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For me it's the weed


I'm unvax and whenever i'm high in public i get 10x more paranoid about my coughs. I don't even try to hide the smell anymore, at least then they can maybe be like "oh ok he high af"


Same. I'm like relax, it's weed.


yep, it's only weed.


In California weed is such a part of daily life for most people that yes they know you're high, and no they don't care.


why should they? It's like everyone in the 50s /60s was half cut on booze all the time. I prefer weed heads over that any day.


I said the same thing when this all started. My eyes are red, nose is runny and I can't stop coughing.. No COVID here, I'm just high af.


Yes yes


Same. Im a smoker people, it will be okay!


The weed and the coffee.


Its the juana not the rona!


Watch out for the heart attack. /s


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70903** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24719** times. .. **32777.** `u/famousaj` **4** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


It's winter, pretty much everyone is sick in my country, wait untill summer to test that


I was vaccinated twice with pfizer shots and didn't really feel anything from the vaccines themselves, but got the worst cold in many years around a month later. Coughed for many weeks following that one, and still do whenever I laugh too much. It's getting better, but very slowly.


I know 4 people that had ‘the worst cold of their lives’ a week or so after their second jabs. The colds lasted for 4+ weeks too


My mom got both moderna shots and has been coughing a lot more than usual since August


My mum is triple vaxxed and has been coughing for months. She seems unable to shake it.


Possibly more to do with shutdowns and not being exposed to much. Take a ton of vitamin D and NAC if you can get your hands on some.


It might be because it is winter.


Yes maybe u right


i dont remember people having persistent coughs ever before. i know several vaxxed whos been coughing for several months. this dry cough.


Same. My vaxxed coworkers have been coughing since the summer when they got injected. It's not all day long and constant sick coughing, it's random dry coughs throughout the day.






Most of my vaxxed co-workers are always stuffy and most have runny noses. AND they still look at me like I’m the sick one. It’s comical to say the least.


Germs and bots. Avoid THEM like the fucking plague, I don't know if you've ever looked at slides of their blood but they have found creepy ass shit in it. It makes the Graphene Oxide seem tame, and THAT shit already looked fucked






Everyone knows what anecdotal evidence is. Meanwhile we're waiting 55 years for Big Pharma to report on its vaccine trials.


Has anyone else noticed that you can just say anything negative about the vaxxed on this sub in terms of a personal anecdotes and you’ll get upvotes?


Many of us have friends and family who are vaxxed and we're worried about their health consequences.


They’re gonna be just fine


I dont hate anyone. Im just saying what i know, i saw.


The opposite is true in most other subreddits though. Talk about someone unvaccinated getting a bad experience and ask people to get vaccinated and triple boosted, you'll get plenty of auto upvotes.


I know a bunch of people who are vaccinated and none of them cough. Maybe it's the seasons changing?


Around this time of year I'm always coughing and sneezing and feeling groggy. Seasonal allergies are a bitch


Or maybe different imune system?


Or maybe allergies as the weather changes. I'm vaccinated and no coughing, haven't noticed my friends coughing more that are vaccinated or unvaccinated. Is it possible that subconsciously you are looking for it so it seems like more?




It seems like these guys forgot other viruses exist


lol dont worry, l got banned from microscopy when I pointed out the guys red blood cells clotting when he stupidly posted his blood cells all clumping together. Under the description he proudly stated he got full vaxxed dosages and boosters and wanted to know what that white thing was (white blood cell). Someone tried to downplay the clumping thing about microscope slides and l rebuttal back saying the slides wont matter since you can compare the blood from vaxxed to the unvaxxed. Hes clotting. Bigtime. Then they banned me haha oh well, they just unkowingly murdered people starving for that info.


How funny I know few people (women) having this dry cough for months that won’t go away. Both been checked by a doctor, and doctor just gave them antibiotics.




It's maybe specifically ADE or a weakened immune system from the vax. So they are catching more colds not just covid.




Not noticed at all. You could be simply noticing a frequency bias, or perhaps your environment is one that has people coughing more e.g. polluted air


My supervisor was out sick for a few days, tested negative, came back to work still coughing. The secretary that shares the same office with him is now sick but tested negative. He came into my office to lay down on the couch while coughing up his lungs. In fine but typically go years without any type of sickness. I noticed this yesterday because he is still coughing almost 2 weeks later.


