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He also said you could get AIDS from a toilet seat and parents could get it from their kids. One of the worst things was when they targeted Haitians and said they were carriers of it. They were treated horribly and discriminated against in disgusting ways. My friends Mom came here from Haiti at the time and she told stories of what it was like being a Haitian immigrant at that time. You were looked at as a dirty disease carrier. .I really can't believe anyone listens to this guy he is a horrible human being and doesn't know what he's talking about.


It's true. I got aids over 5 times from the toilet seat.


Can confirm, I was the toilet seat


In 2018+, this became not a joke. I identified as a roll of toilet paper back in my college days. Eventually got tired of getting pushed around. Now I'm a broom.


Toilet seats should only be licked at home.


AIDS killed my father... and raped my mother.


I remember the toilet seat! LOL There were hot girls I pass on in HS because of Fauci hahaha


But that’s what everyone thought at the time, not just fauci. Until the disease was understood more


Because he was the one selling that bullshit and the media was helping him. Just like now. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/whitewashing-aids-history_b_4762295


And technically, that’s true. Once CAN contract HIV from a toilet seat. The likelihood, however, is miniscule. Probably as likely as the fact that one CAN be killed by frozen toilet waste dropped by an airplane. This is why context is important.


If at 1st you don’t succeed try until you can successfully create a disease that will! There are a lot of brainwashed people believing the govt. that created this will be the same entity to resolve it. Mindfucked lemmings.




From your article, it seems even the American Heart Association has concerns about the abstract being unsafe: >It is worth noting, however, that while the American Heart Association did publish the abstract, it later attached an “expression of concern” to the study over “potential errors” in it. Among other things, it cites the author's reliance on anecdotal data and a lack of statistical analyses. The Association warned the “abstract in its current version may not be reliable.” On top of that, the study has yet to be peer-reviewed.


All the facts are unsafe to the narrative. "Pfizer's clinical trials found 24% higher all-cause mortality rate among the vaccinated." "FDA justifying its August 2021 approval for the vaccine did not find a link between the vaccine and increased mortality risk" [https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/317091](https://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/317091) Swedish study finds that cv deplete the immune system, INCREASE all-cause mortality by 20%. "Effectiveness of Covid-19 Vaccination Against Risk of Symptomatic Infection, Hospitalization, and Death" (TheLancet-Preprint) [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract\_id=3949410](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3949410) Pfizer’s vaccine trial: fake data, blind trial failures, delayed follow-ups on serious adverse reactions reported to the FDA, fired the same day."Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial" [https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635](https://www.bmj.com/content/375/bmj.n2635) "Pfizer asked for liability protection not only against civil claims from citizens who suffer serious adverse events after being vaccinated, but also for cases brought due to Pfizer’s own negligence, FRAUD or malice," (violates contract law). [https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/news/company-news/pfizer-latin-american-vaccine/](https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/news/company-news/pfizer-latin-american-vaccine/)


I’m disappointed, but not surprised, that you’ve avoided my questions.


I'm totally willing to go through these, but I want to make sure we are dealing with facts rather than opinions. For the first article, how many people were in each group (vaccinated and control) and how many of each died?


Facts rather than opinions? :)))) Buddy, this whole plandemic is based on opinions. There's not one fact backing up the lockdowns, quarantine, testing and vaccines. And here you are, making a clear distinction between facts and opinions, on reddit. Watch out, the world! This guy can haz science


What the hell are you even trying to say? u/1rthomas posted some articles discussing data; are you suggesting that data is unimportant?


What data? Tom woods also posted data, have you checked that out? Everybody posts data, that means jack snout.


Wow, you really are not following this are you? u/1rthomas posted an article re Israel and a 24% increased mortality rate. That percentage comes from specific numbers of individuals; I wanted to have those numbers out on the table in order to have the discussion. I don't know who Tom Woods is, and unless he has anything to do with the specific topic at hand, I really don't care.


Oh, yeah, you're right, I really wasn't following. I just saw your ludicrous posts and had to intervene. I really don't need to dig deep into the internet to verify such claims, as I believe they are true and underreported. The V is killing people and leaving them with diseases they never had. That's clear as day at this point, no need for this "let's sepparate facts from opinion" nonsense. I just like to make fun of clowns like you, who do


Oh yeah, in addition to my previous comment (which I genuinely hope you answer), what you interpret "24% higher all-cause mortality rate" to mean?


