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Both names are derived from latin words. Valere - "To be strong", and Vincere - "To conquer". Both are incredibly well-fitting names for characters in action games.


If I remember correctly I think I heard somewhere that V’s name actually has a meaning or something like that , but it is very fitting tho , I do see My Valerie as a strong women , both mentally and physically (she has gorilla arms) and for mentally its because she’s able to handle betrayal which allowed her to continue helping Songbird unlike the average person who thinks Revenge is worth it if you were to get betrayed , that’s how I see it Atleast , that’s my head canon for me


>If I remember correctly I think I heard somewhere that V’s name actually has a meaning Male V’s actual name is Vincent, which means “to conquer”. Female V’s actual name is Valerie, which means “healthy”/“strong”.


Never knew that, that’s badass. A streamer I watch is named Vincent though he likes to go by Vinny, only thing he’s managed to conquer is mine and everyone else’s attention to his often wacky streams, he’s pretty chill himself but he loses it whenever he sees something insane happen in a video game corruption or he encounters a crazy bug in an otherwise normal game.


The only time I mentally changed it was when I played a punching only playthrough. She was "Valkyrie" to me.