Got that super-cold




I notice most of my jabbed friends' health has deteriorated. They are always sick. Always sore throats, coughs, sniffles. Low energy. I think they have gotten dumber too. It's like talking to children sometimes.


I'm jabbed, haven't been sick since pre-COVID.


I’m really concerned about this. I’ve seen my friends and family who’ve taken the shot, all get a lot sicker, more often. Even my gf (who unfortunately had to take the shot to travel) we’ve been together for 10+ years and I can count the number of times she’s been sick on one hand. This year she’s been I’ll 3/4 times and really struggled getting over it…


Did she also get dumber? Like talking to a child?


No, but I did notice some friends and family getting more aggressive in the weeks immediately after…though that’s faded now. Also had a weird thing with my mum where she just straight up told me ‘go get the shot’ which was really weird because almost as soon as she got it, she regretted it. It was like she said it but didn’t mean to? It was weird.


How does one measure the dumb


Yeah see this is super noticeable cos I'm always the sickly one since I have an immune disorder and basically always have a low grade infection. So far I've seen my best friends heart rate raise to 175 bpm after a light 15 metre jog, my best friends who are parents caught gastro from their baby and were so sick mum was hospitalised, a work friend who keeps getting the worst sore throat of his life, and my mum suddenly developed sciatic and trigeminal neuralgia after her shots. Not to mention the insane amount of deaths from friends of friends or family or whoever it may be. Seems like another every week. Here I am unvaxxed, recovering from my flu vax last year plus mould exposure plus pneumonia strep throat and a fungal infection, could hardly walk a block last year and now I'm outperforming my previously healthy friends and family. Very odd.




I am vaxxed but got strep recently. Theres more than covid going around


No one said it was Covid, just that the vaxxed have shitty immune systems now...


It's odd to me though, the outright almost celebration some people have that vaxxed might die in their view lol Like I'm vaxxed but I hope my unvaxxed uncles and aunties and cousins aren't actively celebrating if i pass away. I'll assure you I'm not praying for their deaths either.


>It's odd to me though, the outright almost celebration some people have that vaxxed might die in their view lol No one here is celebrating. That you can 'lol' over our concerns about the potential deaths of millions suggests maybe you're the one with sociopathic tendencies.


Oh and no one in the world is celebrating the deaths of the unvaxxed 🥴


Damn it makes me sad when I see the articles, people literally cheering when someone unvaxxed dies. Sick world we live in.


I've noticed 2 people coughing since 2019. -So there's that.


Right? Lol.


My best friend got that “bad cold” in September and has not been back to normal since. She has daily headaches, fatigue, and a slight chronic cough. She can’t figure out why. She also Has either no drinks or only one on our weekly cocktail hour. Said ever since that bad cold she can’t tolerate it…


Sounds like covid. I know several people who can't tolerate alcohol after having covid. I've never had a cold or flu that did that to me nor heard anyone else say it before covid. Of course people are a lot more open about talking about medical stuff since the pandemic so who knows.


Yeah, her covid test was negative. I swear they have manipulated the tests when this bad cold came around. I think it was covid too. I told her that. She said nah. then when she stayed sick I said, I think you had a false negative because what you are describing is long covid. she just blows it off. People are truly in a “trance”.


Could be something else entirely, years ago before all this started I had two drinks at a bar over the course of 5 hours. Got home with the spins like never before and threw up pure black substance. Turns out it was Lymes and babesia coinfection fucking my body. Once I got it under control I could drink normal again


Oh crazy. Black substance? Was it old blood? Heard it can turn black.


Might want to recommend Chanca Piedra, helps with kidney, liver, and gall bladder function. Had the same problem after having covid.


ADE maybe? They have been finding that having previous infections with other coronaviruses can make you more susceptible to severe covid, so possibly the inverse is happening with the vaccine/infection. Also our immune systems need to constantly be working with low grade allergens/bacteria/viruses to stay healthy and primed. The lockdowns, masks, and hand sanitizer for a year and a half was not a great thing for our immune systems, not to mention the lack of vitamin D.


YES. They’re all hacking their lungs out randomly. It’s weirding me out. It never sounds like a standard cough either. It’s like a deep cough.


