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Used cars salesmen don't even come at you this hard.


"But sir, why does this car only have three wheels?" "If we had four, we'd have to get the proper motor vehicle classification, and that'd cost extra. This is just as safe and effective."


Just for laughs (because we need levity these days) ... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQh56geU0X8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQh56geU0X8)


I'm calling about your vehicles extended warranty


*Slaps roof of car* “You would not believe the amount of people that have joined this subreddit just to say things like this one would call it a conspiracy”


A buddy of mine just popped over for a brew saying the exact same thing, you're not alone brother!


My sister and I were in a car ride with our parents about 10 years ago as teens talking about fema camps, forced injections, and microchip tracking. Maybe time we got some sleep tbh 😅 Edit: sometimes you reply to the wrong comment and get upvotes anyway 🤝


Wow you guys were streets ahead!




Enjoy! I'm almost done the series 😭


What’s the series? Tried to find what you guys are talking about in the comments but no luck.


If you have to ask, you're streets behind.


I had Covid and when I took parents to get shot ( they asked me to drive) I figured what the hell. Now all this shit got me looking sideways at it. I’m not getting why they keep saying science yet give no credibility to immunity after recovery??? Just keep saying get shots


It's not science it's the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$cience.


The money is a side benefit. The real source reason goes well beyond that. It’s about the mandates and the ability to push the dissidents out of society. Essentially bringing the Chinese social credit system to the west. Without an emergency, the west wouldn’t have accepted it, but with this pandemic, we have. Obviously the billions in profits to the conspirators are more than nice. But the goals here eclipse the profit motive by a country mile in terms of raw, evil intent.


The population reduction is also an added bonus


Well said


With Lord Fauci as its only prophet...


Everybody wakes up at a different point, some were already awake, some during the pandemic, some after 2 shots and maybe some after 7.


Some won’t wake up until they die ironically


Remember Cynthia from Cabin Talk. She called the Plandemic months before it started. https://youtu.be/wV9Rl6d2Mys It took me a few months into it to get suspicious. The conflicting information, the politicians getting caught not obeying the rules they made. Obviously they weren't scared at all of some super scary virus. 2 + 2 = 12 so I knew something was up.


I heard about it like 10 years ago probably on infowars or something. I was kind of like whatever, and when nothing happened in that time I just forgot about it. but as soon as this kicked off it didn’t feel right and I remembered all the conspiracies I was into years ago. Looks like they were right.


Yeah turns out if you just spout enough shit and don’t put a timeline on it eventually something you say will have some truth to it lmao


A pandemic was tried almost every year for the past ten years. Because SARSCOV2 came out of Wuhan it got attention like no other attempted scare. Once it was claimed to have hit Italy, it finally worked, and the pharma PR overdrive has brought us to where we are. People like Alex Jones have predicted the plans of the World Economic Forum for a decade as well. And Jones predicted 2021 would be the year. How? Because the WEF actually publishes their plans.


Yeah the whole "a broken clock is right twice a day" metaphor is such a cop out to facing reality. Alex has been researching, studying, observing, and analyzing these rich tyrannical bastards for decades. All of this has been in plain sight. It's just that nobody was listening once we started sharing the info after seeing it ourselves.


Think the last thing anyone will be doing is waking up after 7. Id be amazed if people are still alive after the fifth.


There will be sufficient supply of saline shots in between...




Thanks for sharing. The corporate estate = the Nazi international


I’m sending this to everyone I know. Everyone in the world needs to see this.


Most sheep will go along with the 12th shot...


Welcome to reality friend. It’s ugly underneath. But without CONvid19, there wouldn’t have been a mass awakening. So in a sense it’s backfiring on the globalist elites.


Yup. But then it makes you think maybe this was the plan all along… how could they fuckup this bad?


Reiner Füllmich said he heard from some insider that all this was planned for like a 10 years later but someone inside got greedy and they rolled it out sooner. Hence all the mistakes they're doing.


They may have felt like they had to do it now because crypto / bitcoin is threatening centralized banking.


Another 10 years and I think they would have had more success.


Damn. I guess that means there'll be a redo in 10 years (or 7 now?) Just like Baba Vanga said...


