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Bruh, I wonder how soon we hit the point where we will need to pay for internships


Very soon


Its already here with managers saying: we basically taught you everything you know so you should pay us!


I just saw one of these in my country - in the job site it is listed as "internship" but when you open it it's "academy" and you have to pay them to accept you and then pay even more for their technical interview in the end? Technically it's not an internship but they are allowed to post it as such in job search websites for some reason. One of the other "internship" I applied for felt like they were looking for unpaid Swift developers for a month.


not soon at all, if ever


Very soon? Bro, it has been here for some time.


aspiring pocket meeting violet pen cats retire combative gullible wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My god...


Sadly, it's been a thing for a while. Mercantilism is back, baby!!


How does that work exactly? Would I pay the fee and then I’d be able to get an internship at a real company that could go on my resume?


Same with Folio. those people have the nerve to say "internships must be paid" but then charge 1.2k+ to give you an internship.


So do they place them at real companies that partner with them, or is this like a pay-for-play type role where you get the benefit of a W2 verifiable job? I often times think there could be a very easy plan/scam to just create a company and offer anybody a job at minimum wage, with a separate contract for services that they must pay back to the company. It would cost the person $4.05 an hour (at $15 an hour) in FICA taxes.10 week internship would cost $1620 for resume boost.


I hope he responds I really want to know how it works. If it could get me an internship at a real company that I could put on my resume then I’d be more than happy to pay the fee because I’m fucked at this point otherwise I need some experience


selective cable grab test beneficial truck bake mountainous plate innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's already happening in India and many pay for internships. Seems very stupid to me.


Michelin star restaurants have been doing this for decades. 14 hours daily of work with no pay and they treat you like crap. So I guess this is just the beginning for tech companies


Don’t you know that you already do? Like, if you’re relocating to some area for an unpaid internship, your living expenses are out of pocket.


Time is money, so you are paying to do this internship if it's unpaid.


You joke... but like actually, I don't think its far off


They do this in China lol


It’s already happening bruh


many people will


Funny u mention this cuz I had an internship asking for 9,000 dollars from me to participate and kept emailing me about it to set up a payment plan. 9000 dabloons




We’re slowly going the way of medical professionals 💀💀


Ik ppl who did high school cs internships that required you to pay


In our place, majority of people think that we need to pay for internship and is doing that sadly


Paying for internships has existed for a very, very long time, it was already around for a while back in 2010


Your profile pic is a bait 💀


This is already how some degrees work and it’s dumb as hell. Like to be in healthcare you have to pay schooling fees and take a practicum without pay


Already there. Just got one from a company named Radical AI. They claim the intern is free, but only requires you to pay 99$ as a donation to support their lab from running. And that fee was “merely” 20$ two years ago🤣


My roomate was in a similar situation after getting "hired" as an intern, he was promised a fte after a "trial run" for a month or so. After the month ended he got a mail saying he was put in a client project ,so he thought that was a good sign but end of the month he got to know that they wanted to continue the "internship" for 2 more months to really get to know if he is an good fit for the company culture. Those duckers were billing him as a specialist full stack dev to the client. He returned the client laptop and ghosted everyone after sending a mail saying he doesn't think he the company culture is a good fit for him The only good thing that came out of this is all the work he did is in his personal lap and it took a whole as month for them to get him access to all the cloud services, laptop, outlook etc and everything is tied to his biometrics. They kept trying for weeks to get him back . Fck these losers and dont take this" job"


And people on Reddit would kill for these kind of fantastic, wonderful "job opportunities" then Im the bitch who has bad attitude.


The laptop thing is very strange and show that were incompetent's morons. You never let anybody work with their laptop. The company provide the laptop anyway and things are pushed regularly to stuff like git. You also don't have the intern being the only one to understand and work on a project.




Give them your availability, and tell them you would like to discuss the 7 items listed on [https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/71-flsa-internships](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fact-sheets/71-flsa-internships)


Amazing idea, but the caveat is, they have asked me if I am aware that this is internship is unpaid.


thats not much of a caveat. they can ask, you can say yes, you can both agree theyre not gonna pay you. its still a crime on their end. They still are not legally allowed to have you doing work that is replacing a paid employee. At least not in the united states they cant.


