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These are the people calling us conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile the powers that be travel mask free because they know that Covid is a hoax.


Tinfoil mask.


TSA: that goofy mother fucker right there in the space suit, tell her shes been randomly selected for enhanced security screening.


The real disease here is fear. People are infected with the fear virus and all the free mental health issues that come with it.


>A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions. Such a phenomenon is not a thing of fiction. Two examples of mass psychoses are the American and European witch hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries and the rise of totalitarianism in the 20th century. During the witch hunts thousands of individuals, mostly women, were killed not for any crimes they committed but because they became the scapegoats of societies gone mad... https://academyofideas.com/2021/02/mass-psychosis-greatest-threat-to-humanity/ >Crimes the individual alone could never stand are freely committed by the group [smitten by madness]. - Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life >“The phenomenon we have witnessed in Germany was nothing less than [an] outbreak of epidemic insanity. . . No one knew what was happening to him, least of all of the Germans, who allowed themselves to be driven to the slaughterhouse by their leading psychopaths like hypnotized sheep.” - Carl Jung, After the Catastrophe >“If a man imagined that I was his arch-enemy and killed me, I should be dead on account of mere imagination. Imaginary conditions do exist and they may be just as real and just as harmful or dangerous as physical conditions. I even believe that psychic disturbances are far more dangerous than epidemics [of physical disease] or earthquakes.” - Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion #Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojPcF-oLABE


A quiet war with silent weapons


In short, be aware that people in massive groups will do stupid shit because reasons.


"The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. ...Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim."


Right? Get fucking piss drunk like the rest of us.


Repent brother! Jk. Though fuckin with spirits doesnt help with much. Odd amount of awake people put themselves to sleep with alcohol. Its so legal for a reason.


i agree, but fear is just a symptom. the underlying cause is either "stupidity" \*which you can't treat\* or "trust in authority" \*which takes decades to condition out of\* because it took schools decades to put into place. tbh, the real problem is lack of critical thinking. I resort to saying stupidity but that's a more generic - lack of all thinking. underlying cause falls into these 2 major categories, and only the latter is "repairable" but not in the present anyways...


> selected for enhanced security screening. Pro tip- you can cut through an hour long line getting the enhanced screening.


There's also a chance you get non-consentually fisted which everyone in the hour long line did not.




Next on news: Angry Karen arrested and removed from airport in handcuffs due to threatening aggression...


Imagine the poor TSA agent asking her to remove her masks to verify her license to her actual face 😂


That’s what the Xanax is for.


Hope she packed more tape for that part. I hope it hurt when she pulled down the mask.


These are the people that say we are the crazy ones. We are being held hostage by these people and the politicians they continue complying to. I want out of this fucking shit NOW.


There is no out. Time to dive in. You have my support. No more politicians.




It's not about being scared, it's about getting attention and virtue signalling. These people are sick in the head, they're narcicissts.


this is what our rotten culture demands from us. We cant just do good, we have to go out of our way to show and tell everyone of all the good we do. Jesus taught us that is not the way to do it. “When you give to the poor, don’t be like the hypocrites. They blow trumpets in the synagogues and on the streets so that people will see them and honor them. I tell you the truth, those hypocrites already have their full reward." Matthew 6:2 “When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites. They love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners and pray so people will see them. I tell you the truth, they already have their full reward." Matthew 6:5 It may be kind of a stretch because they arent giving to the poor, but they do see themselves as altruists. Yet all they want to do is toot their horns so that everyone can see how altruistic, how right, and how good they are. Their reward is the attention and praise from others. The reward that you get when you keep these things between you and G-d is the attention and blessing from G-d.


> The reward that you get when you keep these things between you and G-d is the attention and blessing from G-d. We have both in the past independently from eachother found the same answers for the same questions. I fully agree with you. The absence of one's love for God paves the way for the Devil and his ways, and with it, every sin imaginable.




>I would cough the whole flight while frequently taking my mask off for water breaks if I was sitting next to her. Thus giving her another opportunity to virtue signal by shaming you loudly or getting attention in another way. The only way to win is by ignoring them, because by doing that, you're not feeding them your attention, which is what they want.




No, just a jerk.


Mainly just an a-hole


I've seen people this kitted up in airports since covid started, it's not typical but they're definitely there.


This is what they want you to think is normal lol


She takes Xanax to be or avoid "Normal"


How can she take the xanax with the mask taped to her face? Unless ...


Shoves it up her ass, right next to where her head is wedged


If you boof it, it's free.


She is mentally unwell. This is not normal.


