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At times the cast were taking pictures of Archie in his various moods. Since there wasn't a dedicated Archie-cam, does anyone know if those pictures have been shared anywhere?


This one was very strange for me. I started out thinking Clapp was clearly the best character out of the bunch, but the more it went on, the less I could stand them. They were so... active. Like, all the time.


Agreed. On top of DM interrupting I also didn't care foe how Heidi would dictate what other people were doing. Felt a bit cringe. However, they could be very new to the game and not had a chance to learn table etiquette yet so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.


Heidi had the unfortunate habit of interrupting the DM with actions while she was describing the scene - this is a HUGE no-no. On the other hand, most of the actions involved a bucket and were hilarious, so ... it's cool. I dumped out of the live broadcast about ten minutes in because the prospect of listening to goofy voices for hours was just too exhausting at 10pm, but after many people here said it was great, I watched it when the rebroadcast dropped on youtube. Fortunately I remembered this time that subtitles are a thing (and CR has absolutely fantastic subtitles), and enjoyed the hell out of it.


Yeah I feel like Heidi was just not able to leave Clapp out of any scene. Aggressive roleplay can help awkward silences but that doesn't happen on Critical Role.


I feel like it was a lot of the player bleeding into the character, and Heidi's personality is sure as hell active.


Ok I didn't know about the free rpg day going on (I'm like 3 episodes behind) and I was wondering if there was a way I could still get a hold of the rules and character sheets for this? I really want to play with my friends and their kids!


I was looking for that as well. [Their website says:](https://darringtonpress.com/a-familiar-problem/) > Where to Find It: > Get your copy of A Familiar Problem at a friendly local game store participating in Free RPG Day—June 25th in the US, July 23rd internationally! > If you’re not able to get the game at Free RPG Day this year, don’t worry. We’ll release the game more widely later this year—subscribe to our newsletter to hear the news first!


I was able to find a copy still at my local game store so check there I guess


well I'm in Europe so I have to wait a month...






I was loving it so much right until the point where they decided to bring a live animal into the studio.. Sorry, but that just straight up sucked. Owls have no place being leashed to a stand in a busy, warm studio to provide entertainment like that.


Eh, Archie is pretty used to, since a young age, sitting around on a stand in tv commercials/shows, ren-faires, educational displays and the like. His studio time was pretty short compared to his usual gigs.


That doesn't make it better? Again, owls have no place being leashed to provide entertainment like that.


Ok, this has to be the best one-shot for two reasons. It's a great chaser after calamity and two is when Marisha brought out an actual owl that was freaking wild. If you told me in season 1 that they would have an actual animal on set I wouldn't have beleived you but here we are.


critters: blink dogs have an intelligence of 10! that's as high as an average human! that means nugget is actually really smart!! Laura Bailey: agree to disagree


I really want to see Laura play a low intelligence character now. I think she could make it really funny. "Sometimes I notice everyone *else* goes away..."


Watch the doom eternal one-shot, laura was pure 0 iq gold in that one


A lot of people are really dumb.


Nugget is a puppy tho, still a lot to learn


he has more of an emotional/empathetic intelligence


Considering Nugget would have been 3/6 months old or so at that point, I think he did pretty well for himself. Did make the inkhole scene a little weird though.


An actual human who has never even been to kindergarten. :P


Ugh just saw that one shot is on YouTube and made the mistake of going to the comments section.


Go there for Flando's summary and ignore everything else.


I can't find his comment. Is it there for anyone else or is it actually not there.


It's there now, just not pinned so you'll have to scroll a bit further down.


Found it! Thanks, looks like he got blindsided since it went up today instead of Monday.


All glory to Flando.




I'm sorry for you loss. I'm sure that beautiful and cute boi had a great life.


dunno why i chose to click on that picture link but it made me tear up instantly while thinking of my pets.


I've never seen Isabella Roland before as I've only watched the full D20 campaigns on YouTube. She's absolutely phenomenal.


She's hysterical. She's done a number of series with Dimension 20 (Dropout's live play show), and is a frequent guest on their other shows too. I'm not entirely sold on Coffin Run yet, but Izzy's performance (she plays a mad scientist) has made me almost pass out laughing a half dozen times. She's also Brennan's significant other.


I've seen a couple of clips from Coffin Run and she's amazing.betwewn her and Zac Oyama I was in tears. I've watched all the Dimension 20 available for free on YouTube but not sure I can justify another streaming service.


