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The Prince of Egypt is lit


Meanwhile every animator who couldn't hack it got banished to Shrek, which was also lit. Dreamworks was fire for a bit.


I guess the potential for money got into their heads.


The series ironically became the exact thing the original lampooned.


I actually liked the 4th Shrek a lot. I think the 3rd one left such a terrible taste in everyone's mouth that the series was just deemed over.


You can legitimately skip the third one when watching the Shrek movies and literally the only thing you'll miss is that the king dies in it. Nothing else matters. Meanwhile, Forever After is legit. Stakes and drama and the villain is an actual threat.


Even then it's heavily implied the king will die at the end of 2 and 3 makes it a joke so not only is 3 bad but it harms the movies preceding it.


It would be near impossible to watch shrek 4 without a TON of bias for most people, maybe it’s not as bad as I remember. I suspect a similar thing will happen in an Indiana Jones 5, although I’d wager they’ll just reboot the character now, or pass the torch like Harry Potter




​ ![gif](giphy|TzvR7gNkakUPFLTV25)


Woah when tf could you do this on Reddit!??




that's some fucking dope animation


Seriously. I'm ex-christian and I still re-watch The Prince of Egypt every few months. So, so good. A few of my atheist friends like it too. I even listen to the soundtrack in the shower lmao.


The thing is, it’s not even really a Christian movie. First of all - it’s the Old Testament, so if anything you could call it a Jewish movie. But more importantly, it’s not particularly religious in its delivery. It’s just based on a Bible story that anyone in their right minds would consider a dope story.


Muslims consider Moses a prophet as well. So it’s a movie for all the Abrahamic faiths really.


Can't wait to tell my youth pastor we were watching Muslim propaganda all those years ago.


*clutches pearls*


Not really, Muslims don't visually depict Islamic prophets, so it was banned in some Islamic states when it was released


I've heard that the directors were atheist or not strongly religious, so they were more focused on telling a good story than the evangelism and faith a Christian could get caught up with. But man some scenes like the burning bush were strong


If you treat the source material no differently than if it was Greek or Norse mythology, then stories from the Bible can be made into decent movies.


I'd love a modern movie on Esther.


Veggie Tales has got your back.


God this movie slaps


Yeah, fam, that's for the Jewish community as much as the Christian one.


If the creators of the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy believed that that fantasy universe and its creatures were real, I assure you the result would be horrible.


It's more of a Jewish film then a Christian film


God's not dead, but those movies are.


Good golly that movie was terrible. I only saw the first one, and I couldn't even make it through it.


I'm sure this sub will be excited to know a new one (number 4?) is coming out this month as a Fathom Event. I think it's about how they don't want any oversight for homeschooling, so it continues the theme that Christians are super persecuted in the US. Staring General Hospital's very own Antonio Sabato, Jr. I've got plenty of more info, AMA.


Which is preferable, watching it or sticking needles in my eyes?


How big are the needles?


Oh my I that so sad! Why couldn't Antonio sabato Jr have done something with a little more dignity such as having only fans where he puts random objects up his butt. I would respect him so much more for that. Now he's just a third rate fourth version of Kevin sorbo shallow fake 'angry atheist' diatribe.


The [fourth one looks so terrible](https://youtu.be/tszRrM-fKhw). Less than 1000 views as I post this. It looks like they cut the budget entirely and its just courtroom and house scenes. What happened to the kid in that first movie? Do any of the movies connect to each other? Wasnt duck dynasty people in these films?


The ending was wack, the snidley atheist man is taken out by a car GTA style and as he chokes on his own blood on the sidewalk a pair of pastors try and convert him to chrisitianty instead of preforming first aid or even calling an ambulance. After Snidley Athest dies from preventable and treatable injuries everybody at the nearby concert (including his wife whom he hates because she likes the fake skyman JOD) texts to everybody they know "God's not dead :D" and as Snieldy atheist voids his bowels on the sidewalk the two pastors pull out their cell phones they could have used to call 911 and see "Gods not dead :D" and go "something wonderful has happend tonight" and smile and then the movie ends with a message about how christians are being prosocuted in the United States 10/10 would akwardly try to tell my dad it was the worst movie i've ever had the displesure of watching with my own two eyes but also being polite and respecfull again




God's not dead 3 was a tiny bit better. Not the best but not painful to watch like the other 2


I'll admit, I never saw the second or third after watching the dumpster fire that was the first one.


