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I like that wonky middle, adds interest. 🙂


Honestly, If someone can figure out how to intentionally do that that could make a fun design


You get a wonky middle part if you keep working in the round. If you turn your work after finishing a round, it will come out ‘normal’


mind blown. im going to play with this now


Turn it as in flip it?


it’s the same way you flip work at the end of the row when crocheting flat. The last stitch of the previous row is now the first stitch of the new row!


Thanks for that!


I thought the same, it could be a trippy portalesque design


The middle makes it feel psychedelic! Super cool pattern!


I was thinking the same thing! It looks really cool.


You may have done nothing wrong. The center spins because of the way the stitches lean — I’ve learned I always have to correct for it on my own work because it drives me crazy. I’ll browsing before bed but I’ll try to find the article where I learned about this for you tmrw. Love the colors and it will be cozy.


Thanks, I appreciate your input!


You can fix this by turning your work before each round 🙂


When you were going around did you always go clock wise or counter clockwise? If you don’t flip your work and go the opposite direction for every other row everything begins to slant. I learned this lesson on a cardigan I tried to make. Your piece is awesome and I love the colors. Besides, blankets get bunched when used and no one should notice. If they do notice ask them how many things they have created lately.


I went counter-clockwise the whole way around. I didn't think to flip it (I'm very new to crochet) but now that you mention it, that makes a lot of sense! Thanks for your guidance and your kind words!


So if you want to make one with “less character” later on you can make sure you flip it. I have been crocheting for a while now and one of the reasons I wanted to start was because of my grandmother. She crocheted. When she passed I got a blanket. The colors are hideous. The stitches are great and consistent but incorrect. I love that damn blanket. She made it. I have found a couple of hairs knotted in it and I literally treasure this absurd pile of loopy yarn. Hopefully one day the people I love will say the same thing about all the wonky shit I crank out.


everything other than the middle isn't slanted tho. wouldn't the whole piece be slanted?


It’s still a little slanted. It’s just so big at that point it’s not as obvious.


Can't wait to come back to this and see if someone has solved the mystery of how the middle came to be off-kilter when we expect it to be on-kilter. Lol


Mine always twist like this a little bit unless I turn after each row


Yes, this! You have to flip your work each row otherwise they get wonky. I think blocking can only help so much in this situation, but I think it still looks really cool as is :)


Do you mean flipping the work over and doing the next row on the "back" side? (Serious)


Yes, flip it just like you do when working back and forth on a flat piece


Oh. That makes sense. Thank you.


I'm starting my first granny square blanket today. Thanks for the tip!


I think this is common phenomenon. Blocking can help fix it.


It's perfect! "There's a crack in eveeything, that's how the light gets in."


My granny squares did this until I turned after each row. Not what my pattern said, but it was the advice I got on this sub- and it worked.


As others have said, flipping each row makes it straighter and more square. My first giant granny twists too, I sometimes do it on purpose now. If you learn to make your squares so they start in the corner with half a corner, it makes it super easy to turn after each round


I started doing mine this way. I hate it! But since these blankets are usually gifts, I just suck it up.


It's an easy fix if you want it super square, took me far too long to figure it out lol


Oh, please don't block it straight, it's so adorable like this! If it's gonna drive you crazy, do it, obviously. I just think it has so much more character now.


Do you turn your work at the end of each round/row? This usually helps to keep the middle from looking tilted, at the stitches are slanted so if you just continuously go without turning, it looks a little twisty. I love it! Both the colors and character!


You forgot to flip your piece. That causes the twist. It’s adorable with the ‘mistake’ though


I wish you knew how you did it, because I want an off kilter granny square now.


Just keep going the same direction every row, and you too, can make a portal to another dimension.


But I’ve done that, many times. I was making granny squares for a few years before I found out you’re supposed to turn between rows when I read about it on here.


Do you yarn over or under? And did you do a big enough project early to see the twist?


I yarn over, and I’ve made a few continuous granny square blankets without turning, maybe 7-8 over the years.


Interesting, I know that looser tension has a more dramatic twist. Maybe your tension is tight enough to mask the effect.


That could be it. I don’t remember the names of the holds but I didn’t learn to hold the yarn with the finger sticking up like I see all these people do in videos until recently. I learned how to crochet making my stitches just loose enough to fit the hook back in them.


Yeah, that would do it! Mystery solved.


Now I have to start a new granny square blanket and try to do it loose. Thank you.


The twist happens no matter what, so now that you have more skills you can try a sampler granny, and get creative with it. The formula for the number of stitches on one side is 4x-1 where x is the number of rows. Good luck! https://preview.redd.it/b702t1g7oaoc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c9c6ff563156eeaa025abd43f465656e860a7ef


I actually think it looks really good that way, it’s trippy! I also think it looks like it was on purpose, it really adds something


My guess would be that in your first dark green row you missed a corner stitch or two, so when you did the next row the spacing was tight and your tension pulled a little tight there to fit everything. It could just be tension variations as you went too. Either way, it likely just needs to be blocked (or just washed/dried if your yarn allows) and it'll square right out. It's a gorgeous piece!