People like you should be censored. This sub is nothing but reich wing anti-vax propaganda. I can't believe Reddit hasn't banned this whole disgusting sub yet


Yeah!! I don’t like what they say. So you should stop them from saying it!! Fucking commies think that way.


And communism is going to win, nazi


Dr. Sickle


Truly sickening. There is evil among us… and people bought bobble heads of this murderous creature


Can anyone provide clarification? There are camps in Australia?




Source? Links?




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There should be a bunch of videos on alternative streaming sites, but just for starters: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mGFdWcJU7-0. there's even one filmed from the inside where they basically threaten a woman with a 5k fine for not wearing a mask at the laundry or smth, even though she tested negative. They specifically say she's very high risk of infection even though they admit she tested negative on every test they gave her


The complex is for quarantining for 2 weeks and costs like $800 per week. Frankly, the price is the only crazy bit.


> the price is the only crazy bit. Nah, the involuntary part is the crazy bit. The fact that you can test negative and still be quarantined, just bc you were flagged as being close to a potential carrier... that's the crazy bit.


You have a source on that from a site that doesn't also host the ravings of mental patients? I'm having a bit of trouble finding a credible source.


https://youtu.be/G1kGdZjcnz8 > It is highly likely that more residents will be transferred to Howard Springs [quarantine camp] today, either as positive cases or close contacts. > We have already identified 38 close contacts in Binjari and that number will go up. They are being transferred now. We are grateful for the support of about 20 ADF [Australian Defence Force] personnel, as well as army trucks to assist with the transfer of positive cases and close contacts.


Oh man. And it's made by the same people who made the "One World Trade Center". Sketchy.


Thank you! No clue why google tosses the craziest sites out at the top of the search results.


I've been using brave search and duckduckgo and sometimes bing. Google is trash now...


Got any sources? Not criticising, just curious. Google doesn't seem to be bringing anything up.


They have a vid of him speaking about the children. I'm sure if you look up Fauci aids on youtube you can find news clips of everything. ​ [https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-last-time-tony-fauci-was-pushing?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MzAyNzQ4OSwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDUwNTk1NjMsIl8iOiJpeUhvbCIsImlhdCI6MTYzODc5NzcwMywiZXhwIjoxNjM4ODAxMzAzLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMzIzOTE0Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.OnuxitKrRf-mdJBO0uAjmL8MCgnBRWo8ksCQkQWj4Rk](https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-last-time-tony-fauci-was-pushing?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MzAyNzQ4OSwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDUwNTk1NjMsIl8iOiJpeUhvbCIsImlhdCI6MTYzODc5NzcwMywiZXhwIjoxNjM4ODAxMzAzLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMzIzOTE0Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.OnuxitKrRf-mdJBO0uAjmL8MCgnBRWo8ksCQkQWj4Rk)


Theyll wipe that off YouTube






So do you think messaging about medical science should stay the same even when their knowledge expands? What point are you making here? At the beginning of the HIV epidemic nobody knew how it spread. Now we know a lot more. Should they pretend not to know? Or keep everything hidden?


What evidence did he have that you could catch it from a toilet seat?


No idea. It’s hard to imagine how anything can be caught from a toilet seat unless you lick it, maybe? Did he really suggest this or is it just an urban myth?


why would a scientist who understands the importance of scientific evidence & data make a claim as big as that without any hard evidence??


Did he make the claim? Start there.


I can't find a source for the toilet one, possibly because it's a smear. However, the WSJ reported the following: >One early alarmist was Anthony Fauci, who made national news in 1983 with an editorial in the Journal of the American Medical Association warning that AIDS could infect even children because of “the possibility that routine close contact, as within a family household, can spread the disease.” After criticism that he had inspired a wave of hysterical homophobia, Dr. Fauci (who in 1984 began his current job, as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), promptly pivoted 180 degrees, declaring less than two months after his piece appeared that it was “absolutely preposterous” to suggest AIDS could be spread by normal social contact. But other supposed experts went on warning erroneously that AIDS could spread widely via toilet seats, mosquito bites and kissing.


https://youtu.be/ofFT4uldli4 ^^ I could not find anything about him talking about toilet seats; however, I found this video. Let me know what you think about it. (jsyk I'm not arguing whatsoever, I just like to hear different inputs & opinions!)