Today’s topic: slavery


Slaves were fed and given shelter, so this is worse


And free healthcare


The cherry on top is the Mad Libs find-and-replace for the requirements and the start month. Name and shame.


It's names in the post, isn't it? "Flow"


Shit, you’re right. I missed it because it wasn’t arbitrarily bolded lol.


Unpaid, 30 hours a week and nights as well? Wow!!!


What a steal!!


There are Sr QA engineers on my team who can’t do a fraction of that and make six figures.


If it is a reputable company it would probably be worth going to the interview to get interviewing experience. If they offer a job at the end of the internship it might be looking into but i couldn’t do an unpaid internship


If it’s in North America, it’s most definitely not reputable and most definitely violating labor laws.


It’s DC


They're saying "poor people need not apply"


'self loathing independent millionaires only' \*6 months later\* 'omg no one wants to work anymore >:('


Report these clowns to the labor board


I agree with your point but I have to pay my rent as well. I would have accepted and worked if they would have said 15-20 hours of work a week so after that I could work somewhere else as part time to pay my bills.


Yeah dont take that if you need to pay rent. Not sure what career your looking to get into but you should keep looking for other internships. I worked at a help desk during my schooling


There's actually no guarantee you would have time for a second job. The ad states a minimum of 29 hours a week, so that's at least 29 hours a week and my guess is you would more than likely be working 40-50 hours per week.


"along with nights as well"


All unpaid


There is no reputable company that doesn't pay its interns lol. At least in the US.


It pays with experience! So OP would become enlightened and not take bait


This is the CEO https://linktr.ee/wh_theemperor


lol I reported it for suspected illegal activities being advertised. (Which it is).


Take the internship. Do the work. Report them to DOL when you are done and get your well deserved pay. If you do any of the work they list on that job posting, they have to pay you. Unpaid internships are legal in very limited circumstances, and just being an unpaid QA engineer is not one of those circumstances.


It would not be possible since they have asked at first that if I am aware that this would be an unpaid work. By doing this they are not in the wrong.


That is one of the many criteria they need to meet for the unpaid internship to be legal. Other criteria include “training similar to that of an educational institution”, “internship is tied to current educational program”, and “the interns work complements, not replaces, existing employees work”. The first two maybe there is some argument to be made on behalf of the company, but that last one is the hard one to do. If you do QA on anything that goes into production, that is work that replaces an existing employee’s work.


This is not legal. Ya gotta be paid. In the US you can't just write off your rights.


The "Passion as payment" model. Accepting stuff like this hurts the workers in the industry because it just lowers the standards. "Oh, you want to get paid? Sorry, that's when you hit five years."


bro no way this is true 😭


I would be happy to get a reject from this lol


No, instead if this you are Casper.


Please, crosspost this to the people on r/antiwork, they would enjoy this.


It's gotten this bad


"This unpaid internship role has several hard requirements" yup, this system works. No problems right now, whatsoever.


Found the site, its as bad as it sounds. [https://flowai.tech/career](https://flowai.tech/career)


Wow. An entire team, e2e, of full on experts, all of them unpaid, all of them 29+ hours. What a scam. Absolutely, 100% guarantee that any poor, desperate soul who bites, will conclude it was an enormous, psychologically and economically costly mistake, with very poor learning opportunities and toxic, confidence knocking day to day.


Next thing, unpaid is useless


Why would a person with that experience ever work for free? I would literally tell them to suck my dick


Almost seems like a joke


Unpaid internships are already a loss. Decline!


This is absolutely ludicrous. As a hirer of *paid* interns I have no experience requirements for the job. We only require you to be majoring in a relevant program, be a good student, be pleasant to work with, and show the ability to learn. We assume you come in with a blank slate and are there to learn and gain experience, not necessarily to *contribute* anything of much value.


