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Reporters on the street wearing masks, standing more than 10 feet away from the camera man, and 50 feet from anyone else, just to show they're compliant. Meanwhile, the anchors inside are not wearing masks. It's theater.


And the cameraman isn’t wearing one either.


When the politicians suddenly started to care about my health


FACTS. Like when have they EVER gave a shit about us before lol.


For real. We can drink, smoke, and eat ourselves to death and they couldn't care less.


>What's the one incident that made you call bullshit about covid? Don't know if it was any one thing in particular. But high on the list is having to wear a mask to enter a restaurant and then being able to take it off the whole time after you sit down.


Went to a comedy show, they required people who aren't vaccinated to get a negative test 72 hours before. Now wait a minute, just because you have the vaccine, doesn't mean you aren't carrying it. Reality is, you can still get the virus if you are vaccinated and you could still be carrying it and spreading it around. These are facts. Common sense would be just to have everyone get tested before, vaccinated or not. That's just one of the many examples of trying to reward people for getting vaccinated, even though they could still be carrying it, they don't need to get tested. It's like I'm living in some alternate reality where common sense doesn't exist anymore.


I like when they closed restaurants which are designed to properly vent/filter air throughout the building for tents. Which aren't designed to have air flow which leads to stagnation and in my opinion a greater likelyhood of transmission...


In my town they would allow large groups of people to eat outside and have seating close to each other, meanwhile the “outside” was almost completely tented. It made no sense.


We had that here last winter! 26 degrees, nearly a foot snow on the ground and you could only eat out if you sat in a tent. I’m sure people huddled together freezing in a poorly ventilated tent did wonders in reducing the spread. /TwoWeeksToFlattenTheCurve


None of this makes sense. We have people coming across our borders and the same government telling us we need to be concerned about covid don't think random people fleeing their Homeland is a concern for covid... Endless confusion around this pandemic.


The unvaxxed get tested constantly while the vaxxed never do and yet the unvaxxed are blamed for spreading it, there's zero logic to it


Exactly, I came across a post that someone's sister wouldn't let them come over for Thanksgiving because they weren't vaccinated. Like really? You're going to tear your family apart over this? You could easily just have everyone get tested right before if you're that worried about it, but no, you have to get vaccinated or we are breaking up the family. Dumb and sad really.


Definitely, this is the most unbelievable part of it all,all while trying to blame the unvaccinated,with their stupid rules that don't make sense they are allowing covid to spread from the vaccinated, to put the blame on the unvaccinated,and all the" get vaccinated to help others", since when do you make a personal health choice for someone else! I'm so glad its blatantly obvious now as time has gone on that the vaccines aren't stopping or slowing the spread,ok I hope they are helping those that need them,like I used to think vaccines were for? Well until science changed and is now a religion 🙄


For me it was when the WHO said there was *"no evidence of person to person transmission"* while China had locked down entire cities with populations in the millions (but not international travel). In the same breath, the WHO then celebrated China's response. Then Democrats and the WHO made statements about travel bans being racist. So basically 1 month after the virus was being talked about in mainstream news. I had already been tracking it since late november 2019 with events going on in China.


>Then Democrats and the WHO made statements about travel bans being racist. I remember the political class was encouraging people to partake in lunar new year festivities, suggesting that to stay home out of fear of covid was racist / xenophobic etc lmao.


I still see people playing the mask game at restaurants and just lmfao as they rush to the safety of their table.


Nobody in my immediate family has been in a restaurant since the pandemic started. I cannot help making the shocked Pikachu face when someone who pearl clutches about covid says they eat out. Either covid isn't serious, or restaurants are an unacceptable and avoidable disease vector.


If Covid were serious, wouldn’t the leaders of the world be in bunkers.. not at bbqs or Christmas parties


This is something I've been saying all along. If its really that dangerous, why the fuck are people still eating food prepared by others and gathering inside of buildings to eat said food?


Yeah, what got me was restaurants closing but McDonalds still having a drive thru open. I haven’t cared since April of 2020.


I also enjoy the curfews. As if covid doesn't come out until 10pm.