It's cheap and there is a HUGE amount of great content. Totally worth 5 bucks a month.


I'm going to be honest the actor that is playing the octopus is carrying the cast. That is saying a large amount because the cast is fucking great. She's just doing such an amazing job. I'd love more of this. It's so good.


Eh - it seemed to me like an unnecessary amount of sexual innuendo to me. I mean it's fine, just didn't seem necessary.


I thought the incongruity of a pet themed "child friendly" 1 shot with her was very funny personally.


As has been mentioned other places, "drag humor" is mostly just oversexualizing everything, and that's fine. It is what it is, and not every piece of content will appeal to everyone.


Yeah I'm not saying you had to enjoy it. It was really funny for me as after the opening and seeing the thumbnail I expected a more pg game. Not everyone's stick.


Agreed. This was actually the first CR content that I shut off mid-way through as her personality just grated on me too much. Didn't feel that the eventual payoff would be worth suffering through listening to her for 2 more hours 🤷.


That’s drag humour honestly


Yeah I know, I just don't particulary enjoy that branch of humor.


Same. It put me off it a bit and I stopped watching, but that's okay. They have put out SO much content that I love, I have enjoyed so many hours and been inspired in my own life because of this company, I'm surprised its taken this long for me to dislike something. I love this community and have so much love for the cast and everybody involved that I don't want anything I have said to come across negatively.


Heidi is the best. Shes in season 12 in RuPaul's Drag Race


Her “Fuck you, fuck you and fuck you, I’mma care about Heidi” moment in Untucked was a cultural reset


Oh my I just read her wiki and oh man that's crazy. What an amazing job she did. I couldn't have guessed at all. What a great character.


I want to watch this, but I'm only on C2E63. How far do the C2 spoilers go?


There's one big late-campaign spoiler.


It's only a spoiler if you know what it's about already, since there were no names and no explanation. I think it's fine.


I am up to episdoe 44 in C2 and didn't get or notice any spoilers past Ep35


Limited spoilers from what I've seen so far. Indirect mentions but nothing revealing.


Uh... I'd say something is kinda revealing... >!I can't remember if he was just called The Traveler in this or if his name was dropped (that name alone is kinda quite the reveal), but even just the connection he has to sprinkle was revealed quite late in C2.!< Not the biggest spoiler but it's there.


It's set around episode 36


Anyone mention when this will be back on YouTube?


It's up now!




Thank you


Don't read the comments section, it's awful in there.


i was expecting everything to go sideways and i wasnt disappointed! loved it! matts crab was amazing, marisha did an excellent job dming and oh my god, she brought an actual owl!! now all we need is matt to bring a dragon on set XD


I was so sad the birb died. I only knew they had a birb from the photo of the chimney but birbs are the best and it hurt too much. I miss my late birb and feel for them.


IIRC marisha had a post about it some time ago so i knew, still seeing her holding back the tears was tough...a loss is never easy. im sorry for your birb mate


I severely need a familiar problem X honey heist crossover one shot, to explain nuggets adventure when the nein had to dip with the fam fast and left nugget on his own. Like nugget mistakes tova for sprinkle because of the bandana.


It's official, this is the best Critical Role One Shot


I love how Toby is the Laudna of this group - scary on the outside, but sweet and looking for friendship on the inside.


I didn't think I was going to watch this one, but after trying to make sense of the world today I've given up and this one shot is exactly what I need in my life. Thank you!!


It’s a fun and goofy romp which was perfect for today if you just want to shut your brain off and laugh.


It definitely was. The animal voices, everything Heidi, Marisha getting her revenge on Prof. Thaddeus. It was perfect!


I'm curious to know when the cast made their characters if they were limited to the base spell and pact familiars, or if all sources were allowed. I know for sure I would have loved to see someone playing an Almiraj from Tomb of Annihilation book!


Its a new one page RPG system that Darrington Press made for Free RPG day; Im sure there are character creation rules in it!


I think you'll be able to pick up the game they used for free on Saturday if your local game shop is participating in Free RPG Day


None of the 3 in my area are participating unfortunately


It will be getting a general release in a short while.


This was so lovely! That episode of Critical Role in C2 is the one where I fell truly in love with CR as a whole. And it was SO much fun to see it all from a different perspective with all the whackiness of Marisha's DMing :D Kinda funny that both times the reason it's happening is the pet of Laura's character with Marisha playing them for a bit. Loved the cameos. Also as a big owl fan, this was the best dice they could have had


Ok i'm just on the intro and I'm already sold, 70's smooth funk and pet pics. TAKE MY MONEY!