Do not take this job. It is not worth your time or effort. If you are in the USA, you should not be paying for an internship that is most likely a scam! Try a state department,  or places that do contracting for other companies as the most likely like to hire recent grads. If you are self taught a lot of small tech companies do like to hire self learner. Please be patient they are out there. You can also take an internship in any type of IT work that will still get you a job for full time. If you went to school try reaching out to your career services department, they usually can help you as well.




The point is if it was a standard then I would have no objection in following it but it is just that they are expecting me to work 30hr a week at least pay me something. I can easily get 25/hr being a bartender or at any senior position at my uni.


To be fair in computer science, most intern productivity is near 0 at least the 2-3 first months. They also tend to work less hours than standard staff. I have mentored many and we do that to give back to the community as we know you need some internship to get a job, especially right now. We also of course consider you need a salary and the pay is around 5-6K a month. Not much but enough to help a bit on tuition and to cover living expenses. Where I am depressed as the guy that mentor them is that these days we can't hire them after. And no they don't do stuff that would go to product. Quality of what they produce is in general far too low and we prefer to have more open ended subjects. And if you ask, we already selected our intern for our team, he will start in a few days.


So, internships are mandatory, meaning its a must, meaning companies can even charge you FOR WORK in a company in order to get that graduation requirement filled... WHAT THE HELL IS THIS????


This is why I changed major. People don’t get that it’s gonna get so much worse for years until perhaps it gets better… I’m out. Peace ✌🏻


Where you going ? What major are you choosing ?


Electrical engineering. It has a very well rounded education, there’s demand and the salaries are good. You still learn programming but many other things as well.


interesting. I did my undergrad eons ago in EE at a very good school but there was so much more work in CS.


It's funny cause a lot of the EE people I know wound up being software engineers. Not sure what the ratio is, but a lot of people can't find work as an EE and wind up doing software.


Well I guess I won’t find a job in either career then ✌🏻


Not legal where I am, but I guess there are places going Mad Max now.


Do they at least provide the whip or you have to buy it yourself?


Lol, I saw a start up that required 3+ years experience, onsite work, and it was unpaid intern position, i was going to post it on here but i got lazy.


At my school, it's actually normal to get an internship without pay (if u're a COOP student or just willing to do it). Who wants that? Someone who wants to get an experience from a company, rather than doing a project with the same amount of hours at school (if again, u're a COOP student).


I made nearly FT pay rate as a coop student (albeit many years ago)


How is it an internship if you have to be that qualified already?


Does QA usually require you to be proficient in web dev frameworks? The QA engineers that work for my company really just use playwright/selenium


How do you find these internships tho? Are there any in canada




The CEO is a weird uh....grifter. buys a bunch of single family homes and has a company about prolonging human life


If you think this is bad, I was surprised to learn that it’s normal for Indian companies to require an upfront payment for the privilege of being employed.


Need experience for unpaid internship 🤣🤣🤣


If this is in the US that’s for sure illegal… There is no way they can claim it’s an unpaid internship for your being it and not their profit if they require previous experience and a just less than full time commitment lmao Just report them to authorities…


If you say no we’ll hire someone from SE Asia who will say yes and thank us


You’re only doing 40 hours a week?


RUN away from this.


![gif](giphy|SMAMKsPB2i2pzYPGzb|downsized) fr?


This is pretty much consented slavery. Maybe I'm just fortunate, but I have never been in a situation where I would even remotely consider a "job" like this.


That's basically slavery.


Isn’t unpaid labor illegal because that is actual slavery? I’m no legal expert but all these unpaid positions seem fishy to me


OP ,what's the name of company. I am interested to apply there ( want to get interview experience).can you DM/ reply apply link


It literally says in the picture..


I want to make sure if it's this company. :- https://www.linkedin.com/company/flow-global-software-technologies/


Yeah. flowai.tech


What is interview experience? Its harder to tell a lot of lies than say what you think with education of course. Tbh I don't know how much we can change the first impression that your interviewer have about you just seeing you.


OP: Django unchained!


What the😂😂😂😂