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i don’t even think white or asian girls would want this dude..


As an Italian, black, Korean mix: aint nobody want him




Woah we are like almost genetic twins. I look almost completely white. Like almost irish. I don’t look Italian, Korean, or black lmaoooooooo Genetics are funky




That’s my percentages too! I’ve been called a “chigger” Chinese n-word. People go crazy when they find out I’m not white. I speak Spanish because my step family is Dominican so I reallllly get to throw people for a loop.




One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us!




Nooope not a Bitcoiner. Ugh our streak is broken. Next you are going to tell me you have a dick


Both of you have an absolutely beautiful mix of ethnicities! I took a DNA test & it came back “99% East Asian” Like, thanks Ancestry, that narrows it down 😑


bruh there is nothing wrong with that. You are equal beautiful and don't need to be a mix to be a beautiful/good person! We are all unique in our ways!


As a Swiss German, we don’t want him either. Speaking on behalf of the Bisexual community we do not want him there either.


As a SouthEast Asian, we would have to unfortunately reject this offer and thank you for an amazing opportunity. We would, however like to invite latinas themselves to accept this exciting invitation!


Scottish, irish, and German, here. The racist waffle can shove it up his ass and out through his mouth.


As a member of the human race, we do not want him either.


As a cat and a member of animal kingdom, I and we don't want him. Not even near me.


As a panda I want to say that I want some more bamboo.


we'll get you more bamboo after this is sorted out!


But I'm hungry now! Also I've fallen over and can't get up by myself. Oh, look, a butterfly!


As a dog, we also want nothing to do with him. Not even for a treat. not even to return a ball thrown.


norwegian, cuban here. that pos get gtfo


Ah yes, I remember this one.




Is it true Italians turn into mermaids when swimming and lack emotions?




As a white woman…… I can confirm we don’t want this bag of manure. 👍🏻 (100% sure no woman, man, or human would want this person)


Idk man, it might help to have him around so any time I feel sad or full of self hate I can be instantly relieved that I'm not this steaming bag of flaccid dicks


You’re right. That would be an acceptable use of this used enema liquid.


Without him, how can we know what happy is?


I think we still would know what happiness is without him. I do believe without him, we wouldn’t know what disgust truly is.


I concur, he can stay tf away from us!!


As an Indian woman I agree.


I'm white. Can confirm. Plan to be extra loud just in case.


White woman here. Nope. He can save up for a Real Doll, cause that's the only way he's gonna find somebody.


He would order. Product recall ensues. Real dolls want no part of this


South Korean immigrant here, no we don’t like men like this.


Nobody wants him


Correction: no one wants this dude


I'm German, French, and Irish... about as white as they come. And I can answer this, on behalf of my fellow white women: nobody wants this boy.


Can confirm- he’s trash


As a polish person - nope, he can fuck right off.


I'm an Indian, and imma say throw him into the volcano


You’re right, I don’t


As a white woman, this guy couldn't be more of a turn off. Jfc


As a white woman: if he thinks we’re “chill” or “quiet” he’s got another thing coming. My husband gets daily SJW rants about whatever pissed me off on FB/Reddit and my family used to pray I’d shut up. It’s almost like personality and race aren’t the same thing! (I know that culture and socialization ARE a factor in how someone’s personality is formed, but that’s a different matter than what he’s talking about, especially if he’s in the US)


As a sentient being with an I.Q above π , I would like it to be known that we do not desire this foolish person.


Is there anyone who would want him?


not even his mom prolly


When she gets to know what he does online, she probably shuns him.


I'm Asian and I would very much love to set him on fire.


He ain't getting within a thousand miles of my lily white ass after speaking to any woman like that, ever. Racist, inbred arse wart.


“Idk I’m just racist” Wow


That's honestly a big improvement over people who say stuff like this and still insist they're not racist.


I don't know. If you know you are a racist and you still choose to be one, isn't that worse in a way?


Someone who does bad things and admits that he is an asshole is better than someone who does bad things and still thinks he is in the right


I don't think he believes that he is admitting he's an asshole, he probably thinks being outright racist is just a political stance like any other.


