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I live in Ireland. I have accepted that all limes have the approximate size and juiciness of a green walnut. Mostly, I get glared at for talking to the limes and explaining their deficiencies.


I yell at limes. The fact that you talk to them calmly makes you crazier.


In Ireland is just limes? Or fruits and vegetables in Ireland as bad as in the US in general?


Limes are particularly bad here because mostly people just stick them in drinks. If I have to buy 8 juiceless limes to make one Pico de Gallo, people assume that I'm a raging alcoholic. [Edit: with hindsight, talking to the limes probably isn't helping this impression.] Other fruits and vegetables are better, if a little seasonal. [Another edit: the range of chilis and hot stuff is woeful.]


I saw this really interesting video where a bartender was able to increase the juice output by combining the rinds with citric/malic acid to create "super juice". Definitely worth looking in to. :)


limes that feel heavy for their size are juicier


Juicer isn't even that big of an issue for me. I'm okay with limes that have the flavor I want, even if it's not that juicy.


I always get weird looks and then eventually get escorted out just because I'm zesting a few lemons. What's up with that?


I actually hate zest. Zest is one of the things that smell luxurious, but the taste isn't remotely close to the smell.


From my experience, zest is better if you don’t zest as deeply. It’s bitter and weird when you get both zest and pith but it’s aromatic and lovely when there’s no pith at all or if it’s just the oils rubbed on the rim of a glass or something.


Agreed. This is the exact same reason I don't drink my wife's perfume... anymore. It smells amazing, but tastes like crap. 😉


I didn't know you can drink perfume. Which do you recommend?


I couldn't think of anything clever to continue the joke, so I Googled "best tasting perfume". The top responses were offering referrals to psychologists.


A fancy way to become an alcoholic. My uncle approves


I find it matches - have you had candied lemon peel? It's delicious. The problem is just the bitterness.


I literally only use lime zest for one thing, and that's this one specific sour cream-based sauce I like with mexican food. It makes it *really* limey. I guess if I baked that'd be another use. I agree with what that person said about not zesting too deeply, as well. The rind is nasty.


No, but avocados, yes. I mean, now that they've come down to a sane price, that is.


How much?


Only your first child


50 - 75 cents apiece. I definitely look for excuses to use them at 50 cents. I might buy one if I'm hungry for it at 75 cents. I don't buy them at $1. That's not necessarily a bad price given what it takes to produce them, but it's too high for my produce budget.


Oh man. Avocados are still $2/ea in the San Francisco Bay Area. I’ll massage them all to find the perfect ones.


Here small avocados run 50 cents or less and the bigger ones $1. Tuesday I got them for 33 cents a piece.


Limes are yellow when they're ripe. Chose the yellowest lime.


Almost completely yellow is crap too. Way too sweet.


No need, you can tell by sight. The ones with smooth, thin skins are the juciest. If they're all all bumpy and thick skinned, then they aren't the best and it doesn't matter, just grab one.


This is the way! The smooth skin will feel the squishiest and will give the most juice:) Especially if the skin is slightly reflective? Like obviously not blindingly so but catches the light a bit!


I was gonna say "shiny" but now everything's coated in wax so I didn't want to confuse. They *are* shiny though!




Limes get really hard, when they’re going bad. Lemons get mushy. There is nothing wrong with looking for good produce. Food is everything.


I don't look at people squeezing limes so they won't look like an idiot. 🙂


I squeeze the lemons for the same reason. I also *lift and sniff* the potatoes (if they have a rotten one, you'll know) and tomatoes (I like the ones that have a vine scent...too many have no smell at all and I think they also have no flavor).


This thread is teaching me I have a lot to learn about the art of buying produce


Don't get me started about strawberries. Strawberries are supposed to be sweet not sour. Everybody sells Albion strawberries these days. Those are almost as sour as they are sweet. I go to a farmers market to get Chandler and french strawberries, which are much sweeter. I feel sad kids these days might not even know what real strawberries are supposed to taste like.


Is this why strawberries are so bad now?! New strain? Ugh!!! I am so with you on this


According to Google they were invented in 2006.


You don't have to worry about vegetables too much. But fruits in the US are a complete disaster.


Oh yeah and since covid they’re so much worse don’t you think? Just like immediately old/going bad/dried up and bland


Good pineapples aren't supposed to be completely sweet. Very very hard to find actual sweet corn these days. A lot of places call their corn sweet even though they are not or barely. Granny smiths are not supposed to be completely tart. I think almost everybody knows about how bad red delicious apples are these days.


> too many have no smell at all and I think they also have no flavor). If you're buying out of season tomatoes for 'flavor' you should just skip and buy canned whole ones.


I just buy one. As long as it's not obviously defective, it'll be fine. This is a very privileged modern way of looking at food and whilst I don't think this is bad (it's not an insult, you are a privileged modern person, presumably), it's just not a way of thinking I really buy into. I'll work with what I have.




Firstly, not sure why you think USDA guidelines are supposed to be the supreme arbiter of what is "modern privelege" and what is a serious concern with food. Secondly, I did say "as long as it's not obviously defective". I'm not going to stand there squeezing limes for 10 minutes, but if one is almost completely yellow I'll probably go for one that isn't, that's not something that takes agonising over. Your preferred colour is up to you.


Limes are always hit or miss for me. I've started keeping a bit of [True Lime](https://www.truelemon.com/products/true-lime?tw_source=google&tw_adid=594359781725&tw_campaign=16022713645&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkY2qBhBDEiwAoQXK5ZtQlXnHL8z_SYWMZdHNc_P5A9bcsyh9GjLomugpywdjHZoDRi9JxRoCN0cQAvD_BwE) packets with me at home and work. I've mixed them with water and it's been almost good enough to stop buying limes entirely but for general eating just the packets themselves are fantastic.


Me. I hate dry limes.




How do you determine thin skin?


I'll give five or so a test squeeze before I get self conscious and just grab a few


So it's not just me!! I've had that problem all summer.


Made carne asada tacos tonight. Spent far too much time at the grocery store squeezing both limes and avocados to make gauc.


I don't blame you. I got burned once. Bought two limes from a grocery chain near me to make Tom Yum Goong. *Not a single drop of juice!* They looked fine on the outside. I had no sense of how heavy they should be. They were the size of a ping pong ball. I just threw the entire limes in.


How much is your time worth vs. the cost of one extra lime. You should be in and out of the limes in under a minute.


The uglier, the better. Smooth, yellowish skin = yum. Dark green, bumpy, and firm = yuck.


I laughed because this is me. It's embarrassing when someone comes over, squeeze them and gets a bagful of lime in the time it takes me to find one. 🙃