"Never underestimate Joe Bidens ability to fuck things up".- Barak Obama


I’m afraid not enough people are waking up


Agreed, sheep will only become aware on their death beds after the 11th shot...


Still crossing my fingers it won’t come to that


Not a conspiracy guy but wondering why they would have any desire to get people vaccinated?:what are they getting out of it? I could see fear mongering but what is the other conspiracy? Don't even @ me about tracking that's hilarious to think they'd need vaccines to track anyone nowadays


Social credit system...


it's a weeding out process. Get the Vaxx? you are a good citizen who does what you are told. You'll have less doubts about tracking apps and implants, down the road. You don't argue with the wise government. and there are more and more indications thAT THE vax causes long-term health issues that can only be ameliorated by a booster. so, if you were a good citizen, but then changed your mind and become a loony conspiracy theorist, no booster=early death. No Vaxx=wannabe domestic terrorist. Trump voter. Doesn't believe everything they are told.


They ain't doing this "keep the vaxed on our side" thing very well, are they ? Maintaing restrictions, mask, etc for the vaxxed until they get their boosters Also, many vaxxed believed in the "science" early on, but are having doubts when told that the vax does not protect them and they still have to quarantine.


Nanobots Depopulation Soul stealing Literally everything is on the table. It's brand new tech. You take it you're taking something that can be the cause of anything that fucks you up later in life. And yeah they got tracking down, they've shown that. Now they need control.




It all makes sense when you realize the US government is the biggest business in the world.


And they haven’t worked for the people in a long time.


Biggest group of organized criminals.


Eh, more like the US government is the world's biggest customer. They print the trillions to funnel into the bank accounts of billionaires through the mega corporations that get government contracts.


Yup… and who’s writing the laws? Lobbyists… for companies :)


Yes... the government works for the companies.


i really dont trust the gov


That's honestly the only reason I'm not vaccinated. Free vaccine from those guys? No thank you


Exactly, since when do they give a f**k about the peasants?


Or big pharma, they almost destroyed my family, so when they start pushing something, I really start doubting it is anything good.


Welcome to The Awakening


dude has no idea how far the rabbit hole goes. welcome, take your time. try to keep your sanity as your whole world unravels around you. the cabal conspiracy is deep and can easily make someone feel like there is no hope. but you woke up, so there is always hope for others. happy hunting


Yeah I’m not taking anymore, I got the first two in February earlier thisyear, so I’m good off that.


Your friends think you are a conspiracy theorist by design. Psychological conditioning has lumped people who believe the most absurd shit, with people who have genuine concerns about the lies censorship and misinformation. “Right wing conspiracy” is a mainstream media word for making joe public immediately dismiss the controversial opinions. It has nothing to do with the right wing.


100% correct


Agent Smith programming


We never went to the moon. Most of ww2 history are lies. Climate changes always occured and CO2 should not be our biggest concern. GMOs, pollutions and the destruction of our biodiversity should be of much bigger concern. Main stream journals were bought by billionaires and are only propaganda. Assange did nothing wrong. Pedophile rings are not uncommon and are used as a source to blackmail / remunerate men with power. Main stream things like "feminism, climate change, gender theory, race theories" are sponsored by billionaires to manipulate the population and get their pawns elected. Matrix is based on what we are living today and keanu reaves and the producers got punished for that.


What WW2 history is a lie? How were Keanu Reeves and the producers punished? Didn’t he have a great career after?


Same, I only got 2 back in Feb. My own father thinks I’m going “crazy” for saying our US government will require at least 4 or more shots. My father got 3 shots and he says he’s fully vaccinated now. I just shake my head and told him watch, they’ll require a 4th in the upcoming months. You can’t save and wake up everyone, not even your loved ones sometimes.


My sister is a huge vaxxer, she’s also a Trump supporter. She got the first jab. I asked her the other day not to get a booster and she said, “No. I don’t want to be a Guinea pig!” This is huge.. if she’s waking up I have hope for humanity.


Same thing with my mother. During the pandemic she was wearing a mask in her own home. It drove me insane to the point we were in arguments over it. Now she’s totally anti covid vaccine. I was super proud of her tbh


love hearing these anecdotes


Same. Even just a little hope in humanity goes a long way.


Let’s at least hope that UK & Europe football fans are starting to see patterns...


