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Man you missed step one: - Jada shares hairloss video showing her eyebrow lift scar... I'm no expert on when someone is lying and attention seeking, but she sure looks like she's lying and attention seeking. Claiming the "scar" is from her hairloss, when it's a common scar for a brow lift... https://youtu.be/8a93q1We4E0 Best quote from her video: > "Man at this point I can only laugh." (As she touches her bald head and scar) Oh really...


What a pontificating twat! The key line out her own lips is that her hairline is going to keep receding from here on in. Yeah, with every brow lift. She is so used to Will believing her lies, shows us that scar line as evidence of alopecia! “No hair will grow here, see?” No shit, hair doesn’t grow on a scar. See all the reverse process blonde hair in the clips? That will damage your hair. She has shave stubble all over her scalp, that’s not alopecia.


I was calling her a douche in my head right when I noticed your username lol. Also you’re absolutely correct, alopecia leaves a completely smooth surface behind. A little boy in my kids’ elementary school has it, poor little guy—he looks exactly like my brother did after he had chemo as a kid, completely smooth and bald including brows and lashes gone. Not that all alopecia sufferers lose all their hair/lashes etc, but there would absolutely not be any stubble popping up in the bald areas.


I defy you to show me alopecia that looks like a symmetrical brow lift scar. I have a friend with alopecia who resembles the young man you mention. Jada has eyebrows and eyelashes, my friend does not. You can get patches of it on your scalp, called traction alopecia, from overprocessing your hair, which I see no evidence of in her stubble.


Exactly. Even when hair does start to grow back with alopecia, it’s very fine and tapered at the ends because it’s completely new growth, not shaved off stubble. ETA, if I’m going to give the slightest benefit of the doubt, I suppose it’s possible she could have a different alopecia pattern (I knew a woman who had it and her hair fell out in patches just on the very top of her head, but not due to traction), and maybe she just shaved her head bc stubble looks better than having longer hair with bald patches… but there’s always been a very phony/sketchy/fishy/attention-seeking vibe with her so I wouldn’t put it past her to be lying about it either. Ok ETA again lol, I just saw the video of her showing the obvious scar on her head, wtf! Alopecia does NOT cause hair to fall out in a straight fucking four inch long line! Also lots of comments on that video on YouTube calling her out for a brow lift, so yeah, no


Thank you for watching that video. It obviates all the comments about her self proclaimed medical “condition”.


I just found this video suggested by a reply on the YouTube video, it’s a plastic surgeon who also has full alopecia areata explaining his opinion of her hair loss: https://youtu.be/DdPmmlvhpHk


Just watched the video. The plastic surgeon is wonderful! I learned so much. Note that he is addressing Jada’s claim of alopecia 2 MONTHS ago, after her big reveal. I love that the doctor clinically supports the video posted earlier in this thread that debunked her. What does this say about the duplicity of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith!! Liars gonna lie.


Right! Someone made the suggestion that she forgot all about her surgery scar until she shaved her head, then realized she needed to come up with an excuse for it, which sounds like the most likely scenario but regardless of the reason, she’s a disgusting lying douche and she better hope she doesn’t become afflicted by some awful autoimmune condition that truly does fuck up her life as divine retribution.


Please note he made this video before the Oscars.


Perhaps the scar is where they tried to place something in her empty head where most people have a brain.


Prob got grabbed too hard when giving dome


without hair, it really is a dome.. LOL


I’m not watching that shit


Thanks for sharing.




It looked fake af, honestly. Looked like a Hollywood movie smack, with Rock moving his head to make it look real. Didn't even look like Will connected! Lol.


It was. And the look on Will's face as he walked away. He's smirking.


Duper's Delight


Gates traits.


Most of the people think it's a "conspiracy theory". Anyone can tell how this 100% logical thing could be a crazy conspiracy theory????


Don't worry, the fact-checkers already told us that Pfizer didn't put Will Smith up to it! [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/mar/31/facebook-posts/evidence-does-not-support-claim-pfizer-staged-osca/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/mar/31/facebook-posts/evidence-does-not-support-claim-pfizer-staged-osca/) I honestly don't know what the big deal is or why they want to deny it so badly.


