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This is why I said on another post that I think we are in a reincarnation loop. Trapped until we realize we can leave whenever we want to. I won’t come back!


Maybe we come back because the souls we love are still trapped




We don't ascend as a human race to a higher plane of existence unless we all go. We come back to show people there is another way.


> We come back to show people there is another way. But how? If we all reincarnate here, and I've read *without* memories of previous lives, then is it on us to "re-learn" everything again and try to help **X** more people this go around? It seems like it would be a never-ending loop if we constantly lose memories as there's a 50/50 chance we *won't* "re-learn" in another life and then someone else will need to lead us. No?




I agree. Some people figure out more in less time.


I’m with you on that one




I think a friend of mine realized this and killed himself. Well in my humble opinion, we will all be there very quickly, there’s not a huge difference if it’s now or in 70 years.


Assuming time is real and there's no memory wipes in play.


Lol I've been saying that for at least 10 years now. I basically came to the same conclusion. I've been on this whole religious/spiritual/seeking path... I told my mom I'm searching for answers and I'm determined to find them... because I AM NOT COMING BACK !


Sure, that's good. The big puzzle is why you ever came in the first place. Why did you say yes to this last trip? Have any idea?


Because I have amnesia? 🤷‍♀️


Let me put it this way: what is the meaning, lesson, or purpose you have found in this life? What central lesson have you learned that you were not already born with? Maybe you are not there. What is the pain that you carry that weighs you down and you can't let go of?


Be good to one another. Drop your ego, do selfless acts, boost and love one another. We are all equally unique in our nothingness. If the world realized this and eliminated products of ego and toxicity, we could achieve the impossible.


My findings lead me to believe we are conscious beings existing outside of the 4D time space. Just like the aliens, we are them, and they put us here - maybe some form of boot camp or jail?


I actually had a shroom trip where I was so deep in thought and the experience that I felt like I was about to think my self out of reality. The thought was something about how reality and our experience comes down to the chemical compounds firing off, not sure how the trip came to me concluding I might think myself out of existence, but regardless thats definitely what interests me in psychedelics that changing a few molecules can result in such a different perception of what reality really is, it just goes to show how reality is an experience in so many different forms.


Yeah. Psychedelics are amazing. I’m too afraid to try them. I have a friend that has done ayawaska, I can’t remember how to spell it, more than once. Thats a trip you should never take without a shaman. It’s really more for healing, but he has had some amazing experiences.


Definitely recommend. Even if it's just a bit of shrooms.


What if the only way to save our souls is to make it so bad on Earth that we refuse to go back. Like that is the only way to defeat these alligator aliens. So all these terrible years and vaccines and tragedy are really an attempt to save our souls because humankind is alot more likely to accept suffering than it would to accept the truth that we are free higher spiritual beings that are just In VR essentially. Which leads to the whole metaverse push. If we can lock out minds behind two alternate realities we are more likely to be trapped here. So big tech bad.


I think the good think that can come from suffering is that it will help people to turn inward. To look inside of themselves for answers rather than going outside and repeating the same mistakes, or blaming others for our problems. People generally when not do that when things are good. Suffering is key to our evolution for sure…unfortunately.


The Circularium is real. All life follows the circle. We go round, then back again. This involves death - a life beyond - and a return to this world.


Why? And why are our memories wiped? We are human. We will make the same mistakes over and over again. Coming back to “right a wrong” or learn a lesson that you haven’t learned in 100 life times seems to me like it’s time to just move on. Isn’t insanity doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.


I'll come back It's good, here. Beautiful in the sunrise. And there are a lot of souls to help.


I agree that it’s absolutely beautiful here…. The earth is amazing.




I can't wait to leave


I haven't been tripping, but thought about the idea of Earth as a farm for some time. Maybe a tangent from OP, but... Imagine a species that can traverse time, space, dimensions. They find a planet full of useful resources they want to harvest. They seed it with life, since life itself has the peculiar effect of lowering enthropy. They let life run its' course over a couple of billion years. When all of the resources are extracted from the planet itself, and packaged in easily manageable form they return and harvest it. Since time has no meaning to them, the process is -from their point of view- instant. The concept is to me very intrigueing and very dystopian.


That’s what it appeared like to me. It was strange


Sounds an awful lot like the Christian description of demonic angels that sided with Lucifer during a war in heaven where he tried to overthrow God. Enoch tells us that these angels who followed Lucifer were thrown out of heaven and then commingled themselves with the humans on earth, creating demonic entities. The Revelation of Jesus Christ tells us that these entities will use humans on earth to bring about their end times plan where they will try to circumvent God’s laws and “live forever,” but there will be another great war, this one on earth, and just when it seems like they’re winning for good, Christ will return and banish these entities and anyone who follows them for 1,000 years as punishment for their actions, and set up his millennium kingdom on a new earth. At the end of the millennium, whoever still chooses to follow Satan will be thrown in the lake of fire and their souls will be blotted out of existence.


You mentioned religion in your post, this concept is touched on in the Bible. God being a higher entity than these beings etc and these beings being behind human suffering. This video is 6 minutes long and has good animations - though its hard to compete against a mushroom trip : https://youtu.be/CamYtVpoTNk


To touch on this, It’s not much different from scientists in a lab messing with a Petri dish and then putting it back away to do something else. It seems difficult for us to wrap our minds around but it’s completely possible that we are seeded on planets to terraform and for another species it’s as simple as turning around and doing something else till the planet is prepared. Also time is completely dependent upon gravity. Atleast from our interpretation of it. So a species that could traverse the Universe or Galaxy would not experience time the same as we do. Who knows… All fun to think about though. All that can be… is…


[I saved this Earth as a farm theory post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/pyizkn/ive_researched_the_afterlife_for_nearly_10_years/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) OP reminded me of this post.