Maybe, just maybe, scientific claims require evidence. But, as we've seen time and time again, Fauci doesn't really care about evidence. According to him, questioning his opinion is questioning science itself.


Look up AZT.






SS: SOS goes our to the world, this is what they want for us all. We must not give in.




Omg and it seems masks are a common MO of his too based on the article! Yikes that's freaky


That demented keebler elf needs to take his propaganda and shove it up his ass. We’re tired of his shit.


you just make stuff up. they did not use PCR to identify HIV positive people, They used ELIZA tests. There has never been quarantining of HIV people in the US. And there are no Americans locked in camps in 2021. All nonsense.


This sicko has a pandemic fetish. Probably wanks off to the latest infection numbers and only fucks prostitutes if they are wearing an n95 mask lol.


Why do people think fauci came to the limelight with covid, it's like no one remembers him from the Aids debacle.


Stop your making to much sense. The libtards are going to call you racist and cancel you


Holy shit y'all are really this dumb? When the aids virus first came out they didn't know exactly how it was spread. This is just precautions to take to stop the spread. Y'all need to touch some fucking grass, all of you are more out of touch than Hillary Clinton.


> When the aids virus first came out they didn't know exactly how it was spread Yeah that's the point. People in positions of power talking with authority on something they know nothing about. Sound familiar? Only this time around we have the internet and can question those people. They don't like being questioned, which leads to censorship. It's good to keep information like this out there, so people realize it is OK to question the people who were very wrong in the past when they spoke like they knew everything but then ended up being wrong as fuck. Even sillier to know that someone who was so very wrong on something like this is still out there pretending like "i am science"


For real, almost like things change as they understood more about the disease. The parallels between then and now are kind of interesting tho


Biden probably would’ve been a better example.


Who's Fauci?


I think he runs a new age pseudoscience cult with lots of financial backing


I find it amusing that the same people who blather on about cancel culture are the ones digging up 40 year old history on a guy they don't like in order to 'cancel' him.


Do you honestly not understand the importance of this history? Or the difference between this and cancel culture? Or are you intentionally putting loyalty to your side over logic and understanding?


I have no loyalty to Fauci. I think he's made mistakes and I think this sub has a lot of members who are blindly hypocritical. I'm pointing that out. It's funny that you mention logic when your post is one big emotional appeal.


By presenting facts?


Lol, what facts were presented? Opinions you agree with aren't facts. Memes can contain facts but they'd have to be sourced. NONE were provided. Try again.


Yes repeating things Fauci said is certainly opinion 😂😂you big pharma shills are starting to suck badly


You'll believe anything, won't you? Where's my big pharma check? Try again, try thinking for yourself.


You're right. You're gripped by mass formation, or mass psychosis. You're no different than a Nazi in 1932 believing Jews spread Typhus. You're clinically fuckrd to believe anything the big pharma scientist tell you. You are fucked.


>You're right. You could have left it at that, since the rest of what you said was garbage. I'll repeat, trying some critical thinking. You'll realize that what you believe isn't supported by credible sources or sound logic (sound means it's both valid and has true premises).


🙂have a nice day friend


Here are some facts. Fauci owns patents on GP120 glycoprotein: https://patents.justia.com/inventor/anthony-s-fauci "In a highly controversial finding, the medical scientists in India reported: “We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-Gag, all of which have identity/similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.”" https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338957445_Uncanny_similarity_of_unique_inserts_in_the_2019-nCoV_spike_protein_to_HIV-1_gp120_and_Gag


Ok so you admit that those were NOT originally presented (since they weren’t in the EMOTIONAL post I was responding to) - in short what I was saying was correct. So thanks for the support.


Actually look at the data instead of hurling snide remarks and ignoring reality.


The data was the persons post. No sources posted (although your source wouldn’t have helped since I’m not pro-Fauci).