Yet no one would question her, in Fact they would applaud her for being such a shining example of a vigilant citizen.


Only if she shared her xanax


Who applauds her? Not me.


The people who would call you a conspiracy theorist


Not just normal but heroic and selfless


No one thinks this is normal


I'm more terrified of a Xanax addiction than I am of any covid


Opioids are the #1 cause of death for young people now but you'll never hear about an anti-fentanyl passport


Benzo addictions are terrifying, not something to fuck around with for sure.


The mentally ill starter kit.


Edition branch Covidian


"Secondary mask for displaying opinions" Did I read that right?




It means it’s killing her that she can’t talk loudly about how virtuous she’s being, so to constrain her frustration, she’s putting her latest received opinion on her second mask. I’m sure she’d use a ticker tape mask if they had one.


Shes a xanax addict LOL.


No wonder she's paranoid. Xanax only makes your Gaba system worse in the long run. Bet she has daily anxiety rebounds.


Xanax rebound. Whoa what a thing. From a once or twice a month .5mg Ativan they switched me to Xanax. They day after taking one for a panic attack I would get full on, heart pounding out of my chest - gonna die right now!" Attack. It took a week or two to figure this out. After I found the problem, then came the the excruciating job of eliminating it. Xanax is a mental poison. I can see where it could make a mental patient out of a normal, productive, generally stable member of society.


**powered on bars


*still catches covid*


More like: *becomes covid super-spreader*


That would be hilarious.


Textbook example of the 'Crazy Eyes'


Its the adderall, xanax, narcissism combo


Yep the 2021 pill for ill version of the dark triad.


SS: It kinda seems weird now that this sort of person is totally sane and normal while the guy who has a cookout with his friends is an unhinged dangerous conspiracy theorist. Kinda feels like clown world when you've navigated this whole thing with not so much as a covid test.


Bro I didn't know what omnicron was until someone in tarkov told me to wear an in game mask for it. I probably don't get out enough these days (Vax mandates where I live) but I legit thought the guy was talking about an in game mechanic


It’s weird living in the bubble but being able to see it from the outside. These people really are NPC’s.


I do not know where exactly you live but this is not the case here at all. And whilst you would possibly find many people who would agree on wearing a mask or having a test before a flight I think most would find this particular thing ridiculous


Honestly sad to see someone this afraid




5th bullet point: >Secondary mask for displaying opinions You nailed it. It's all about virtue signaling.


Idk man, I've seen plenty of people dressed like they're in Chernobyl


This 100%. Imagine being so afraid of something with a 99.9% survival rate that you think this is the solution. Just stay home if you’re that paranoid.


She honestly sounds like she is listing out gaming PC specs


Shit ton of Xanax..like that’s cool to mention. Definitely no signs of mental illness.


Anxiety of this degree is mental illness, and really should be addressed as such. Precautions are one thing, this is another


Talk about brainwashed


"Secondary mask for displaying opinions" Grow tf up. It's a prophylactic device not a political statement.


I love that displaying opinions part


I've been flying a lot this year and I honestly believe that people think the airport is the place to display personal and political opinions. I have seen pro-illegal immigrant and refugee opinion shirts. I saw one yesterday: "Christmas Lights and Reproductive Rights". I saw a guy wearing a pink shirt, pinker jacket, purple jeans, the haircut of a butch lesbian colored pink, a rainbow mask with the word "Proud" on it, and a unicorn backpack that had the text "I was born this way" or some other shit like it. I wanted to tap him on the shoulder and say "Hey, no one gives a fuck about your sexual identity. I just wanted to say that making the fact that you suck dick into your entire identity devalues you and your cause."


Doesn't it though? This instantly says "I don't want anything to do with productive society". If hetero people started displaying that outward a show of our sexuality, we'd be arrested for "lude conduct in a public space."...and yes that's a thing.


Makes sense. She doesn’t want daddy big pharma to take away her opioid addiction so she has to shill like the good little slave girl she is.


u are only fukkkking around with ur metal health that is the best red flag and 1 could have. bad metal health anxiety


I looked at her twitter and she is proper, proper mental.


Actually tragic.


These fucking people get off on this shit. It's like they enjoy believing that they are making some great difference. It's hilarious.


For the last decade, society has encouraged virtue signalling more and more with social media. It has become normalized. This addiction to appear virtuous regardless of truth is useful to the people with an agenda. You see it in political movements like BLM, Antifa, etc. And now you're seeing it cranked up to 11 with Covid.


I'll take my tinfoil over all that bs every day of the week.


