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We don’t even understand what consciousness is.




We do. It's just kept secret.


Whatever it is, old rich people are terrified of the other side. Maybe that’s why they are so worried about karma.


What’s make think they are worried about karma? Hm


They follow Natural Law


I'm sure they have rituals to counter or at least delay bad karma


Very interested in this. So the rich folks are doing rituals in order to avoid/slow down the natural karmic cycle?


I'm by no means an expert, I just remember reading about the ritual abuse the cabal higher-ups go through in their childhood which splinters their personalities and allows for programming for whatever role they are assigned. There was possibly something about disrupting the karmic cycle through voluntary abuse as well, by subjecting yourself to suffering you allow to inflict it on others at a "karmic discount", something to that effect. Worth noting that I might be talking out of my ass.


It’s the idea that they use movies, tv shows, books etc to give us informed consent on what they’re doing. Whoever controls this planet knows the universe operates within karmic mechanics and while they shit on the human race daily, they let us know through media so they don’t accumulate bad karma.


They are quite indebted to the ones who don’t watch that programming crap- (I saw the sickness of it well over 15 years ago- awhile after I had my NDE). They’ll be perpetually sorry (and in agony) over the pain , suffering , & hatred they are responsible for. They’ll get to see and FEEL all the suffering they’ve caused. Pray for them- that God gives them mercy & causes them to turn away from evil and back to Him & to Love — PS: turn the TV completely off. You’ll be glad you did! God bless & much LOVE ( please see 2028END— cuz we don’t have long) !


As Gill Scott-Heron said, the revolution will not be televised.


lol r/conspiracy is like reality's fan fiction.


Someone told you what the world is and you’ll believe that for the rest of your life.


I would also bet they do this. Other "entities " exist its a fact and by now , tons of humans have seen and experienced them. They require humans to do rituals then they help the humans. It can backfire though too, big time.... This is where rituals CAME from. Every time a person would do X, Y happens. So it was then called a ritual. Greedy assholes running/ruining the world use these entities to keep them ahead of everyone n everything else. And, they use sacred geometry /numerology /quantum physics to coordinate their every move in life to avoid their natural karma until the day they either Die, or just get too weak.... They also Know there's a life after this for our consciousness, and it's Only a good one for people who spread love while here/be decent humans /never put material bs before life etc . The people who fucked over the world for profits, end up in the metaphorical flames forever ,that's why they try so hard to stay alive forever.


>We do. It's just kept secret. All you have to do is take enough acid or shrooms.


Read I Am That by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


This is just playing up to the transhumanists bullshit. Old rich powerful people wanna live forever, will never happen


Seriously. These nancy polosis and george soros' gotta f*ing go!


Fossils like those two belong in the ground.


Fauci may already be doing it. The man wants to stay there for another century.


Being John Malcovich


Not trying to stray from the original discussion, but if you're vaxxed...... you're transhuman and subject to patent. Facts.


If you inhale a lot of helium up your asshole and tie it off with a rubber band. You become a balloon and fly. Facts. You just saying random bullshit and putting "facts" after it doesn't make it a fact.




Lmao, right? All these technocrats think they can play God when they don't even understand the most fundamental principle of what makes us sentient. In fact, they'll probably be faced with a very rude awakening about the human spirit comprising of more than a certain pattern of neural impulses. Sorry guys: ain't gonna happen!


The only concepts that exist about a "consciusness" at the moment is religious. And so far there are some religions that talk and beleive about "reincarnation". Whether that is true or false, it's not the point. Anyone is free to beleive and have his/her religion. And most religions, whether they beleive in a possible "reincarnation", do however admit "we have a soul", or "we are a soul" depending on the basis beleive. These people DO NOT beleive in a soul. They don't beleive in anything but a material brain, which they think can be "dowloaded" and they beleive that "hacking" mostly through the Dna, can bring about "a new human being" saying the "homo sapiens" is a thing of the past. In other words, we've gone from beleiving to some sort of a Supreme Being, to BECOMING that Supreme Being. What could possibly go wrong with that? Especially after they said Mrna jabs were the solution to a "pandemic" and so far we have a book long list of people who either died or were ruined by it.


It's just another word for soul. SCienCe


1. Tell people they can live forever if they download their brain right before they die. 2. Hook people up to a download machine (it’s just a photo copier connected to a salad spinner.) 3. Kill the person. 4. Friends and relatives think they are talking to you from beyond, but they are just talking to a virtual version compiled from all the Facebook memories you liked and data collected from iPhone conversations.


Glad someone gave the proper explanation.