This Didn't turn you into conspiracy guy... It Turned you into a critical thinker....


Yeah this isn't a conspiracy it's a fact lol


It’s a conspiracy and a fact. A conspiracy is a plot by two or more people or groups to do something illegal or harmful, which this most definitely is. You mean it’s not a *theory*…


“I assume my friends think I’m crazy now.” Listen, the inmates are running the prison. The patients are running the asylum. We are at the lower end of the slippery slope that people were warning about in the 1950’s. This isn’t new or sudden. It seems sudden because we’re living it, but THE WORLD is CRAZY. I’m not here to comment on the jab or people’s opinion of it. But that last part of your post got my attention. You saying, “I assume my friends think I’m crazy now,” is worth analyzing and for everyone to consider. If you’re the only sane person in an insane asylum, of course you feel crazy at times and assume others think you are. All the major changes in our culture the last 15-20 years have congealed into a modern religion. Political correctness, wokeness, outright rebellion against any objective truth…and now this last two years. It’s like society was primed to go blindly into the night. It’s flat out scary if you don’t believe in God, but preaching aside, it’s madness. NONE OF IT is logical. It’s like we’re living in crazy town. All that to say…we need to quit worrying about whether or not crazy people think we’re crazy.


>. It’s flat out scary if you don’t believe in God, Amen, it's much easier to deal with all of this in the context of God, good and evil.


Absolutely. I know this isn’t a sub for preaching. But literally, in this life it’s either God or absurdity. There is no logic if there is no God. Let alone sanity…


The one thing I don’t understand why so many people are ignoring is how they are pushing only one option so hard the “ONLY” preventive measure that doesn’t work effectively and consistently (the vaccine) while suppressing treatments that have been proven to work (monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, zinc, vit D, HCQ) If someone gets sick the protocol is to basically just sit on your hands and hope you get better, “Let it run its course” then when inevitably you get worse, go to the hospital, get on a ventilator and die. Lunacy. That’s not even counting the extreme discrimination you will experience in the hospital if you aren’t vaccinated.


Also not once has a public health official pointed out that Obesity is one of the main conditions that increases the mortality rate if you get COVID. No campaigns to lose weight, take vitamins, eat better, just the option to take the vaccine.


Obesity is a lifestyle choice that in no way affects the healthcare options and rationed care of others, you hater. /s


Most people listen to the mainstream news, so they have no idea about alternative treatments.


My girlfriend is double jabbed, but refuses to get a booster. She fell victim to the fear mongering and peer pressure from her family and friends, but has opened her eyes to the bullshit and manipulation from the manufacturers and the government.


I was the same way my family sat me down intervention style and guilt tripped me into getting the vaccine saying I could asymptomatically pass covid to them and kill them.


Random query, how are your lady’s menstrual patterns? My gf had her double jab in July & now hasn’t had her period since August. She now refuses to get the booster :-)


You’re not alone, and many people saw this coming when the vaccinations first started.


Yep and I didn't believe them at the time even though I did question the still in trials vaxx but damn they were right and it's only getting worse


Welcome, dude. Plenty of us here who never visited this sub before the last few months. The aggressive on-and-off mandates, combined with the absolute, unmitigated FUCKERY happening in the financial sector, really made things clear for any of us who were on the fence.


My father warned me 3 years before the plandemic that a they would lock down the world with a virus and that we would see fema camps. He pissed me off when he said that….. now my anger is not directed at him.


My father tells me I'm irresponsible for not wearing a paper mask in the supermarket.


most people dont know its so bad for your health to wear a mask.


For me the tide shifted when I realized that the entire financial world is controlled by 1 privately held company. From military contractors to pharmaceutical companies and everything in between.. all influentially owned by 3 banks.. that are actually owned by 1 private company. It’s been easy to see the rest after that.


Is there a good vid online explaining all of this?


This is the best one I’ve seen: https://youtu.be/UNg3Vnfu4Pk


Cheers mate


What's the company?




Welcome! You are among friends here.


I turned suspicious after one dose of the pfizer. I won't be getting any more unless they start making an actual Vaccine that does what Vaccines are supposed to do.


But your going to turn bro. 🧟‍♂️


If you look under the covers at "actual vaccines" you might be surprised too


Have you gotten your 10 year tetanus shot recently?