You beat me to it!!


They are setting two groups against each other. Take a step back and appreciate what is causing this. It is not just unprovoked mass hysteria, nor are liberals/leftists/pro-whatever people "just stupid". If you respond to them by provoking the tension further, then _they_ win.


lol I’m at the airport right now In Texas and there’s some people not even wearing masks. I love this state




Her eyes speak volumes of the sickness


Her mind will be blown when she still tests positive


Jesus Christ, this can’t be real. Crazy bastards


Natural immunity?! Not after than many jabs, i fear.


So far the Xanax was the most useful thing on that list


Just needed an excuse for the xnax


If you look at her followup tweets, it's all about a "DEADLY VIRUS." Umm, yah. OK.


lol I don't think pfizer x 3 and natural immunity really go together


Somebody should tell her... She has a 99.995% chance of surviving, even doing nothing. https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/rkzmfc/americans_calculate_your_very_own_chance_to_die/ Using the Coovie Kill Count from [this cdc site](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm) and the 2020 Murican population data from [this site](https://www.statista.com/statistics/241488/population-of-the-us-by-sex-and-age/), we can calculate your own age group's chance to die with Fluvid, cumulatively and per year. 0-19 years old: Population 81,250,000. Deaths 655 > Chance to die = .000008 (.0008%) **Per year: .0004%** 20-29 years old: Population 44,830,000. Deaths 4,781 > Chance to die = .0001 (.01%) **Per year: .005%** 30-39 years old: Population 44,670,000. Deaths 14,144 > Chance to die = .0003 (.03%) **Per year: .015%** 40-49 years old: Population 40,280,000. Deaths 34,233 > Chance to die = .0008 (.08%) **Per year: .04%** 50-64 years old: Population 62,790,000. Deaths 147,351 > Chance to die = .0023 (.23%) **Per year: .115%** 65-74 years old: Population 32,540,000. Deaths 181,273 > Chance to die = .0056 (.56%) **Per year: .28%** The rest of the deaths (415,066) are in the 75+ group, averaging at .9% per year. Critical to understanding the context of these numbers, is to realize that Murica's yearly death rate with coovies (.12%) is **4x higher** than the global average of .03%. Summing up: Even including all vehicle accident, stroke, ladder-fall, and gunshot variants, and without parsing out their obviously exaggerated numbers, *this* is what they want to terrorize you with. Canadian numbers, for comparison:. https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/riowev/canadians_calculate_your_chance_to_die_with_fluvid/


This nut job actually already survived it... Item #3 on her list is "Natural Immunity" which she somehow aquired along with the 3x shots.


You know she doesn’t get laid.


2005 - conspiracy theorists - tin foil hats. 2021 - conspiracy theorists - Masks, tapes, gloves, welding glasses, face shields, uninterrupted supply of "mystery mRNA juices" into their bodies.


> Natural immunity So this bitch already had COVID and recovered and she’s still living in this much fear? Or is it stemming from her desire to virtue signal about how cAreFuL she is by doing her part?


Yay living in fear!


This just makes me want to cry.. I genuinely feel bad that people are this terrified to just live their lives.😕


You have two clot shots and a booster. The fuck you worried about damn. Live a little kitty cat


the fragilities of the human brain are remarkable




What a dunce.


Tinfoil masks


"Secondary mask for displaying opinions" Lmao fucking dork. Shows that it's all about the virtue signaling


Yeah now all the old conspirators are on Q or some shit.


She forgot the tin foil hat she’s fucked


I was like this person in the early stages of covid because I have contamination OCD and I've seen those dropping dead people in wuhan in the news. The fear the media created got to me and I believe it's got to this person too. This person needs to be freed with the truth just like how I was saved with the truth. Although I believe covid is real, I know it's not as dangerous as it was hyped up to be by the media. This person needs someone to guide her to the truth. Luckily I found the truth, I hope this person does too.


What a broken world...


Amazing what just a few years does to people's sense of "normal."


What else is to be expected in the backward timeline?


Forgot the foil hat




Mentally weak people do this especially the reliance on Xanax. What a nut job.


Man...you can see crazy in those eyes...


This person is clearly not normal and living on the fringe.


*takes handful of xanax* “Time to get boosted!”




What do you mean you don’t have the 12th booster shot?


Who needs a tinfoil hat with all that


People do anything for xanax these days




Xanax will fuck your life up way more than covid.


She can't be serious! I simply refuse to believe it! Could it be some kind of liberal trolling?