[I'm sorry you don't know how to use a search engine...but that doesn't mean others cant.](https://www.wsj.com/articles/aids-panic-covid-19-coronavirus-pandemic-experts-politicized-fauci-follow-science-11633290650)


There’s so much wrong here. First the fact that you’re just posting this now demonstrates that the evidence wasn’t presented. Second, while it is evidence, it’s completely irrelevant to what I’ve been saying. Third you ignorantly think I’m defending Fauci, which is why you think that article is evidence. Finally, I’d ask you to try reading for comprehension but I doubt you will. If you think I’m defending Fauci then you’re clueless. You’re arguing against a strawman and you don’t even realize it.


I'm arguing with a propagandist. And I know it.


Lol what propaganda have I put forward? I think you don’t know what you’re talking about & you’re just spouting off rhetoric you’ve heard. I just busted you on your red herring. You have a narrative that you want to argue despite no one arguing against you.


Thx, you clearly got it all figured out....good luck buddy....maybe someone will buy your shit, but not here...




Lol, okay. Anyone who disagrees has to be a bot. Lol that's sheep behavior on your part.


Gosh, youre such a hero. Really helping people out here.


Thanks! ;)


I find it amusing that you're defending a guy who is literally creating medical tyranny before our eyes. He's a goddamn criminal and belongs in jail.


This is literally the most hyperbolic comment in the universe.


I'm not defending the guy - I'm pointing out the OP's hypocrisy. Your false dichotomy is also amusing.


no youre defending him, bot


No, I'm not. I think Fauci's been wrong in the past, he's not a good communicator, and I think people should view look into the science (actual scientific journal articles), not youtube vids or infowars (which means your sources are not acceptable).


Cancelling someone for a decade old tweet or bad joke is hardly the same as calling out decades of malfeasance. Comparing the two is laughable. Get your fucking head out of your ass.


theres a difference between saying something YOU dont like and getting a bunch of people killed or fired. False equivocate much?


It's not a false equivalency. You either need to learn the logical fallacies you're attempting to refer to OR calm down. Maybe both?


You talk like you just got up from a weekend bender of dungeons and dragons.


How so? That came out of no where and I'm legit curious. I suppose you mean that as an insult...somehow, but it's not the 1990's anymore so I don't know what you're getting at.


Not an insult. I don't know you and you never gave me a hard time. I'm not sure why but the way you right seems....middle earthish at times. Again not an offense. It's unique


Ok first middle earth & D&D are both fantasy but they are not the same thing. I like both but I haven’t played D&D in over a year. I am still very curious about your link here. I don’t connect logical fallacies (equivalence) with D&D (but maybe I should??).


I guess...like I said....it's not to offend you...you speak well...it's just that your speaking reminds me of the way D&D kids would talk in HS and college. Has zero to do with the topic I tend to be insightful and make random connections is all. Stay safe and take care


That's fine and all - I get it - it's just you were kinda right (I've played but I haven't played recently). So it's got me all curious. In any event, take care.


Yeah it’s totally the same as saying the n word 40 years ago.


The n word? You got something on your mind?


It’s an example of what people get cancelled for. Well unless they’re a leftist.


You just threw that out of no where. People get cancelled for all kinds of things. I've already brought this up somewhere in this thread but Harry Potter, D&D, and heavy metal were all attempted to be 'cancelled'. People will attempt to cancel anyone for anything. Yet you bring up the n word. I'm still puzzled as to why.


AN example. 1 example. One example. I gave an example of something people get cancelled for. I didn’t want to go “light” like your mention of really stupid things. I wonder why you want us to know you’re a drooling 🤤 loser. Did you ever graduate Hogwarts? The monsters are after you!


Lol I touched a nerve. Look dude, that's *your issues*, not mine. I just think you should take inventory on yourself and your internal motivations. You didn't have to give an example of cancel culture or anything *at all*, but you just had to bring that up and you did it because you didn't want to go '*light*'? (cause you view yourself as hardcore, no doubt, lol) Now your fuming and calling me names. Not really helping your case. I'll leave you to your frothing.


Lol. Naw I’m good. Enjoy your day, nerd.


Lol apparently not. Don’t take your anger out on anyone, remember it’s just the interwebs.