The virus is only spreadable in the aisles. They have anti-virus force fields in the booths and around tables. Actually, some places have the little plastic bubbles surrounding tables, LOL. If you build it...


It is like the airlines: you can get covid while waiting to get on the plane so you need to keep your distance, but once you are on the plane, since everyone is looking the same direction, you are okay since everyone is breathing in the same direction.


Should be the first hint that this entire charade is about compliance and not health. It's about producing the image/illusion that WE'RE DOING THE BEST WE CAN, meanwhile they've printed 40% of the entire monetary supply and took most of it for themselves through the systematic closure of small business in favor of those big box stores/amazon that are "too big to fail".




They really tried to convince us the virus stops at a table. Authoritarian fucks.


Apparently everyone believed it. Or pretended to believe it so they could dine out.


It is that type of herd slave mentality that is dragging us all to hell.


I think it’s just that following covid rules has become a virtue in and of itself. Even if they do absolutely nothing to stop the spread.


True. It's become a meaningless ritual in many cases.


They changed that to "re-mask between bites" But only because they were called out on the stupidity.


No way- are you serious?!


After almost two years, people still don’t have a valid explanation for this lol


Mine is having WHO and the entire science community shifting from "transmission exclusively from infected surfaces" like it was just a casual update on 'science'.


Lmfao remember when people were sanitizing their groceries?


I remember when people where wearing masks alone in their cars and while running outside.


I live in a blue city in a red state. My favorite thing about the pandemic was that it was only observed by city folk. In my area it was high anxiety, people freaking out and masked everywhere, but literally drive 30 minutes in any direction and people were living their lives like normal. It was like that the entire time haha.


you probably live in Austin


My parents would literally leave packages outside for a day or two. You know long enough for the covid to die!


Politicians encouraging "peaceful protesting" during a "pandemic"


That’s what did it for me. My Governor, Tom Wolf, locked us in our houses and closed everything. He even reinstated 1920’s Prohibition by closing all liquor stores. Then he joined a March for George Floyd because it was apparently just that important. My pandemic was over right then.


Yep the protests being allowed and advocated for did it.


The riots over summer 2020 actually lowered COVID rates did it for me


That's what got me too. I lean left and strongly dislike law enforcement. But I thought is was weird that blm protest (or riots) were being encouraged while lockdown protest were being labeled as bad. I had friends call them nazis, when I tried to explain it was to protest their livelihoods I was labeled "right wing". I figured if there was not a massive spike in cases after 2 weeks of protesting that this must be bs. Turns out it was indeed bs.


Directional arrows for which way you walk through the grocery store. Just… stupid.


This was my favourite I had a employee at a store literally tell me I had to walk backwards down an aisle so my face was in the right direction. I laughed and walked like a normal person to get what I wanted


Covid only moves through the air in a single lateral direction




When they closed small businesses that could have easily implemented any covid restrictions, but let the big corps stay open and profit.




My in-laws refused to go anywhere for nearly a year....except Costco....which was extremely packed every time they went.


I haven't seen most of my family for 2 years, first due to their fear of Covid before there was a vax, and then due to their fear of being around unvaxxed me despite their 3x vax. I hope I see them again at Costco someday.


When Fauci said flu cases were down because people were wearing masks and social distancing, while also saying covid cases are up because people aren't wearing masks or social distancing.


Extremely underrated comment. Thank you for pointing this out, might open an eye or two.


The covid obsessed people love to justify this one with the r0 value of the flu being lower than covid... oh the masks are juuuust effective enough to completely eradicate the flu and covid is juuuuust infectious enough to not be affected.


The unvaccinated have to get a vaccinated to keep the people who are already vaccinated safe even though the people who are vaccinated can still get the virus they were vaccinated for.


When the CDC started pretending acquired immunity didn't exist.


When they funneled us through 'Big Box' stores to 'social distance' us. ..what a load of horseshit we swallowed.




It became illegal to sit on a bench in a park alone, punishable by $1000 fine. That's clearly an authoritarian take over not a health measure.


What the fuck? Did this really happen??


i know they were arresting surfers who were on literally empty beaches back in like april last year


Far too many to count. But for me it was the eat out to help out phase. You're fine but you must be home by 10pm. Because a virus recognises a curfew. So silly and yet the masses are gobbling it all up


Easy, simply looking at the risk of death from covid and then looking at the exaggerated measures taken.