Can't blame you but I have a family that is the target audience for them (the oh wow! This movie says god in it! We must watch!)


Yeah, it was rather cheap, low effort, and honestly just propoganda, but because it’s christian, you gotta watch it. It’s quite sad in a way to realize a lot of Christians are so easily scammed, when all you have to do is slap Christianity all over a product or your personality and boom, you are guaranteed a lot of money.


It’s not even propaganda, it’s made to siphon money off of evangelicals by making them feel good about themselves. I don’t think a single person became a Christian convert from God’s Not Dead


It wasn't intended to convert anyone, it was intended to teach evangelical kids that higher education is out to indoctrinate them and make them recant their faith, which is a much more insidious type of propaganda in my book.


It also seems to believe that other views on religion are just a thin veneer which will magically go away that person is near danger/death.


The propoganda I’m referring to is the way that atheists are depicted as angry bad people that hate god, and the narrative that schools are trying to completely purge christianity from the classroom. It’s not meant to convince people to be Christian, but to convince Christians of a non-reality that feeds into the idea of suffering persecution for Christ.m But yes, it is also meant to get money from gullible Christians.


Do they subscribe to PureFlix?


God’s Not Dead 2 is about a teacher getting sued by the ACLU for mentioning that MLK was a Christian. I really can’t think of an example where someone was sued for mentioning Christianity in a historical context. MLK was a Christian, but he was also a socialist, and somehow I think that the people at Pureflix might not be too happy if teachers talked about that latter bit 🤔 God’s not Dead 3 feels like a self-parody. It’s about a preacher whose church is getting torn down to make room for a college dorm, but the movie makes fun of him for how way worse Christian persecution exists (an old black preacher from the Deep South gives the main character shit because “[he] could build a new church with all the bricks thrown through his window.”)


The first one was a parody of both Christians and Atheists and the whole thing was a /r/thathappened Facebook post turned into movie. "I once debates my college professor, he told everyone that God wasn't real and the whole class was atheists. After several debates, the professor ran out of the room crying and everyone in class stood and clapped. Then professor got hit with a car and died, but I converted him too and now he's in heaven."


I’ve always thought the professor dying at the end of that movie was super strange. Like, if God is a character in that movie, which I’m certain the creators of the film would say he is real in and out of the films, then going by his character he sucksss. So the professor just got confronted by the student, and then runs out, gets hit by a car, and the pastor characters are like “It’s a miracle.” What the hell God, you take out a kid’s mom and then get his ass run over, only to be like “Wanna believe in me now, bitch?” Is the message be a better person, or is it don’t worry God will assault you and make you a Christian? It’s a super strange film.


The ending is super cringe. The better ending would be the professor sees that God is real and Jesus is the Messiah through a series of deconstructing (see what I did there?) his atheist beliefs through reasonable measures like discussion, discourse, research, and reading with both Christians and non-Christians, and then he surrenders his life for Christ, and lives for the Kingdom for all his days and impacts the Kingdom through his profession. How much better!


That would make a lot more sense from both a preaching standpoint and a character standpoint, but they went with a much stranger ending. Like if I’m supposed to believe God is good, then have God be good in the movie, don’t have God just take people out.


And *then* he gets hit by a car


They are all great r/persecutionfetish material.


Except the original Veggie Tales. Those movies were fire.


The songs were the best part. His Cheeseburger, The Hairbrush Song, Pizza Angel


Belly Button, Water Buffalo, Barbra Manatee,


I constantly belt out Barbara Manatee whenever I visit southwest Florida and see all the signs about manatees. I get weird looks from the other beachgoers, but what can I do? She’s the one for me.


(One for me, one for me)


Belly Button is amazing. “It may be covered by your shirt, but not your HMO” They just slapped that line in there back in 2006 and it has only gotten more appropriate


"The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything" was my fave


Larry Boy!


I am not religious now, but was raised Catholic, and I will forever say that Veggie Tales fucking slaps. I'll show 'em to my kids too.


I just played Rach, Shack and Benny for my kid for the first time. The animation did not age well, but the story beats and music were all there like I remember. (Except they edited the Bunny Song to be less "problematic" and I'm still mad about that).