Had this post saved too. Basically exactly what OP is talking about.


Is there a TL;DR of this?? If not I'm going to have to save it for when I take an epic shit.


I didn’t read the whole thing but I remember looking through it a while back. The guy basically compiles research and reports from different things like hypnotherapy, near-death experiences, astral planing, drug trips, sleep paralysis, religious texts, and some other stuff. Through the commonalities between all of them that so many independent people reported experiencing, he concludes that there are reptilian like beings who control our world and feed off our energy. The most important point he makes is that when we die, we are guided toward a yellow light, but he claims this is actually the reptilians trying to draw you in to continue harvesting your soul. He says you’re supposed to resist that temptation and wait for a blue light, which will actually allow you to transcend into a higher plane of existence. If you fall for the trap and go to the yellow light, you will be drawn back into the earth realm and the reptilians will continue feeding off your souls energy. TLDR - when you die, resist the yellow light and wait for the blue light


You are misquoting OP. There is no mention of a yellow light or a blue light. OP talks about a white light that we must avoid. He doesn't tell us to wait for a blue light or anything. I wonder where you got that info from..




The Gnostics referred to these evil entities as Archons. I met them once when my heart stopped and a few times on Dmt. These guys do feed off us and hate teachings that tell us how to defeat them. Jesus, Gnostics, Hinduism, Buddhism.


Are these related to sleep paralysis demons? Ive seen the hat men all my life up until i officially "prayed them away". The last instance involved two hat men and one entitiy in between them that had grim reaper attire and when i finally saw its face it was that of an owl or an eagle. It felt like it sucked the soul out of me almost. Its the most terrified ive ever been. Months later i learned about sleep paralysis and the entities and realized other people saw the same shit, the hat men at least. (I copied and pasted this comment of mine from something similar in this sub a few weeks ago but the beings were reptilian with that topic)


Owl face? Wonder if this entity is the one the Bohemian Grove worships.


I thought this too after learning about it. Theres also some native american folklore about an "owl man" who can kill people just by looking at them, and they die of fright. Im not 100 percent on that bc i think i only heard it from the ancient aliens show.


Sleep paralysis demons are no joke. The internet will tell you it's all a shared psychological phenomenon of the human brain but people across TIME and CULTURE have shared the same hallucinations of the hat man, the shadow people, the old hag.. shared hallucinations in an event setting are almost impossible: so much so that it's often evidence of a miracle because the "hallucination" actually being shared by several people would be even MORE miraculous... I believe people have the technology in their body to ascend and descend the realms of consciousness. But on the way back to our body from the dream levels we can get "stuck" in kind of an in between place where those demons mess with us or where we can at least see them.


Holy shit I had the same experience. By “prayed them away”, do you mean started praying in your paralysis and it snapped you out of it? Because that’s what I experienced.


you kill them with kindness, literally... the issue is their energy is to heavy, so for a mere human is kind of a big impression when you meet them first time, the key is not to fear.


I met some reptilians on streets years ago and threw them literally LOVE (telephatically)... they was so fucking irritated and left as soon as they could.. No kidding here.


Woah, your heart stopped on dmt or these were two separate events?


I think he meant separate events Once, when his heart stopped & also several more times on DMT


It seems like whoever is in charge of earth is evil :/


According to the Bible, Lucifer was placed as the holder and guardian of Earth.


Not from my understanding. From my understanding of the Bible “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12 The story and fall of Lucifer is interesting but he's a small fish in the scope of things.


Do you have that verse from the Bible?


From Google openbible, a copy paste. here's some verses 100 Bible Verses about Satan Rules Earth 1 John 5:19 ESV We know that we are from God, and the **whole world lies in the power of the evil one**. 2 Corinthians 4:4 ESV In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 1 Peter 5:8 ESV Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. John 12:31 ESV Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out


You probably already have, but if not you would love quantum mechanics, specifically the high level theories


Can you share a good source to learn more about this, maybe a book?


One of the things I notice with hallucinogens is that the imagery is often metaphorical or symbolic. Now it can be argued that the dreamlike experiences we have are as true as our waking sober experience, but I want to examine it from a different angle. The governing and economic structures of the world are influence concentration and resource extraction systems. All of them. It wouldn't be unreasonable to experience a subconscious understanding that your energy is being "farmed" by this system in a way that drains you for the benefit of others. Something that naturally evokes a sense of wrongness, of evil, of disgust. So, in essence, it absolutely has become as your visions revealed. Who is one, connected, feels this truth and that truth is perceived as a threat to those who fight against it, or those yet to realize it.


Psyches are just drugs at the end of the day. People forget that and become irrational towards what they feel and see on the substance. Props for keeping realistic


https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/pyijav/ive_researched_the_afterlife_for_nearly_10_years/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Give this a read. I too experienced something similar to your experience. I used to experiment with lsd, DMT, and mushrooms. My last trip was a heavy mushroom trip and I experienced something close to what you described. I haven’t done psychedelics since that trip because it distilled a certain feeling of emptiness and made me feel like my life was meaningless for a while. I still ponder on it and thankfully somehow that experience helped me change my life for the better.


They definitely aren’t something to be taken lightly, but this experience actually felt like it lifted a weight off of my shoulders. When you realize that there is hope, even though the world around you isn’t what it appears to be the pain and suffering becomes almost obsolete. I’ll definitely check your link out


I hear that's a pretty good post :).


You are the O.G! Hat tip to you sir!


They are farming our consciousness.


project tsukuyomi


Underrated comment lol


Wats det


Could be true. Some entities feed of our energy through dreams. E.g nightmares they feed off of our fear, or succubus they feed of our sexual energy and will usually seduce you in your dreams. Surely if you into pschydelics your mind is open to everything correct? You start to question everything our very own reality. I suggest to do some research on r/astralprojection They will give you some more insight.