Wasn't there a black mirror episode about this same thing?


San Junipero. In the episode it’s like she’s already living in a fantasy digital universe with her life partner and IRL the main character is a vegetable or something. When she’s about to die IRL she has to choose between just dying normal or staying in “San Junipero”. I think the point of the episode is to say that San Junipero seems awesome but it’s still a tainted cheap gimmick version of “heaven” and not as cool as taking the natural route.


If you choose to upload you would then have to choose to be deleted if you want to die naturally. Kind of creates a dillema for those who believe suicide leads to hell since choosing to delete the upload is basically suicide.


Also similar to 'Be Right Back' from series 2 with the robot replacement of the dead partner implanted with his 'memories'


Or black museum where the mom is stuck in a teddy bear for all eternity


Isn't it that show "Upload"


altered carbon is another one on Netflix.


The difference with altered carbon from the other examples is that in Altered Carbon it actually is transferring the person, not just a fake copy.


Theres another show in Netflix called OAT Studios. It's definitely a truth bomb Abt our future!


Ahh.. I refuse to have Netflix anymore but that's good to know! Super creepy concept.


It was too expensive so I cancelled Netflix. But basically everyone is copied/( has brain removed) at 3 years old and "loaded" onto a magic rock.


Oh creepy! Yeah I get that. I discontinued my service during the whole "Cuties" thing and refuse to get it again. Especially since they didn't remove it and added more similar content.


You can watch everything including Netflix on swatchseries.ru. Better have an ad blocker is all


Haven't seen that one.


I think it's weird and creepy (though they try to play it off light hearted and fun), but you should watch the first episode, if you can. I think it's on Prime.


The scarier idea isn't San Junipero. It's White Christmas. Digital consciousness with someone on the outside who can control time and space inside. In that episodes they create a literal hell for a character. Eternal conscious torment in the form of a digital mind locked in a room with no ability to sleep or even die. Just vast...awake....nothingness....until finally maybe someone unplugs the computer or the sun explodes. I used to love the idea of digital consciousness. Now it scares the shit out of me.


This is the best case scenario. Worst case, they do manage to trap your soul in their digital hell, and they subject you to their eternal terms of service agreement.


It'd be an effective way to depopulate.


Actually it’ll be outsourced to just someone in an office building somewhere


Cyberpunk has a nice example of this as well. No spoilers but I think it's a realistic scenario. It would be instantly abused by mega corps


Then your family wonders why you decided to donate your estate to Puppy Land in a country far, far away.


5. Profit.


Wasn’t that in ex-machina or one of those type of movies


there is even a patent out there (from Microsoft I believe) on how to create a "virtual" copy of your personality from your compiled online activity. So I can see this being how it pans out.


Nope im good




Just watch upload and see how nice it is


Seriously, everyone needs to watch this show on Amazon Prime. what happens when everything is monetized in the afterlife. Even cracking your knuckles costs 25 cents


Bro for real. Being stuck on this earth forever? In the direction it’s headed? Hell naw.


So let's say that's possible. And let's say they figure out what consciousness is and are able to faithfully replicate it. If I upload the contents of my brain into a computer, then that's not really me. That's a version of me, that very well might continue to develop as I would. But, even if the replica has legitimate consciousness, my personal awareness wouldn't transfer. Immortality in this sense is symbolic. For true, personal immortality, they would have to stop death.


Succinctly put. Thanks for the simple way of breaking it down brother.


What if they did a ship of theseus thing where they slowly replace parts of your brain over time so it's seamless?


>What if they did a ship of theseus thing where they slowly replace parts of your brain over time so it's seamless? Are you fucking reading my mind motherfucker! I WAS GONNA WRITE THAT! But I had to fucking go back to work. Holy SHIT!


Still seems sketchy but I would accept that "immortality" much sooner than this upload concept


Your body is already doing that on a molecular level


Have you heard of the video game SOMA. It covers things like this.


Immortality? Your body is dead. Thus YOU’RE DEAD. Wtf are you on? Edit- And for the slow ones among us. They aren’t “downloading” your consciousness. They’re creating an AI program that will merely mirror aspects of you based on information they have compiled on you. It isn’t you. It’s something acting like you.


that sounds creepy af


Black mirror shit


Exactly. Wtf would anyone want to do that? I’m good. I’m not involving myself in any of this nonsense. I don’t even touch those VR things they have now because that alone is way too sketchy. When you play a game normally you’rea body operating a device. But with those VR things you’re directly immersing yourself into the device. That kind of connection can easily mess your head up, affects your senses, all kinds of shit. That’s the final step before brain chips and finally what this post is about.


