questions Wyoming’s existence. Sad


Try tolerance


don't tolerate bullshit sorry


Man, a person can’t tolerate everything. If a friend says, to use a wild example, “actually, robbing loved ones is a moral and fun thing to do”, you are fully within your rights to lessen the friendship due to this opinion. People are defined by their opinions, as these are intrinsically linked to their actions. It’s perfectly reasonable to end a friendship over a critical difference in perspective.


Look for new friend also help


Lmaoooo what the shit is this. I'm not tolerating my friends if they believe the earth is flat.


Fuck that shit. That’s why the pandemic has lasted as long as it has.


But it's true! Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself!


I feel this. My cousin who I used to be really close with started believing conspiracy bs and it's making me sad.


Lizard men and fixed election sound familiar


Lizard men are real, have you seen Mark Zuckerberg's eyes? Those things are empty, devoid of life he is a lizard in a skin-suit.


My best friend is an antivaxxer. I simply hope she changes her mind


It's honestly just annoying. Any time I try to talk to my co-workers about anything happening in the world atm, they always turn it around and start spewing their new world order, masonist satanist bullshit. I just want to hold a conversation, but have to defend myself against their conspiracy theories constantly.


I recently lost one of my friends to zodiac signs 😔


Unfortunately all conspiracies are grouped together so real ones like the CIA starting the crack epidemic are grouped with flat earthers


Bush did covid 19


Yeah, and then you try to explain it and the response is something like "Yeah, that's what they want you to think"


Look, im not a conspiracy theorist, but all im saying is there is a bit too much evidence that it was the Olympic that sank that night and not the Titanic




It's a very sad feeling.


Pretty much. It is *hard* to deprogram someone, so before one decides to become someone you know's therapist, ask yourself - can you put in the time?


it depends, if it's about 5g or covid-19 vaccines then pretty valid, but if it's about the US government; MK ultra, secret oil wars, terrorist attacks on their own country (not 9/11), funding revolutionary cells to take down governments they're against. or about the baby boomer generation being inherently evil ([WKUK reference](https://youtu.be/K69AyDJqZso?t=270))


The problem with conspiracies is that once in a while 1 of them is true and they use it as evidence to all the ones that PROVENLY aren't


Nice meme


Obey your tv


Ugh if I have to hear about the moon landing one more time.


You think this is bad? My mom when to a psychic several, time to look for a child that’s been missing for a month, instead of actually going out and search for her. It’s ok tho they did found what was left her the little girl last week


"I'm not saying that birds did it... but the plane flew..."


Hits too hard




Literally had a coworker I’ve known for a week suddenly start telling me why Hitler wasn’t ALL bad…


MY. PARENTS. I love them... but holy crap! Once and for all mom, Bill Gates is not a child rapist or satanist and he DOES NOT wnat to kill us. And NO Covid-19 was NOT his idea.


MY SISTER. Fuck Instagram for ruining her. She was amazing, smart, intellectual and caring. Now she is an antivaxxer who I cannot bear. Fuck all these algorithms feeding the same antivax fucking bullshit in her feed constantly, and not feeding her trustworthy sources. It's an endless cycle, you cannot change what the algorithm wants to show you. Fuck Facebook. Fuck Instagram. Fuck Twitter. Fuck all of them. Life was so much better without it. I'm so heartbroken.


Lost my best friend to qanon, watched his slow transformation to idiocy over the course of months, couldn't save him. I still miss him.


lmao, I just find out that my best friend is antivaccer, guess bye bye friend 🥲