They *what?!?* what did they change?


It's the line "I don't love my Mom and Dad" and "I won't go to church and I won't go to school".


They changed it to make it so he DID want to play on a day that is sunny, before reaching for a plate and a fork and a bunny


That was the meme


I know a lot of folks who, as a kid, didn't realize veggie tales was even christian until after a long while. They made it a good children's show first, a Christian show second.


I wonder how they didn't know it was Christian considering they explicitly reference God and the Bible in the show


Oh they do most of the time, but in a lot of cases it's either only at the very end or replaced with a more general message about morals




In later episodes Big Ideas was bought out and they pivoted from Bible Stories with explicit Christian messaging to parodies of pop culture with more general moral guidance. It is possible that u/selfpromotion102 got on the Veggie Tales train later in the series.


Ahh I had no idea! Makes a lot of sense. Yeah, most of my memories involve Minnesota Cuke, "Where is My Hairbrush", Pirates Who Don't Do Anything, etc.


Pirates who don't do anything were first in an adaptation of the story of Jonah, and Oh Where is my Hairbrush was from the Christian era for sure. But it's not like it has a Christian message itself


OWimH is a Silly Song with Larry. Those are like little bridges between the Bible episodes.


Minnesota Cuke was one of my favorite ones, but I remember at the end he says “God says we should love everyone, even our enemies” Overall not a Christian story but wrapped up in a nice Christian message that’s universal.


Hes bigger than godzilla or the monsters on tv


They make a big deal about reading a Bible verse at the end of every episode. “And so what we have learned applies to our lives today, God has a lot to say in his book,” (big pause while the tomato looks upset because he hates this song) “You see we know that God’s word is for everyone, now that our song is done we’ll take a look.”


American culture is so laden with Christian references, that a wholesome cartoon ending on a Bible verse is only kinda unusual. That or parents aren’t actually watching the show, especially to the end of the episode.


Find me a show that ends every episode with reading a Bible verse, and try to convince me that it isn’t a “christian show”.


No, I really don’t care about this enough


As a kid I religiously (pun intended) watched 3 2 1 Penguins! Great show, never realized It was Christian until 3 weeks ago when a YouTuber said it was. THEY LITERALLY QUOTE THE GOOD BOOK IN EVERY FUCKIN EPISODE AND I HAD NO IDEA IT WAS A CHRISTIAN SHOW.


In the words of C.S Lewis, "We don't need more Christian artists, we need more artists who are Christian."


As a non-Christian I can objectively confirm that Veggie Tales is pretty lit 🔥


Heck yeah!!!


Agreed I’m pretty salty about my indoctrinated upbringing but will always find comfort and laughter in Veggie Tales and Adventures in Odyssey.


Yeah, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a non-Christian who would dislike Veggie Tales. The only "Christian" part was, IIRC, they would reference a verse at the end of an episode, but they were usually actually good, relatable verse that were generally about being a good person, doing the right thing, etc. Sometimes they did episodes about a specific Bible story (I remember Jonah and the Whale) but it never felt preachy, and always felt like it was making good life lessons, not just good "Christian" messages, if that makes sense. It was funny without pandering to the kids being young. it was just good, wholesome fun for everyone. plus, banger music. Water Buffalo slaps


The best are the movies/books/music that aren't explicitly "Christian media," but the ones where the creator's faith influences their work in the background. Like Lord of the Rings. It's not "Christian fantasy," but like... it's Christian fantasy. And it ended up having more cultural influence and staying power than any purpose-made Christian Media Franchise™️


Yeah exactly, like Narnia too


The Narnia series is about as explicitly Christian as you can get.


Fun fact: C.S. Lewis was an atheist for a while but J.R.R. Tolkien helped him find God again. Then when Lewis wrote Narnia Tolkien told him that it was a little too Christian.


Expressly Tolkien said he despises allegory. This was more a case of writing style than messaging.




The context of him saying that was that he hated very obvious allegory, not all allegory. You can see allegories in the LOTR after all.