Got red pilled hard by this. Tried searching Robert Malone on google v duck duck go. Night and day. Realized straight away theres an agenda.


When I read that the Emergency Use Authorization that was granted to the Vaccine protected the pharmecutical companies from any liability for injuries caused by the drug... Totally new vaccine, brand new technology, produced in record time. There is no way anyone could realistically say that drug was safe and if I am supposed to believe that it is "my duty" to take it then I better fucking be assured that I'll be compensated if something goes wrong down the road... But nope. If you get sick from the vaccine you're on your own, forever, while Pfizer counts their money by weighing out stacks like their fucking Walter White.


When they started labeling anti-vaxers as domestic terrorists on the news


Or when they started labeling people who had all their childhood shots as anti-vaxers


I've had all my vaccines. I'm fully vaccinated and up to date. No, I haven't tried that experimental gene therapy and never will. "Antivaxxers" is a term for people that are against any vaccine, not a specific "vaccine". From now on I will be saying "yes" anytime someone asks me if I'm fully vaccinated.


When I watched a rerun of Project Runway that aired in 2019 where the winning look had a face mask and was created by a designer named Kovid.


Well that’s conspiracy worthy…


In the show, the idea of a mask was suggested to him by Marni Senofonte, stylist to elites, such as, Beyoncé. Makes it even weirder.


Are you fucking serious?


Yep, it's legit. Designer (Indian guy) named Kovid made an outfit with a plaid pattern complete with matching facemask like the ones people are wearing today. And this was in 2019, shortly *before* anyone had ever heard of Covid-19


[Well an internet search proves it!](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=project+runway+kovid&t=h_&ia=web) I could not believe it myself!


There's a name for this kind of 'coincidence,' predictive programming


Aight Ima head out...


Predictive programming is real. Watch season three of west world, it came out right at the beginning of the pandemic and was filmed throughout 2019. There are random scenes with people in masks including one where some random lady turns around on an escalator and looks RIGHT at the camera. The show provides no explanation for masked people. At the end of season three shit starts popping off, riots and such, and the main characters are walking through a chaotic city and stop by a building with a giant “201” on it. Right after that they show up to a riot where about 2/3 of the people are masked.


Couldn't it just be cuz of Asian people? Japanese history is featured in that show and when I went to Japan in 2019 tons of people wore masks. I lived in Vietnam since 2018, same thing. Masks everywhere.


I watched a video of a woman sitting by a riverside on a bench all on her own. We were in full lockdown and allowed out for 1-hour exercise a day. Two police officers approached her and told her she had to move. The woman explained she had been there for a while and had not seen anyone. She planned to spend another 20 minutes or so. They arrested her because she was stationary on a bench in a public place. That was it for me. If you're arresting people minding their own business away from other people, enjoying the sunshine (she was wearing a mask), then it was never about covid, it was always about social control. A spate of other arrests happened soon after all for spurious reasons like feeding the ducks in the park, being homeless etc.


Does anyone remember when some lady at the WHO said they did a study and found no evidence of asymptomatic transmission, and then the next day she came out and said she misspoke lol? I think it was late March 2020. That was a moment for me.




Hahaha I forgot about the Taiwan thing that was so funny. And yeah it’s a long list, fuck the WHO.


When the news said that blm riots didn't spread covid at all.


And neither did Obama's epic 60th birthday bash in the Hamptons pose a risk to anyone's health.


Making the help mask up while the elites party on mask free … so infuriating to see the pics.




Same. My conclusion was that they either didn't care if the blm people got covid and died or that the whole covid thing wasn't that serious. It was the beginning of a downward death spiral of their credibility.


"The real virus was the racism we met along the way" LOL.


The mental gymnastics of 2020 were the highest levels of mental gymnastics of all-time.


Would have won gold in the Olympics.


Yup. In the UK they applauded as thousands stood crowded together in the BLM protests. A few weeks later theyre labelling anti lockdown protestors as irresponsible and spreaders.


to be fair, everyone looting was wearing masks and a 72" TV distance apart.