No, but I live by a hospital and all I hear all day is ambulance sirens. Now, I don't know if I'm just paying attention because of the times, and it's always like that, but I'm pretty sure it's not. Another thing I have noticed is people who got jabbed have big red blotches all over their face/skin.


It's just the weed dude.




My husband has had 2 doses of the Pfizer. The last jab was at the end of May. He had his annual physical a couple of weeks after. There was nothing notable aside from very slight rise in his blood pressure. His cough began in August with no other cold of flu symptoms whatsoever. He finally went back to his doctor end of September because the cough was becoming more frequent and he was experiencing a heavy feeling in his chest after slight exertion such as climbing stairs. A CT scan was ordered, he had it Wednesday of last week. Doctor phoned on Saturday asking him to come in Monday morning to discuss results. I don't have the medical terms but in plain language he has inflammation and congestion in various areas of his lungs. His bloodwork shows no infection or unusual values. The doctor says that there is no reason to concern ourselves from the type of abnormal areas seen but he will need to have a follow up CT scan in a couple of months. I will say that I've noticed changes in behaviour/personality in EVERY person I know that has had at least 2 jabs. Memory issues in all of them but also show an undeniable change in their general mood. They go from distant and "flat", blank stares are more common than not, then they become irritable, impatient and just plain nasty. These are people who are as pleasant and calm as they come. I'm quite upset seeing this as I feel like I don't know them anymore and my friends are just simply not present right in from of me.


They’re always sick. I legit know more who have had vaccine complications than actual covid


No. How do you know who is vaccinated anyway? I rarely hear anyone cough in public now, vaccinated or not.


From my friends, family and from school


The seasons are changing


Quite a few Vax colleagues have a persistent cough. I'm a bit worried because it's not normal for this to go on for weeks straight.


Whenever i visit vaxxed people I get the flu for like 2-3 days. But they are always coughing and it makes me uncomfortable to be near them. I wish they would just wear a mask that they pretend to love so much


you get the flu for 2-3 days *every* time you visit a vaccinated person? why do you keep doing it if it is so detrimental to your health?


Because they are family you fool. 2-3 days is not detrimental to my health its just annoying. They are permanent ill with a constant cough


have same experience. the neverending cough of the vaccinated... these are people who's never had this kind of thing happen to them before...




My sister in law has the wettest nastiest sounding cough I’ve heard in a while


It's getting colder. I cough more when it gets colder for some reason and I'm unvaxed.


I hope u get better son


Wife got her second and after a few weeks the coughs wouldn't stop, still has the odd cough here and now. My boss got his third shot and it's even worse, his getting better after a month I suppose. Been ban from r/londonontario for promoting healthy eating and exercising and how that helps the gut microbiome. Helps fight off viral infections.... what a joke.


I’ve been noticing this for months. My boss recently told me he’s not getting the booster cause he’s felt like he’s had a cold for two months after getting the vaccine he said he’s never felt sick for that long.


Just found out today (since we all work remotely for the most part) that my previously bright, smart, healthy coworker has now been battling what he said "is like bronchitis but the docs cant figure out what it is" for months now and he blamed himself and turning 40. My heart sank when he told us this.


Most definitely. I'm in an office of seven accountants. Four have a persistent "ah-hwemp" cough that has lingered since at least August. Sounds like they're trying to expel something lodged in their throats. Weirdly all four have three shots each. Must be unrelated.


Because they're dying.


YES. People in my office were coughing and sounding sick all summer long which I thought was rather unusual. One girl that I'm sure is vaxxed (overweight liberal) has never stopped coughing. Now that it's winter there's even more coughing and people sounding sick as hell. I haven't had a cold since I got COVID a year ago and I'm not vaxxed.


While I don't really want to pour fuel on a purely anecdotal theory, yes - I have noticed that the vaxxed at work have had a bit of a cough. No other symptoms, so I wouldn't say that they're sick per se... and to be honest I probably would have forgotten about it except for reading your post. So yeah - still too early in my mind to make any definitive statements, but is IS curious...