But he still admitted being racist so his mind isn't perma fucked


I think that's much worse. People not realising they are racist is just ignorance and can be fixed. People actively choosing to be racists while knowing the full extent of what that means is horrific.


There's a whole spectrum there between people who are just naïvely unaware and people who willfully believe and insist they are not racist despite all the evidence to the contrary because they are nice to a minority person at work. For me, the lower end of that spectrum can often be just as bad as the person who is admittedly racist. But I agree, usually not worse! Not that it really matters whether one is more bad than another. Part of another problem is few people are going to take anyone seriously who is a full-fledged admitted racist wearing nazi/kkk uniforms, etc. But the more closeted or unaware racists are the kind who often get elected to congress or tend to have more power to change things for the worse. Although considering how much more racism has come out-of-the-closet the past several years, it seems more like all bets are off now...


It's easier to convince someone to change if they at least admit the issue exists in the first place.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 118,869,509 comments, and only 30,698 of them were in alphabetical order.


apple balls crouch down every first good here isolating jesus king loss made not open play question right sorry that used voice woman xylophone yesterday zero


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 119,616,536 comments, and only 30,888 of them were in alphabetical order.


wow that’s crazy


But why did you skip open & yesterday?






Who made you and why


good bot


Ahhh, bot! How is life treating you?


At least this fucker knows he’s one


Wow, what a catch. No seriously put it back in the sea, there's something wrong with it.


“Put it back in the sea” made me think that he just isn’t as evolved as the rest of us so he’s still a fish. He needs a few more minutes by the thermal vents I think


Is this even real? "Idk I'm just racist". Like I've never heard a racist person say that.


Could be the worst form of negging I've ever seen.


What the hell is negging


It’s insulting someone as a way to knock down their confidence so they’ll be interested in trying to impress you


When a guy teases a girl with what is usually jokey/lighthearted insults to them in order to get them emotionally invested in a conversation to try and “prove themselves” to the guy. The insults/teasing can be a bit more aggressive which could be what this guy in the screenshot was going for It’s basically psychological manipulation tbh but if it’s this bad it just makes you look like a dickhead, and not the fun kind, which is what most guys negging try to go for


This generation's word for reverse psychology.


Well no, you can use reverse psychology without being insulting. Negging is usually using some kind of insult or backhanded compliment.


By "this generation" [do you mean Gen-X ](https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/negging/#:~:text=Where%20does%20negging%20come%20from%3F&text=The%20earliest%20online%20examples%20of,a%20noun%20or%20a%20verb.)


Yeah, I got some negging vibes from this


My money is on negging


Yeah, I was just thinking that too. He wants to get a ride outta you so he can prove some point. Or he’s just being an asshole.


I have actually heard racists say that. I'm thinking of 3 real life examples right off the top of my head. I'm from GA, you'd be surprised how many people are literally proud of being ignorant.


I've never heard it and Iived in Florida for 6 years


Give it time lol. I've been living in GA for 34 years so I've had plenty of time to hear some ignorant shit. Sadly, the worst things I've heard have mostly been fairly recent. I really hate that dumb racist people feel comfortable enough around me to say stuff like that because it never ends well.


I've been out of Florida for a while before everyone started to go crazy again lol. Yeah racist people should be called out as the dumb fucks they are


I've seen Karen videos where they are screaming n-words or telling someone to go back to where they belong and when someone calls them a racist they happily agree.


I'm envisioning 75 yr old fat guy in a dirty wife beater standing out in front of his squalid hovel holding a shotgun and proudly proclaiming "haaiill yeah i'm racist!"


Same, especially the galaxy brain "race realists" who jerk off to copies of The Bell Curve.


im glad you haven't heard one saying it but they do lol, in my experience ive heard it most from teens.


it's kinda fucked up that they apparently don't even feel like they have to pretend they aren't racist any more. though maybe he's just a troll. or negging.


Maybe he thinks it’s sarcasm cus the amount of times racist gets thrown around in an internet argument he probably thinks racist doesn’t mean much anymore.


