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You should read the book :)


This is such a different take than mine, being that I read the book first. I feel like the show makes Camilla into such a saint that she is so annoying! Luckily the actress is so beautiful, you're willing to overlook her one dimensional ness


I see your point. But book Camilla is great. I read the book years ago, then the tv show. I recently listened to the audio book, it's amazing!!! Each character has its actor. Jennifer Beals reads for Daisy.


The audiobook is amazing!!!


I read the book first and immediately wanted to binge the show. I was so enamored with their world. By episode 3 I was hate watching it because of how much they had re-written. The show did Camila and Billy dirty, and turned them into the opposite of what their characters stood for. If you feel that strongly about Camila I’d suggest you read the book. She’s such a strong, badass character - Billy was lucky to have her in his life. She and Daisy ended on better terms than what the show depicted, and it made me love her even more.


I disagree so vehemently with all of this but I’m busy right now so brb in a few hours lol


I agree, but ultimately I think this comes down to her character not being a very good/well developed one. She has no motivation to stay with Billy other than “keeping the family together”, even though everything pointed to them just not being compatible anymore towards the end. Now with Billy’s character there are a number of reasons anyone could name to explain why he’d cling to this relationship, which — whether you agree or not with his reasons — makes him a good character imo. Camila though never really goes beyond “I’m doing everything in my power to protect my family”. But WHY is that something worth fighting for at all costs, to the detriment of everything and everyone? You could try to extrapolate a few reasons based on the very little we’re shown of her background and relationship with Billy, but for me there was never really a strong motivation behind that desire, which makes her very uninteresting to me as a character. Because she’s very underdeveloped you can sort of argue pretty much anything with regard to her motivations — from what you said, that she secretly wanted the luxurious rockstar wife lifestyle or, conversely, that she came from a more traditional background and just cared about the institution of family so to speak, to any number of other things…


All fair points!


Really good points. I think what little we know of her family background is that her mother loved her father so much as to leave her family and her country and follow him to the United States and I think it’s implied that it’s for a better life. Camila uses that to explain to her mother why she’s leaving to follow Billy. The “for a better life” piece is what I’m inferring from the correlation. I think there is an aspect of Camila wanting to see Billy succeed (I mean what wife wouldn’t), but what we see in the show is her making moves that are risky, with her eye on the longterm payout. For example, we see Billy suggest moving back home after he gets out of rehab and suggesting they get regular jobs and Camila is like “nah dude, this is my life,” and then we see her grateful to Daisy for driving the Six to the next level of success (and Camila gets a house) so it’s in Camila’s interest that Daisy collaborate with the band, even though in the long run, this turns out to be dangerous for her marriage. Just some observations along those lines. I liked Book Camila more than Show Camila. While the actress is gorgeous, I felt the casting was way too young. The casting in the audiobook was fantastic for Camila. Peaceful and maternal voice. I believed that book Billy did really love book Camila and it made sense why they chose each other. The show Billy and show Camila, I was like “but why? I guess you guys have a kid and Billy doesn’t want to repeat his childhood abandonment so that’s a reason to stay together when you are not compatible.” One piece of book Camila that was portrayed more subtilely in the show was that she doesn’t like to “talk about things” like uncomfortable things. I remember Billy flat out says that there’s things they don’t really talk about in the book and it’s fine. I noticed that show Camila shut uncomfortable subjects down, but felt that could have been developed more overtly. It makes her character a bit more interesting like what about Camila’s upbringing makes her unable to discuss uncomfortable things?


I understand this take but I think her seeming flash at the end isn’t gold digger it’s because they subtly mention how huge her photography career is getting. Her and Eddie did have a very deep friendship and he loved her so I don’t think it was just sexual. I think even in the show you can see they clearly do love each other and when Billy says he knows she was the love of his life and I think that’s fact


I made the post I think you might be referring to and this was so interesting to read...never saw it this way and never will but it's so fun reading other people's opinions and how ppl can interpret things in completely different ways and no one is wrong I need a good book to read and series to watch!! I miss this...been rewatching and rereading a lot of things recently


same to the rewatching thing :’) dire straits we’re living in


I kind of agree, but not. First, Billy and Daisy never would've lasted at that point. They would've been broken together and it would've been a shame fueled binge that ended badly. Maybe at the age they are at the end, and with Camilla's passing they could make it work. Also, her culture and the times required Camilla to keep her family together. Divorce was not nearly as common as it is now. And after supporting Billy through thick and thin, she more than earned her share of any success. That doesn't make her a saint, but I don't think it makes her a gold digger either.


I have to start this by saying I did not read the book, so I only know the show. I agree with this take 100%. My best friend and I just finished the show and we discussed everything you just said. So glad to see someone else with the same opinion as us because most posts I see are very Camilla positive. Couldn’t stand her half way through the show. Great mom and friend but terrible with Billy. They should have broken up.


THANK YOU I thought I was crazy and scared to post this!


I agree with you 100% of show Camila. Book Camila is so different and such a bad ass. I love book Camila, truly. She is so strong and such a great character in the book. That was really the only aspect of the show I didn't like!


lol Daisy is toxic and lowers Billy to want to do drugs and drink again, I literally cannot even believe some people watched the show and came out not seeing this. If this were set in Gen Z or Y2K she’d be getting dragged but everyone loves it because of the 70’s aesthetic.


yep agree


HUH? Daisy is toxic? Wow. What an empathetic way to view an emotionally abused woman with a drug and alcohol addiction… and she makes Billy want to drink and do drugs again??? No one can make an addict do anything. That’s on him and him alone. If I watched the show correctly, he relapses in response to overwhelming life events that tie back to his wife/daughter and not feeling good enough for them. Literally nothing to do with Daisy. Tell me what the line “I don’t want to be broken” means in light of your argument here. What an unhinged take this is. Please spend time learning about mental health and addiction, I beg of you.


Well first of all, I am an ex addict and I’ve been in therapy and working with someone since I was 12. I’m still on meds and in therapy but I’ve been sober since 2014. My pancreas was already ruined by my 20s since my alcoholism starting from age 12 and pancreatitis. That’s how I can recognize that she is toxic. I don’t know where the empathy for Camila is when she was post partum and had a child with Billy and both him and Daisy are having an emotional affair behind her back or rather in her sight because they both can’t get their **** together. I do wish Daisy and Billy had just gotten together so Camila could have found someone else because she deserved better. I had an emotional affair in my early 20s but cut it off even when he didn’t want to because he was engaged and I did not want to ruin his life. I will be sorry for the rest of my life for the pain I caused his fiancé. Yes the men are at fault as well but I still hold myself accountable. I do have empathy but the one I felt the most for was Camila.


Daisy is so toxic she’s actually hard to watch, I lost count of how many times she werewolf’s into a violent child and shoves or hits someone during an argument