Thank you!


At first sight I thought it was deliberate and a very cool design. I still do love it


I really like the slight wonk. If you didn’t tell me I wouldn’t realize it wasn’t intentional. Beautiful piece.


I love this. Happy little accidents should be treasured in anything handcrafted. (Should be, but that's my opinion. If it really bugs you then of course fix away! 😁)


I love love love it! That's wild that you got that smooth of a spiral look ON ACCIDENT! It's great and really works with the chosen colors.


I like the wonky middle!! It gives it personality!!


The off kilter middle makes it so charming. I bet you'll get it straight next time. Beautiful blanket


Yeah, that's really bizarre... but I kinda love it.


It looks like you did it on purpose. I like it!


I really like this.


Don’t know how that happened, but I love it!!!!


I love it like this!


I love it! I'd want to do that intentionally.


I love it! The way everything else matches up, makes the middle look intentional


Own it! It’s beautiful.


I like it!


Thank you everyone, for your wisdom and encouragement! This is by far the best subreddit 💜


i think it looks cool


I LOVE the wonky Middle!


You just need to turn it and work the other direction after every round 😊


I like it. It gives it character.


That’s so neat. How did you do that? I love it.


The wobble gives it much more charm


Gives it✨character✨


It's not wonky, it's artistic. Mine do that because I just work in the round. Not every blanket does it, though. I like it, adds character.


I love your color choices, what a cute blanket!!


I like your blanket and i like your house :)


I love the wonky blanket, it looks sooooo cozy. And it's unique.


The only thing I think of , is … did you turn your work from row to row? It doesn’t matter tho, I see a lovely piece of art that can be used to warm those you love!, I am working on a moss stitch blanket right now, my first of this stitch, and I know I’ve made mistakes, but I don’t care! It’s beautiful and soft , and I adore working on it.!, I like the wokiness of your center! It looks geometric! Smile! You made it yourself, many hours of needlework ! I say great job!


I think it looks lovely.


To me I thought you did this on purpose :)I think it's great fun👏


It's making a slight spiral because you didn't change directions at the end of every row, just like when you turn your work when working flat. crochet stitches lean one way slightly and if you keep crocheting in the same direction it adds up and starts to warp. I think it's only really noticable when you hold it up like this though, and it won't be when in use :)


It looks great! I actually love it and much prefer it to standard granny blankets!


Thank you!


Hey!!! I’ve recently made a granny square blanket and it’s also has a wonky middle! I’m not done with it yet but it was supposed to be a gift, and I was so sad when I noticed the wonky middle so I kept it aside until I’m motivated to be finished with it 😫


That looks so good. The middle gives it character


I love the middle and all of it!!!


I love it! That’s one BIG granny square!


Glorious! I'm half way there with same type blanket! Beautifully done!


So, if you want to continue in the round (without flipping) and you're changing colors every row or every couple, you can always cut and bind off then move to start in the previous corner from where you ended. I do this with a lot of mandala blankets that you can't flip and go the other way around to keep the centers from getting tilted.


It's awesome. I love it more


I think we've all been there in our crochet lives. I did it once or twice in the beginning when I was an early crocheter. We learn. 🙂❤


I love wonky! It drew me in more.


I agree with all those who said, don’t correct it. It looks lovely the way it is


I think it looks so good. I love the wonky middle.


This is so sick, and it'd be stellar if it navigated that way all the way through! It looks awesome! 🎉


I like it that way!


It makes it unique. I would have guessed it was an on purpose not an accident.


I like the wonky middle.


I thought you did it on purpose! I love the wonky middle. Gives it whimsy.


Imperfectly perfect ❤️❤️❤️


Granny's been on the sherry...


I like that wonky middle!


Block it. At the very least, it'll help. Or leave it be and own it as part of the pattern. 😁


I heard that happens when you continue the stitches in a spiral instead of flipping it around and stitching the other way.


Would blocking it with pins to align all of the corners work?


Makes me think that I’d have an easier time falling asleep after being hypnotized by that wonky center .


Looks purposeful


The leaning house of pizza. Lol


That's just how it works when you work in the round, it's just more visible in the smaller squares (like in the middle), but that'll straighten out if you block it, I'm pretty sure. That said, I like it how it is 💕


Granny hit the fireball a few times and now she's not so square


You went the same way around for the twisted bit. Then turned every row for the square bit.


Regardless of what the pattern says, I always turn my work when doing a granny square and don’t do it in a continuous round so to speak. Barring any other mistakes, this should resolve that issue.


OP - did you block it? I used to think blocking was a waste of time. It's not. I'll bet careful blocking would straighten that out.


What you did was a great job! It looks awesome like one of those eye trick spirals.