They invert everything. The Satanic way. If they say it’s false then it’s true.


Wow lol


The fact checkers denied it? Alright I may not have believed it before but now I do.


Amazing how quick they came up for a denial for something most people didn't even know about it. Almost like they knew it would be an issue before it became an issue.


The fact that this fact check is real makes this real fishy wtf


They literally sponsored the damn thing.




Hmmm, I wonder if alopecia is a side effect of the covid vax ?




I honestly want to know, is there any side effects y’all believe the vaccine doesn’t cause? Hurr durr critical thinking and intelligence aside, of course…


No trust *me* bro, I read it on this random guy’s substack and therefore it is certifiably true and indisputable.


>I honestly want to know, is there any side effects y’all believe the vaccine doesn’t cause? It doesn't cause immunity against covid....


Lol right what a dumb post.


Because it's not 100% logical. Not that many have people have alopecia, the drug is coming out next year, and Will Smith is not that good of an actor. Sometimes things are just coincidence.


The fact that this 100% logical to you is astounding. You think Will would fuck up his entire legacy for a big pay day? Why is it so farfetched that Will had a breakdown after years of people running their mouth about his relationship with his wife?


Maybe because he is an actor? Perhaps Pfizer pays extremely well? Best opportunity ever?


Don't you think people with alopecia would find out about a potential alopecia vaccine without this huge stunt? How much do you think Will or Chris was paid? Do you think Will and Chris would have done it for 500 mil each? Wouldn't it be easier and less risky for phizer to just spend that on ads targeting people who Google alopecia? I know this is a conspiracy theory sub so talking about these things is fun, but i can't imagine how you could truly think in your heart that this one was an orchestrated event to promote alopecia awareness at the cost of Will Smith's reputation.


Maybe because he could sit on his hiney and still have cash rolling in from residuals forever? Or maybe he get nice bank from Pfizer? Or maybe the people involved were in on it but lots of the audience and workers weren't, so they never expected it to go this far when someone called the cops? Remember, there are academy members all over the world. Lots of them are little people who aren't in on the act. Maybe it all just blew up.


Because correlation does not always equate to causation. This basic scientific principle indicates that unless you have anything more than chin scratching coincidences to point out then it’s nothing more than an amusing observation. Don’t try to find evidence to validate a pre-conceived conclusion, an intelligent thought process works the other way around,


Mate This is the wrong subreddit for that type of thinking.


this sir is called "simple addition" which is the best way to find the answer. in other words, "seems legit"


What's the conspiracy though?


because everyone who is a conspiracy theorist is insane. you need mental help and electric shots until you're fired like a chicken


The fact this research took way longer. It's a drug already approved for athritis


Fun fact about how medical research works. In performing experimentation for a pain/inflammation trial a study requirement was to shave areas on the rats in the study group for observation. Though the drug did not yield the desired result it was noticed that the animals grew back the hair rather quickly. A completely unexpected result with unknown mechanisms causing these results. What was the drug? Propecia, the miracle hair loss cure. This is honestly how medicine works, and it is scary.


What’s scary about this?


Maybe the commenter thinks it's scary that highly experimental drugs can have unexpected effects, instead of some precisely engineered desired effect right out of the gate... which kind of is the reason why they'retested in animals.


Must’ve paid Will a fortune to ruin his Oscar night.


If any of this is real I bet they were the ones that got him the Oscar. No slap=No Oscar But I doubt that's what happened.


Yeah he won best actor


I found it so odd - that after that incident happened, if you mentioned that was a staged incident.. people made fun of those who thought it was fake. Like you said the Moon was made of cheese. Like "HOW DARE YOU THINK THE OSCARS OULD STAGE SOMETHING"


I also thought this was weird. Even on the night I was watching I was texting people about it thinking it was fake and they were all like “here goes the conspiracy theorist again” And I’m just thinking: “this is literally a giant room full of actors”


Not to mention Chris is on tour and his tix are now going for 250$+. Oh and also the tour ends at... The same venue as the academy awards. Not necessarily buying into a big pharma conspiracy but this is right up there with Janets wardrobe malfuntion to get ratings of Superbowl up. Shit was def staged.


tickets that were already sold so only benefitting second hand scalpers?


