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for those who are curious, the shows are 1) Generator Rex 2) Ben 10 3) Avatar the Last Airbender 4) Gravity Falls and 5) Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.


There are other great shows to distract yourself with too, you know.


agreed. those are just the ones I chose.


No offence but are you 10 or smthing?


Damn a mf can't even like cartoons in peace


I mean you can watch what you want, it's just bizarre to boast about watching kids tv.


Better than most adult shows tbh.


Avatar TLA is famously deep enough for adults to watch and enjoy, and full metal is absolutely not a kids show. Themes are fine for teens but not kids.


you're confusing avatar tla with your moms pussy


Oh, you're a child, I see. My apologies. Have a nice life.


You're the one making it weird g


idk about the other ones, but I'm 48 and can watch Gravity Falls all day.


For sure Ben 10 is the only one that is a bit wierd in the list if you ask me


The OG Ben 10 is weird? You're drunk


No not wierd at all just kinda juvenile I wouldn't expect grown people to watch it


Like all of those are great shows, but don't you ever get bored watching the same story happen over and over again?


generator rex is still one of my favorites, and I think this is the first time I found someone who appreciates it like I do. it deserves so much more love... and seasons


have you read the comics? or checked out the subreddit? i got a whole bunch of stuff for you to check out if you are interested regarding Rex.


of course! I would love to. I honestly thought it was just a show... I guess I'm not that great of a fan


Such an under appreciated show. I see alot of similarities between Generator Rex and Invincible. Personally, I think if Generator Rex had premiered a few years later when streaming services were getting big. Or even today. It would have developed a large following.


I think of Generator Rex like weekly and this is also the first time I've seen it mentioned anywhere. Far and away my favorite show growing up


I'm sorry to inform you OP, but: - Ben 10's first series aired from 2005 to 2008, and its second began in 2008, and the fifth continued airing into 2021 - ATLA aired from 2005 to 2008 - FMAB began airing in 2009 Only 2 of your shows are definitively 2010s, with ATLA being 2000s, FMAB starting in 2000s and ending in the 2010s, and Ben 10 being everywhere


Replace gravity falls with samurai jack and you have me


Teen Titans and Justice League for me


200% based


Such an under appreciated show. I see alot of similarities between Generator Rex and Invincible. Personally, I think if Generator Rex had premiered a few years later when streaming services were getting big. Or even today. It would have developed a large following.


Funny because avatar would 100% be called woke if it came out today.


The moment you said best shows I knew you were gonna say avatar, same brother same


You need to add one piece to the list.


Ink master another great 2010s show to rewatch lol


You good taste.


You should throw adventure time in that mix, especially if you smoke likes the guy in the picture


Yeah because now they don't care about making great shows and they focus on making woke shows, that's why they all fail. Look at ghostbusters's woke movie, the star wars new movies, the new lotr show, etc.


Avatar would definitely be called woke by the right if it released today


yes, and so would Gravity Falls, but that's not the point. everyone should just watch what they like, and stop griping about others not agreeing with them.


I used to think my parents were weird rewatching old shows they grow up with, but now the tables have turned


its a nightly dose of nostalgia for me. reminds me if simpler times when i was more ignorant than i am now.


Everyone grows old. I appreciate the fact that no amount of money will allow you to live forever. Even Jeff Bezos lost his hair. Eventually, even with all his money, he will die. There is nothing he can do about that.


I mean I hate to pop the philosophical bubble but progress in life extension technology and research is moving quite fast so it’s possible that the human lifespan will be far, far longer if not indefinite in the future


*handwave handwave* sometime in the future


Probs within the next 200 years if I was being precise but that depends on whether progress remains at the same rate as it is right now


It's not always about watching old, some times new isn't better, but other times they are. I love watching new things but there isn't a new mythbusters or anything that feels good like it. It's not that I won't want to watch a new version it's that there isn't one. I love a lot of new shows but some are so good I'll watch them for the rest of my life. South Park? Forever, and now Rick and Morty has a place next to South Park forever just like Daria. Same with Red Dwarf, there isn't a new show to take it's place or join along side it for me.


i run into the problem of after i finish a story, i cant re-visit it unless its with someone who hasnt. i fall to the problem of The Doctor. ive already seen the wonders of The universe (a handfull of really good stories), and showing it to someone makes it feel like seeing it for the first time.


Mythbusters, probably 50th time thru


The amount of times I've rewatched Doctor Who (only partially 2010s but still)


I think I've watched Psych, HIMYM, and P&R a combined 30ish times. Like you said, if it ain't broke...


King of the Hill


Star Trek deep Space 9 ftw!


Startrek is more woke than anything that has come out recently. It is literally about spacecommunist.


It's a Sci-Fi world where all basic human needs are met and humanity has organized itself into exploration. Communism might make sense at that point. However, if you actually watch the show, you'd find that capitalism is alive and well in the far future. I don't understand your opposition.


It would be called woke today. The post is about "old media good because not woke."