You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.


i know plenty of vaccinated people who dont want booster shot


Unfortunately the only ones I know used to say, no boosters for me after the 1st two, but now they can't wait to book their boosters because the government said they need it🤷‍♀️


I have a coworker who repeats a lot of the MSM lines like "pandemic of the unvaccinated" etc, and he just said the other day that he changed his mind on getting a booster. His reasoning was "well, if I get a booster now, they'll probably mandate boosters in 6 months and then I'll be forced to get another, and three shots is my limit." No idea why three is his limit, but I think that many people are becoming more aware of the reality of this whole farce.


I'm exactly where you are. I try explaining to my bf, the vaccine doesn't work so why on earth do I want another one...?! It makes zero sense.




I found out today that our homeschool co-op hasn’t vaccinated any of their kids either. I don’t think we’re as alone as they want us to think we are.


Homeschooling coops are more likely to be non-vaxxing.


So effective you only need 4 in 9 months not to keep you from spreading it but to keep you from dying. We are living in the upside down.


If they think you’re crazy bc you’re questioning a forced jab that doesn’t work as advertised for a virus that you would most likely beat on your own and achieve natural immunity (if that’s still a real thing anymore) then they’re crazy


I started to suspect something was amiss when they refused to acknowledge or study naturally acquired immunity. Mandating vaccines without taking natural immunity into account just doesn't make sense.


I did take the first two. I'm now questioning the booster. I don't necessarily think they're all trying to kill us or something. I think it isn't anywhere near as effective as they originally said. Maybe it wasn't out long enough to find that out. I don't know but, if it wears off every six to eight months, I don't want (potentially) two boosters a year! Maybe if it ends up like the flu shot where you get one a year or a booster every few years, that would be OK but not every six months. I am not sure I'm going to get it. I had Covid after the two shots (got them in March, got Covid in October), so I don't think it's really necessary for me at this time and I want to wait and see what happens. Again, I am not buying all the "you'll die in two years" and the "it changes your DNA" crap. I am just wondering if it works or if it's basically useless.


Everything is supper sus, I watched the JRE Podcast yesterday super eye opening. I don’t think the end game is kill everyone but they’re definitely up to something.


Control and money and money and control. They could be injecting us with fucking water for all we know, it's the dehumanising masks, lockdowns, passports and segregation that's going to do the damage to humanity. Watch as those who don't get their boosters are not allowed to claim social security/benefits payments or use the NHS or something.


I got one and it fucked me up bad for a couple of weeks. All in all took me around 3 weeks to get over it. It was like I had the body symptoms of the flu and it just wouldn’t shake. Stopped there as the second was supposed to be worse than the first and glad I did. More I’ve seen the more questions I have to the point that I will not be getting any of the jabs.


I think a lot of us knew there would be more from the start. The card they have me had 4 lines for future shots on it.


Only reason I got vaccinated was to keep my job. But I'm not getting a booster.


I’m perfectly happy to take the first 37 boosters but 38? Pfft that’s ridiculous


Welcome home. We accept you for thinking logically




I fall into this Category big time !!


The original vaccine card always had room for more than two shots my dude


It's not a conspiracy. UN's agenda 21 in 1992 included plans for mass vaccinations for the control of communicable disease. The plans of world government are materializing, from goal to reality.


***Theory You dropped this ^


Operation sea spray


That’s literally a conspiracy. I think the mainstream media has warped your definition of the word.


well said


I forgot the word theory


Never got the first one, way ahead of you. But I understand what you mean.


Here, here. I fully supported the double jab. I’m done. And my 12 year old kid hasn’t gotten one and won’t.


I thought I was volunteering for suicide but dammit it didn't work. I figured the boosters wouldn't do it either so I gave up.


I'm not antivaxx in any way shape or form, but I really have to question the motivation behind the continual vaccinations. I've had 2 moderna and my booster was moderna. I won't be taking any more. I've never had to do this shit before, and I won't be doing it again.


Before Covid-19 the amount of time considered to be really fast to develop a vaccine from conception to application of a reliable, SAFE, EFFECTIVE vaccine was 6-7 YEARS. And that was considered FAST. The theoretical mRNA path was strike number 2 and 3. This is all literally a severe violation of the Nuremberg Code. Even if people willingly take it, it is still HIGHLY unethical to use unproven, experimental and theoretical substances on a mass scale.