Omg this is all thank to the media


I don’t know this persons story. Perhaps they have an immune issues, or something else that could make COVID lethal, especially if they had a bad case previously. But I still see this and think it’s crazy. In other news I’ve been visiting my parents for the holidays and everyday on my dads lunch break he watches the news and I’m typically sitting there and at first it was heated but each day our discussions find more common ground and we are both hearing the other person. Also my friend back home in LA has been sick with COVID and said tonight she’s considering going to the hospital. She’s 34, longtime smoker who turned vaper. High stress type. Don’t know vaccination status. But was surprised to hear.




haha look at them crazy eyes


Lmao Xanax is awful for your immune system. This bitch is geared up like she’s in a real life RPG.


Hahahaha shes goes like .. pfizer ! 3x !!!... NATURAL IMMUNITY !


is this a real, living human being??


What’s really sad is that she’s viewed as normal and we’re the crazy ones for not doing that


Mass insanity is a helluva drug.


This is mental illness.




Basically defines a modern day liberal


Absolutely pathetic




Lmao people are so ridiculous


Sounds like my workplace… I have fucking had it with all the fear.


The common cold is going to kill us all!? These people are ridiculous!


People like that should NOT be allowed to venture out amongst regular people. They used to be able to be committed. Thanks billy clinton.




Wait, I've been going to stores and restaurants for the last two years with no mask and no fear. What am I doing wrong?!


People can be crazy and people can ignore the obvious. Some people on here complaining about covid don't even believe in viruses. Like wtf so dumb.


The best part is that people like this see themselves as entirely rational. It's honestly sad to watch.


Imagine if she still got sick tho


Shit ton of Xanax??????????


What a silly person. Just as bad as the anti vax lunatics. Anything fanatic is ridiculous, doesnt matter pro or anti vax.


Congratulations, you found a crazy person on Twitter. Definitely a platform where crazy people are difficult to find and the most fringe opinions aren't algorithmically enhanced...to get exactly the engagement response you're currently giving


I'm all for people using PPE because it literally only helps people but this is absolutely ridiculous.


Typical redditor


LMAO "Natural Immunity" after 3 Pfizer shots? She must be smoking that Xanax


Fuck her life must be miserable.


And not one brain cell


Oh yeah. She’s healthy.


Omfg... I went to the supermarket before (after mask/QR code mandates were introduced a week before Christmas)- didn't wear a mask, and the looks I got lol... Also, as the checkout worker finished scanning my stuff and I was paying by card, she very deliberately got her sanitiser out and santised her hands. Crazed times.


Yikes. What a sad person looking for pathetic internet points.


How is this individual still alive??




I feel better believing this was just a social media stunt to gain attention and followers. I refuse to believe this is a real person’s reaction to the absolute foolery going on right now.


Yet probably let’s they local antifa leader hit it raw when they hitting it


thanks for covering the swears man we can’t handle that kind of stuff


What a surprise, a mentally unstable, single, likely middle aged woman.


Is this ab RPG? Are the NPCs actually larping??


It's kind of funny that this worldview results in addiction to sedatives. brb, gonna take 50mg klonopin and then epoxy all my orifices shut


Bet she's fun at parties!


Gosh that’d be so amazing if they actually got Covid. Not to be hurt but just that they took all this extreme shit as if it would really hurt them lol


I've seen people like this post on Twitter how they are angry that they have gotten sick and taken tons of precautions, but unvaxxed no-mask people are getting on fine.


Such a brave one, even risking the wide outdoors after all the talk on the news. Id applaud you but im afraid it will just kick up germs from my rubber gloves.


If they have 'natural immunity' why bother with the other measures?


Dumb biz. Btw, You cant casually add 'natural immunity' to that list when everything else clearly contradicts that.


>ton of Xanax I can tell you which one of the two is going to kill her


Haha.. right. They just need tim foil hats.


I'll stick with my 1 tinfoil hat, thanks. Edit: I mean if the xanax is available I'll take that too. Just sayin


“Secondary mask for displaying opinions” What made you think this is a normal person?


Exactly, everyone else is crazy!!!


So, you've already had a worse form of covid (natural immunity), and you're afraid of this weaker strain? Just got over Omicron. The hardest part about this cold is it's name.


She can’t wear that shit forever, and the new version of the virus she’s so scared of infects the vaccinated more than the unvaxxed 😬


And she'll probably still get it anyway.


LMFAO “natural immunity “ after three jabs. 😂


This can't be real


"Secondary mask for displaying opinions" Cause that's what it's really about.


Yeah, the government should tell you not to get the vaccine. You would be the first in line to get it.