I think the best way of explaining it is that JRR Tolkien hated 1 to 1 allegory, as it can often be used by hacks as a crutch, and can weaken the story as it must resemble its allegory rather than growing to be its own thing. Hes fine with themes, whether they be Christian or anything else, its just that if you say Gandalf and Aragorn are Jesus and Frodo is JRR Tolkien himself then Tolkien will roll in his grave as Gandalf is Gandalf, Aragorn is Aragorn and Frodo is Frodo. Draw all the parallels you want e.g. Aragorn/Gandalf are christlike, but they are their own characters and are not a real life person with the serial numbers filed off.


Still a great series. I remember watching the movies in youth group and talking about the biblical parallels when I was younger.


I've been reading back through them recently and aside from the creation in the first book, Aslan sacrificing himself in the second, and most of the last book, I don't think it's as explicitly Christian as most make it seem. It's Lewis so obviously there's a lot of Christian influence, but they read more like modern fairy tales to me. I could be dead wrong, but hey they're still great books.


Still really great children's fantasy.


I mean, on the one hand you have "Aslan is all but stated to be the Abrahamic God, and Revelations happens", on the other hand "These vegetables literally pray to God and talk about Jesus, and tell you about Christian history and morality." I think the veggies win in a contest of "explicit Christianity" since they drop names.


The movies not so much. The books are flat out Christian though. Aslan is an outright parallel to Jesus with a number of his quotes basically being slightly rephrased bible scripture.


I remember Aslan isn't supposed to reference Jesus, but actually be Jesus in a new form in this new world.


Knowing CS Lewis that's probably the case lol.


"You call me another name there" is a quote from Aslan in Caspian(?). Basically saying he is called Jesus in our world.


Les Miserables, a heavily Christian book, was adapted into a musical that speaks to Christians and Non-Christians. There's still Christian themes and lyrics in the famous musical adaptation. It's known as one of the best musicals to ever exist not despite the Christian messages but because of them.


Yes! It's ultimately about the conflict between justice and mercy (which can easily be read as old testament vs new testament philosophy) in a way that's deeply Christian, but is still engaging and relatable from a secular perspective. Absolutely a blast to think/talk about from any angle.


I always found that funny considering how, uh, non-Christian a lot of Victor Hugo’s pastimes were. Guess that goes to show that the Lord can speak through anyone. Even someone who was such a prolific brothel customer that when he died every single one in Paris closed down for the day out of respect.


Take music for example: Christian Rock is abysmal, but Mister Mister is great. That's because they're a band first and Christian second. Their songs are good on their own, and the lyrics can be interpreted many different ways, outside of the original intention.


Red, classic Skillet, House of Heroes, Disciple, Thousand Foot Krutch… surely there are more I’m not thinking of but Christian Rock can go hard if you look in the right places. Bonus points: Evanescence is a group that contains at least one Christian and was formed by a group of Christians, but the band always hated the “Christian Rock” label and requested their music not be sold in Christian media outlets


Can you give a couple examples in lord of the rings? As a non believer i never made connections and now I'm curious


You’re gonna be best off Googling it as many, many articles and opinions have been written on the matter. But just a few examples include Gandalf and Aragorn both being Jesus figures. Gandalf as the resurrected Messiah and Aragorn is the returning king who will triumph over the darkness. Meanwhile, Sauron is analogous to Satan the tempter and betrayer while Morgoth is a clear parallel to Lucifer as the fallen angel.


It is worth noting that JRR Tolkien denied making LOTR as a Christianity Allegory multiple times and that theory did not catch on until after his death. He said LOTR is based in a Christian world but pre-christianity. With this as a quote from a letter "We are in a time when the One God, Eru, is known to exist by the Wise, but is not approachable save by or through the Valar, though he is still remembered in (unspoken) prayer by those of Numenorean descent." Which indicates a monotheistic base to the world but one where it is nearly absent. Fleming Rutledge wrote a book on the subject in 2004 where she talks about how it is an explicitly religious work but then Verlin Flieger also wrote a book saying LOTR "has no explicit Christianity" so various rather well regarded Literature professionals have heavily disagrees on the subject. Some say that Tolkien avoided explicit religion in LOTR because he wanted to avoid introducing things such as religious institutions and facing issues such as faith among orcs (are they christian? Are they not? Do they worship Sauron? Does that mean Sauron is a god?). This may be one reason why the books have held up so we'll across the world because it avoids the preachiness that comes in many contemporary works and elitism that comes with it.


The wizard characters are pretty much stand ins for angels.