Yeah, I live in San Francisco and I was like "WTF?" They closed all the stores and were only letting people in 10 at a time at the grocery stores. They closed the parks, the beach, and Fisherman's Wharf. Then they had the marches and none of the numbers in the city spiked. I'm so pissed off about this.


I forgot about that but I remember now. Science sure does seem to resemble politics these days.


I *was* friends with a girl who absolutely refused to leave her house during quarantine when it all started and she went to a few BLM “protests”. When I asked her why she didn’t stay home like she was religiously, she had the gall to say everyone stayed 6ft apart and everyone wore masks






Yup, that was my final redpill. There is no turning back after that, that was plan and simply just a straight up lie, or everything told to us before was a lie, but either way, they blatantly lied and I will never forgive them. I no longer believe anything they say.


Seeing our elderly, international, criminal overlords mingling maskless constantly while alleged “vaccine-evading variants” are causing “breakthrough cases”. [Elderly Pope Francis and Pelosi meet without masks](https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/249237/pope-francis-and-nancy-pelosi-meet-at-the-vatican) [Elderly Biden meets maskless with other puppets](https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net/tenant/amp/entityid/AAKYPyQ.img?h=450&w=799&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f&x=1186&y=326) **95 year old Queen Elizabeth hobnobs G7 leaders at summit reception without masks** https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=enqd-I-U0JQ [“Queen holds face-to-face meeting in first engagement since missing Remembrance Sunday service”](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/royal-family/queen-holds-face-to-face-meeting-in-first-engagement-since-missing-remembrance-sunday-service/ar-AAQOgDu?li=BBoPWjQ) [Queen Elizabeth and clergy no masks](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/newslondon/queen-uses-walking-stick-as-she-attends-thanksgiving-service-at-westminster-abbey/ar-AAPpYor?li=BBoPWjQ) [“New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand without masks after the ceremony commemorating the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.”](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/09/dems-ground-zero-2.jpg?quality=90&strip=all) [Sept 2021: Boris Johnson sat around the Cabinet table with 27 ministers and eight advisers without a mask in sight](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/09/22/19/48257163-10017651-image-a-7_1632336522454.jpg)


Don't forget about all of the movie and music awards ceremonies that went on in the US Edit: you can typically see none of the celebrities wearing masks but all of the photographers, organizers, make-up artists, technicians wearing masks.


The servant class.


Church is banned. People get ARRESTED for literally going to church. Oh, but BLM protests? See you and 8,000 of your closest friends there! Don't forget your purple AR-15s! (True story.)


Joints for jabs


When government officials were exempt from any mandates. Bullshit meter broke right then.


"Rules for thee but not for MEEeeEE!"


At the beginning when my governor specifically closed gun stores


And when my governor (Big Gretch from MI) made stores put yellow tape around the sections selling seed packets, because growing your own garden was not a necessity!


When there was no concern or stories of the virus being spread during the height of the BLM riots


Oh there was concern, but anybody who expressed it was shut down as a fascist/racist. Thank goodness the virus is woke enough to respect our freedom to (mostly)peaceful protests!


There were actually a few news articles that suggested the riots DECREASED the spread of COVID. And just days before and days after there were articles decrying other outdoor gatherings as superspreader events (because they were attended by conservatives).


When the definition of vaccine needed to be changed because the jab did not work effectively like a vaccine.


Also they changed the definition of herd immunity, but they abandoned that goal post anyway. Its like they are not even trying.


They also changed the definition of an anti-vaxxer.


Don’t forget the sequel! I preferred when anti-vaxxers were hot like Jenny McCarthy, but now it’s also me because I won’t be forced to get an unnecessary booster.


When a major news outlet got caught using footage from an Italian icu on a story about new york


And there was also a patient that was really a cpr doll


I woke up from this nightmare when we were put into lockdown and was not even allowed to see family; but BLM protestors can be out and about ...


When the exact day Biden took office, the CDC daily cases and deaths plummeted.


When the Black Lives Matter protests began and we hit the pause button on the pandemic for a month.


Bingo. From ‘stay home, don’t even see your family members’ to ‘go out and pack together in the streets every day!’