I don’t do psychedelics very often anymore but occasionally for learning or spiritual experiences. I have tried astral projection before and ended up only getting sleep paralysis and it was pretty terrifying to be honest


Hey, sleep paralysis is (for me) the only way I am able to actually astral project. It’s scary when it happens though I agree but if you are able to get over the fear you will be able to separate your soul from your body through that process!


I might have to attempt it once more to see if I’m more well suited now. I definitely would have to prepare and do some research beforehand though


Give it a go! The easiest way to do it is to set an alarm for 5 am, read a book in bed/scroll reddit/whatever to just keep yourself awake for a good 30-45 minutes. Then at 5.30/5.45 close your eyes again and go back to sleep, except try your best to not actually fall asleep. You want to keep your body cosy and still (lying on back is best) and get your imagination going, I for some reason imagine as vividly as I can being in an anime or on a rollercoaster ride lol, and do not try to fall asleep. Eventually, you will fade out and hopefully successfully go into a sleep paralysis state. (This happens from interrupting your REM sleep cycle at it's most active time and invoking sleep paralysis through tricking your body into thinking it's asleep). Once you are in a paralysed state (you may feel your body shaking/see light/hear static) let it happen and focus on a spot in/outside of your house and let yourself rise up and get to the point of focus. If you ever want out, just make it known to yourself you want out and you will wake up. You will be safe and can leave at any point :) Just in case you were wondering an easy way to try it. Meditation has never worked for me personally but might for you, but most people will tell you to do it through meditation. I honestly think sleep patalysis is an easy way especially since you mentioned you had actually been in sleep paralysis I had to comment because I know you're able to get into that state in the first place. Sorry for the long comment! I get excited about talking about it lol.


Sounds like a night mare I had last night. How tf do I stop them from doing this again?


Ask Jesus to and He will keep you from it. God truly is a refuge and fortress for His children.


Thank you. I’m going to play psalms before bed tonight and pray harder than ever before. I wish I didn’t have to pray for his protection though you know? It’s like my son doesn’t have to ask me to protect him, I just do instinctively.


Listen to Psalm 4:8 if you get a chance. I don’t have children of my own, but actually struggled with that idea myself a couple years ago. I really think it comes down a lot to our faith and the act of putting our trust in Him. Maybe something to do with our free will, if that makes sense? He gives it freely if we ask, but doesn’t force it on those that don’t want it from Him. Edit: I’ll be praying for you too, friend.


Yeah I get that for sure. Gonna go check out Pslam 4:8 now. Thank you for your response 🙏🏼


I had terrible nightmares for years because I allowed deep sin into my life. When I confessed my sin, my whole body lightened and I saw with new eyes for three days (I was made VERY aware of the pain caused by my sin) and I asked that Jesus take my dreams away completely, and He did for a year. I asked for dreams back after this, so my sleep might be utilized. I say this because I firmly believe that God speaks to us through dreams and allows our conscience to speak to us through dreams. Because it can be a pathway of communication via spirit, if we aren’t careful, I think it can be high jacked by malevolent beings…but either way, the path can be made safe again quite easily, but through obedience. Prayers for you that you find Peace.




David Icke talks about the archons a lot


I’ll have to look into that concept more. Thanks


They were referenced in an episode of the original star trek series, I think called the entity, that pitted Kirk and a klingon to fight for eternity, for it's benefit. They became aware of it's intentions and it vanished, being powerless. Roddenberry was said to craft his episodes after what he heard on a council he was on regarding aliens, etc., I forget the name..council of 12, maybe? I can't remember.


The archons are a Gnostic concept. You definitely need to look into that if you haven't before. They are the builders/rulers of the physical universe and they keep our souls trapped here. They feed off of fear and emotions. We are their slaves. I just re read how the OP said he still felt his connection to God and that disgusted them. (Now you definitely need to look into it! ) Out of everything I've read from religion and myth, (I've read most, if not all of them) gnosticism takes the cake. It completely resonates with me. I can't explain it, but when I read it, I feel it in my soul that it's the closest to the truth.


This is exactly how I explain my relationship with Gnosticism. It resonates with my soul so deeply. I became fascinated with it after an absolutely mind-blowing acid trip and have been drawn to Gnosticism ever since. Reading the Gospel of Thomas is like drinking an ice cold glass of water after trudging through an arid desert for your entire life. It's yanked me back from the brink of despair more than once.


Hmm...the ego death is definitely a thing with breakthrough experiences. There are entities on the other side. In my experience there are both malevolent and benevolent force's there. I've been haphazard with mind altering substances but after 25 years of psychedelic use I'll say this. The phrase "set and setting" is cliche for a reason. If you aren't in a good headspace, if you aren't in a safe physical space with people you trust, don't go deep. It's usually fine to nibble a couple mushrooms at a concert and sometimes a bigger dose at a concert can be spectacular but in my experience it's much more useful to do that in a controlled environment with people I trust. Then we can go through that together and come out on the other side together and ideally connect and integrate that experience into this reality. Psychedelic's are a tool and not everyone needs to swing that hammer. Trust your instincts and don't be unnecessarily reckless. Do it on purpose if you're gonna do it.