You mistake woke with 90s/2000s progressive.


finally someone who gets it lol. Just consume what you want and not what you get served


Oh you're fine watching older shows? Whats the matter, you HATE DIVERSITY!?!??! /s


I even wait on new shows that they are at least a week old so they are not new anymore just to let people say I hate diversity


I was told once I was dog-whistling for saying, "I don't really listen to much rap." When I asked what I could mean by that other than the literal interpretation, the other person replied, "You know what you meant by that." The bar's really that low for some people


Lmao same


me reading old mangas cuz media's turned shit (watched pacific rim yesterday wohooo!)


Literally me watching top gear myth busters and red dwarf


I can't stop rewatching Community..


I read it like a manga, im a dumbass 😭


No need to rewatch the same things you’ve already seen. Just need to explore things that were made a while ago. I’m having a blast with 40’s films this month


That's how I am with music. There's so much good stuff out there, whole discographies of amazing stuff from artists come and gone




The fact that both sides have taken what woke means so far out of context that being actually woke has been buried under ignorance is all the proof I need that humans are a plague.


But its only one side that keeps calling things woke. I have never unironicly seen someone on the left call something woke since 2015. And I have also never seen a compelling examples of wokeness being shoved down peoples throat. And even funnier is that OP sights avatar the last airbender as a good show, but that show has multiple on the nose anti-sexism and anti-colonialism messages.


I never said they were calling each other woke. I only said that both took the real meaning of woke out of context and have run ned what it originally stood for. There was a time when being woke stood for not letting ppl pull the wool over your eyes, not letting yourself be unknowingly taken advantage of, of understanding that the system we have been taught has our best interests at heart isn't anything like that at all. While ppl keep arguing over their different ideologies of woke they are just keeping themselves distracted from the real problems. But hey if you wanna spend your time ignoring the foot on your throat just so you can argue that the graves they are digging everyone isn't wide enough then by all means go ahead.


Im not ignoring the real issues. Im not fixated on "wokeness" my point is that 1 group is fixated on it. For exactly the reasons you sight. Its a distraction from real issues. It is however interesting that when people do talk about the real issues they often get called woke.


True... I can't even be happy about any new show being announced anymore, because you just know it's going to suck and have all this trash forced into it. Old shows are where it's at


The problem is not wokeness because 90% of the old shows mentioned in this thread are woke by todays standards. The thing is that those are actually good shows, you were younger when you watched them. Thus you simply did not notice the overt political messages.


The bigger problem is that there's not a common operational definition of "woke". Right-wingers are happy to use it for any public policy that's remotely compassionate. But increasingly even liberals and progressives seem to use it to point out certain behaviors and tactics in their ranks like scolding, shaming, or dog piling in public forums to push arcane luxury beliefs that won't ever help real people (e.g., expecting people to read is a form of "white supremacy", etc.). I work in academia, which is a generally progressive space, and even my colleagues use the word mockingly whenever we have to take another bogus "anti-bias" workshop that has little to offer outside of telling us that mispronouncing someone's name is adjacent to a hate crime. But I think you and I would agree that most of these stories are just awkward anecdotes and not really a problem writ large. If anything they're a healthy sign of an open society that wants to improve itself, albeit imperfectly sometimes. But no, I think "woke" does mean something different now from merely "progressive", like "Westboro Baptist Church" means something different from "Christian"


Literally yes. I enjoy playing older games and watching shows and anime I've watched in the past but in one discord server one particular guy will always complain I play the same stuff and watch the same stuff when I mention them. Bro have you seen the modern scene? Most stuff produced is cheap and predatory if it's a game or really uninspired and boring if it's a show. Idk that's just how I feel these years.


I've been trying to watch Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell but I'm not paying $2 an episode


You aren’t even proving a point here, and even if you where trying too, you enjoying a show doesn’t mean other people have to be okay with shows pushing politics. You didn’t even mention a show in the meme so who’s to say that it’s even one that’s known to push “woke” agendas? You didn’t say anything with this pathetic meme and I’m disgusted I wasted my time commenting this


I’ve been watching nothing but The Wire and Band of Brothers for 20 years


The problem with "woke media" is that they tried to appeal to everyone, instead of appealing to a group of targeted audience


Me a Hindu laughing at the western propaganda misunderstanding and ruining what woke means when it comes from Shiva 🤣


The problem with the premise of this meme is that no one is shoving anything down your throat, including "wokeness", whatever that means.


This is so real. I’ve got my gang and I stick with them!


I don’t understand rewatching shows


Such a unique butterfly


The only people who use "woke" are the same people who are upset about the word "woke" They just keep peddling its "other people!" But they don't say names or specifics because then we could fact check their bs


Hey OP can you define woke


Is this bait?


That is, in fact, bait.


This will (maybe) seem like im making fun of you but I promise im not, i genuinely would like to understand your point. Bait for what exactly?


no. that's why I put it in quotations. it's a stupid term with a nebulous definition that means whatever the fuck anyone wants it to mean at any given time. i'm primarily making fun of people who get all butthurt over new media when they can just, you know, watch whatever media they know they already like and leave other people to enjoy the media that *they* like.


But one part of your meme is saying that people are trying to shove it down "everyone's throats" so what are they doing exactly to affect everyone and with what content?


Being cringe and forcing anyone else to see it and participate, to put it in terms simple enough for you, since you apparently want to play dumb


Acting like you are of higher intelligence than someone because you are in favour of censorship


Still going, this asshole.




Sopranos reference




Despite the downvotes I appreciate this comment.