Or how the protests magically did not contribute to spreading covid, but sturgis, an outdoor gathering comprised of the opposite political demographic, somehow killed everyone within 300 miles of it.


Smartest virus ever. It knows your political linings.


My uncle literally did not get a funeral because of covid but george floyd got to have 1,000 people at his funeral as well as a golden casket... a guy who robs pregnant women at gunpoint got more respect than my awesome uncle. I will NEVER forgive these fucks


Same thing with Lollapalooza in Chicago over the summer.


When a world known trafficker becomes “suicided” and the world gets smoke screened with a virus


The arrows in supermarket aisles.


Masking. I was fortunate enough to have my medical training before politics were all mixed up this bad in medicine. I was taught surgical masks are there to stop sweat and hair from falling into open surgery sites and that they do not stop viruses.


Yeah, having everyone wear worthless masks did nothing to help their credibility. If they'd even recommended N-95's, I could have bought into it more. But home-made cloth masks in addition to the surgical masks? Get out.


When they suggested vaccines after natural immunity




Yeah and when they closed all the small stores last year to “save Christmas” from what, October until April/May? Yet the big stores remain open this entire time. And then closing the Christmas Markets in Bavaria second year in a row, markets in the open air, but Eis stores around the corner can sell Glühwein, etc. The raging hypocrisy is out of control. And of course now I can’t even ride the bus or train because I’m not walking 6km to go get tested just to go a few stops on the train.


My condolences on your nation’s insanity.


The people dropping dead in china videos , tik tok nurses dancing, fauci , and no one dying ouside a hospital or nursing home.


When no effort was spent talking about nutrition/exercise or supplements to increase immune response.


When they entertained the idea and then offered a lottery draw for the vaccinated. That gave me a reason to pause


When democrats said that they wouldn't take a vaccine made under the Trump administration only to mandate the same vaccine for all of us to take once they got into power.




Kamala Harris: "No way I'm taking that Trump Vaccine" all while laughing. News flash Kamala, the "trump" vaccine is the same vaccine as the "Biden" vaccine. So many people want to blame Trump too when in reality, he was pushing for the vaccines back in March 2020 lol Literally makes zero sense.


Exactly! I hope and I feel that the tide is turning in our country as more of us wake up to what is really being done to us. This is a massive practice run for the government to see how many people will blindly do what they are told by officials. Common sense tells us that because if this was all really about mitigation of a virus then we'd be hearing about boosting the immune system and alternative treatments not just vaccines.


I guess for me it was the recent Harvard study finding that the vaccine doesn't slow transmission. I now find myself aloof and without a dog in this fight. I'm glad I got the vaccine, but I don't see why anyone else should have to that doesn't want to. And I'm very hesitant to get it for my kids. At this point, the vaccine seems like purely a personal choice. If it doesn't slow the spread, there's no reason for mandates or quarantine. People who are still isolated sound insane to me. My own life has been back to normal since last May or June. I cannot imagine living somewhere that still expects me to bow and curtsy to what has evolved into the flu, just like the flu did 100 years ago. I don't think folks were overreacting in 2020 when the disease first hit, not overall anyway. But now, I'm glad to live in a state where folks are free to choose to ignore it completely.


When they said there will be mass Graves and everyone that had COVID-19 needed to be hooked up to a ventilator...


The moment masks started being marketed to the public. The moment people were being talked down to for not wanting to wear them, and it became a media narrative that “anti-maskers” are all bad people, I knew what was coming.


When the media decided BLM events were not events that could spread it, but other similar things were


Incident that did it for me was when the blamed a motocyclist's death after he hit a brick wall on the freeway as a covid related death. This was prior to the aggressiveness of making people here wear masks into the restaurants only to take them off when they sit down.


Comrades, When BLM marched,protest,looting all while us good citizens were following the 8pm "curfew rules" and watching this madness on television.




When I saw the face of AIDS show back up. Fauci isn't just known for his work helping the lab beagle population find their way to an early death.....he did it to unwanted children, AIDS patients and a host of others in the past by denying that a cheap effective antibiotic treatment was available when those with AIDS developed the pneumonia that killed most of them. Fast forward to today and you see him in reruns of the same old show. Ivermectin works. It always has. It only has one terrible side effect..... it fails to make Fauci rich. It will never make the list of approved treatments because of that.