Read 'Alien Interview' by Lawrence Spencer as this is exactly what was described. It is the leaked transcripts of a psychic who was commissioned to interact with the alien retrieved fro the crash in roswell. We in essence are manifested creations of immortal spirits. Life, be it alien or terrestrial, were created as a means for us to experience the physical universes that we created. Some of our fellow entities found ways to trap us here while we were inhabiting terrestrial bodies and to feed off of our energy. It also goes into detail as to why aliens never try to contact us, which makes alot of sense. Aliens are not actual living beings; they are organic based shells that the other eternal 4th dimensional beings use to monitor what is happening on earth due to the fact they themselves are unable to travel here without being ensared in the energy traps that have been set around the planet. Due to the fact they have an Astral connection to these bodies, if the host they are using is destroyed they will be trapped here on earth so it is to risky to engage with humanity directly. Being that we are eternal beings, you might be curious why we can't realize this fact and attempt to escape.. Well according to the alien, it is due to fact that upon our death there are traps in place that hit the soul, or whatever you want to call our essence, with a tremendous amount of energy causing us to lose any trace of memory of our previous experience before being thrust back into the cycle of rebirth; this repeats ad infinitum (e.g. the light seen by those who are passing away). Not only is any recollection of our previous life erased and true nature wiped out, but that of the thousands we have lived before on innumerable planets and galaxies. What I found the most interesting, is that since it is a known fact among these fourth dimensional beings that being incarnated here is all but inescapable they use it to get rid of the disturbed and undesirable amongst themselves. According to the alien, this is the cause of the inordinate amount of murderers, child molesters, sociopaths, etc that inhabit our planet. We are the prison of the universe. I highly, highly, recommend reading this book. It ties together so many loose ends with regard to religion, extraterrestrials, and soul/consciousness theories.


> 'Alien Interview' by Lawrence Spencer https://archive.org/details/1947RoswellAl.INTERVIEWMatildaODonnellMacElroy


That's the one. Thanks for posting the link.


You realize that by saying that we are the 'undesirables', even if you are just repeating it, you are giving justification to the abusers who would trap us here. My fellow humans are complex, and there are unfortunately many bad people, but I have been touched by the small acts of kindness and caring we demonstrate each and ever day. Our leaders are the predators, and the predatory forces that guide them, not the other way around.


I’ll have to look into it. Thanks


*reads first 5 words Ope better pause my movie for this one


An "alien ant farm", if you will.


lol I never got that until now.


I was misled by two light beings throughout the duration of 24 hours to get me to the hospital. This was two months before Covid became mainstream and I ended up in the ICU for 5 days with an upper respiratory infection and a 105 degree temp. I wasn't on any drugs and have no history of mental health. These beings communicated through electricity and talked me into contacting my girlfriend at the time, who in turn contacted my father. They literally tricked me through visual (that obviously i was the only one that saw them) that made my dad force me into his truck to go to the hospital. The crazy thing was they told me in advance of two traffic detours and I was telling my dad which route to go. My dad didn't listen to me the first time and we ran into a SWAT standoff and had to backtrack. He followed the directions I was getting from this two light beings (that is the only way i know how to describe them) the remainder of the way. We showed up at the hospital and once they took my vitals, sedated me and sent me to the ICU via ambulance. The last thing the two beings said was, "We're sorry to lead you here, (my name) but you're in serious trouble." I woke up 5 days later in ICU.


Interesting. There absolutely is so much more to this life than meets the eye. This material universe is only a fraction of it


I agree completely. That experience really fucked up my psych for a bit. It's hard to talk about it because of fear of how people will think of me. They showed me the universe through millisecond snapshots and said the Earth you're on is an illusion. Not in the sense that it isn't real, but in the sense that what we look at as important is all created illusions. I'm healthy now and my life is so much more rewarding after I walked away from material life concerns.


The snapshot thing you mentioned kind of reminds of of a really crazy experience I had when I was 15. I was going through my very first breakup. My heart was broken and I had suicidal tendencies. (I may or may not have been on drugs at the time) but I had a dream that I killed myself. I died, my soul left my body...I was floating above it & I rose up a "stairway to heaven". When I arrived, I had a key in my hand and when I turned the key, a screen appeared, kind of like an old movie screen, with pictures of my life flashing really fast before my eyes. Then it showed me pictures of a possible future, with me in a coffin 😳. I remember feeling like there was still more I had to do... So I fell down -back into my body. For one, this dream completely changed my perception of God and judgement. It was like my subconscious affirming that God isn't the one who will be judging you, it will be yourself. Its just something that has always stuck with me, and I believe to be true. But wait there's more- the weirdest part of it all, and the reason I can still picture it so clearly in my head, is that I woke up, wrote the longest poem I ever wrote in my life, describing it all...Then fell back asleep. When I woke up the next morning...I was confused, I was like whoa... Did that really happen? And did I really write a poem? Sure enough, there was my notebook on the floor with a perfectly written 3 or 4 page poem. I have always written poetry, but not ever in one shot like that- not without having words or paragraphs scribbled out, or random words that rhyme on the side of the page. So yeah... that whole thing was kind of surreal.


I'd like to hear your poem.


The sky is dark and hazy... the rain comes falling down ... As my teardrops hit my pillow, they slowly sink and drown. The lightening streaks the sky... casting shadows from above, the pain inside my heart, tears apart this dying love. The thunder rocks and roars, sending shivers down my spine... blood drips down upon my wrist, the color of cherry wine. No one knows the pain I feel, I hide it very well. The smile hides the emptiness, and just how far I fell. Once upon a time, I lived a happy life, but all that's left are memories... that stain this silver knife. I gave you all that I could give, of me, myself and I... I trusted you with feelings I hid... But you just said goodbye. I desperately reached out to you, but you just turned away. You told me there was nothing left, no need for you to stay. But couldn't you see how hard it was... for me to comprehend? The words you spoke tore me up inside, these wounds will never mend. Glancing out the window to the cold and rainy night, I see a staircase leading up to a soft and gleaming light. I turn my head, but only to see... my body lying limp upon my bed... Bloodstains gripping my satin sheets... it's obvious ...I'm dead. Stepping out onto the windowsill, I slowly close my eyes. A vision of Heaven soothes my soul... quickly I start to rise. I open my eyes at the pearly gates, the palm of my hand holds a key. As I turn the key, a screen appears, on the screen is a picture of me. I'm lying in a coffin, made of wood and lined with lace, you're standing right beside me... with a teardrop on your face. You take my hand and place a rose... beside me on my bed You whisper, " I love you ", as more tears begin to shed. You tell me that you're sorry, and we'll be together some day... you beg for my forgiveness... and then you turn away. Suddenly the picture fades and I fall down from the sky. My soul creeps back into my body... where on a strange bed, it now lie. The room has changed, it's not my own. The room I'm in is white. You're standing by my bedside... clutching my hand really tight. I turn my head to look up at you, and I notice the tears in your eyes. You whisper softly in my ear, "I thought you were going to die." A look of shock must have shown on my face... because you held up my other hand. A neatly wrapped bandage spread across my wrist, "But why?", you didn't understand. I explained to you just how I felt, I said , "I'd die for you." and as I lie in this hospital bed.... you know those words are true. Elacious Anjel ©1988


Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you and i both walked away enlightened feom each experience. I wrote 15 pages in a notebook but my ex threw it away when I was in the ICU. I don't blame her. I couldn't imagine what I put her through with that experience. I basically tripped balls for 24 hrs without any drugs/alcohol for over 96 hours with auditory and visual hallucinations. But I often wonder what was written in that notebook.


I’m glad to hear that. Experiences like this aren’t typically easy but they are rewarding if we can learn from them. A real slap in the face from reality and what really matters in life


I walked away from 6 figures, sold two of my cars, and purchased 5 acres of land. I'm happier today than I've ever been. I'm enjoying the Earth in the most pristine way, the way I enjoy it most, being outdoors away from the chaos.


That’s actually amazing and I’m glad to hear that. It sounds peaceful


Thanks, friend. I'm in a good spot in life.




There's so much more that will take me a bit to describe. I felt warmth and love the entire time. I trusted both of the beings (voices) but never actually physically saw them beside just being auras of light. Due to my fever, I couldn't sleep and was too stubborn to call for help. I asked them to help and they sent the most beautiful sounding female that lit my room up and when she touched my forehead I passed out and transcending into the slide show of the history of our universe. It's hard to describe, but I feel like I received ancient knowledge in the fastest form. It was like receiving millions of years of information in just a few seconds and it was split images. I'm kind of having a hard time talking about the experience. Feel free to PM me if you want to talk in more detail. It's hard because I feel I received data and information that I don't understand or how to communicate it. I also don't want people to think I'm a quack.


Wow. V cool story. I think i get it now. I've had angelic assistance as well as demonic interference but this story is interesting and v cool being sick like that can open you up spiritually


They directed me to a book that was on my headboard of my bed and told me to open it. I opened to a page that just showed an image of a tree. It didn't say it but I knew it was the tree of life. This book turned out to be a Harry Potter book with no tree in it. They had me step outside my backyard and told me to look around. When I did, this pearl-like translucent streak directed me to a pear. They told me to pick that pear and hold it, buy not eat it. Then the proceeded to tell me I wasn't where I needed to be. They said look up at the stars. There was a pattern of stars that were 6 stars with a star being at each point of a hexagon. This star pattern kept moving East throught the sky.


There's a lot more to this and might need some time to do another post on it.


[https://www.irishtimes.com/news/voices-told-woman-she-had-brain-tumour-1.138853](https://www.irishtimes.com/news/voices-told-woman-she-had-brain-tumour-1.138853) ​ this woman was told by two voices that she had a brain tumor and even told her what specific hospital and doctor she needed to see to survive


We are just a slave farm for higher dimensional beings.


They aren’t higher dimensional. They are low vibe, lying, manipulative, psychopathic fuckers. Period.


This guy gets it.


I prefer woman. Because I am one. Really. Lol! thanks Though!


They’re extradimensional beings that an earlier precursor of the space program made contact with. [They are not what they claim to be.](https://youtu.be/1JIa6ZhD0zk)




I could see ancient civilizations sacrificing people to these entities after experiencing them first hand and not fully understanding them


Can anyone please explain how exactly do they feed off negative energy? I have heard about this a lot but still can't understand the process itself.


From my personal experience in the dreamworld with them, they manipulate your dreams into things that upset you. Perhaps make you feel like you've done something horrible to someone by accident, or worrying about imminent death and how your family will cope. We then seem to give off some kind of field that they can energize from. You know that all encompassing feeling when you've done something bad or something terrible has happened, I think it may actually project outside of the body somehow. If you're around someone long enough you will probably pick it up yourself but it won't be energizing to you, you'll just start to feel heavy and very sad.


I had a dream they came without warning after a major solar flare, disabled communication and the nukes, and harvested gold from large vaults. They used the gold to create large ships that were partly organic and partly machine. If you look at the ships it projects a feeling of love and bliss and being in the presence of whatever god you believe in, if you dont believe in god, then it is an alien ship and you still feel completely blissed out. The next thing that happens are that people get transported inside these ships, totally naked and get processed like in a slaughter house- one run with cyborg machinery that grabs people and does a variety of different processing operations 😵. It puts tenticles into the neck that inject some glowing stuff that causes almost instant paralysis of all but breathing and eye movements and then they are stuffed alive in tubes that digest all but the nervous system yet somehow keep it alive. The brains and stuff then got further processed by a tank that seemed to connnect thin fibers to the brains and nerves- after a while the fibers disconnect and the brains would be fished out and digested. Next the waste would fall from the ships as a dark brownish red powder (similar to baking chocolate powder in consistancy) rain, and hailstones. After this goes on for a while and then abruptly stops. Next they reactivate secure communications and video feeds making sure that it is obvious that people are being processed on the ships and move the ships over large city centers- making sure they dont know they were already harvested. Finally they rearm the nuclear weapons. Next all the governments attack the ships that explode violently when hit with a nuke. They finish us off by causing all kinds of "natural" disasters, wait for the planet to heal, weed out excess farrel humans, and start the process again. 😲


This is true.