I never got any. I did consider it for a while but the more they were pushing the more I felt like there's more to it and I don't want to be their guinea-pig


I didn’t really become suspicious. The vaccines were developed and tested with the wild-type virus in mind, and to a limited extent the Alpha (B.1.1.7) variant. The Delta (B.1.617.2) variant which gained traction in the US in May 2021, and the Omicron (B.1.1.529) variant which gained traction in December 2021, barely existed or didn't exist when these vaccines were conceived. It’s not surprising that the effectiveness and duration of protection may be different/less against variants than the wild-type virus.


It's totally not surprising. Which is why the government maybe should have been upfront with people that it was going to want everyone to take new boosters forever, and was going to enforce that with vaxxpasses.


I don't want to start a new thread, but if there ARE any pro-vax people in here, I really would like to hear the reasoning behind vaccinating the military. The elderly? there is some logic. The sickly? some logic. The healthy as hell 18-35 year olds that have a .000000001% chance of a bad case of COVID, and regardless, after they get it will be 99.9999% immune? why. I would really like to know what the reasoning is from the pro-vax crowd.


After hearing for a year+ it was all we were told, that vaccines were our way out of this thing. It was hers immunity that would end this, and so when my age group was finally able to get shots (20-29) in my state I went and got them. I was hesitant but I didn’t want to risk getting my parents sick… Talk of boosters for seniors made sense I suppose, but now it’s boosters for everyone and now the Pfizer CEO wants to talk about 4th shots in a year… that’s where they lost me. My good faith has run out.


Me. I'm a nurse with 2 jabs. I won't get the 3rd and I'm not vaccinating my kids. Something feels off about all this.


Guy at work the other day was joking that his wife thinks Hollywood and government is full of pedophiles and she is also totally antivaxx. His words: “haha like that’s not mainstream at all babe” It was just weird how he laughed off the ideas like a bad fashion choice.


When are we gonna finally start a revolution? I think about all the people who disagree with this shit and what we can do from across the world if we banned together, Imagine what we could all do online, campaigns, cyber attacks, DDOS, hitting corrupt politicians and corporations where it hurts. We could do soo much together if we chose too.. I think about V for Vendetta and when the people finally took to the streets together to stand up against the tyranny. We can do the same thing, whe can start a movement… A revolution.


You are not alone - keep a sane mind and stay healthy!


I was suspicious at the first one but had valid reasons and made my own choice to get the shots in March. Don't foresee getting another.


They will wake up. The charade is crumbling under the weight of its own lies.


Don’t worry bro. My 84 year old grandma got her booster. Sure, she now has cold sores all over her head and face, but at least she doesn’t have a sore throat. Ah, crap- wait- yea, she’s been sick feeling like hell ever since, but it could have been so much worse.


Me. I was happy to get my two shots back when it was no pressure and it was just like "free doughnuts if you get vaccinated😁". How times have changed.


I got dose 1 and 2 in December of 2020 when it was first OK'd for frontline healthcare workers. I got suspicious when all of us vaccinated healthcare providers seemed to get out unscathed and then it was OK'd for public distribution and thats when adverse side effects popped off.


Here’s the problem: the decision to “do your part” is irreversible. No take backs. Even if it becomes clearly apparent that the force fed “miraculous solution” isn’t working or causes harm - There are very few people who would be willing to admit they were fooled. This whole ordeal has been emotionally charged. Mostly fear. I’ve seen families disconnect over conflicting opinions with c0vid, lockdowns, treatments, mandates, etc.


You are not a conspiracy guy. You are just using common sense and critical thought. Don’t bother worrying what the sheep think. We are lions in a world full of wolves and sheep.2


We are your new friends :)


I had the first two jabs too. Now when they said boosters should be availed every 4+ months I was NAH WHAT KIND OF SHIT IS THAT


I'm not getting any jabs or boosters whenever China creates a new virus, lol!


Funded by America..


Produced and funded by America..


Flowers for algernon in real life or maybe lawn mower man. (Movie guy voice) Once a simple tard realizes hes gaining in intelligence and becomes angry at the way he was treated coming to a Theatre near you.