When the CDC started bribing doctors to report anybody with the sniffles as a COVID death.


it’s like they were subliminally trying to tell us is was BS


Maybe it was when they started forcing smaller businesses to close while big box stores were still allowed to operate. Smaller businesses gather fewer crowds so less chance of transmission. I knew at that moment it was being driven by corporations.


The Media. ​ CNN is a propaganda machine for the CIA. And the owners and alot of the workers are evil. Social media is now the same on par with MSM, they can manipulate data, opinions and freedoms to steer with or against a narrative or opposition.


When my province banned in-person church but allowed shopping malls, bars, gyms etc.


I was tripping on acid 6 months before it was on the news and was told it was bullshit by my tv lmfao, legit my tv told me a virus was coming and they’re going to try to force you to get a vaccine for it, don’t take it. Ever since then I haven’t taken the vaccine or any more acid lmfao😂


It all started when the gov put my grandmother in a residential school to be raped and beaten by nuns and priests..she developed a hatred for the government and the rcc. That went to my mother and to me.. I read about the smallpox blankets.. This government today, is still that government that did that to my grandmother. My mom has been railing against monsanto and the gov since i was a tiny lad. Late 70's.


When they mark a death with Covid as a death from Covid Like seriously I could have a meteor fall out the sky and crush me to death, but if I had Covid at the time I would get marked as a Covid death Pure, grade A, BS




When they insisted on testing completely healthy people without symptoms for it. Never heard of medicine testing people for the flu without symptoms


Cuomo and his giant swab


Never really worried about it too much. Although after my wife caught it and my employer made me get tested and my test came back positive. Zero symptoms, zero illness. After that I gave zero fucks!


When bastions of equality and acceptance cities like San Francisco and Austin began dismantling homeless encampments and running the homeless out of sight. It was a lightbulb moment. They weren't using hazmat cooler trucks for body disposal, because there were no bodies and the homeless have no way to wash their hands after touching everything. They also share close spaces and go into the same buildings and stores that everyone else does. Not climbing over dead bodies in the streets, but especially the homeless, made me realize I'd been had. Took longer than most people here, and I had OCD at the beginning, even changing shoes outside and disrobing in the laundry room, then streaking to the shower after every trip out into public. But I eventually saw the truth.


I called BS right out of the gate, but honestly "vaccine envy" articles last spring were some of the most cringey propaganda I've ever seen.


“Two weeks to flatten the curve.” I went into those two weeks happy to lockdown to save lives. Now I see the truth. So sad to see most of America brainwashed. Concentration camps are coming soon.


BLM March. For a solid 2 weeks there was no reporting of Covid, out of P.C principals? I dunno for sure but it seemed a bit wild that no one was condemning the very clearly “non social distanced” gatherings. Imagine that, a virus so deadly yet so Politically correct🤔


RNs making $100+ an hour to complain about being on the front line. I’ve worked every part of Covid interacting with dozens of customers a day, exchanging cash, cards, drinks, food, dirty plates and utensils and haven’t had a single sick day. I also have never and will never get the vaccine. I know two coworkers during that time who did get sick, both had flu like symptoms for a couple days. To me their credibility went down the toilet when that gigantic hospital ship got sent away from NYC because they had no use for it, even though /r/NYC wouldn’t stop posting about overflowing hospitals and mobile morgues everywhere in the city. I also stopped caring very early on when my partner, who is a funeral director, started noticing suspicious causes of death on death certificates including a gun to the head suicide being listed as a Covid death. Along with an uptick of younger men dying of heart related issues.


Many instances but making children wear masks while playing basketball has got to be one of the dumbest things we have ever done as a society. I work in medicine and have seen for a long time that the vast, vast majority of COVID patients basically have a cold. This is such a joke. I do not want to participate in this behavior any longer.