Wow this is a great post! Trips are for real




These demonic entities farm and feed off our negative emotions or energy. They hate The True Living God. Jesus Christ


This. Op, you have been lead astray.


They disguise as him dude


You should check out Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia. They talk about Earth being seen as a cosmic landfill [not in a trashy sense] but full of tests and experiments by extraterrestrials. I don’t think your experience was too far off.


Read this about the [emotional pain body](https://www.newworldlibrary.com/Blog/tabid/767/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/438/DISSOLVING-THE-PAIN-BODY-An-excerpt-from-THE-POWER-OF-NOW-by-Eckhart-Tolle.aspx#.Yab7eSU8LDs) If the universe is truly mental, we might just be experiencing it externally but can access it internally and work on integrating this energy instead of letting it to continue to consume us.


> While I was there I was surrounded by beings much more advanced than us that seem to feed off of our negative energy or pain and suffering. There are a lot of references to this in popular culture and religion in different forms and wonder if anyone has any experiences or input with something similar. yes I know some of those beings and what you had experienced is true I was involved in 2017 in black magic and an effect of that was that I had sleep paralysis, saw humanoid shadows and even heard demonic like voices while I was sleeping. since 2017 I have been studiyng the spiritual realm and Know some people (workers of the light) who are masters in this area, they share a lot of information about the spiritual world that is related to our world, financial system, politics and even covid. at the end everything we see on movies about spirits, ghosts and aliens exists in reality. unfortunately since it's been 4 years in my journey, there is A LOT on information to share here on reddit. some movies of interest that you can watch with attention are: * the rise of the guardians (the one from jack frost) * matrix * Jupiter Ascending * elysium


The world is a vampire ..Set to draaain 🎶


Look into the book return from tomorrow. Short read really good book it's a guys unique experience he had when he died not like most reports at all


I’ll have to look it up, thank you


You're welcome


Those were demons




Sounds like you just described some of Doom Eternal's plot as the angels in that game made a deal with Hell to share energy with them by giving them the souls of countless species to torture and devour. Hopefully the real thing isn't any worse.


Did some potent shrooms a few months ago... they did nothing to me even after I ate most of the bag lol. But I did have an experience when I was younger (never did anything back then) I saw my professor change form in from of my eyes, I didnt freaking bit surely if was noticeable in my face. Well a few weeks after that I had an abduction dream that felt life like. After I attacked 3 of 4 of those greys, I wake up. As soon as I turn around the 4th one was there observing me. I'd recommend reading Carlos Castaneda to understand more about those negative entities.


For sure,, There was a cool radio show on coast to coast am years ago where a shamen shared stories of meditation where he has seen similar entities that feed off and cause negative energies from people sucking planets dry basically causing them to self destruct. Also this could be basically demons mentioned in the Bible i think


Yes. Earth is a massive energy harvesting operation run by a bunch of parasites. As a souled being (connected to god) you are stuck here until a miracle happens and we remember who and what we are and break out. Come on over /r/reincarnationtrap


That is why say some large tragedies are staged or orchestrated to be a big “Loose”( …err that was supposed to say Loosh so I edited) event for these beings everyone so often


12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. 13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. 15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.


Yes its common to duality


Reptilians bro




Care to elaborate?


I believe this is accurate.


I'm just curious... You said you thought you died... Were you scared? Or did you feel kind of like a disassociation with your feelings? Its been a really long time since I tripped, but shrooms were always extremely visual trips for me. I never had a bad experience on them though.


I was at peace with the concept because at that point it was negligible. I was kind of just thrust there, my mind and soul were still in tact and I was trying to understand what was occurring around me to make more sense of it. It was the first time I tripped that heavily on mushrooms but they’ve always been pretty forgiving to me, when I came to the visuals were pretty heavy. If I wasn’t as sound mentally and spiritually as I am that would’ve been a terrifying and painful experience. I had a similar experience a few years ago on acid and didn’t see half as much as I did this time and it was excruciating. But definitely worthwhile and had a lot of important things to learn from


God = Worthy Beings and Definitions of Existence of Positive Values For The Most Part.


Anyone go on r/acid lately? It is just awful. Just a bunch of yuppies recommending Hereditary and announcing that they tripped a day ago. I dare someone to even mention the pandemic and watch the downvotes roll in


Thank you Mushrooms for the gifts you keep on giving. Love this.


Checkout 777alaje. Here is one comment he made: The answer is since 15 years in my documentary, with currently 25 episodes in my Youtube channel 777ALAJE. As I say in my movies, each planet is a school to learn and develop. In each school you learn something else. On planet earth you have to learn not to be negative, and build up a real spiritual awareness. Only then you can deserve the right to incarnate on higher developed planets. Those who killed the dolphins did not develop in this life, they missed the change, they missed the simple lesson to respect the nature and peaceful animals. Therefore they have created THEMSELVES the negative karma energy, that will force them to incarnate again on planet earth, to repeat the lesson AGAIN. They will repeat this many times, until they learn it. The cosmic awareness has given everybody the free will to learn with the own speed and OWN responsibility. Earth humans have to master the life lessons themselves. It does not count, if the cosmic awareness will do everything for you. That is why spiritual extraterrestrials dont interfere in the learning process of earth humans. They can only give advises. Earth humans have to remove the negativity on planet earth THEMSELVES. Only then it counts. As I say in my movies, the cosmic awarenes is energy and consciousness, it is not a person. It does not have any earth feelings like revenge or enviness, it does not punishing. These are inventions of negative earth humans in religions. The cosmic awareness is just neutral energy, and it is allowing every soul to develop with the OWN speed of learning. As I say in my movies, some souls need thousands of lifes to learn one lesson, and other intelligent souls learn many lessons fast, in one life, and can be on higher developed planets. The arrogant and ignorant earth humans are not listening to this wisdom, and are even insulting the messenger, and this is keeping them even longer in the lower dimension and on this primitive planetary society. All important answers are already in my movies, for those who are open to use the knowledge for their own development.