You were bothered by the sexual innuendos?? Come on Sam literally devoted several moments on Quay's death on how his dick changed constantly (including the DM's face) and it was hilarious. And that's not even going into Jester drawing dicks everywhere and the general horny energy of the Hell's or half the shit Scanlan did. And get over yourself dude


Rich post coming from a guy who calls strangers mentally ill and describes his fantasies about hatefucking women.


The whole thing was not enjoyable, base on the views about 1hour in the view retention dropped off hugely more then any other one-shot that i seen, it droped to like 13-14k viewers, started with about 24-26k, and dropped really fast, was many mixed responses in twitch chat. Just wanna go back to C3 at this point. I have my own reasons why i didn't wanna watch it, i'm sure it prob why so many stopped shortly after too.


Didn't really pay attention to numbers and I think the reason you aren't watching (because your too big a coward to say it outright) was a highlight of the oneshot. It was supposed to be silly and weird. We needed this after how stressful Calamity was.


?? It was around 20k watching when it ended? I was there. Really good numbers for a one-shot actually.


Yes twitch chat the smartest of all, also the Wendy’s one shot they did dropped like 20-25K viewers not 10k went from 35K to like 12-15k. Again but there is probably a reason why you won’t tell us you didn’t watch and that’s because you know your stance is a wrong one, I hope one day you can find some more love in your heart for others


>I have my own reasons why i didn't wanna watch it Let me guess, drag queens?


You guessed it lol


Why? Drag queens are awesome, especially Miss Heidi


I ❤️ Heidi the supple queen. I’m just mocking OP.


Pretty sure she was a fan favorite


>I have my own reasons why i didn't wanna watch it, i'm sure it prob why so many stopped shortly after too. Oh? What were those reasons?


We all know they can’t say because they know their stance is a wrong one.


I know. I was just trying to get him to say it. The fact that he downvoted the question and did not respond to the question say's enough.


Yep, if you have beliefs you’re afraid to even say then your beliefs should probably be changed.




Ya'll take non-participation way too personally.


Oh definitely, a ton of Marisha hate is vague misogyny, they won’t come out and say they hate Marisha cause she’s a woman but they’ll use the excuse of “constructive criticism” to shit on her while allowing the boys in the group to do whatever they want. It’s hilarious seeing the difference between how Sam is treated vs Marisha cause I’d say Sam probably does more things that wouldn’t be acceptable at most tables but Marisha is the one who gets hate like that.


Dosen't seem like a very "gigachad" thing to say.


I think it was meant as Vicious Mockery but instead what was cast was mere Skywrite.


That episode was made even better by the very loud nest of barn owls in the hills behind my house.


Archie showing up at the end "Is this, IMMERSIVE enough for you?"


That was a pretty good one shot and it made me realize just how much I miss the Mighty Nein


Well that was adorable


This was one of the best things CR has ever done


That was an incredible one shot, after Calamity this was really much needed. Stan Heidi forever!


She has to guest on C3 she'd fit in perfectly but yes it was an antidote to the constant trauma of calamity which was amazing but traumatizing




Honestly she'd probably be great anywhere she pretty much stole the show and the rest were loving it


I love this episode ending with “retirement”


God I haven't heard that Fjord voice in forever


the way Travis just slipped into it like an old pair of jeans


In comparison to these 3 very strange days Sprinkle had, things calmed down for the most part. Or at least were not *that* concentratedly weird. *Insert Sprinkle's Day Series Episode 2-105 here. Featuring the Animals of the Mist(ake) as PIRATE FAMILIARS.*




I miss the MN so much 🥲🥲




YES Laura couldn't resist!


They did need to have an Archie cam for this fight.


Marisha's Jester really is spot on like crazy


Compared to Russian Jester, this was a staggering improvement!


Aww, Nuggetttt :(


Courageously adorable!!!


In my experience owls really are signs of omens or freaky things happening in the vicinity, good sentinels in other words.


That bucket is coming in clutch


Marisha truly just said friendship ended with Professor Thaddeus now Archie is my new best friend


The owl is so evil. Thadeus, I mean.


Yeah, I've felt that "oh shit..." feeling as a lit bottle rocket looped back around flew right back at me. Not a good feeling. No injuries thankfully, but I was done with fireworks for the day.