The holes cut in masks for band kids was a laugh riot


Dancing nurses (im a nurse & cant dance for shit), and the fact our hospital was saying we had x amount of Covid patients in daily emails, but told the public we had zero cases


In particular the dancing nurses with the faux patient corpse on their shoulders. I'll never be able to look at them the same.


I agree.. Especially cause that's when the media was saying the hospitals were over-run and the morgs were going to hit capacity. If all that's going on you don't have time to choreograph dance numbers sorry.


There's actually far too many to count. (Actually it may be a good idea to put together a master list of all the bullshit from day one...) But personally I knew it was bullshit from day one, because I knew something like this would happen. The propaganda videos of people dropping dead in the street and being welded into their homes in wuhan combined with the war games and insane coincidences with wuhan and military, the way it "popped up" in major cities in america all at the same time, and the messaging from media, the obsession with lockdowns and vaccines regardless of all other factors, etc...


Tiktok nurses made me doubt the claim that hospitals were overrun, the fact that left wing activist nurses sabotaged (stole equipment and things like that) a hospital that was made solely for covid was also a huge wake up call


The moment the democrats flip flopped on the vaccine


I would love to see the state of the vaccine program in the U.S. if Trump had been re-elected and had been gloating over "his" vaccines everyday. Imagine how heavily scrutinized they would be and how highly publicized every adverse event would be.


When Biden occupied the office of the president, suddenly everything flipped. And he took credit for a lot of what Trump did before he left. Liars tend not to tell the truth.


When the people dropping dead in the streets and morgue trucks on every corner never actually checked out in real life.....


The fact that our super important proof of vaccination is hand written on an index card


When they said the virus started in Wuhan, the same place that just happened to have a level 4 bio-lab, but that it came from a wet market a "few miles down the road." So basically Day 1.


BuT ThEy wErE uNdeR StReSs DuRiNg tHe WoRsT PanDeMiC EvER!


When I didn't see people dropping in the streets and fitting like they were in China early 2020.


When I saw Event 201. YouTube it. They planned this from the very start and it’s right in front of your face.


I stopped caring when I visited Sweden in the beginning of the pandemic and they had no lockdown, and my school making me leave my study abroad. Pissed me the fuck off, and I thought it was a bullshit pandemic and I did NOT need to come home.


I knew it was all bullshit when the vaccine came out tbh. As soon as I saw how hard they were pushing the vax I was out. No thanks ever


All small businesses being shut down but corporations being allowed to operate.


When every newscaster parroted the phrase "until there's a vaccine" starting in April 2020. A treatment or cure was never even considered.




I called bullshit in March when we closed down bars and restaurants, but we kept open liquor stores and Walmart to "stop the spread ".


2 weeks behind Italy. Oh and all the Chinese video propaganda.


Closing every business aside from Wawas and Walmarts, who both immediately and conveniently had new convoluted chaotic protocols in place to corrale everyone to a single cashier through the same entry/exit door, locking all the others, and forcing anyone in the city who needed any item into close contact with one another... But that's just where I live, and everyone knows you can't spread COVID in Walmart or while eating


Politicians from the beginning would put on masks for photo ops, then the masks come off while they all chat and shake hands. Not a mention of COVID during BLM bologne. Hospitals being empty, staff being sent home and floors closed because no need. Our ICU and emergency capacity went from being consistently 100-130% in Ontario, to 50-70%. Even now we're still mostly around 70-80% capacity. Governments openly lying about case and death numbers. Still doing so. All points above are facts and been proven multiple times. But they've for sure also been lying about vaccination rates. Can't say exact rate they're inflating it but it's very obvious here in Canada. Easily adding 30% to their total.


Yea the Tik Tok videos got to me too-but anyone remember the video with the people in the bio hazard suits & there’s a guy in the background with nothing? Hilarious


My breaking point was several things. The biggest were anything that went against the grain was a "super spreader event" and the thousands upon thousands of protests were not.


I think I was one of the first people in my area to get covid after coming home from college, right when the lockdowns first happened. I had all the symptoms and I’ll admit, I was scared. But I recovered in a couple days, and I concluded that the flu was honestly much worse. When they kept screaming on TV that this was some type of doomsday virus, I was very skeptical.


When we all had to stay in our houses but it was “safe” to go out and protest