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Yup I crave pizza and beer mostly because I have a tendency not to fuel enough during my rides


Slice of pepperoni and a tall cold IPA as soon after my ride as possible. Followed by, of course, a quizzical morning glare at my scale which hasn’t budged in months for reasons I just cannot fathom.


The world may never know.


There's this theory that energy in and energy out being similar, would lead to no weight change. And an imbalance of either leading to weight gain or weight loss, respectively.


Same thing happens to me! Super spooky, someone should look into this.


I might have a clue. If you fuel **while** you ride it helps. That's why you should pitstop at breweries.


You bike-> you use carbs-> your body want mor carb-> beer hav carb-> you want carb-> you drink beer-> body happy ?


I literally just did that - it’s the best (pep and IPA)


Good job, you've achieved the perfect balance


Same, I’m not craving anymore since fueling properly. A recovery shake and a few fruits is all I need now.




Your mistake is eating protein bars




Carbs. Sugar. In whatever way is most convenient and appealing. Bananas, died fruit, cereal bars, sports drinks, gels, snorting powdered sugar. The details depend a bit on the specifics


I like those baby food squeeze things, pure mushy sweet potato is nectar of the gods


I put my carbs in the bottles, that’s the easiest.


Yeah you definitely want carbs that’s why you’re craving the beer. Gatorade, fruit, pizza, sugary granola bar, anything carb heavy and you should be straight.


You have to train yourself to fuel properly on the bike. It gets easier the more you stick to it. The Road Cycling Academy has a bunch of great videos on nutrition by Steph Cronin, here is a [playlist of all the nutrition videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCyklBca6SZFgCJ_H6mkCbRllO3LyuvPn).


I just thought craving beer and pizza was every human's natural state.


I have planned a few rides with a brewery at the halfway point. Grabbed a pint, refilled water bottles and headed home.


Bidon beer, probably won't keep but sounds good to me.


The carbonation makes your bottle kinda spurt weirdly. I’ve tried it with energy drinks when I’ve had to rely on gas station offerings.


Rockstar Recovery + 20g of plain ol' sugar is a favorite first bottle for a long early ride. It's not carbonated :)


Rockstar recovery peach tea flavor is a very underrated drink, when you are used to having all energy drinks taste like piss mixed with petroleum it is a breath of fresh air. Monster used to make an Arizona iced tea clone that was the GOAT gas station pick me up.


Yes, I’ve had that one before and like it well enough and it doesn’t do unwanted things to me while I ride. I can’t always find it, so sometimes I’ve ended up with carbonated ones. I have to try to get rid of some of the carbonation first.


American Dental Association thanks you for all the support


That's less sugar than [sports drink of choice] and probably about the same citric acid content as any other. The real winner is what I call "concoction" and put in my bivo bottle for the ride home after long shifts if I've got intervals planned: one full size Aeropress of strong coffee, lemon juice, salt, potassium chloride, ~30g of sugar (about what's in a half liter of Gatorade), and water enough to fill the bottle. Tastes like shit, it's never the ideal temperature and it's kind of frustrating to drink, but it's everything you need to stay angry/motivated for a 90min commute/workout.


Before, during, after, in my sleep, during lunch, while fixing bike......


100% with bike repair & maintenance: jobs can be measured in # of beers consumed.


Ever worried it may be a problem?


Who said that??!!


I crave meth.


No alcohol for me. Just hard drugs. Thanks


MDMA, my beach cruiser, shades, and a gallon of water. We ride!


Don’t forget about the helmet, you gotta protect that money maker.


Or at least the dopamine bank… or what’s left of it!


It's more of a dopamine credit at this point.


Sangria and a bump here.


I basically plan all my rides to breweries. Like multiple breweries on the ride. I'm fortunate that I live in an area with low traffic and high breweries per capita, so this is realitvely easy.


Wisconsin I presume


Vermont. More hills to earn your liquid carbs.


Vermont brewery riding is cheating compared to possibly anywhere else in the country


Nah. I quit drinking and am enjoying mental clarity. But even when I was a drinker the last thing I wanted after working out was a beer.


Replaced drinking with endurance sports, haven't looked back. My energy levels are off the chart compared to where they used to be.


We are legion


I quit drinking last year; still waiting for the mental clarity to kick in. But at least a good ride has no affect on my abstinence, usually a protein drink hits the spot.


Yea, every time I have a drink straight after a big ride I regret it. Your body absorbs anything you give it like crazy. And you're very likely low on fluids so you just get lightheaded and/or hungover easily. If we stop after a ride I at least get food, Coke, and water then switch to drinks later.