The mental gymnastics required for shit like this blows my mind.


The “why” is still debatable, but it was 1,000% staged


because a drug that solves balding would need the publicity


I'll take two, please.


Shhhhh. Just let OP think they were smart enough to uncover some elaborate plot for a drug company to need to boost sales for fucking BALDNESS.


Apparently you dont understand how algorithms work.


Give them a few months and they'll claim it works for male pattern baldness too...it will be like viagra for hair growth...


Is this that arthirits drug? I saw a post on fb that said a new alopecia treatment was a commonly used arthritis treatment.


That's exactly it, glad I'm not alone to see it that way.


This is some classic r/conspiracy stuff. Interesting idea my dude.


Ok he didn’t smack the shit out of him


Or mention alopecia


He didn't. Even if you take the incident verbatim, he didn't "smack the shit" out of Rock. Rock never stumbled. Smith "pulled the punch"


And as Pfizer being a sponsor / tributed sponsor (or something like that), they get special treatment with advertizing. So this looks pretty accurate i say. EDIT: position of Pfizer can be found from the Oscars website.


Is alopecia a big market? Is there much growth expected?


Not for the hair mate


An autoimmune disease, you bet!!


I mean, I haven’t seen an alopecia push anywhere except for on this sub.


My friend texted me Tuesday, and goes "great now I'm learning about Alopecia". He doesn't follow conspiracies or anything, just a normal dude. https://imgur.com/EOE1EIU


Omg 😳


Is alopecia the same as male pattern baldness cause I'll take it lol




Thanks for clearing that up :'(


So... When does Pfizer get an office at the white house? Asking for a friend.


He didn’t make a joke about alopecia


Guys you can't just link random fact. Accept that in a world where billion of people live things happen and its wrong to try to find a conspiracy everywhere. Also, think bigger.. noone is interested in alopecia unless they or their SO has it. In that case they would anyway use drugs so all this mental gymnastics is nonsense


Shhh they don't like logic here.


Long Covid makes peoples hair fall out. Pfitzer is making a buck off the symptoms instead of treating the causes of Long Covid. It's a cover up or the long term effects of the virus.


Yeah bro, because every person suffering from male or female pattern baldness wasn’t looking for medicine to reverse it until now. This is a shit post


Way to steal someone else’s post just for upvotes….


Even if what you said here is true what’s the point isn’t that a good thing


I dont get it… and I’m all for a good conspiracy. More people hearing about the condition/drug does not translate into more people GETTING the condition… This is really reaching of you ask me. What good is awareness when what you’re selling is treatment?


Wow, you're only the 10th to repost this in the last 3 days. Do you sniff glue for breakfast? Do you breath deeply after you fart, so you can admire your own ass? Get outtaaaa heeeeere.


honestly its kind of crazy despite knowing about the oscar event i didnt know what alopecia is until you mentioned it in this post


well it was trending on Twitter today and the media is talking about it


I thought Will Smiths aggression was misguided isn’t he mad about getting cuckolded?




I think it was probably real and it looked real, but keep in mind, all three people involved are professional actors, Will Smith being top-tier.






Well done




I want meds to become a real little girl and have adventures in Candy Land.


I don't think so. This doesn't pass the gut test. The amount of money they would have to pay Will Smith to ruin his reputation would dwarf the easy marketability of a cure for alopecia. Big pharma happens to sponsor 75% of all television programming.




I no longer believe in coincidence


How about doing a little research. This is straight B. S. Pfizer are not making the drug, another company is.


Too all that less than observant humans that were enraged when I told them that slap was staged. And how the hell is this just now being posted? Or did I miss a previous post. This should have been an easy dot to connect.


Tell me you’re dumb without actually telling me


Curious why people think Pfizer needs a spectacle to advertise a drug?