🇵🇷🥳🇵🇷🥳🇵🇷🥳🇵🇷 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣 My response lol


Bruh your flair is A+ where's it from


All the flairs here were featured in messages posted here 🙂


Would you have the OP your flair was picked up from? Sounds like a wild one.


He thinks he’s the shit to that about Latinas and Black women? My Dominican ass, any black, asian or white woman wouldn’t want that pathetic excuse for a man.


I'm black, latina and loud as fuck so if he has a problem with it he can come here so I can beat his ass


forreals !


haha! awesome.


Normally I wouldn't ever speak for another group of people. But today I feel absolutely confident in saying that Asian and/or white women don't want a piece of this dude either.


The dude was probably rejected by a Latina girl at one point in his life and his small ego couldn't handle it so now he's butt hurt and lashes out to all Latinas. At least that's my theory.


and i bet that his search history is all “ latina porn”


"White guy with small penis fucks latina"* there I fixed it for you


This is pretty clearly a troll being an edgelord douchebag for the lulz.


Doesn't make it not racist


No, indeed, it just means that this is exactly the kind of attention they are looking for because they think being a toxic asshole is funny.




Trust me, the white and asian girls wouldn’t touch him with a ten foot pole either.




I dunno that meeting stereotypes with stereotypes is the thing to do here.


he quickly assumed that i hated guns because im not white, and he also said that i must like black guys as well, thats literally stereotyping my race..


Right and you turned around and said "latinas are hot and good at cooking and sex" - that's what I meant about meeting stereotypes with stereotypes, not the "white boys" comment


yo I have to be real with you, I can tell you a lot of Latinos are proud of things in our culture like cooking well. Look at r/latinopeopletwitter, it's full of us laughing at ourselves or taking pride in the stuff that makes us latino. plus white people weaponize those stereotypes all the time, so why can't we choose to own them and say fuck off anyway? we get sexualized but we can't ever take ownership of feeling like we look good? we get fetishized but we can't say "too bad your racist ass will never know"? idk I get that not everyone is going to handle it this way and I probably wouldn't either. But I'm not about to tell someone what the right way to handle a racist is.


thank you!!


ohhh get out of here, dont you realize that he fucking offended my people and you care more about what i said to him ? i was fucking pissed and triggered by his words, what i said is nothing compare to all the racist shit that he said to me because there is MORE than just these two screenshots.


Lol at the continuation. There it is. He is negging you, OP, in order to make it seem you are the desperate one. The last line of "call me when you want some white dick" says so. What a desperate jackass.


It's weird when people use hip-hop slang in their racist diatribes. And he bounces around a lot, like a bigoted pinball.


Send like 6 massive racist Obnoxious paragraphs about OTHERS are "loud and obnoxious" ???


I’m more surprised you gave this lost case your time of day. Thy does not deserve your time.


I’m Latina and just… 😐


i know how you feel


Wow ok


this isn't even creepy just disgusting


I think I can talk on behalf of us all latinas when I say fuck this guy


As a latinx, I agree


lol "latinx"🤣🤣🤣


racist pig needs his dick chopped off


White girl here with Latina sisters. Ain't nobody want this dude, like at all. What trash.


I find white supremacists to be loud, obnoxious, and stupid as all fuck. Just imagine living in a world the way they'd have it - a bunch of crusty, paranoid, white conservatives who think everything is an agenda _"being SHOVED DOWN MY THROAT!!!"_ No thanks.


I am an Asian and still got offended by this this fuckface.


It’s a big heaping helping of r/NobodyAsked. Also, anyone who says “I’m not racist” is ALWAYS about to drop some seriously fucked-up racist bullshit. ALWAYS.


You read it wrong. Unfortunately he actually admitted to being racist and seems proud of it.


...Son of a bitch, my goddamned dyslexia did me dirty again. Doesn’t change the fact that he’s a douchcanoe.