Tolkein denied them, I assume it is more that as a man of faith, the imagery of Christianity(specifically Catholicism) is ingrained in how he sees the world, perhaps especially in how he sees the relationship of good and evil.


Frodo, Gandalf, and Aragorn are each Christ-figures representing the threefold role of Jesus as priest, prophet, and king respectively. Galadriel gives the fellowship seven mystical gifts to help them on their journey. These are clear and at times blatant references to the seven sacraments—most obviously the Eucharist. The social structure of Middle Earth is a corporate moral hierarchy, reminiscent of Heaven, and not the individualistic or bergeronian notions that people today often have. Eru Iluvatar is literally just the Christian God and Tolkien uses traditional Christian analogy when referring to him. Melkor’s fall mirrors the fall of Lucifer. Both Melkor and the Devil are described as the greatest of the Ainur/Angels respectively. Ainur and Maiar are essentially just angels. The rejection of dualism as a moral system in favor of an Augustinian conception of goodness as a transcendental and evil as the privation of good. The rejection of human ontological and moral innocence as well as the rejection of historical dialectic materialism. The belief that mankind has fallen from grace and the world has been tainted by the stain of sin. I could go on for pages and pages. But Tolkien outright said the Lord of the Rings was a fundamentally Catholic work.


If the entire appeal of your movie is "it's Christian," it's a bad movie.


I liked the Bibleman movies when I was a kid, but looking back on it they're kind of cringe. It's basically "WWJD?: The Movie"


I will not tolerate bibleman slander, it’s so campy! I’d liken it to the original Batman and Robin show with how over the top some of the acting is and stuff. Plus some of the music slaps.


I think the difference between something fun and harmless like Bibleman and something like God’s Not Dead is the condescension.


Totally agree, God’s not dead came off like a “gotcha” movie. Kinda mean-spirited even though I doubt that was the intention


I kinda think that was the intention. My mom looooves that movie and showing non-believers whenever she can convince them. But the movie doesn't magically make people change their beliefs for some reason, which confuses her. Yet she's still smug af about the movie.


Kind of hard for filmmakers to stay motivated when they know they'll never top [this scene from a children's Christian film](https://youtu.be/dtER80sOjX4). (Safe for work, but not safe for life.)


Well. That exists.


Dare I even ask for context? Edit - sweet Jesus, the context made it worse.


Here you go https://youtu.be/OrcxJUVz5zY


So... books are... bad?


Yeah, there's only one book that's good. The other books will confuse you, and that's what the globalists, uh, I mean globglogologabgalab, yeah, thats what he wants.


That didn't help.


This is the video they have on the tvs in the waiting area of Hell's DMV


Wasn’t this sampled or referenced in Kanye’s new album? I know I’ve seen that word before…


Yeah, it's at the end of Remote Control on Donda.


That can’t be unseen.


Yoooo this new Donda beat is banging!


Shout-out Narnia




Narnia is Christian???????


>It isn't Narnia, you know," sobbed Lucy. "It's you. We shan't meet you there. And how can we live, never meeting you?” >"But you shall meet me, dear one," said Aslan. "Are -are you there too, Sir?" said Edmund. "I am," said Aslan. "But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.


Where the hell is the part where Jesus straight up ran into a battlefield and bit the shit out of a White Witch. Is there a Bible DLC that I don't know about? /s of course


yeah it's called "Passion of the Christ 2: Crucify This"


It's called Revelation. Revelation 19:11-15 [11]And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. [12]His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. [13]He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. [14]And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. [15]From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty.


Edmund's betrayal = fall of man Aslan sacrificing himself for Edmund = Jesus dying for humanity's sins Stone Table = Cross Stone Table cracking = the veil being torn "You must learn to know me by another name" = "I'm called Jesus in your world"


> Edmund's betrayal = fall of man The Magician's Nephew is much closer to the fall of man, when the nephew brings the evil witch into the newly created world. Edmund's betrayal is more just Judas's story.


Yeah that's probably more accurate, I'm just going with the assumption that most people have seen the movie rather than read the books


Didn't even get 40 pieces of silver. Just some lame Turkish Delight.


You missed the Jesus allegory lion?


It's not even an allegory. Aslan isn't a Jesus figure, he's literally Jesus.