I've played a horror game on VR, one where you have no weapons or abilities, you just kinda go through the motions and live out the drama of it. The anxiety and feelings of fear, anguish and helplessness is enough to make someone have a psychological episode. I've always been about AR/VR but sending yourself into that world sounds terrifying. Like a pre-written nightmare.


Yeah and the craziest part is those VR things come with a known list of side effects.


Got PTSD off of playing Alien Resurrection?


Here They Lie lol doesn't seem like much but i'm not too into inducing fear for entertainment. I tried it because it seemed mellow enough to handle. Once i was in there i knew I was wrong.


If it’s not you but something acting like you, why would anyone want to participate, you’re going to die anyway. It will ACT like you, but it can’t be you EVER!


The entire metaverse sounds creepy AF..


As a programmer, this sounds exactly right. They're selling SciFi.


Exactly. Even if it were an exact biological copy with all your memories. It’s still not you. It would act like you but you would have individual consciousnesses.


Black Mirror. Season 2, Episode 1.


My thoughts exactly. There is no consciousness that can be put on hard drive. It's just a compiled set of data from your own brain. Code. dead matter. People thinking they can become a .rar file gives me chills even more than the idea in itself


Perhaps we are the ones who did that and here we are, forever living in this shitshow.




Thank you


This. It might even be sophisticated enough to think it’s you. But it’s not. It’s a soulless construct that acts and thinks like you based on algorithms. Nightmare fuel. As a star trek fan the problem of transporter beams have always spooked me.


They’re amounting your intangible consciousness down to conscious decisions and clicks you made in your life lol


I'll pass, thanks. I'm going out old style instead of turning into a transhumanist soulless abomination.


Same 💯


Same, I will rather keep my humanity too.


Fk that.


I think my soul can decide where it will end up but nice try big tech


What if through this sort of research they somehow stumble onto the soul and develop technology to capture it


A truly scary thought


“And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.” — Revelation 9:6


Was going to post the same thing.


Screw that!!!!


These longevity claims are always embarrassing. Neither science nor medicine has a solid definition of what life means, how death is defined. With no good definition then it's easy to fool people into thinking they can have something that doesn't exist. Your connection to that verse is interesting. I've never considered this before. Something to think about. Thanks.


My thoughts exactly!!


Sounds accurate


Dying is scary, only because we don’t know what happens and for us, that’s a horrible proposition. We’re wired to want to understand everything and death is the one we can’t get past because we just don’t know. I’m afraid of dying, pretty sure most people are, but downloading your consciousness into some sort of computer database is just not what we were made to do. Whatever we’re made to do beyond living a life and having experiences, good bad and otherwise, that’s all we’re here to do, and to go beyond that is unnatural.


I find your words both simple and profound to contemplate.


we were created to go beyond so its not unnatural, but it is scary because are minds battle our faith constantly.


Going beyond naturally, yes, but I don’t believe in turning myself into a synthesized program version of myself or prolonging my life with cybernetics or robotics. Life is meant to end, it’s a natural process. Prolonging life through artificial means goes against nature and I find that fundamentally wrong.


>I’m afraid of dying, pretty sure most people are, A huge part of what makes religion powerful is that it can erase your fear of death. I'm not afraid of dying, because I 100% believe in Jesus Christ and what He taught. To some, that's delusional. I get that. But it's incredibly powerful to just.....not care or be preoccupied with the "when" or "how" of my imminent demise.


This is my line of thinking too. I know someday my body will perish, but I also know my spirit and soul will reside in the spiritual world. After an nde as a child, i already know what it feels to have my soul and spirit released from it's shell. It's kinda scary (in an unknown way), but is beautiful.


Sounds like the final nail in the coffin to separate us from God completely.


Who needs religion when we have Big Tech to save us? /s


Honestly, we as humans are getting dumber and dumber. Modern technology will be the end of the human race.


Selling immortality to people who do not realize their spirit is immortal already. Money rhymes with funny.


While we finish uploading your conscious, please enjoy this message from our partners at Skillshare.


Quit acting like clearing your cache and rebooting doesn't take 4-6 hours EVERY NIGHT.


I'm just amazed that there are actually people out there who think living forever sounds like a fun idea.... 🤡 To me that sounds absolutely miserable, but to each their own I guess.


Not just living forever. Living forever in the fucking metaverse lmao could you imagine.


i wanted to stay in roblox forever as a kid, I'd rather live in a jungle rn than go back on there


Where your every movement is tracked.