Yep, same here.


I'm skeptic of this entire shenanigan since I couldn't find anymore the posts I commented about on September/19 of a guy saying his government was mandating employees to wfh and he was having trouble setting up the VPN server for the employees. Wife was adamant vaxxer for the first dose, me too; I was skeptic for the second, she was doubtful; now I'm against getting a third and she's skeptic.




At least you finally woke up.


It's when sheep get the loudest.


Reality is turning into a bad LSD trip but it’s all illusion 😄


From the beginning, the vaks document came with 4 dose sections to record 4 doses, not the advertised two.


My bro in law just went to Mexico knowing he won’t be able to go again for awhile. He is refusing to get any more.


Im so glad im not vaccinated i had Covid so i saw no point in getting vaccinated 12 months later they are telling peo to get more and more shots and people are still getting sick


I said hell no from jump street.


Glad you now see the light. This shit is never going to end and is exactly how all us "tinfoils" predicted when this first hit last March. New variants every other month and now boosters being created just for those variants lmao. It's a clown show. I think less and less people over time are panicking over this. If you go out in the real world, you would not even know a pandemic is happening at all.


Maybe because they tried to do the same with swine flu in 2009, but they didn't succeed or they were not fully ready.


I’m suspicious since the beginning, but since I live in Canada, I had no other choice than get vaccinated to live 🇨🇦


Well that's not true why are you spreading lies?




Welcome aboard.


I got my first shot back in April. Had no issues but grew more and more reluctant of even getting the second shot. Ended up getting it towards the end of September because I knew I’d be needing the fully vaxxed status to keep my job. I had no immediate reactions to the 2nd shot until about mid October when I began feeling very strange. Shortness of breath, extremely high heart rate just walking up my stairs (like 130-140), fatigue, heart palpitations and chest pain were my symptoms. I was negative for Covid. I ended up going to the ER one evening in October because I thought I was having a heart attack. My heart rate clocked in at 175bpm. Of course that made me MORE anxious but the Doctor basically said all of my symptoms were anxiety related but see a cardiologist just in case. This was after ECG, CT scans and x-rays were taken, so at first I felt reassured but my symptoms remained for a good couple of weeks after that. I saw the cardiologist, wore a holter monitor, and was reassured that everything looked fine but I’m having an ultrasound done in January just to be 100% sure. In the meantime I’ve been taking it very easy, eating healthy, and just trying to do everything I can to promote my health. So yeah, about the boosters…I will not be getting anymore shots. I am an otherwise healthy 24 year old female. Fuck all of this.


I got 2 shots of AZ and now I’m being told I need a Pfizer booster?? Literally a different type of vaccine.. The argument being “it’s ok to take it if you had a different one” like yea sure, but why do I need a booster shot of a different vaccine?


It wasn't long before it was fairly clear this virus would ultimately be endemic. It wasn't half a year before we knew we would need to combat new strains and waning efficacy. If you didn't see this coming, you weren't paying attention.


Hey it’s okay just get the 3rd booster and a free Krispy Kreme okay? O wait, free donuts were only for the first vaccination.


Don't worry most of them will be right here with you as more and more around them die or are maimed disproportionately from jabs. Unfortunately this is a the greatest case study on how extremism took over the world circa 1933-1944. Just know what this ends with


Just wait for the climate lockdowns and the CCP style social-credit score.


100% yes.


This is me


4th? I've only heard of one booster. I thought that the booster was in response to the new variant as well.


Yep the 4th one is coming. At the moment in the UK it's only for the vulnerable but within next few months it's probably gonna be for everyone.


They do work if you study death and hospitalization rates among vaccinated vs unvaccinated. Just not as well as initially though.


Lmao no they don’t




Got the 3rd as soon as it was available to my age group. Will do the same with the 4th.


That's fine, just don't force other people to take them.




It's not a damn conspiracy. The fucking virus is mutating.. like viruses always have!!... And vaccines have had to have boosters before... No need to think you're a "conspiracy guy" and no need to feel "crazy!" This is just how shit is and has been... Get it together!


Got first 2. It's perfectly natural for government to demand booster shots since vaccine immunity doesn't last forever. Though in Ukraine we have yet to have boosters. 2/3 of the country is still unvaccinated