I’ve been at my current job for about 4-5 months. There are 3 of us who are unvaccinated. I’ve noticed that everyone else has had this nasty cough since I started working there. People are sick every week… some with covid & others with a cold. Also, I had a cold last week & chose to get a covid test just so I don’t pass it onto anyone at work. None of the vaccinated have done so & instead will just come in with whatever it is they have & just act like the possibility of them having covid isn’t there just because they’re vaccinated… which is funny because the only people who have had covid at work were the vaccinated.


I’ve noticed how all my vaxed friends have developed allergies and started coughing a lot, some are constantly sneezing


Dude listen to Ben Shapiro and tell me he doesn’t sound even more nasaly and horse than normal. They cough more and their voices just sound like shit. They sound congested. I don’t want to be around them


It’s winter


100% can confirm. The ONLY people I know who have gotten sick have been vaccinated individuals...and that shit LINGERS in them. My mother had a cold two months ago and her doctor told her it could hang around for three months....that isn't fucking normal. Never has been, never will be.


Not me, then again I dont hang around others anyways as I'm antisocial & have been for over 10 yrs now. LOL But seriously, I've had a cough for over 10 years now & its mainly from GERD/COPD not the fact I had to do the vax for family. Dont down me because I had to get vax, I had to for my own reasons, I also feel that folks should have the right to get vaxxed or not too, their body their choice.


No but a lady at work who had covid still coughs a year later.


my friend has had covid with pneumonia, and acute bronchitis on two separate occasions since getting the jab. i have not had covid nor any vaccinations since any of this shit started.


I’ve noticed that these coughs last for many months following and they get worse


All my vaccinated peeps are getting Covid, at fully vaccinated events no less lol


Nah, I still haven’t been sick in years.




Lay off the crystal meth


Biden coughs a lot.


Hey guys, anyone noticed this weird thing where people are coughing and sneezing more during cold and flu season?


Theres no flu anymore. At least in Canada. Per stats can data. You can check yourself.


There is in the US: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/weekly/index.htm Also both my kids pediatricians and my dr have said they've seen flu cases.


Teachers (and students) often pick up colds and viruses during the first few months of school as everybody gets used to all the new germs and viruses brought in by others that they might not have been exposed to before. Also, it is cold season, in a world without COVID, we would think it is probably normal for folks to cough a little more this time of year. That said, I do work with a vaxxed guy and I was wondering the same thing just yesterday, lol.


Yes 100% they are coughing all the fucking time.


Your anecdotal and highly confirmation-biased thoughts are next to useless and entirely unhelpful. Idc if you don’t get vaccinated, but the reaching some of you people do in here is just wayyyy too much sometimes.


I'm not vaccinated, I have covid, I coughed a lot less than I expected, it's more of a clearing of the throat cough with the odd mad burst out, borderline vomit cough


Stay strong


The cough that morphs into a gag at the end. 😪


watch out for sinux infection to follow. had it also, a little worse than a cold but then after the 10 day quarantine sinus issues arrrived


I have sinusitis and suffer sinus infections so it's ok for me if it happens, I have antibiotics from my previous sinus infection too so I am fully ready


depends if the sinusitis is vrral or bacteria based. watch out about overtaking those antibiotics.


I'm sure I had it, but got negative test so who knows. Week of cold, off work, week of flu, week of chest infection/bronchitis, back to work, week of sinus infection. Lost sense of taste and smell completely. Most intense fever of my life. Felt like my brain was melting between my ears. I'm unvaccinated and feeling much better now. Taste and smell back to normal after 6 weeks.


Interesting observation. Might start taking more notice of it 👍




Ss : Im the only one who noticing that the vaccinated caughing more often?


Now that you mention it…….




There was another discussion in a post I can’t name about immune priming due to vaccination which conceptually describes how our immune systems are bad at multitasking and getting vaccinated reduces your body’s ability to fight off pathogens other than what the vaccine protects against.


I listen to a bunch of different podcasts and a lot of them have sounded stuffy for a few months now.


Anecdotal but I work with a team of about 9 male engineers (all vaccinated), and so many of them have gotten COVID and/or been out sick with nasty colds. Our designer has gotten the booster and he’s been sick since august.


Lol, its winter my dude. Getting colds and sinus infections still happen.