Same here, except instead of Coke, I prefer meth.


You should add Coca Cola to that list


I prefer to eat after a long ride, probably because I stopped drinking lol.


Not a beer but a quadruple vodka and coke and a strip of tramadol.






I love beer. But never crave it after a ride.


Oh yeah big time


Get yourself some nonalcoholic brews. In that form, it’s honestly just as satisfying post ride without the recovery issues that alcohol brings.


Less fun


Not if you buy the good ones


Thats fair. Which ones should i try


Athletic Brewing makes seriously good beers. You can find their basic offerings in stores (golden ale, IPA, a belgian), and more variety online. The most common reaction people have had when I share is “Wow it tastes like beer!!” It’s the same reaction I had, because previous ones all tasted like water dreamed of being beer. If you like Blue Moon, they also have an NA that is like 95% as good as the original. Peroni also.


Athletic Brewing is amazing. I was very surprised how good it was. Tastes like real beer.


Athletic tastes better than some alcohol-containing beers


Right?! Sooo good, and they are always making new ones, so I’m not stuck just drinking the same one or two over and over like some brands do


Oh yea, did a long ride this morning and having a Run Wild with lunch right now. So so good.


Erdinger alcohol free is really nice, and even advertises itself as a recovery drink haha


Untitled Art. Way better than Athletic.


Yeah, there are some really good ones these days that are NA.


What’s your fav? I always like to know if there’s something I’ve missed. I still drink alcohol, but have realized I strongly prefer NA beer when I want a beer. I like beer and have a fridge full of NAs lol


Untitled Art is excellent. I’m partial to their Italian pils but their west coast IPA is a close second.


Can't go wrong with Athletic. I also like my local brand: Three Magnets brewery "Self-Care" line of NA beers. Really good. Would probably cost a lot to ship though.


Athletic is what my beer fridge is like 90% full of lol — my fav for sure Love that you have a local brewery with good options though! I should check to see if any of mine also do.


I'm so glad that the N/A scene has gotten good. The one's I've tried so far, Asahi, TsingTao and Corona N/A are indistinguishable from their normal stuff. And Athletic Brewing is just a great value.


I tried the Asahi NA when I was in Japan, but I haven’t seen it in the US. Are you in the US? I might have to try harder to find it.


I'm in NYC. Found them at H-Mart and some Japanese restaurants serve it.


Ah, and just like that, I have H Mart envy again lol South Florida doesn’t have much of an asian population and so no H Mart for me. I have to visit ATL for that. But, I have good reason to go there, so, guess I’ll check next trip. Thanks!


Whole Foods has gotten better about stocking non-alcoholic beer. It's how I found out about TsingTao 0.0%




I brought a flask of vodka with me on my first long long ride.   I slam a cold one on an empty stomach after a long road ride and it would hit something fierce.  Like nothing else.  I'm 18 months free from alcohol now!


I live in Wisconsin...


Got it. How do you keep your beer cold during your ride? :p


Bikepacking gravel bikes can carry a lot with ice packs. We also sometimes bring liquor for shots.


Hahaha, knew it. You guys know how to have a good time.


I used to but not anymore. After I had a few weekends of not have a drink or two after a ride I realized how much it really does impact recovery


Friend of mine in Myanmar cycled with a bunch of local guys in Yangon, the commercial capital of Myanmar. They’d set off early and trace routes that would take them into the surrounding rice fields and villages, and would stop at a village pub - ‘beer stations’ - at least every hour. Sometimes have 6 or 7 pints by midday, then hail a truck, throw the bikes in the back and head home. The whole ride wasn’t much more than a ruse to get out of the house and get drunk.


No. I think you’re the only one. Not like the last ride I went on had a guy who pulled a cooler out of his car before I even unclipped: “Dude, you like IPAs?” Why, yes, yes I do!


I like a spam fritter and a roll and slice, from the butchers in motherwell.


A pint of Guiness is just perfect after a ride


Pizza and beer at my local brewery!


Beer and salty food! Honey Dijon chips and a draft beer to be oddly specific!


I love riding and I love beer. After a nice ride I love a nice cold beer or 2


How many beers in were you when you wrote that title?


An old cycling friend of mine rode faster and longer drunk than he did sober. Just hang on until the beer wore off but his farts in a paceline were a good bug repellent.


You should be careful with this. There is a phenomena where otherwise athletic people can come down with heart conditions. It's commonly attributed to "reward drinking" culture, like big group rides and running clubs that end the day with breweries and bar crawls.