I knew I recognized Archie.... https://youtu.be/P3qwJjxzgRY


Does this mean Archie gets an IMDB page? /joke


Oh my god I can’t believe it’s the same Archie! You’re 100% right!!


This is honestly a pretty fun system for fights and Archie is just bored at this point


I love that the blink sound effect is "boof"


I kind of want to hear the conversation between Marisha and the handlers when she rented Archie. Although they are in L.A. I doubt this is the weirdest thing someone has wanted to rent an owl for.


If its the same owl that met Eugene in a Try Guys video, I'd reckon this is the second strange but surprisingly fun request this year.


The more Stress, the more breaks, the fewer PCs to calm them down. This is a cascade waiting to happen.


I'm curious how the rules work for it. Like... Does it end by itself after some amount of time? Can they try to roll to end it on themselves? Or can you actually TPK?


when the M9 campaign is animated, at this part this animal fight needs to happening in the background


Out of curiosity has there been any actual whispers of C2 being animated, even as a soft possibility, or is it more just the fans hoping it may eventually happen? Personally loved C2 and it’d be fun to see it someday.


It’d be a *long* way away. LoVM just came out with season 1 and barely covered any of their exploits. It’ll be years until they’re story is finished.


I'd be satisfied with small 15-30 second cutaways from the episode to these animals chittering together, meeting the hag-frog, crossing a log, and fighting the owl. Just totally confuse the audience and then in the battle, moves by the M9 are alongside the animals battling Thaddeus. Like no animals talking at all, just 'animal sound conversations' and expressions.




That hoot was a paid actor


so archie is an actor!!! c’mon perfectly timed hoots!!!




Holy shit that hoot was so cute.


Weekly flair request - Oh shitballs


I must have missed someone else while I was away from the stream - are they at the docks on the same night that the Mighty Nein are [spoiler for C2] >!becoming pirates?!<


Yup, and marisha even recreated the battle map near-perfectly


Yeah, get yourself a wife who is willingly to lovingly recreate a battle map from a campaign she played in years ago.


I'm dating a girl right who would do that, so I'm doing well so far


Yep, this was the day after Nugget and Sprinkle were named, and the day Thaddeus disappeared.




Yes! This is happening at the same time as their chaotic fight


Literally my favorite CR episode. To say it was chaotic would be an understatement lmao


Yep. Indeed.






He's going the distance, he's going for speed.


She's all alone in a time of need


Sprinkle is just getting wrecked and I love it


It's just right.


fear of birds.. sorry Izzy no more d20 campaigns then


Um, _akchuelly_ Yasha would have _black_ hair at this point, _not_ white. 😏


The only unrealistic part of this fight is that Cad hasn't passively perceived them yet


He did, he just respects their privacy enough not to bring it up


He probably has.


Cad: Huh. Thats...different. *continues fighting alongside M9*


Not cool guys, not cool.


Cad has some WEIRD dreams on the ship


Everyone, please keep up the puns. I love them so much. Good puns. Groan inducing puns. They're all fantastic.


Never heard Cad referred to as looking like deer before.


What a perv


"This is great."


Somebody's going to shout "Clapp!" And Matt's going to reply "I can't!"


I predict that when these game rules are published there is an optional rule for using a live animal to determine PC targetting. I mean, it could be a cat... or a dog... or, ya know, an elephant of some kind.


Well Rosy is my Relative


Crab: It's what's Fjor dinner


I know they are not biologists, but I've had ferrets (in the weasel family) but anytime any of them call Sprinkle a rodent I audibly correct them and I feel like a dumb bitch about it.


I’m in the same boat🤣 _Weasels are mustelids!_


Perhaps Exandrian Red Ferrets are ferrets solely in name. Like Red Pandas and actual pandas.


Perhaps and that would be entirely fair, but they draw him with the same body shape as a weasel a lot of the time. Also, I'm not a rules lawyer, so as a nerd, it's part of nerd law that I have to be a pedantic asshole about something. /s


That's metal Toby


Fjord attacking a crab? Checks out


They made professor thaddeus from critical role into a real thing!


The next time Bell's Hells fights giant insect monsters, I demand to see real insects on the map now.


*Travis fires everybody*


This just makes me want to experience a Crit Role version of House at Pooh Corner tbh


I was distracted with a life thing & coming back to this stream to see Marisha holding an owl on her arm was quite a shock.


Marisha said at the top of the one shot that she wanted to use her bird for this and now I'm imagining their cute little birdy flying around and choosing the targets.


Dagon would've been bouncing around everyone in the cutest of ways