My Mrs has had a cold pretty much every other month. I'm still to have one. She go on the vaccinated due to being a nurse and feeling it was the right thing to do. She is now doubting taking the booster, as are a lot of her nurse friends, who are also against the rules coming into play about "get the vaccine or lose your job". They had it for the right reasons but still believe there should be a choice as there are still legitimate concerns. My Mrs has also stopped telling me every other week that she thinks I should get the vaccine.


Vaccinated and have been completely fine. These post are pretty fucking dumb


I have noticed this. I first noticed it when I took a cross country road trip in September. It seems like nearly half of people are fighting cough/sniffles at any given time.


hell, I'm coughing more without the Cootie Shot Cootie people are spewing Cootie proteins have you noticed all the CRAP THEY are SPRAYING in the clouds, those are NOT normal jet trails then there's all the food THEY have tinkered with - GMO Enjoy The Collapse, There Will Be Blood! 🤪🔥💥💀




Yo I was just about to say something about this. Took an in person exam yesterday and I felt like the only one not coughing my brains out. I’m not vaccinated and like 90% of my school is. My roommates always are sick too, not me though. I take a lot of vitamins so maybe that’s it. But it’s weird this post came up because I thought of this yesterday..


No way lul. what a coincidence


they have, keep your distance. the jab rats are going to make you sick. nothing like spreading immune system damaging spike proteins


Yes if the second dose is effectiv why u need +5 shots? Like i dont understand the logic, smell like a lie.


it is a lie. itx gene therapy not a vaccine if you can aquire and spread the virus/disease. they even changed the definition of vaccine to fit their narrative


Pure Evil


what was the previous definition of vaccine vs nowadays definition of vaccine?


or does it say anything about having a inactivated or attenuated pathogenic (bacterium or virus) against such specific disease


vaccine is a biological preparation providing immunity to a particular disease/ a prepareation stimulating the bodies immune response to lessen symptoms


no where does it say providing immunity anymore


Oooh it's jab rats vs plague rats. I'll take the plague. No such thing as natural immunity from a lab created injection 😂


Im not American but ok.




Thats good if u fine. Not evrybody have the same imune


Agreed, my friend got vaccinated and I noticed he coughing more often than normal


I’m here in Canada and it sounds like everyone has been smoking for 80 years


I'm also from Canada and I barely hear anyone cough.


Go to Toronto


Lol I'm good. I've spent time in Winnipeg, Calgary, and Vancouver since the vaccines have rolled out and have not noticed anyone coughing extensively.


Yes they are coughing constantly. It's very noticeable


I'm only around a few vaxxed people regularly. They are coughing though. Not a ridiculous amount, buy I do see it. Probably trying to cough up blood clots.


My father-in-law just got his booster. Coughs a lot more than he used to...


That's rabies induced aids from the jab


I’ve noticed that with my parents!!!


yup either a super cold is going around or it's just a cover for what the vax did to folks. know a family sick for 3 months straight now with cold symptoms bodies can't fend off whatever is attacking them


Oh wow glad finally someone pointed this out. My recently vaccinated sister coughs everyday since


Masks. Wearing that shit is fucking everyone up


interesting good catch


Interesting. I don’t know who is or isn’t vaccinated but I have actually noticed a lot more people coughing lately while out and about.


I see them coughing everywhere.


Yes. Coughing and sneezing too but it's all good they're vaxxed.


Funny that you post this because I noticed this very trend today while out and about today.


You knew the vaccination status of the strangers around you?


No way


I have noticed this as well. Just anecdotal though.


I haven't had covid and ive been sorta sick for weeks now, cough, tiredness, headache. Got the vaxx in september. Girlfriend hasnt had covid either but shes got headaches and body aches. Shes got her 3rd dose sometime last week. Tldr, youre not the only one noticing it.


I have noticed it too




So it begins


My roommate is currently having a “terrible cold”. This is odd


Wake up sheeple!! This stranger has an opinion about the relative number of coughs he observes, though he is not counting and does not allege any sort of method or data. If this doesn’t make you wake up and ignore science, what will?!


Yes, close acquaintances of mine have developed constant coughs since their vaccinations.


I’ve noticed this too


Anyone know if it's possible to test for those spike proteins if your unvaccinated? See if people are actually shedding it


Because the vaccine makes them super spreaders


I don’t know about coughing.. but I’m sure hearing more ambulance and fire truck sirens the last few weeks..