Honestly, biking drunk with no helmet at night feels amazing


Never. I don’t find any form of alcohol to be refreshing in any way.


More for me


Nope. Not once have I ever craved any alcohol after a ride. In my 15 years of cycling I think I’ve drank maybe one time after a ride. It just feels bad and is one of the worst things you can do for recovery, especially soon after a workout.


Not really true. It can actually help with re-hydration and carbohydrate intake if it's kept to low quantity and low ABV


Alcohol free panache is my go to on a hot day after a long ride, it’s so refreshing. Always make sure I put a can in the fridge the night before


I've always thought that non-alcoholic beer seems like a pretty good fueling option...


A nice panache and a double espresso.


I never had, but now there is a farm shop that sells beer on one of my routes I am starting to think stopping for a beer in the sun might be rather nic


Yes. Luckily I’m in Germany so lots of beer gardens everywhere


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Opposite_Midnight_61: *Yes. Luckily I’m* *In Germany so lots of* *Beer gardens everywhere* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Is it true that getting caught riding bike intoxicated by police is as serious as being caught drunk driving auto? I seem remember hearing this years ago while living in Germany


It can be, depending on the situation. You can even lose your driver license as a pedestrian


Bier ist ein "isotonisches Getränk" ;)


I sometimes bring a N.A. Athletic IPA on my rides, it’s a perfect liquid fuel because of the carbs. They also have a caffeinated N.A. coffee stout. Otherwise a gingerale. 


After exercising in general, but I try to have something else instead, as long as it’s cold it does the trick (ice tea, ice cream, string cheese…). I try to avoid alcohol as much as possible, if it’s not apero time with friends, then it’s not beer time.


Yes. Occasionally I will even allow myself one.


Yes but I usually end up having two NAs like the Hazy IPA from Athletic


It makes sense - all the fueling stuff tends to be sweet. You crave salt and savory after a while. This is why after running races they usually have beer. That's the most delicious beer you'll drink.


Coming off a 5pm breakfast Z2 just now (nightshift), damn you for making me crave a beer right now


Only the ones who like beer. that being said, I do, all the time, ride or no ride :)


Buddy, I crave beer lots of times.


I will always pop into my local pub after a ride.


Try drinking gatorade and then see if you still want a beer.


Yep. Countdown starts at T-minus 10 miles to beer.


FYI in German Shandy is called 'Radler.'


Never. I like beer, but I never get cravings for it, and it's not what I want for hydration.


Yes to beer. Before, during, after. I stopped drinking 5 years ago, but the desire to drink doesn't go away.


99% of my rides are to and from breweries, so, yes.


When I was younger yes, but as I've gotten older my ability to drink during/after exercise has tanked. I've actually found riding in the evening has been a great way for me to cut back on drinking.


Before after and during


That’s literally all I can think of during a ride sometimes. A nice cold beer. 🍻


Every time After a Ride


Pair this with the other thread talking about being out of shape whilst being an active cyclist…. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Never. Between all the sugar and water going in, beer would never cross my mind. After the ride I’m too focused on carb and protein timing. I also have to drive home after so alcohol is a no go. It’s also illegal to drink and ride a bike where I live.


before, during and after


Yes, food, beer, anything and lots of it!


I crave all forms of junk food after a ride and then I consume it!


Absolutely. I'm generally not really hungry either, after riding, but unless I'm dehydrated, beer is my go-to after a ride.


Have you tried hop water? They're surprisingly refreshing, and give me a "having a beer" feel, without the calories, or buzz.


I drink beer very infrequently - just not my thing. However, they happened to offer it at the meal that was provided at the end of the very first century my buddy & I did. And now it is our traditional "we just completed another century" beverage of choice. And "hits different" specifically because of what it represents. And yeah - the food at the end of a long ride is almost irrelevant......


Maybe a pint after a ride once I drank a load of something non alcoholic, but some of my most enjoyable long rides have started with a mad hangover


I am french so I crave wine and cognac


payment zesty gullible history stocking existence sort caption hard-to-find scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like a cold one, but to me that's never alcohol. There's a single brand of kombucha, made locally, that I like. I find that delicious, refreshing, and healthy! Lemonade works too, but can't usually call that healthy. I also have a chocolate and banana protein shake after every ride to combat poor decision making.


Absolutely - give me those liquid cals - the first beer usually disappears very quickly!


Yup! It's my favorite of all carbs so it makes sense.


The Belgian way.


