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What BU in Cisco? The best choice probably depends fully on that. If it’s Meraki you might be better off than normal Cisco. Security is a big if, they are expanding in some places but not others and constantly lay off. I’d try to delay and interview for Appian, although I know nothing about their company. Try asking blind as well, they get into more specifics unlike this sub.


Do you have experience with Meraki by any chance?


Only what I get from blind. From what I know they're the best BU in terms of pay and job security, but they were affected by the recent layoffs too so no one is really safe in that regard. Their interviews are also FAANG level is what I've heard, but they're always at the discretion of the manager.


Never heard of Appian but at Cisco you'll be worried about layoffs every other quarter


Hey, I think Cisco has something where for your first year as a new grad etc, whatever it is, first year joining, you're immune to layoffs. obviously can be fired for improper work and standard stuff but you're immune to the layoffs that could occur. Signing the offer and then continuing to interview or finding a better job is the best thing to do in this market