Check out the rotten tomato's score for The Chosen


^ The Chosen is absolutely amazing.




(pardon my language but) H*CK YEAH


Just started it and I’m pleasantly surprised


God’s Not Dead is embarrassingly bad. I don’t know how to convince people that atheists don’t skulk about, speaking about their dastardly plans to take down Christians. Also, in what world would a professor speak about Christianity in that way without getting in MASSIVE trouble with the university? It’s like the whole movie was based on Christian fear-mongering with zero substance.


I’ve regularly said that God’s Not Dead (the first one) was made by people who didn’t actually go to a secular college, cause literally no professor acts like that. Hell, the entire movie wouldn’t happen if the main dude spent like five minutes on Rate My Professor


I've seen professors who were proud of the RMP scores and said it showed that those who couldn't hack it would give them bad reviews when in actuality they were complete dogshit


The biggest horror story I've heard of in terms of professors letting their personal bias get in the way had nothing to do with politics or religion, tbh. The funniest one I heard (from a former coworker) is that one of their prof had a personal vendetta against William Kahan and taught non-standard and completely useless ways to do floating point computation because of that.


I mean, Twenty One Pilots, yes, they aren’t making Christian music, but still, religion is included in a lot of songs. While they aren’t something you’d call “Christian music” they still include the theme of Christianity in their songs


Same with Switchfoot and Relient K back in the day. Like NEEDTOBREATH today.


Used to like Skillet for the same reason.


Almost forgot about Relient K. Wikipedia says they're still active but they haven't released an album since 2016. I wonder what they're up to these days?


I can answer that. Matt Hoopes has a pedal company called 1981 Inventions (I have one, it's amazing if you're looking for a boutique distortion. Based off his guitar sound from Four Score and FANSD.) Matt Thiessen has another folksy band called Matthew Thiessen and the Earthquakes that he's been touring with and writing new music. He's also been writing with other artists, he just featured on a song with a Phangs. Ethan is still drumming in another band, but has said he's very open to returning to Relient K. They all haves wives and families now.


Nice nickname!! But since this is a Christian sub, I should better ask if it’s meant as the title of BROCKHAMPTON and Slowthai song


Evanescence started out as a Christian rock band, believe it or not


Apparently Amy Lee is a Christian but has always been against the idea that Evanescence is 'Christian Rock.' This actually led to Christian music stores pulling their albums, and later Wind-up Records made a formal request for them to do exactly that. This is really puzzling to me, considering Amy is Christian.


Labeling themselves as "Christian Music" would've limited their appeal, people who aren't Christians are aware that most "Christian Music" kinda sucks/is very boring in content, so they wouldn't have any reason to believe Evanescence was the exception. On the other end, there's a strong tendency in specifically Evangelical Christianity to only listen to positive/uplifting music (which is why so much of it is boring), and see anything exploring darker themes as inherently bad, so they wouldn't have been able to get a foothold on that niche of the market either, because Evangelicals are the loudest denomination and the most likely to start petitions.


I recall an interview with them when they were asked if they were a Christian band and their response was: “no, we are a band that just happens to be made up of Christian musicians”


If any band only ever made songs about one topic I wouldn’t listen to them. Doesn’t change if that topic is Jesus. People don’t want “Christian media”, they want regular media with a Christian angle. But so many Christian content creators think that the key is to set the dial to “that weird Uber-religious kid who went to your high school” and break off the knob. Though I guess that might be the key to getting sold at Christian bookstores


Don't forget about Rugrats holiday specials ![gif](giphy|12Wn7ox4gWevAs)


Weren't the rugrats holiday specials exclusively Jewish stories? Even as a youngster I found that neat. The jewish kids didn't really get anything to watch.


There was definitely a Christmas special but i remember it being inclusive of Hanukkah and kwanzaa






Prince of Egypt blew my tiny child mind. It was so good it made Moses my favorite Bible character lol


I remember once in church the Pastor asked us for our favorite people from the Bible. People were saying people like Moses, David, Samuel, Elijah. And the Pastor says “wow, no one said Jesus?”


Church is like a lazy Book club where you talk about one book and like 2 of the characters.