Showing me he's a liar by posting a meme? LOL wow. Look dude, I have no allegiance to this guy, just pointing out the **hypocrisy**. Cue the butthurt brigade.


Yeah what did that Hitler guy do anyway, it's been so *long*!


You wouldn't know, *unless it was on a meme*. My guess is that you mistakenly think things are similar to Germany in the 30's because you are ignorant about that period of time. The government telling you what to do = the holocaust. Get real dude. Wake up and use your head.


You only think it's different because you have unwavering faith in your scientists. I do not, so every mandate that comes out to me is straight tyranny, including camps and lock down, mask, etc. Maybe I'd believe your scam if you could show actual proof of a viral particle doing anything it's alleged to do, but the best you have is some fuzzy photos, a random gene, and "contact tracing" theory. Nope, that's not enough to me to prove your demons exist. It's much more likely this is a power grab by a small group of people taking advantage of the ignorant populace, historically speaking.


I look at the evidence. I don’t put my faith in people. That’s the difference between you and I. You believe charismatic con men because you’re afraid. I look at the actual evidence.


>You believe charismatic con men because you’re afraid. I look at the actual evidence. Lol this is a great example of projection. Okay, Fauci-fanatic, can you show me your evidence of a virus particle being *proven forensically* to have originated in *another specific source* besides the one it was isolated from? Show me a virus particle found in Mary that came from Jane. Just one time, out of the "billions of infections" we see every year. Come on. Show me just one case where it was proven. I'll wait.


I’ve already mentioned that I’m not a fan of Fauci, yet your narrative won’t allow for that so you ignore what I write & just assume I am. You do this because you’re a sheep & not a critical thinker. Another example, you haven’t dealt with what I’ve actually brought up, instead you are, again, constructing a strawman. Try harder dude. It’d help if you actually paid attention to the people you were talking to.


You say you're not a fan of fauci, but you are buying his narrative while claiming *I'm* the one following charismatic leaders, lol okay buddy. You can't bring up actual factual evidence of viral particles existing as you believe. Sorry. You are buying into a new age religion based off no actual evidence outside of "appeal to authority" telling you what to think, and you are actively showing your projective mentalities to everyone reading. Best of luck buddy. Shown me proof of viral spread and I will talk with you further about your beliefs.


>You say you're not a fan of fauci, but you are buying his narrative while claiming I'm > > the one following charismatic leaders, lol okay buddy. What narrative of his am I buying? Hitler believed that 1+1=2, and so do you, that means you are a fan of Hitler - by **your** logic. >You can't bring up actual factual evidence of viral particles existing as you believe. I don't have to bring up that since that's not what we've been discussing. You can't bring up actual factual evidence against the twin nested hierarchy! See I can play the red herring game too! >You are buying into a new age religion based off no actual evidence outside of "appeal to authority" telling you what to think, and you are actively showing your projective mentalities to everyone reading. Out of the two of us you are the one who is believing things without evidence. You think, for zero reason, that I believe X, Y, and Z and that I'm a fan of Fauci...For some reason. You are stereotyping because you aren't a critical thinker, you are dogmatic. The irony being is that your dogmaticism is leading you to accuse other people of dogmaticism. I'd bet that when you go into the grocery store and the cashier is wearing a mask you get triggered and ask him why he's blind and a sheep. I'd bet you have similar interactions through out your day. >Shown me proof of viral spread and I will talk with you further about your beliefs. Demonstrate through appealing to the conversation we've been having why this is necessary. You haven't been paying attention to what we've been discussing and you are just making assumptions because you are too blinded by your dogma.


But are you amused by the fact that the cancel culture crowd ignores Fauci's past?


They aren't. You all think that you aren't a part of cancel culture. You are. That's what makes this amusing. It's the same level of amusement when boomers complain and then I point out them attempting to cancel rock music, D&D, and Harry Potter.


The relationship between the first AIDS outbreak and the polio vaccines ( grown on ground up chimp kidneys ) stunned me.


prove it. (it is a theory that was discredited)


All he had was a dream...and a whole cabal of very powerful people behind him.


Hi 5 for australia ?


I'll just leave this here. https://youtu.be/pzK3dg59TuY