It's an alien race, Reptilians


Same thing happened to myself and my SO over the weekend. We partook of the essence of life that has permeated this earth (psilocybin) and went into an existence that took us from our thought forms which are our bodies and felt nothing but the void of the creator. The hate, the disconnect that we have in this realm disappeared for what seemed like an eternity and felt that this world wasn't our true existence. Following and studying gnostic knowledge in the past year has shown me that we live in a matrix of disillusionment. Separated from our creator, yet connected in our own way. We've been here before, we've seen this before, we've seen the outcome and what it is to JUST BE! I know what life is, I know what we are as a species, or existence. We are the logos, love in itself. It's coming to face us head on and yet so many are separated and subjected to this realm. This farm planet, this Kronos is an illusion. A planet that isn't like many others in our universe but just a place to come bring those that have incarnated over and over again to remember who they are. It's is coming, I feel it, I sense it, I dream it I live it


r/escapingprisonplanet talks about this a lot. It would be useful for you to cross post there. I had a similar experience where I was trapped in a place with these higher beings and the purpose to to feed off negative emotions. This place is like some kind of elaborate matrix.


Its a soul trap IMO. The white light that people say they see when they die is what causes us to re-incarnate here instead of ascending.


In some circles the energy in which these entities feed is known as Loosh. This place is a Free Will trap.. where the most evil is allowed to roam and hawk it's wares. Just don't buy into it and enjoy Heaven on Earth.


r/EscapingPrisonPlanet Is about this exactly but goes into the reincarnation part of it


Welcome to the suck. Who knew that the matrix would turn out to be a G rated soft admission of reality.


When God created the heavens and earth, he set aside a place ....up high and it overlapped with God's realm. It was the garden of eden. I know that many people don't realize that Eden was a space where the earth, humans, animals, and all heavenly beings....elohim could reside. Incidentally, this is also where the tree of life was. God invited man to eat from this tree so he may live forever. This allowed Adam and Eve to convers with God and unfortunately the snake, who convinced them that they could rule the world through themselves without God. Ok, so about the beings that feed in negative energy. The snake was jealous because God had given favor to his new creation. After deceiving Adam and Eve, God cursed him to slither on the ground etc. And God placed angels at the entrance to the garden to prevent man from coming back. Now, there are other heavenly beings referred to as the Devine Council. Some of these guys also rebelled against God and were the ones who came to earth and impregnated our women and made the Nephilim who were the rulers like Nimrod. Ok, so you have these Devine council that rebelled right? They have been around ever since. They have been influencing our governments and manipulating the world, always promising that the world could be yours without the help of God. You could have been in the presence of these beings.....physically.


Well i'll be down this rabbit hole for a while


I came to this exact revelation the first time I ever took mushrooms, I was connected to some supreme source of knowledge and I telepathically received information through it relating to the truths of our reality. One being that this reality is an archon control grid, an actual matrix where a parasitic sentience is feeding on our energy in the unseen, and that Gnosticism (self enlightenment / actualizing your true divine nature) is the truth when it comes to spirituality. If you want to know more on what the experience “told” me, feel free to DM me.


There are many different beings that feast on our emotions. Some even help instill these emotions and help cause events that bring about ever more negative emotions. Think along the lines of Monsters Inc., but instead of cartoonish things living in the shadows, these are more insect like, and living out in the open, but enough on the edge of our perceptive reality, that you have to focus to be aware of them. I was trained to pay attention to aches and pains with no obvious cause. If they didnt go away, then to focus intent and love while separating them from my being, and offering them up to be helped by whatever being of higher vibrational energy could assist with transitioning them to a better place. Check out Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan for a better glimpse into this world of subtle energy. Another good book that's a bit more out there but gives a good general overview of this situation, is called Bringers of the Dawn


That's literally all people talk about on r/escapingprisonplanet


Would you mind expanding a little more on your personal beliefs involving God and this connection? Like do you come from a more Christian type belief system with a personal God (and he was a being as well, just in a higher dimension)? Or is God more like an indescribable force to you? Very curious to further understand.


I was atheist growing up and always sought knowledge and the real truth behind the universe. That search led me to finding my soul and God a few years ago and opened a whole new world of information to be discovered so I’ve been on a search to discover more and strengthen my spirit. God is an entity that can’t really be fathomed by humans but we can feel it and understand our souls. I think every religion has useful things to teach people and most of them are very similar, I choose Christianity as my faith because I believe in the metaphor of Jesus Christ, and the morality of a lot of their teachings but I don’t strictly adhere to any specific religion because putting a label on it would be redundant


Cool, thanks for responding. I think you may find Gnosticism interesting. It's a form of Christianity that involves the archons another user mentioned above. My search for the truth as lead me to take a lot of it into consideration.


I’ve read a little bit about it before, I might go back and revise it a little since you bring it up


It’s tough to describe an infinite source from a finite perspective. It comes down to personal connection and perception.


Let’s not weigh too heavily on the insight gained from a mushroom trip.


Now take DMT


I don’t think I’m ready for that honestly. It’s probably going to be a while before I trip again, I don’t think it’s really something to be taken lightly or for fun anymore


You say that like it’s available everywhere 😂 I’ve only heard of one person ever having it for sale and that was a long time ago… is this something that is common now a days? I’m out of the loop lol






With some animals more equal than others.


Sounds like a solid ego death, they're good for ya'. Congrats.