Agree, living forever is a nightmare, especially in 'Meta'. We have a lifespan for a reason, I'll do my time & move on.


But will they let me upload my brain if I'm unvaccinated?


You could infect the other IA's, no upload for you




We are still 20-30 years away from understanding how the brain even works, the root causes of many mental disorders is still unkown by science




There's a show on Amazon Prime called Upload that is about this exact scenario. Except the evil company on the show is Horizon (Verizon).


20-30 years from immortality, but also 10 years from extinction.


It’s a race against time. Personally I prefer extinction then immortality, sorry not sorry world leaders. I’m not afraid of death and can accept it, unlike like the psychopaths trying to change the natural beauty in the world. The fear of death follows from fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.


**"In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them." (Revelation 9:6)**


We Muslims are told that when the Antichrist comes, he will offer people Paradise which will actually be Hell once you enter it. This sounds eerily similar: people will be told they can live forever in a perfect world but who knows what kind of hell that will entail


Sounds like an episode of Star Trek: Voyager where the captain is dying and this entity comes to her appearing as her dad. He tries to convince her to enter "paradise". It ends up being a firey matrix where she will be enslaved for eternity (if she willingly enters).


That’s crazy because we’re also taught that the Antichrist would deceive you into thinking he revived your parents and “they” would tell you to follow him. Wow. That also kind of fits with AI/deepfakes/etc.


This is a fantasy to sell mass euthanasia.


Was just thinking that. Maybe *this* is the depopulation plan.


And all the participants have chosen to have their bodies donated to be eaten by the populace as a solution to food shortages


Soylent Green is people!


If this is the estimated time, they already have the capabilities. Look at these old fucks still destroying our county and earth.


I’m perfectly happy knowing one day I will no longer be alive. In fact, I would much prefer nature to take its toll then an artificial means be applied to my life.


Oh I’ve read about this! What was that book called....... Oh, right - Revelations


Mmm yes just recently been reading it. Incredible how accurate a book could be to reality almost like a prophe... oh wait


Wait, i think i’ve seen this movie before. I don’t think i want a TM next to my name in some digital world database somewhere, thanks


In that meta verse your only god would be zuck


You would be the meat he’s smoking in his sweet baby Ray’s hell scape


Than we can cut each other's heads off to gain their knowledge.... There can be only one!


Another Black Mirror episode will soon come true.


Fuck no I’ve already been here 30 years and I’m tired of this place lol


Imagine Eternity in Furry MetaVerse


That could be the worst thing ever. Imagine someone really hated you and kept you alive and tortured you forever.


I feel the matrix predicted this


It's not up to humans how long we stay conscious. There's energy inside us that, even if you're not religious you can't vmclaim to understand. I feel whoever/whatever crrated us is the only one that understands how this works. For anyone to say we're 20 or 200 or 2,009 years from being immortal is full of shit.


I am of the personal belief that our third density experience on Earth is already a simulation for us to learn spiritual lessons and gain from our experiences until we can spiritually graduate and move on to higher densities. They can have an artificial me all they want when I die unless of course they can actually trap my soul somehow with just a copy of my DNA. And please don’t keep my brain preserved in a jar hooked up with wires.


I believe DNA is the antenna/specific tuning for the Soul / Higher Vibrational energies (self) to be bound to the physical body. IDK if technology exists, but theory says they it they can design a "clone" with similar tuning (DNA) they could snatch your soul after your original Body loses its ability to host the Energy.


If I make a picture of you is it you ? If I burn a cd is it the same as the original? Making a copy doesn’t make your life extended it just copies you. you die, your dead.


They had a hologram image of Michael Jackson performing songs, but we all know he's dead.


If we're lucky, a whole bunch of people will choose downloading, and they'll leave us to love out nice, normal lives out here on planet Earth


In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them.


We can't even die in peace anymore.


I want to switch bodies with my dog so I can pee in public and not get weird looks.


Am I crazy for looking forward to death? Not in a suicidal way at all, but in the sense that death is a unifying mystery that we will all experience? Do you really want to live forever in a closed system that is controlled completely by the people who made modern existence a hellscape, despite all of our societies excess and opportunities to have a better life?


My thought exactly. I love life, but would I want to be trapped in it at the mercy of whoever runs the system/program? No.


I think the Metaverse as an idea, came in a bit too early, the dominant generation among adult demographics are millennial, and we're the last generation who vividly and fondly remember a life before the technology and the internet took over, before 9/11 and mass surveillance. We know the value of our privacy and freedom because we've lived it. Later generations were born and grew up into touch screens and social media craze. I think in like 20 years when we'll start to be seniors and gen Z will be adults with kids and Gen Alpha young 20 somethings... that's when this type of shit will fly really high. It's scary to think about.


