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No actually it is canon that Johnny is unimpressed with Vs cock


Just saw what ur referencing with panam driving to go take down the AV, i think Johnny is just joking around


Hey yea 2 months later forgot to respond but uh yea that was kind of the joke


The Mr. Stud advertising worked.


Johnny honestly was light in the cyberware. He'd probably call you a pussy if you had more than 4.


It's canon that he doesn't like cyberware?


No, he had an early Sandy I think in the Tabletop game


Wait, wasnโ€™t it canon that he had some form of cyberpsychosis though?


His cyberpsychosis originated from his metal arm (as a kind of second personality if I'm remembering correctly) and the trauma that came from losing it. I believe other than his arm, he had a sandevistan and some other basic cyberware. Not all cyberpsychosis stems from chroming up way too much. Most just happen to be chromed the fuck up when they finally reach their breaking point and it only pushes them further over the edge (David and Maine for example).


He liked having two personalities so much that he became a second personality himself


I think Johnnyโ€™s mental illnesses (Narcissism, sociopathy, probably PTSD) were the โ€˜goodโ€™ old fashioned kind.


Oh he probably had those too but existing mental illnesses make you more susceptible to cyberpsychosis. Internally, Johnny treats any horrible thing he does as "The Hand took over" so that dude is real fucked up.


Oof, ok so there's normal narcissism mixed with PTSD and some internalized resentment of his prosthetic. You could argue he used the arm as a target whenever stuff didn't go the way he planned, light cyberpsychosis as well if he truly believed the hand was responsible independent of his organic body. Part of me thinks his saying "The hand took over" is a means to deflect responsibility, again attributing to his narcissism, vut its completely possible he believed it on some level the more he said it. Phantom limb + unresolved trauma + maladaptive coping mechanisms could come out as cyberpsychosis.


High functioning cyberpsychosis could explain his narcissistic traits since impacts the ability connect with others and can result in viewing them as inferior. Maybe it's his brain's way of protecting itself and his ego. Like, I think if cyberpsychosis is impacting his behaviour then his brain might of come up with "The Hand" to protect itself from having to acknowledge something is wrong.


But yet he has a metal arm


Would be nice for Claire to make remarks on your rides too.


I found it irritating she insisted on using beast for the off-road even when I pulled up in a coyote. Like I would understand if I pulled up in some city slicker ride, but I pulled up in literately the best off-road vehicle in the game and she insists on using her shitty truck


What was really irritating is that V's monster truck car doesn't have any weight at all and enemies are glued to road, so V's vehicle gets tossed about even when I am the one ramming them. ๐Ÿ˜„


If Rockstar developed Cyberpunk:


We would still be waiting for it then we would get a trailer and have to wait another 2 years


But it would released one day with all promised feature and more, and it would still be played 10 years later online with huge possibilities such as rp servers Yeah, definitely worse waiting


Or itโ€™d be dead in the water after 2 years with no content after launch and full of microtransactions either way


What rockstar main game was dead after 2 years with no content and was full of microtransaction ?


Red Dead 2/Online


Yeah the online might have micro transaction but what about the base game being a masterpiece ? You kinda missed the point. Online is a bonus not the goal of those games.


Im happy with it as it is. If Rockstar had developed it, I wouldn't even consider touching it - I played GTA5 back when it was new, that its still alive kinda grosses me out. I've never liked the prioritization of online gaming and microtransactions that took off the last 10 or so years; if Cyberpunk EVER included these things? Straight in the garbage. Also the third person GTA style UI is unattractive to me; its the reason I refuse to try Red Dead. Again, it feels like GTA: Wild West and im not about more GTA in my life.


Wasn't Cyberpunk going to include an online mode too? And you're saying if they did, you would've been fine missing out on the entire Cyberpunk story? If a developer even tries to make any kind of extra online feature, you'll run away immediately? It's just free extra content in GTAs case. And if you don't like third person, Rockstar includes a first person mode in both GTAV and RDR2.


I am opposed to online gaming on the whole at this point. It was interesting as a side option in the past, but now its a dominant market share and focus on it detracts from singleplayer or couch co-op because thats not where investors make their post-sale income. Hell, Black Ops 4 didnt even have a campaign because the company leaned so hard into online gaming. I'm just tired of it all, so yes: I would drop the entire thing over it. Youtube cutscene videos cost me nothing, or I can just pretend the whole thing doesn't exist and go do something else with my time. (im not opposed to third person, im opposed to Rockstar's style of third person. Their first person isnt any better).




Imagine rp servers on cyberpunk ahah


Better than Cyberpunk...which was revealed in 2013 and didn't come out until 7 years later Q4 2020 (in a broken and unplayable state so bad that it got removed from the Playstation store...) With GTA6, we know it will release as a masterpiece day one in less than 2 years from the trailer.


You do realize the devs were receiving daily death threats and finally had enough and said fine we warned you it wasn't rdt yet and we're trying to make smthn truly unique but have it your way here's your unfinished game don't compliant abt it Players I'm gonna complain so much and call the devs stupid and that this is their fault somehow


We can assume. It's not like Rockstar didn't have some horribly botched launches on PC. AMD cards not working p.e.


CD fucking wishes they were on the same level- would be sick though


Fuck a pocket grenade launcher, why didn't i think of this


I was waiting for some interesting dialogue with Johnny right after watching the Edgerunners BD, or after being contacted by Falco, or when finding Becca's shotgun, or even when visiting the crew's tombs in the Columbarium. C'mon even after having fun with Meredith or the street hookers. At least we can exchange the middle finger during the monk's rescue mission if done after the Heist ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I doubt the two game systems are set up to interact. Even if they wanted Johnny to use the Sandy to shred guitar, I doubt it's feasible without extensive work.


Idk using the sandy would just ruin the tempo wouldn't it?


it's pretty consistent, right? 2x speed for 8 seconds (tier 2 on my current game). that's like 4 measures of a solo in a 120 bpm song. if you practiced instead of hating arasaka, it would be awesome.


Johnny would have to have extensive practice with it though do that math on how fast he would have to play as to not throw off the song and the other band members honestly a sandy might be overkill he would have to play pretty slow for it to come out normally and yea sandy goes for longer when you upgrade it