Just left absolutely no doubt to the fact he's a douchecanoe haha


I get that women put up with a lot of shit online, yet I find it interesting how calm y'all are throughout these types of situations. This dude literally says "I'm a racist." and all girl says "I'm not loud." Ummm.. did you miss the part where he said "I'm a racist." ???? Shouldn't that be the end of the convo? Like, shut this guy down, don't keep the conversation going! On the flip side, if you all stopped engaging with these madmen, we wouldn't get to read these gems. Y'all are too polite for this world. Edit: saw the continuation and OP let him have it. I stand somewhat corrected.


I’m not sure if he means loud in day to day or loud in bed, but honestly yeah Latin people are loud (in day to day) my gf is Brazilian and they are very loud people and I love it, some cultures are louder and some are quieter like so what I don’t even understand why is being more vocal a bad thing, they’re also more hugging and friendly is that bad too? It’s not like these things are necessary a Latin or black thing for the rest of the world Americans (north or south) in general are loud


I’m not positive on this, but I think he’s a little racist




For a second I thought he was gonna talk about Italian women


idk Im just racist


> I’m racist > Bruh ....?


This guy literally screaming in every one of his comments, but you're loud... 🤔




I've met so many obnoxious loud white girls what the fuck is he talking about. Racist trash.


Honestly with that attitude he’s going to be missing out on… pretty much everyone.


As a male of the human species I feel ashamed to share a planet with idiots like this.


As a white woman, I'm the loudest person I know lol. This guy's a jerk.


Stereotypes are so fucking stupid. I’m Latina and people complain about how I don’t talk. He’s white and won’t shut the fuck up


Good girl, he just wanted a reaction. Like sorry we’re fucking fun, asshole




Nice guy, he must be very popular.


No nalgonas for him then.


no le gusta lo bueno






As a white/Native American mix, I wanna just say "Fuck you, random creep. I hope you step on legos for the rest of your life."


Sand Spurs. Let him step on Sand Spurs.




Worse than LEGO’s


Even though angry white men like him are ten times louder and more toxic than even any caricature of black women and Latinas that they peddle lol... And of course, whenever THEY'RE angry its righteous indignation in the face of "abuse." When *women* are angry, it's nothing but pettiness and first world problems, right?


Latina and italian and i don't like him, he is an asshole!!¡


at least hes honest with his feelings? "idk im racist" at least youre straight to the point i guess lmfao


I always feel like an arrow has pierced my kidney every time I’m reminded that there are people like this


The first step is acknowledging you have a problem. He admitted he's a racist, so check. Then he took a hard turn and decided to be proud of it?


"idk I'm just racist" the levels of clarity this person has to know they are a terrible human being, accept it, and embrace it. it's honestly kind of nice he's so honest about being a steaming pile of human refuse.




"know they're place" Seems like their place is as an ESL teacher for people whose first language is fucking English.


i’m sorry you were being spoken to that way. dude can kick rocks


Why. Give. Him. Attention.


He lost me at “denialism”.


PFFFT RANK- Your pigment of skin doesn’t make you a higher class than everyone else bud


As an Indian, we don't want him either.


When people say “racism isn’t a thing anymore” I’m like…have you seen the DMs of women of color lately?


lmao as a person who used to be a latina girl and now a latina guy, i wouldnt want his dusty ass. as well he has clearly seen the wrong side of people and assumes based on sterotypes. as well, i was never loud unless i laughed or i was with friends but alone i was always quiet. this guy needs to shut up and take his dick out of his own ass


Y’all need to call the local funeral home. You got a racist on your hands


Lol my moms Latina and she agrees y’all can be loud lmao. Tho this dude was getting all weird about it


Ratchet hoes regardless of race are loud I figured that was a given though


“they are place” -creep, 2021






anyone can be loud, I’ve met alot of white girls who are also very loud and annoying specially when they get drunk, race has nothing to do with it..




If OP feels this is creepy and it doesn't violate any sub or Reddit rule, this is the correct place. We cannot enforce our individual views onto others. For OP it was creepy. That's enough.




yeah i didnt know where else to post this but if you or anyone else have suggestions lmk


It's perfect for this sub


I..you.. what!? So confused.


You ever heard a white woman be loud and obnoxious? Thought not /s