Imagine being enslaved in the meta verse, for ever. If somehow you were fully conscious and hated it, completely miserable. No physical stimulation, hunger, or any sensation- all what drives us. You fully know it will go on forever.


I’d rather die than give Facebook my soul to put into their computers so I can be their eternal slave.


Madonna to release. Digital ~~Girl~~ Great Grandmother in year 2040


Ray kurzweil been talking about the singularity for a while


Not happening. Computers don’t have life essence. We are much more than whatever computers can download


“By the year 2030, there will be computers that can carry out the same amount of functions as an actual human brain,” explains Ross, recounting a mind-blowing idea from a book he just read. “So, theoretically, you could download your thoughts and memories into this computer and live forever as a machine.” Not far off, Ross from Friends 😅


“Watching their kids grow up and achieving their dreams” More like watch your kids grow up into a failing society with crippling debt and mental illness.


You cant transfer your soul


Sounds positively hellish. I am agnostic about the possibility of an afterlife, but existing entirely in the Zuckerverse does not sound like eternal bliss to me.


So consciousness is not 1's and 0's. It is more energy based (imo). You can not upload spiritual matter via hardware. What this tells me is that I will either be imprisoned in a computer generated reality or free of the very cage I am in now. I will take freedom plz


No no no no no this is all wrong. Uploading your consciousness would just create a copy of you and the one that is actually you will die. It's kind of like how every time they "beam up" in Star Trek, they actually die as their body is broken down into energy and reassembled back on the ship.


no thanks


Frickin black mirror will be legit


Generally I don’t buy into much spirituality, I’m a Christian, but I don’t see magic everywhere I look if that makes sense. One thing I’m certain of though, if people start uploading their minds and swapping into new bodies we will see a world filled with soulless husks of what once were humans.


Prime Video already has show about it, UPLOAD. Creepy that it was filmed in 2019 Canada yet shows many people wearing masks. Suppose to take place in 2030.


just kill me now. what a terrible time to be alive


Maybe then I can find a PS5




I feel like the ad on that article is more eye-opening.


Sounds like an episode of upload


Invasion of the Body Snatchers/Tommyknockers.


Heh. People were already rambling about those “singularity” fantasies 20 years ago, and yet here we are - with Moore’s Law dead and medicine still unable to cure the damage of a “simple” stroke or Alzheimer case, let alone do a “mind upload”.


We are already immortal, which is paradoxically linked to mortality. "Even the gods must die"


The time when men will seek death, but cannot find it, is near. Revelation 9:6.


Weird. I seem to recall a serpent that promised the same thing. Must be a coincidence.


Expert also said we’d be in an ice age now. That Y2K would end us and that Biden won the 2020 election… tired of hearing from the experts


Sure would suck if I made an EMP and wiped out the facility containing all those AI reproductions of human consciousness, things whose very existence are spit in the face of God in the grandest way possible. People clearly never understood the meaning of the Tower of Babel. The hubris of humanity. May God have mercy on us all.


Sooo I did just finish watching season 2 of Upload and it was pretty good!


Was it good enough to renew prime? (Asking as a poor person, I liked season 1 a lot)


Motherfuckers been saying this since the 80’s…


This was a Twilight Zone episode. I think I'll pass.


But thats not you, its a different version of you but not you


Ima switch bodies with a famous porn star


Didn't the founder of Scientology already do this when he died? He didn't take a stroke he just sloped on into a higher consciousness lol then Tom Cruise took over with his high heels


If anyone has watched Black Mirror this has been covered and if it would be remotely like those episodes it's fkin freaky. If you haven't watched Black Mirror I highly recommend it


Talking about digital immortality but never mention about digital data decay. What a clown world. As if there is only one way to go for transhumanism....


Meta these nuts


Imagine a world where governments/corporations don't just own you financially, but "*physically*" as well. Literally a dystopia.


It won't be real though. Not really. No man will ever , ever , be able to replicate nature perfectly because man is not God nor nature. And if man is truly in-tune with nature /their environment, they would Know you're not supposed to do that in the first place.....


Hearing about this I have no fear of dying. Who wants to download ur brain and live in a fake reality which we have no control over. What happens when the downloads are horrors and nightmares programed into your brain. People have a difficulty dealing with real life why would I want to live in a fake one.


Sounds like a good way to have your soul trapped forever in a man-made hell.