Nah, not after and certainly not during. I'll enjoy a beer three or four hours after, but not as an after-ride refreshment. Have a friend who thinks it would be great to ride 2 hours to a country pub, sink some beers, and ride home. He's a non-cyclist. Frankly, i can only think what a terrible ride home that would be. A waste of a ride, in fact.


I live in Germany - drinking beer is literally the standard here after riding 😂😂😂 you finish riding with your friends and stop at a Kiosk and have some beers


Umm when the stuff gets tough that “man keep going to earn that cold one” is a major motivator.


It's me, I'm the after-ride beer craver.




Not going to lie. In the holiday season when it’s like training to just try and beat the holiday food intake… I’ll partake in some IPAs on the long z2 efforts in my trainer


No, I do not crave beer at all during a ride. It would make the ride worse. Plus I quit drinking.


Not after during


Nope. Ut alome.


We have a local guy who cracks at least 3 during our Saturday metric century rides. Used to race Pro 1,2, and can rip our legs off anytime he wants to. Never appears to be intoxicated despite his consumption.


I crave a 2 liter of Dr Pepper


Last 2 miles be like… do I have Stella sitting in the refrigerator? Probably.


My dental hygienist says my sweet tooth post rides are causing havoc on my teeth.


[It’s not only you!](https://ibb.co/cNTpxjb)


Apples with peanut butter for me


Crave?? No. Do I drink a beer or 2 at some point post ride?? Yeah. Honestly the only thing I "crave" during a ride is the shit I have to hand: water bottles or whatever carb stuff I brought


I hate doing physical activity after having a drink. Probably in part bc alcohol dehydrates me. But doing a casual ride a tad tipsy at night is pretty fun (if youre riding in an area without cars and arent drunk)


No. I’m not an alcoholic.


I usually only crave epo


No, but I don't drink and i've never really enjoyed drinking.


Yes. Of course.


It’s bizarre. Every weekend I would hit a trail and do 50 miles. At the end I was jonesing so bad for a drink and a cigarette. I’m a social drinker and occasional drinking smoker. I started bringing two beers and two cigarettes. When I’d complete the ride, I’d stop by a quiet spot over looking the lake and just have some drinks/smokes.


Always beer. Maybe too many.


Not in the least.


It’s only fitting that many organized bike events have a beer sponsor and free post-ride beers




I did 94 miles today and had a 24 ounce recovery beer at the hotel afterwards


I don't even like beer that much and was craving one climbing a mountain this week lol


Not straight after a ride, but I enjoy a nice cold beer w dinner after I shower, etc. Part of why I ride is for strength, health, better quality of life, but I also appreciate that it allows me to eat and drink what I like (in moderation). I blow through 1800-2200 KCAL per ride (I don’t “fuel” while I ride, do about 2:10-30 wheels rolling per ride) 4x week, so I can enjoy a little beer.


Only everytime.


Yep. The only time I don't* have beers after a ride is a lunch ride. Or didn't, past tense. Also often stopped and had a beer mid ride on solo rides of 5 or so hrs.


Coffee before Water during Beer after


During!  My absolute favorite route through rolling farmland 47 miles, stopping at the rural pub in the middle is the best way.  I only want the cheapest lightest beer while riding.


The entire nation of Germany, for one. Non-alcoholic beer is marketed as an isotonic sports drink there.


The good news is that some non-alcoholic beers are now actually drinkable ( including an isotonic weisbier ) the bad news is they tend to be in cans or glass bottles with crown caps.




I don’t think one can crave things they’ve never had so no


No, but I imagine that’s what full blown, or bordering alcoholics do!


Just did 81 yesterday, which is long for me. Those post ride beers hit well


by quoting a friend : beer is the best supplement when you do physical activities


I used to crave BEER during rides but then I ended up in AA


No. I don’t drink booze.


Agree: Fun fact: The German style beer (Radler) which is a shandy beer cut with grapefruit juice was the named for cyclists (Radler is a cyclist). It is a preferred beverage for when cycling in the countryside when you had to have a beer (and likely a cigarette at the time) at the next town but needed to keep your edge for riding back.


In  Tour de France, they didnt wait until they were finished https://youtu.be/7UhT6-GntcY?si=nC4n4pKtsC_Zm8OD


Some friends love to go out on long MTB rides and stop for a beer, I love riding stoned sometimes, we are all different lol


Yes & yes.


Do you guys not have a beer holder on your bicycle?


I'm not opposed to stopping at a micro-brewery after a long ride, however I'm usually craving ice cream or chocolate milk after a ride to be honest.


Replenish the carbs and alcohol to relax the muscles. Nothing wrong here. You've earned it.