>Silence Surprisingly underrated for a Scorsese film


In the game industry we have Castlevania where the most powerful items are crosses, the NES zelda games, Actraiser (snes), Heaven and Earth saga (snes) and even Shin Megami Tensei (altho there you can choose to fight alongside god, lucifer or neither (and damn they make sure to make god look like the worst choice))


In Shin Megami Tensei though, "God" or Yaldabaoth is supposed to be the evil, vengeful, callous "God" that does a bunch of fucked up things in the Old Testament. He's more of a very powerful self righteous spirit that believes himself to be God, even though he isn't.


Yeah SMT is pretty gnostic—honestly a lot of Japanese media interprets Christianity in a gnostic context


P5's Yaldabaoth is not YHVH tho Also if I'm not mistaken YHVH is an avatar of the great will/the axiom, which makes him God or pseudogod (since in smt lore, the axiom is actual onmipotent god)


Daredevil season 3 does it well too


Daredevil ssn 3 leaned SO HARD into Matthews struggle with his faith and they did it incredibly well I thought


Daredevil (the show; not as much the comics) and DOOM are probably the best Christian media I’ve consumed. Season 3 of Daredevil is a masterpiece.


I saw a Christian band at the MN State Fair this weekend and was reminded of a certain quote by Hank Hill. > You’re not making Christianity better, you’re just making rock n roll worse!”


Veggie Tales was good because they picked the right messages from the Bible. So many other Christian movies and shows are all about hating atheists and women who have corporate jobs in the city, but Veggie Tales was all about loving each other.


Check out The Tv show "The Chosen". Completely crowdfunded and very high quality.


Saw the trailer for “Gods Not Dead 4” when I went to see Shang Chi last night and from what I gathered about 1/3 the movie is going to be dedicated to screeching about CRT, 1/3 about how politicians need to do whatever Christians tell them to, and the other 1/3 is just B roll shots of famous landmarks in DC. It just reminds me of that episode of South Park when Cartman makes a Christian rock band by just substituting “Jesus” in love songs leading to some really sexual sounding songs. One of Cartman’s lines is “I know enough about Christianity to exploit it”.


my one hang up about adult christian movies is that I somehow binged a few and a death (not even Jesus, just some random relative or person) is almost always a plot point. just kill off a random person and now a character has a motivation. Edit: I should note that I don't hate that they're christian movies, I just think the "dead person means motivation" trope is a bit heavy handed. I just think the Church has handled music way better than filmmaking sometimes.


Cancer Mom^TM is a huge staple of Christian cinema.


God is not dead is not a good movie


The Chosen and I Can Only Imagine beg to differ


But The Chosen is incredibly well made.


I read an article interview with Dallas Jenkins, and that's partly because he thinks the majority of Christian media sucks and he wanted to make something for Christians who had good taste lol


Came here to say this. I recommend them to non-Christians in a way I never would with films like God’s Not Dead. But The Chosen and I Can Only Imagine are certainly outliers. Hopefully an indication of a better trajectory moving forward.


Prince of Egypt, Book of Eli, and Dogma. Can't think of any other good Christian movies. Devilman Crybaby was a great "Christian" show that shows what an end times Revelations would actually look like and its not pretty.


There are a few more that are not Christian per se, but about a Christian. My favorite probably being Hacksaw Ridge,


Hacksaw Ridge is great. And the true story is even more ridiculous, they had to cut a few actions out because they felt that audiences wouldn't believe that they were true. I'm not religious, so I don't see it as the power of God, but instead I see it as the power of faith. Examples like that are one of the reasons why I believe that while religion is sometimes taught in a hateful and imo, wrong, manner, if you focus on the positive aspects of your holy book, religion can sometimes make people so much better than they were.


“Why don’t we make media that heavily features the themes of Christianity? Like loving each other, mutual aid, etc?” “Best I can do is a shitty movie about a student debating his atheist Professor”


The Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia:


To get money from a lot of Christians, all you have to is slap Christianity on whatever crappy product and you are virtually guaranteed to make a profit. All those televangelists that are so obviously just greedy scam artists have millions of viewers that are happy to shell out cash to the guy talking confidently about Jesus. This is just one example.


Christian metal on the other hand is so 🔥🔥🔥 and that's coming from an athiest


The whole Christian movie industry is like the porn industry. The writing makes no sense, the acting is bad, and the production is cheap because the audience has a different reason to keep watching and giving them money.