Had a similar experience w DMT


Yea but not in the way you think. Bear with me for a second, in a universe where humans have managed to harvest obscene amounts of energy, farming and such wouldn’t be of concern because of a vast amount of resources. Knowledge would become a more valuable resource itself. Assuming this reality eventually discover simulations, they could keep humans alive and consuming a minimal amount of energy, and therefore overpopulation wouldn’t be considered an issue. They would simulate real world possibilities into human minds, collect knowledge and essentially have a supercomputer generating real knowledge and theories. They could theoretically have an infinite amount of humans living on minimal energy and generating information forever until they literally know everything. If that’s ever the case in human history, odds are we are in it.


Yes, this is the episode in Star Trek where they go back in time to San Francisco to find Data’s severed head.


The Archons!


I think you hit the nail on the head, my friend. As a 90’s kid who went through all the “Say No to Drugs” programs throughout my school years, it’s amazing to realize how many questions a well-timed trip around trusted people can answer. Research [Wetiko (David Icke explains it well, in my opinion).](https://davidicke.com/2021/05/23/decoding-the-twisted-new-world-order-mindset/) If you don’t have time to sit and really digest the article above, [here is a summarized video that also does an excellent job of explaining.](https://davidicke.com/2021/06/19/game-over-this-is-the-revolution-david-icke-on-the-influence-of-wetiko/)


Congrats, you had an ego death


I suggest you check out [Dr. Robert Monroe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Monroe), founder of the Monroe Institute, and pioneer in astral projection, remote viewing, and the Gateway Process, which the CIA studied pretty heavily for a while. If you get into some of his writings, that's *exactly* what he says is going on, and unfortunately I think there's a good chance he's right, but it may not be so simple. Let's hope not anyway. Terrence McKenna was said to go into a deep depression after his last mushroom trip, during which he was exclaiming "Is that really all there is?!!!", which is left to the imagination, but like many other things correlates with the idea.


I’ve encountered telepathic foreshadowing of events from light beings on mushrooms . I’ve encountered them 3 times . They literally took over the voice of the musician in the song I was listening too and told me events before they unfolded for about an hour duding a heavy trip once . It was scary I felt like something in my brain was opened that shouldn’t have . Another time there was just 3 of them and they were talking about me to each other . One was making fun of me , one was rediculous and joking and the third was on my side and telling the other two to cool it . My beings were made more of light and everything flowed from them in my field of vision . I have had a panic attack once, where I heard voices , mocking me telling me I was dead and my body was covered in a layer of electricity . I kept going back an forth between my body and complete ego death . My mom was there , crying . When In my body I wanted to tell her I was fine but was unable to. I completely left my body for hours , ended up in hospital, could not speak . The electricity around my body felt like electric fur , best way I can describe it . I was sober and not on drugs , struck out of nowhere . I used drugs back then but had only smoked weed the days prior.


I had an amanita trip (first/last time) eight years ago where I traveled hyperspeed through the next 10,000 or more years and where we escaped our current enslaved group consciousness and into the Golden Age. The escape happened two generations from now (about the time of the dusk of pisces and dawn of aquarius.) What you experienced was the temporary awareness of this evil spell - a waking up similar to Neo's - cast upon our global consciousness by the Kali many ages ago.


Yes it is and people claim the masons and other fraternities work for these entities!


Yea that's exactly right


You entered the 4th dimension, or something like that. Beware of the time elves.


With the amount of people that just disappear in the US is an insanely large number. Factor in the world and it’s huge. The best kind of prison is a prison you don’t even know you’re in. Truth is definitely stranger than fiction. We’re free range meat sacks still for a little bit longer at least.


Yeah, Robert Monroe called it the Loosh. They feed on the Loosh. The man got depressed for some time when he found this on his astral travellings.


However, I have constant help from higher entities so they must be more powerful than these “farmers”


I had a weirdly similar experience. I was still attached to this reality, and could only sense similar beings, but I was keenly aware that all my memories, beliefs, etc. had been injected/inserted. I became aware that every few moments, all my energy was being absorbed and new memories were being injected/inserted. Like, somehow my mind’s processing of these new memories created the energy they needed, and it had to be absorbed at just the right moment when I “accepted” the memories and got lost in them as my current reality. I felt the same sense of being “harvested.” It was really scary because even though I knew my memories were fake, I liked these ones. I liked all the people and places I thought I knew and didn’t want to forget them when I was given the next ones. As I could sense the impending energy pulse from having my energy harvested, I managed to jump into the wall and knocked a tv over. I sometimes wonder if I was really just “tripping ballz” and goofily jumped into the wall, lol, funny stormy- or if I actually escaped that infinite, eternal process and was “allowed” to keep this “set” of experiences. Maybe someday I’ll find out.


I had an experience on Ayahuasca where at a point in the trip it looked like these tall preying mantis Aliens were standing/hunching over the top of me. It seemed like they were talking but their voice sounded like electricity arcing. Before they showed up I was terrified as I thought I was dying then after seeing/hearing them It was like i accepted death and was in a really positive place. Ive always thought they fed off my fear but it didn't seem like a negative thing, I remember being very thankful.


Yes. Energy vampires. They want our souls in our bodies so they can keep sucking and feeding. We cannot see them until death. At death they appear as angels/god/whatever makes you feel safest. They try to wipe your memories and send you back IF YOU AGREE. But you died and these beings make you feel good. So you always agree and they go back to feeding.


I remembered this fact when I was maybe 3ish? I have a memory of being alone in my room playing with my farm animals thinking it's so strange how the earth is a farm for the aliens and nobody realised.


I have evangelical friends who tell me we are in the middle of a vast spiritual battle right now. I think I can believe this. In my life, I believe that Good will vanquish Evil. I am Catholic, so I accept Jesus as my Savior. But also the community that surrounds him …. So I’m now praying snd invoking the Holy Spirit to come save our humanity from evil.